public void clearAnimations()

            ToArduino toArduino = new ToArduino { channel = (int)AnimationChannels.ANIMATIONS, command = (int)AnimationCommands.ANIMATIONS_CLEAR };

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public ToArduino ToArduino(double scale = 1.0d, bool doRepeat = false)
            int nFrames = _commandValues.Length / 3;

            ToArduino ret = new ToArduino
                channel = (int)_channel,
                command = (int)AnimationCommands.SET_FRAMES + (nFrames << 8) + (doRepeat ? 0x80 : 0),
                commandValues = scaleValues(scale)

            return ret;
        public void setPinkyMks(int pinkyMks)
            if (pinkyMks != pinkyMksLast)
                Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("setPinkyMks: Pinky: {0,4:0} -> {1,4:0} mks", pinkyMksLast, pinkyMks));

                ToArduino toArduino = new ToArduino { channel = (int)HandChannels.PINKY, command = (int)HandCommands.SET_VALUE, commandValues = new int[] { pinkyMks } };


                pinkyMksLast = pinkyMks;
        public void setMiddleFingerMks(int middleFingerMks)
            if (middleFingerMks != middleFingerMksLast)
                Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("setMiddleFingerMks: MiddleFinger: {0,4:0} -> {1,4:0} mks", middleFingerMksLast, middleFingerMks));

                ToArduino toArduino = new ToArduino { channel = (int)HandChannels.MIDDLE_FINGER, command = (int)HandCommands.SET_VALUE, commandValues = new int[] { middleFingerMks } };


                middleFingerMksLast = middleFingerMks;
        public void setIndexFingerMks(int indexFingerMks)
            if (indexFingerMks != indexFingerMksLast)
                Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("setIndexFingerMks: IndexFinger: {0,4:0} -> {1,4:0} mks", indexFingerMksLast, indexFingerMks));

                ToArduino toArduino = new ToArduino { channel = (int)HandChannels.INDEX_FINGER, command = (int)HandCommands.SET_VALUE, commandValues = new int[] { indexFingerMks } };


                indexFingerMksLast = indexFingerMks;
        public void setElbowAngleMks(int elbowAngleMks)
            if (elbowAngleMks != elbowAngleMksLast)
                Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("setElbowAngleMks: Elbow: {0,4:0} -> {1,4:0} mks", elbowAngleMksLast, elbowAngleMks));

                ToArduino toArduino = new ToArduino { channel = (int)HandChannels.ELBOW_ANGLE, command = (int)HandCommands.SET_VALUE, commandValues = new int[] { elbowAngleMks } };


                elbowAngleMksLast = elbowAngleMks;
 private void SendToArduino2(ToArduino toArduino1, ToArduino toArduino2)
     lock (arduinoComm.outputQueue)
        public void setWristTurnMks(int wristTurnMks)
            if (wristTurnMks != wristTurnMksLast)
                Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("setWristTurnMks: Wrist: {0,4:0} -> {1,4:0} mks", wristTurnMksLast, wristTurnMks));

                ToArduino toArduino = new ToArduino { channel = (int)HandChannels.WRIST_TURN, command = (int)HandCommands.SET_VALUE, commandValues = new int[] { wristTurnMks } };


                wristTurnMksLast = wristTurnMks;
 private void SendToArduino(ToArduino toArduino)
        public void setTiltMks(int tiltMks)
            if (tiltMks != tiltMksLast)
                Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("setTiltMks: Tilt: {0,4:0} -> {1,4:0} mks", tiltMksLast, tiltMks));

                ToArduino toArduino = new ToArduino { channel = (int)AnimationChannels.TILT, command = (int)AnimationCommands.SET_VALUE, commandValues = new int[] { tiltMks } };


                tiltMksLast = tiltMks;
        /// <summary>
        /// preferred method for Head pan/tilt control
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="panDegreesFromCenter"></param>
        /// <param name="tiltDegreesFromCenter"></param>
        public void setPanTilt(double panDegreesFromCenter, double tiltDegreesFromCenter)
            currentPan = panDegreesFromCenter;

            double mksPan = PanTiltAlignment.getInstance().mksPan(panDegreesFromCenter);

            int panMks = (int)mksPan;

            currentTilt = tiltDegreesFromCenter;

            double mksTilt = PanTiltAlignment.getInstance().mksTilt(tiltDegreesFromCenter);

            int tiltMks = (int)mksTilt;

            if (panMks != panMksLast || tiltMks != tiltMksLast)
                panMksLast = panMks;
                tiltMksLast = tiltMks;

                Debug.WriteLine("setPanTilt: panMks=" + panMks + "  tiltMks=" + tiltMks);

                ToArduino toArduino1 = new ToArduino { channel = (int)AnimationChannels.PAN, command = (int)AnimationCommands.SET_VALUE, commandValues = new int[] { panMks } };
                ToArduino toArduino2 = new ToArduino { channel = (int)AnimationChannels.TILT, command = (int)AnimationCommands.SET_VALUE, commandValues = new int[] { tiltMks } };

