This class data for one time series record that was imported. This meta-data can be used by functions outside of TimeSeriesLibrary to finish processing the time series that were imported from an XML file by the TSXml class. In this way, the outside functions can handle features of the time series that TimeSeriesLibrary was not designed to handle.
Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// This method writes a new record to the database table for a regular time series.
        /// The method will record extra parameters (other than those that are saved
        /// as class-level properties of this object) into the database record using the strings
        /// in the method parameters extraParamNames and extraParamValues.  This method does not
        /// make any changes to the trace table.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="doWriteToDB">true if the method should actually save the timeseries to the database</param>
        /// <param name="tsImport">TSImport object into which the method will record values that it has computed.
        /// If this parameter is null, then the method will skip the recording of such paramters to an object.</param>
        /// <param name="timeStepUnit">TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode value for Minute,Hour,Day,Week,Month, or Year</param>
        /// <param name="timeStepQuantity">The number of the given unit that defines the time step.
        /// For instance, if the time step is 6 hours long, then this value is 6.</param>
        /// <param name="timeStepCount">The number of time steps in the time series</param>
        /// <param name="outStartDate">date of the first time step in the series</param>
        /// <param name="extraParamNames">A list of field names that the the method should fill, in addition
        /// to the fields that the TimeSeriesLibrary is designed to maintain.  Every item in this list must
        /// be matched to an item in extraParamValues.</param>
        /// <param name="extraParamValues">A list of field values that the the method should fill, in addition
        /// to the fields that the TimeSeriesLibrary is designed to maintain.  Every item in this list must
        /// be matched to an item in extraParamNames.</param>
        /// <returns>the primary key Id value of the new record that was created</returns>
        public unsafe int WriteParametersRegular(
            bool doWriteToDB, TSImport tsImport,
            short timeStepUnit, short timeStepQuantity,
            int timeStepCount, DateTime outStartDate,
            String extraParamNames, String extraParamValues)
            ErrorCheckWriteValues(doWriteToDB, tsImport);
            // The method's parameters are used to compute the meta-parameters of this time series
                (TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode)timeStepUnit, timeStepQuantity,
                timeStepCount, outStartDate,
                // new time series are always compressed by the current compression technique
            IsInitialized = true;
            // Compute the Checksum for this time series ensemble.  Because this is a newly
            // written series, there are not yet any traces to incorporate into the checksum
            // (presumably those will be added later).
            Checksum = TSBlobCoder.ComputeChecksum(TSParameters, new List <ITimeSeriesTrace>());
            // WriteParameters method will handle all of the database interaction
            if (doWriteToDB)
                WriteParameters(extraParamNames, extraParamValues);

Ejemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>
 /// This method contains error checks on the input parameters of this class's methods
 /// WriteValuesRegular() and WriteValuesIrregular(), so both of those methods call
 /// this private method before they undertake any other operations.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="doWriteToDB">true if the 'Write' method should actually save the timeseries to the database</param>
 /// <param name="tsImport">TSImport object into which the method will record values that it has computed.
 /// If this parameter is null, then the method will skip the recording of such paramters to an object.</param>
 private void ErrorCheckWriteValues(bool doWriteToDB, TSImport tsImport)
     // TODO: create an error code and throw exception
     if (doWriteToDB && (ParametersTableName == null ||
                         TSConnection.Connection == null ||
                         TraceTableName == null))
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// This method prepares a new record for the trace table for a regular time step series.
        /// The method converts the given valueArray into the BLOB that is actually stored in
        /// the table.  The method computes the checksum of the trace, and computes a new checksum
        /// for the parameters table to reflect the fact that a new trace has been added to the ensemble.
        /// For both the insertion to the trace table and the update to the parameters table, this method
        /// only stores changes in DataTable objects--nothing is changed in the database. In order for
        /// the changes to be sent to the database, the method TSConnection.CommitNewTraceWrites must
        /// be called after WriteTraceRegular has been called for all new traces.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">identifying primary key value of the the parameters table for the record
        /// that this trace belongs to</param>
        /// <param name="doWriteToDB">true if the method should actually save the timeseries to the database</param>
        /// <param name="tsImport">TSImport object into which the method will record values that it has computed.
        /// If this parameter is null, then the method will skip the recording of such paramters to an object.</param>
        /// <param name="traceNumber">number of the trace to write</param>
        /// <param name="valueArray">The array of values to be written to the database</param>
        public unsafe void WriteTraceRegular(int id,
                                             bool doWriteToDB, TSImport tsImport,
                                             int traceNumber,
                                             double[] valueArray)
            // Initialize class fields other than the BLOB of data values
            if (!IsInitialized)
                Initialize(id, true);

            // This method can only process regular-time-step series
            if (TimeStepUnit == TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode.Irregular)
                throw new TSLibraryException(ErrCode.Enum.Record_Not_Regular,
                                             String.Format("The method can only process regular time series, but" +
                                                           "the record with Id {0} is irregular.", id));
            // Create a trace object
            int timeStepCount            = valueArray.Count();
            ITimeSeriesTrace traceObject = new TSTrace
                TraceNumber   = traceNumber,
                TimeStepCount = timeStepCount,
                EndDate       = TSDateCalculator.IncrementDate(BlobStartDate,
                                                               TimeStepUnit, TimeStepQuantity, timeStepCount - 1)

            if (tsImport != null)
            // Convert the array of double values into a byte array...a BLOB
            TSBlobCoder.ConvertArrayToBlobRegular(valueArray, CompressionCode, traceObject);

            // Create a new record for the trace table
            // (but for now it is only stored in a DataTable object)
            if (doWriteToDB)
            // Compute a new checksum for the parameters table
            // (but for now it is only stored in a DataTable object)
            UpdateParametersChecksum(doWriteToDB, tsImport);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// This computes a new value for the Checksum field of the parameters table.  It does not save
        /// this change to the database, but to a DataTable object.  It is assumed that method
        /// TSConnection.CommitNewTraceWrites will be called later in order to send the changes to the
        /// database. If parameter 'toWriteToDB' is false, then this method can simply save the
        /// new Checksum value to the object given in the 'tsImport' parameter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="toWriteToDB">true if the method should actually
        /// save the timeseries to the database</param>
        /// <param name="tsImport">TSImport object into which the method will record values
        /// that it has computed. If this parameter is null, then the method will skip the recording
        /// of such paramters to an object.</param>
        private void UpdateParametersChecksum(Boolean toWriteToDB, TSImport tsImport)
            // The collection in variable 'traceObjects' contains one item for each trace for this
            // time series.  The primary purpose of the list is to store the checksum for each trace,
            // since the checksum of the timeseries is computed from the list of checksums from each
            // of its traces.
            List <ITimeSeriesTrace> traceObjects;

            if (tsImport != null)
                traceObjects = tsImport.TraceList;
                traceObjects = TraceList;

            // Compute the new checksum of the ensemble
            Checksum = TSBlobCoder.ComputeChecksum(TimeStepUnit, TimeStepQuantity,
                                                   BlobStartDate, traceObjects);
            if (toWriteToDB)
                DataTable dataTable;
                // Attempt to get the existing DataTable object from the collection that is kept by
                // the TSConnection object.  If this fails, then we'll create a new DataTable.
                if (TSConnection.BulkCopyDataTables.TryGetValue(ParametersTableName, out dataTable) == false)
                    // Create the DataTable object and add columns that match the columns
                    // of the database table.
                    dataTable = new DataTable();
                    dataTable.Columns.Add("Id", typeof(int));
                    dataTable.Columns.Add("Checksum", typeof(byte[]));
                    // Add the DataTable to a collection that is kept in the TSConnection object.
                    TSConnection.BulkCopyDataTables.Add(ParametersTableName, dataTable);
                dataTable.Rows.Add(Id, Checksum);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// This method reads the given XML file and stores each of the timeseries described
        /// therein to the database.  For each timeseries that it stores, it adds an item to
        /// list 'tsImportList', which records metadata of the timeseries that is not processed
        /// directly by TimeSeriesLibrary.  Therefore, the process that calls TimeSeriesLibrary
        /// can process tsImportList to complete the importation of the timeseries.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xmlFileName">Name of the file that will be read.  If xmlText is null,
        /// then this parameter must be non-null, and vice-versa.</param>
        /// <param name="xmlText">The text of an XML file that will be read.  If xmlFileName is null,
        /// then this parameter must be non-null, and vice-versa.</param>
        /// <param name="tsImportList">List of TSImport objects that this function records for
        /// each series that is imported.  This method appends the list.</param>
        /// <param name="shouldStoreToDatabase">If true, then this method will write the timeseries from
        /// the XML file to database.  If false, then this method does not write to database.</param>
        /// <param name="shouldRecordDetails">If true, then this method stores the BLOB and detailed
        /// elements to the list of TSImport objects.  If false, then this method does not store
        /// the BLOB to the TSImport object, and all fields that TimeSeriesLibrary does not process
        /// are stored to the TSImport object's UnprocessedElements field.</param>
        /// <returns>The number of time series records that were successfully stored</returns>
        public int ReadAndStore(
            String xmlFileName, String xmlText,
            List <TSImport> tsImportList,
            Boolean shouldStoreToDatabase, Boolean shouldRecordDetails)
            String s;                                                                               // ephemeral String object
            int    numTs = 0;                                                                       // The # of time series successfuly processed by this method

            TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode TimeStepUnit = TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode.Day; // to be read from XML
            short    TimeStepQuantity = 1;                                                          // to be read from XML
            DateTime StartDate        = _defaultTime;                                               // to be read from XML

            double[] valueArray   = null;                                                           // to be read from XML
            var      elementNames = new List <String> {
                "TimeSeries", "Pattern"

            // Flags will indicate if the XML is missing any data
            Boolean foundTimeStepUnit, foundTimeStepQuantity, foundStartDate, foundValueArray;

            // Error checks
            if (xmlFileName == null && xmlText == null)
                throw new TSLibraryException(ErrCode.Enum.Xml_Memory_File_Exclusion,
                                             "The method's xmlFileName and xmlText parameters can not both be null.");
            if (xmlFileName != null && xmlText != null)
                throw new TSLibraryException(ErrCode.Enum.Xml_Memory_File_Exclusion,
                                             "The method's xmlFileName and xmlText parameters can not both be non-null.");
            if (shouldStoreToDatabase && TSConnection == null)
                throw new TSLibraryException(ErrCode.Enum.Xml_Connection_Not_Initialized,
                                             "The method is directed to store results to database, " +
                                             "but a database connection has not been assigned in the constructor.");

            // Initialize a Stream object for the XmlReader object to read from.  This method can
            // be called with either the file name of an XML file, or with a string containing the
            // complete text of the XML to be parsed.  The type of Stream object that we initialize
            // depends on which parameter the method was called with.
            Stream xmlStream;

            if (xmlFileName == null)
                xmlStream        = new MemoryStream(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(xmlText));
                ReportedFileName = "The given XML text ";
                xmlStream        = new FileStream(xmlFileName, FileMode.Open);
                ReportedFileName = "The XML file '" + xmlFileName + "' ";

                // Loop once for "TimeSeries" and once for "Pattern".  Note that the approach of looping
                // through the entire file twice seems undesirable, but no better option was evident because
                // methods of XmlReader such as 'ReadToNextSibling' do not have an equivalent that could
                // seek *either* "TimeSeries" or "Pattern".
                foreach (String elementName in elementNames)
                    Boolean isPattern = elementName == "Pattern";
                    // Start at the beginning of the XML file
                    xmlStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    // This XmlReader object opens the XML file and parses it for us.  The 'using'
                    // statement ensures that the XmlReader's resources are properly disposed.
                    using (XmlReader xmlReader = XmlReader.Create(xmlStream))
                        // All of the data that we'll read is contained inside an element named 'Import'
                            if (!xmlReader.ReadToFollowing("Import"))
                                throw new TSLibraryException(ErrCode.Enum.Xml_File_Empty,
                                                             ReportedFileName + "does not contain an <Import> element.");
                            throw new TSLibraryException(ErrCode.Enum.Xml_File_Empty,
                                                         ReportedFileName + "does not contain an <Import> element.");
                        // The file must contain at least one element named 'TimeSeries'.  Move to the first
                        // such element now.
                        if (!xmlReader.ReadToDescendant(elementName))
                            // if no such element is found then there is nothing to process in this iteration
                            // of the loop.  After the loop is finished, an exception is thrown if no elements
                            // were read.
                        // do-while loop through all elements named 'TimeSeries'.  There will be one iteration
                        // of this loop for each timeseries in the XML file.
                            // Get a new XmlReader object that can not read outside
                            // of the current 'TimeSeries' element.
                            XmlReader oneSeriesXmlReader = xmlReader.ReadSubtree();
                            // A new TSImport object will store properties of this time series
                            // that the TimeSeriesLibrary is not designed to handle.
                            TSImport tsImport = new TSImport(shouldRecordDetails)
                                IsPattern = isPattern
                            // Flags will indicate if the XML is missing any data
                            foundTimeStepUnit = foundTimeStepQuantity = foundStartDate = foundValueArray = false;
                            // This default trace number will be used if the "Trace" attribute is not used on a <Data>
                            // element. The default trace value may be reassigned if a <TraceNumber> element is read.
                            int defaultTraceNumber = 1;
                            // Collection of Strings that hold the unparsed DataSeries.  The key of the
                            // Dictionary is the trace number of the DataSeries
                            Dictionary <int, String> DataStrings = new Dictionary <int, String>();

