Ejemplo n.º 1
        static int Main(string[] args)
            using (var netPerfFile = NetPerfFile.Create(args))
                SimpleEventSource eventSource = new SimpleEventSource();

                Console.WriteLine("\tStart: Enable tracing.");
                TraceControl.Enable(GetConfig(eventSource, netPerfFile.Path));
                Console.WriteLine("\tEnd: Enable tracing.\n");

                Console.WriteLine("\tStart: Messaging.");
                // Send messages
                // Use random numbers and addition as a simple, human readble checksum
                Random generator = new Random();
                for (int i = 0; i < messageIterations; i++)
                    int    x       = generator.Next(1, 1000);
                    int    y       = generator.Next(1, 1000);
                    string formula = String.Format("{0} + {1} = {2}", x, y, x + y);

                    eventSource.MathResult(x, y, x + y, formula);
                Console.WriteLine("\tEnd: Messaging.\n");

                Console.WriteLine("\tStart: Disable tracing.");
                Console.WriteLine("\tEnd: Disable tracing.\n");

                FileInfo outputMeta = new FileInfo(netPerfFile.Path);
                Console.WriteLine("\tCreated {0} bytes of data", outputMeta.Length);

                return(outputMeta.Length > trivialSize ? 100 : -1);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        static int Main(string[] args)
            bool pass = false;

            using (var listener = new SimpleEventListener("SimpleEventSource", EventLevel.Verbose))
                SimpleEventSource eventSource = new SimpleEventSource();

                Console.WriteLine("\tStart: Messaging.");
                // Send messages
                // Use random numbers and addition as a simple, human readble checksum
                Random generator = new Random();
                for (int i = 0; i < messageIterations; i++)
                    int    x       = generator.Next(1, 1000);
                    int    y       = generator.Next(1, 1000);
                    string formula = String.Format("{0} + {1} = {2}", x, y, x + y);

                    eventSource.MathResult(x, y, x + y, formula);
                Console.WriteLine("\tEnd: Messaging.\n");

                Console.WriteLine($"\tEventListener received {listener.EventCount} event(s)\n");
                pass = listener.EventCount == messageIterations;

            return(pass ? 100 : -1);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        static int Main(string[] args)
            bool pass       = true;
            bool keepOutput = false;

            // Use the first arg as an output filename if there is one
            string outputFilename = null;

            if (args.Length >= 1)
                outputFilename = args[0];
                keepOutput     = true;
                outputFilename = System.IO.Path.GetTempPath() + Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + ".netperf";

            SimpleEventSource eventSource = new SimpleEventSource();

                Console.WriteLine("\tStart: Enable tracing.");
                TraceControl.Enable(GetConfig(eventSource, outputFilename));
                Console.WriteLine("\tEnd: Enable tracing.\n");

                Console.WriteLine("\tStart: Messaging.");
                // Send messages
                // Use random numbers and addition as a simple, human readble checksum
                Random generator = new Random();
                for (int i = 0; i < messageIterations; i++)
                    int    x       = generator.Next(1, 1000);
                    int    y       = generator.Next(1, 1000);
                    string formula = String.Format("{0} + {1} = {2}", x, y, x + y);

                    eventSource.MathResult(x, y, x + y, formula);
                Console.WriteLine("\tEnd: Messaging.\n");

                Console.WriteLine("\tStart: Disable tracing.");
                Console.WriteLine("\tEnd: Disable tracing.\n");

                Console.WriteLine("\tStart: Processing events from file.");
                int msgCount = 0;
                using (var trace = TraceEventDispatcher.GetDispatcherFromFileName(outputFilename))
                    var names = new HashSet <string>();

                    trace.Dynamic.All += delegate(TraceEvent data)
                        if (!names.Contains(data.ProviderName))
                            Console.WriteLine("\t{0}", data.ProviderName);

                        if (data.ProviderName == "SimpleEventSource")
                            msgCount += 1;

                Console.WriteLine("\tEnd: Processing events from file.\n");

                Console.WriteLine("\tProcessed {0} events from EventSource", msgCount);

                pass &= msgCount == messageIterations;
            finally {
                if (keepOutput)
                    Console.WriteLine("\n\tOutput file: {0}", outputFilename);

            return(pass ? 100 : 0);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        static int Main(string[] args)
            bool pass = true;

            using (SimpleEventSource eventSource = new SimpleEventSource())
                using (var netPerfFile = NetPerfFile.Create(args))
                    Console.WriteLine("\tStart: Enable tracing.");
                    TraceControl.Enable(GetConfig(eventSource, netPerfFile.Path));
                    Console.WriteLine("\tEnd: Enable tracing.\n");

                    Console.WriteLine("\tStart: Messaging.");
                    // Send messages
                    // Use random numbers and addition as a simple, human readble checksum
                    Random generator = new Random();
                    for (int i = 0; i < messageIterations; i++)
                        int    x       = generator.Next(1, 1000);
                        int    y       = generator.Next(1, 1000);
                        string formula = String.Format("{0} + {1} = {2}", x, y, x + y);

                        eventSource.MathResult(x, y, x + y, formula);
                    Console.WriteLine("\tEnd: Messaging.\n");

                    Console.WriteLine("\tStart: Disable tracing.");
                    Console.WriteLine("\tEnd: Disable tracing.\n");

                    Console.WriteLine("\tStart: Processing events from file.");
                    int msgCount = 0;
                    using (var trace = new TraceLog(TraceLog.CreateFromEventPipeDataFile(netPerfFile.Path)).Events.GetSource())
                        var names = new HashSet <string>();

                        trace.Dynamic.All += delegate(TraceEvent data)
                            if (!names.Contains(data.ProviderName))
                                Console.WriteLine("\t{0}", data.ProviderName);

                            if (data.ProviderName == "SimpleEventSource")
                                msgCount += 1;

                    Console.WriteLine("\tEnd: Processing events from file.\n");

                    Console.WriteLine("\tProcessed {0} events from EventSource", msgCount);

                    pass &= msgCount == messageIterations;

            return(pass ? 100 : 0);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        static int Main(string[] args)
            bool keepOutput = false;
            // Use the first arg as an output filename if there is one
            string outputFilename = null;

            if (args.Length >= 1)
                outputFilename = args[0];
                keepOutput     = true;
                outputFilename = System.IO.Path.GetTempPath() + Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + ".netperf";

            SimpleEventSource eventSource = new SimpleEventSource();

            Console.WriteLine("\tStart: Enable tracing.");
            TraceControl.Enable(GetConfig(eventSource, outputFilename));
            Console.WriteLine("\tEnd: Enable tracing.\n");

            Console.WriteLine("\tStart: Messaging.");
            // Send messages
            // Use random numbers and addition as a simple, human readble checksum
            Random generator = new Random();

            for (int i = 0; i < messageIterations; i++)
                int    x       = generator.Next(1, 1000);
                int    y       = generator.Next(1, 1000);
                string formula = String.Format("{0} + {1} = {2}", x, y, x + y);

                eventSource.MathResult(x, y, x + y, formula);
            Console.WriteLine("\tEnd: Messaging.\n");

            Console.WriteLine("\tStart: Disable tracing.");
            Console.WriteLine("\tEnd: Disable tracing.\n");

            FileInfo outputMeta = new FileInfo(outputFilename);

            Console.WriteLine("\tCreated {0} bytes of data", outputMeta.Length);

            bool pass = false;

            if (outputMeta.Length > trivialSize)
                pass = true;

            if (keepOutput)
                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("\tOutput file: {0}", outputFilename));

            return(pass ? 100 : -1);