                SendToArduino2(toArduino1, toArduino2);
        public void setPanMks(int panMks)
            if (panMks != panMksLast)
                Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("setPanMks: Pan: {0,4:0} -> {1,4:0} mks", panMksLast, panMks));

                ToArduino toArduino = new ToArduino { channel = (int)AnimationChannels.PAN, command = (int)AnimationCommands.SET_VALUE, commandValues = new int[] { panMks } };


                panMksLast = panMks;
        public void setJawMks(int jawMks)
            if (jawMks != jawMksLast)
                Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("setJawMks: Jaw: {0,4:0} -> {1,4:0} mks", jawMksLast, jawMks));

                ToArduino toArduino = new ToArduino { channel = (int)AnimationChannels.JAW, command = (int)AnimationCommands.SET_VALUE, commandValues = new int[] { jawMks } };


                jawMksLast = jawMks;
        public void setDefaultAnimations()

            ToArduino toArduino = new ToArduino { channel = (int)AnimationChannels.ANIMATIONS, command = (int)AnimationCommands.ANIMATIONS_DEFAULT };

        public void setShoulderTurnMks(int turnMks)
            if (turnMks != shoulderTurnMksLast)
                Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("setShoulderTurnMks: Turn: {0,4:0} -> {1,4:0} mks", shoulderTurnMksLast, turnMks));

                ToArduino toArduino = new ToArduino { channel = (int)HandChannels.SHOULDER_TURN, command = (int)HandCommands.SET_VALUE, commandValues = new int[] { turnMks } };


                shoulderTurnMksLast = turnMks;
        public void setThumbMks(int thumbMks)
            if (thumbMks != thumbMksLast)
                Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("setThumbMks: Thumb: {0,4:0} -> {1,4:0} mks", thumbMksLast, thumbMks));

                ToArduino toArduino = new ToArduino { channel = (int)HandChannels.THUMB, command = (int)HandCommands.SET_VALUE, commandValues = new int[] { thumbMks } };


                thumbMksLast = thumbMks;
 private void SendToArduino2(ToArduino toArduino1, ToArduino toArduino2)
     arduinoComm.SendToArduino2(toArduino1, toArduino2);
 private void SendToArduino(ToArduino toArduino)
     lock (arduinoComm.outputQueue)
         Debug.WriteLine("SendToArduino:  " + toArduino);
Ejemplo n.º 19
        public void Open(string comPort, int baudRate = 57600)
            ComPortName = comPort;
            ComBaudRate = baudRate;

            //lock (outputQueue)
            //    outputQueue.Clear();

            // create our background worker and support cancellation
            worker = new BackgroundWorker();
            worker.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true;

            worker.DoWork += delegate(object s, DoWorkEventArgs args)
                Debug.WriteLine("IP: ArduinoComm RunWorker started");

                isWorkerRunning = true;

                lastLineReceived = DateTime.Now;
                int i = 0;
                while (!worker.CancellationPending)
                    Debug.WriteLine("********* ArduinoComm Try: " + (++i).ToString());

                    using (_serialPort = new SerialPort(ComPortName, ComBaudRate, Parity.None, 8, StopBits.One))
                        _serialPort.Handshake    = Handshake.RequestToSendXOnXOff; //.None;
                        _serialPort.Encoding     = Encoding.ASCII;                 // that's only for text read, not binary
                        _serialPort.NewLine      = "\r\n";
                        _serialPort.ReadTimeout  = 1100;
                        _serialPort.WriteTimeout = 10000;
                        _serialPort.DtrEnable    = false;
                        _serialPort.RtsEnable    = false;
                        //p.ParityReplace = 0;

                            _serialPort.DataReceived += new SerialDataReceivedEventHandler(serialPort_DataReceived);

                            Debug.WriteLine("OK: ArduinoComm Open() success!");

                            while (!worker.CancellationPending)
                                bool needToSleep = true;

                                lock (outputQueue)
                                    while (outputQueue.Count > 0)
                                        ToArduino toArduino = outputQueue.Dequeue();
                                        string    toWrite   = toArduino.ToString();
                                        Debug.WriteLine("========> " + toWrite);
                                        needToSleep = false;

                                if (needToSleep)
                            Debug.WriteLine("IP: ArduinoComm RunWorker Cancellation Pending");

                        catch (Exception e)
                            Debug.WriteLine(e.GetType().Name + ": " + e.Message);

                    Debug.WriteLine("********* ArduinoComm finished try " + i);

                args.Cancel = true;
                Debug.WriteLine("OK: ArduinoComm RunWorker Cancellation sequence completed");
                isWorkerRunning = false;

            worker.RunWorkerCompleted += delegate(object s, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs args)
                Debug.WriteLine("OK: ArduinoComm RunWorker Completed");

            //run the process: