Ejemplo n.º 1
        public Top100DB()
            string connectionString = "Server=localhost;Database=top40;User ID=kevin;Password=admin;Pooling=false";

            dbConnection = new MySqlConnection(connectionString);
                dbSongsList = new Songs(dbConnection);
            catch (MySqlException)
                Top100Util.Error("Could not connect to database.");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void FindMissingTagsAndComments(List <Song> iTunesSongList, Func <Song, bool> compare)
            string top100     = "Top 100";
            Regex  comment    = new Regex("(?<year>^[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]), #(?<number>[01][0-9][0-9]).*");
            Regex  badComment = new Regex("^[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9], #[01][0-9][0-9] [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9], #[0-9]?[1-9].*");

            var timer = Top100Timer.Start("FindMissingTagsAndComments");

            foreach (Song dbSong in dbSongsList.List.FindAll(x => x.Own.Equals(true) && compare(x)))
                var list = iTunesSongList.FindAll(x => x.IsMatch(dbSong));
                if ((list != null) && (list.Count >= 1))
                    foreach (Song s in list)
                        bool   updateSong  = false;
                        string appleScript = "tell application \"iTunes\"\n" +
                                             "  activate\n" +
                                             String.Format("  set results to (every file track of playlist \"Library\" whose name contains (\"{0}\") and artist contains (\"{1}\"))\n", scrubString(s.Title), scrubString(s.Artist)) +
                                             "  repeat with t in results\n";
                        if (!s.Grouping.Contains(top100))
                            appleScript += String.Format("    set t's grouping to \"{0}\" as text\n", addTag(s.Grouping, top100));
                            Top100Util.Debug(String.Format("Missing Grouping: {0}=>{1}", s, addTag(s.Grouping, top100)));
                            updateSong = true;

                        if (badComment.IsMatch(s.Comments))
                            appleScript += String.Format("    set t's comment to \"{0}\" as text\n", prependComment(s.Comments, dbSong.Year, dbSong.Number));
                            Top100Util.Debug(String.Format("Bad Comment: {0}=>{1}", s, prependComment(s.Comments, dbSong.Year, dbSong.Number)));
                            updateSong = true;
                        else if (!comment.IsMatch(s.Comments))
                            appleScript += String.Format("    set t's comment to \"{0}\" as text\n", prependComment(s.Comments, dbSong.Year, dbSong.Number));
                            Top100Util.Debug(String.Format("Missing Comment: {0}=>{1}", s, prependComment(s.Comments, dbSong.Year, dbSong.Number)));
                            updateSong = true;
                        else if (comment.IsMatch(s.Comments))
                            if (dbSong.Number < s.Number)
                                appleScript += String.Format("    set t's comment to \"{0}\" as text\n", prependComment(s.Comments, dbSong.Year, dbSong.Number));
                                Top100Util.Debug(String.Format("Updating Comment: {0}=>{1}", s, prependComment(s.Comments, dbSong.Year, dbSong.Number)));
                                updateSong = true;
                        if (updateSong)
                            appleScript += "  end repeat\n" + "end tell\n";
                                if (!Top100Settings.Preview)
                            catch (Exception e)
                                Top100Util.Error(String.Format("Cannot update song: {0}\n\tException: {1}\n\tUsing: {2}", s, e, appleScript));
                    Top100Util.Error("Cannot find owned song in Library. " + dbSong);