Ejemplo n.º 1
        void SetOffset(string sym, OffsetInfo off)
            // check for index
            int idx = addindex(sym, off);

            if (_verbdebug)
                debug(sym + " set offset: " + off.ToString(DebugDecimals));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        void SetOffset(string sym, OffsetInfo off)
            // check for index
            if (_trackedOffsetInfos.ContainsKey(sym))
                _trackedOffsetInfos[sym] = off;
                _trackedOffsetInfos.Add(sym, off);

            if (_verbdebug)
                debug(sym + " set offset: " + off.ToString(DebugDecimals));
Ejemplo n.º 3
 void SetOffset(string sym, OffsetInfo off)
     // check for index
     int idx = addindex(sym, off);
     if (_verbdebug)
         debug(sym + " set offset: " + off.ToString(DebugDecimals));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        void SetOffset(string sym, OffsetInfo off)
            // check for index
            if (_trackedOffsetInfos.ContainsKey(sym))
                _trackedOffsetInfos[sym] = off;
                _trackedOffsetInfos.Add(sym, off);

            if (_verbdebug)
                debug(sym + " set offset: " + off.ToString(DebugDecimals));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// pass arbitrary price to use for trail reference price
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="symbol"></param>
        /// <param name="p"></param>
        public void newPoint(string symbol, decimal p)
            // get index for symbol
            int idx = symidx(symbol);
            // setup parameters
            OffsetInfo trail = null;
            decimal refp = 0;
            // see if we trail this symbol
            if ((idx == NOSYM) && _trailbydefault)
                // get parameters
                idx = _trail.Count;
                refp = p;
                trail = new OffsetInfo(_defaulttrail);
                // save them
                _symidx.Add(symbol, idx);
                firecount.Add(symbol, 0);

                esize.Add(symbol, pt[symbol].UnsignedSize);

                // just in case user is modifying on seperate thread
                lock (_trail)
                D(symbol + " trail tracking modified: " + trail.ToString());
            else if ((idx == NOSYM) && !_trailbydefault)
                // get parameters
                refp = _ref[idx];
                // in case tracker started after trail stop should have been broken.
                if (refp == 0 && _pt[symbol].isValid)
                    refp = _pt[symbol].AvgPrice;
                // just in case user tries to modify on seperate thread
                lock (_trail)
                    trail = _trail[idx];

            // see if we need to update ref price
            if ((refp == 0)
                || (_pt[symbol].isLong && (refp < p))
                || (_pt[symbol].isShort && (refp > p)))
                // update
                refp = p;
                // save it
                _ref[idx] = refp;
                // notify
                v(symbol + " new reference price: " + p);

            // see if we broke our trail
            var testdist = Math.Abs(refp - p);
            var trailtest = testdist > trail.StopDist;
            if (!_pendingfill[idx] && (trail.StopDist != 0) && trailtest && (MaxFireCount > firecount[symbol]))
                // notify
                D(symbol + " hit trailing stop at: " + p.ToString("F2"));
                // mark pending order
                _pendingfill[idx] = true;
                // get order
                Order flat = new MarketOrderFlat(_pt[symbol], trail.StopPercent, trail.NormalizeSize, trail.MinimumLotSize);
                // get order id
                flat.id = _id.AssignId;
                // adjust expectation
                esize[symbol] -= flat.UnsignedSize;
                // count fire
                // send flat order
                // notify
                D(symbol + " enforcing trail with: " + flat.ToString() + " esize: " + esize[symbol] + " count: " + firecount[symbol]);
                if (HitOffset != null)
                    HitOffset(symbol, flat.id, p);
            else if (!_noverb)
                if (_pendingfill[idx])
                    v(symbol + " waiting for trail fill.");
                else if (trail.StopDist == 0)
                    v(symbol + " trail has been disabled.");
                else if (!trailtest)
                    v(symbol + " trail not hit, current dist: " + testdist + " trailamt: " + trail.StopDist);
                else if (MaxFireCount > firecount[symbol])
                    v(symbol + " trail max fire reached at: " + firecount[symbol] + " max: " + MaxFireCount);