Ejemplo n.º 1
        internal InstallVersion(string version, DnnInstallLogger sharedLogger, string logName, ILog parentLog = null)
            logger   = sharedLogger;
            _version = version;
            logger.LogStep(_version, "Initialized version-upgrade object for " + this.GetType().Name);

            Log = new Log(logName, parentLog);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        internal string UpgradeModule(string version)
            // Check if table "ToSIC_SexyContent_Templates" exists.
            // If it's gone, then PROBABLY skip all upgrade-codes incl. 8.11!
            var sql           = @"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[ToSIC_SexyContent_Templates]') AND TYPE IN(N'U')";
            var sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["SiteSqlServer"].ConnectionString);

            var sqlCommand           = new SqlCommand(sql, sqlConnection);
            var runDbChangesUntil811 = (int)sqlCommand.ExecuteScalar() == 1; // if there is one result row, this means the templates table still exists, we need to run changes before 08.11


            // if version is 01.00.00, the upgrade has to run because log files should be cleared
            if (!runDbChangesUntil811 && version != "01.00.00" && (new Version(version) <= new Version(8, 11, 0)))
                _installLogger.LogStep(version, "Upgrade skipped because 00.99.00 install detected (installation of everything until and including 08.11 has been done by 00.99.00.SqlDataProvider)", true);

            _installLogger.LogStep(version, "UpgradeModule starting", false);

            // Abort upgrade if it's already done - if version is 01.00.00, the module has probably been uninstalled - continue in this case.
            if (version != "01.00.00" && IsUpgradeComplete(version, "- Check on Start UpgradeModule"))
                _installLogger.LogStep(version, "Apparently trying to update this version, but this versions upgrade is apparently compeleted, will abort");
                throw new Exception("2sxc upgrade for version " + version +
                                    " started, but it looks like the upgrade for this version is already complete. Aborting upgrade.");
            _installLogger.LogStep(version, "version / upgrade-complete test passed");

            if (IsUpgradeRunning)
                _installLogger.LogStep(version, "Apparently upgrade is running, will abort");
                throw new Exception("2sxc upgrade for version " + version +
                                    " started, but the upgrade is already running. Aborting upgrade.");
            _installLogger.LogStep(version, "is-upgrade-running test passed");

            IsUpgradeRunning = true;
            _installLogger.LogStep(version, "----- Upgrade to " + version + " started -----");

                switch (version)
                case "01.00.00":     // Make sure that log folder empty on new installations (could happen if 2sxc was already installed on a system)

                case "07.02.00":
                case "07.02.02":
                case "07.03.01":
                case "07.03.03":
                case "08.00.02":
                case "08.00.04":
                case "08.00.07":
                case "08.01.00":
                case "08.03.00":
                case "08.03.02":
                case "08.03.03":
                case "08.03.05":
                case "08.04.00":
                case "08.04.03":
                case "08.04.05":
                case "08.05.00":
                case "08.05.01":
                case "08.05.02":
                case "08.05.03":
                case "08.05.05":
                case "08.11.00":
                    throw new Exception("Trying to upgrade a 7 or 8 version - which isn't supported in v9.20+. Please upgrade to the latest 8.12 or 9.15before trying to upgrade to a 9.20+");

                    //new V9(version, _installLogger, Log).Version09xxxx();
                    // warning!!! when you add a new case, make sure you upgrade the version number on Settings.Installation.LastVersionWithServerChanges!!!
                _installLogger.LogStep(version, "version-list check / switch done", false);

                // Increase ClientDependency version upon each upgrade (System and all Portals)
                // prevents browsers caching old JS and CSS files for editing, which could cause several errors
                // only set this on the last upgraded version, to prevent crazy updating the client-resource-cache while upgrading
                if (version == Settings.Installation.UpgradeVersionList.Last())
                    _installLogger.LogStep(version, "ClientResourceManager- seems to be last item in version-list, will clear");

                    _installLogger.LogStep(version, "ClientResourceManager- done clearing");

                    _installLogger.LogStep(version, "updated upgrade-complete status");

                _installLogger.LogStep(version, "----- Upgrade to " + version + " completed -----");
            catch (Exception e)
                _installLogger.LogStep(version, "Upgrade failed - " + e.Message);
                IsUpgradeRunning = false;
            _installLogger.LogStep(version, "UpgradeModule done / returning");