                            // advance the reader past the outer element
                            // Read one timeseries from XML
                            while (oneSeriesXmlReader.Read())
                                Boolean binaryEncoded = false;
                                // If the current position of the reader is on an element's start tag (e.g. <Name>)
                                if (oneSeriesXmlReader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                                    // Note that XML standard is case sensitive
                                    switch (oneSeriesXmlReader.Name)
                                    case "Name":
                                        // <Name> is not processed by TimeSeriesLibrary.  Record it on a list
                                        // so another module can process the <Name> field.  Presumably,
                                        // the process will distinguish timeseries based on the <Name> field.
                                        tsImport.Name = oneSeriesXmlReader.ReadElementContentAsString();

                                    case "StartDate":
                                        // TimeSeriesLibrary will store <StartDate> to the data table
                                        s = oneSeriesXmlReader.ReadElementContentAsString();
                                        if (!TimeExtensions.TryParse(s, out StartDate, _defaultTime))
                                            throw new TSLibraryException(ErrCode.Enum.Xml_File_StartDate_Unreadable,
                                                                         + "contains unreadable StartDate element value " + s);
                                        foundStartDate = true;

                                    case "TimeStepUnit":
                                        // TimeSeriesLibrary will store <TimeStepUnit> to the data table
                                        s                 = oneSeriesXmlReader.ReadElementContentAsString();
                                        TimeStepUnit      = ParseTimeStepUnit(s);
                                        foundTimeStepUnit = true;
                                        // If it is an irregular time series
                                        if (TimeStepUnit == TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode.Irregular)
                                            // <TimeStepQuantity> and <StartDate> are unnecessary
                                            // and irrelevant to irregular time series
                                            foundTimeStepQuantity = true;
                                            foundStartDate        = true;

                                    case "TimeStepQuantity":
                                        // TimeSeriesLibrary will store <TimeStepQuantity> to the data table
                                        s = oneSeriesXmlReader.ReadElementContentAsString();
                                        TimeStepQuantity      = ParseTimeStepQuantity(s);
                                        foundTimeStepQuantity = true;

                                    case "Data":
                                        // <Data> may have a TraceNumber attribute
                                        int traceNumber = 0;
                                        s = oneSeriesXmlReader.GetAttribute("Trace");
                                        if (int.TryParse(s, out traceNumber) == false)
                                            traceNumber = 0;
                                        if (DataStrings.ContainsKey(traceNumber))
                                            throw new TSLibraryException(ErrCode.Enum.Xml_File_Inconsistent,
                                                                         ReportedFileName + "contains a time series with more than "
                                                                         + "one trace number " + traceNumber.ToString());
                                        // <Data> contains a whitespace-deliminted string of values
                                        // that comprise the time series
                                        s = oneSeriesXmlReader.ReadElementContentAsString();
                                        // add the unparsed string to a dictionary
                                        // where the trace number is the dictionary key
                                        DataStrings.Add(traceNumber, s);
                                        foundValueArray = true;

                                    case "Encoding":
                                        // The default is that <Data> contains decimal text.
                                        // However, the <Encoding> element may specify that it is
                                        // Base64 encoded.
                                        s = oneSeriesXmlReader.ReadElementContentAsString();
                                        if (s == "Base64" || s == "base64")
                                            binaryEncoded = true;

                                    case "Apart":     // <Apart> contains the A part of record name from a HECDSS file
                                        tsImport.SetAPart(oneSeriesXmlReader); break;

                                    case "Bpart":     // <Bpart> contains the B part of record name from a HECDSS file
                                        tsImport.SetBPart(oneSeriesXmlReader); break;

                                    case "Cpart":     // <Cpart> contains the C part of record name from a HECDSS file
                                        tsImport.SetCPart(oneSeriesXmlReader); break;

                                    case "Epart":     // <Epart> contains the E part of record name from a HECDSS file
                                        tsImport.SetEPart(oneSeriesXmlReader); break;

                                    case "Units":     // <Units> contains the name of the units of measurement for the time series values
                                        tsImport.SetUnits(oneSeriesXmlReader); break;

                                    case "TimeSeriesType":
                                        // <TimeSeriesType> contains the text name of the time series type,
                                        // [PER-AVER | PER-CUM | INST-VAL | INST-CUM]
                                        tsImport.SetTimeSeriesType(oneSeriesXmlReader); break;

                                    case "TraceNumber":     // <TraceNumber> contains the trace number for an ensemble
                                        defaultTraceNumber = tsImport.GetTraceNumber(oneSeriesXmlReader); break;

                                    case "MultiplicationFactor":
                                        tsImport.SetMultiplicationFactor(oneSeriesXmlReader); break;

                                        // Any other tags are simply copied to the String object
                                        // 'UnprocessedElements'. Here they are stored with
                                        // the enclosing tags (e.g. "<Units>CFS</Units>").
                            // This XmlReader object was created with the ReadSubtree() method so that it would only
                            // be able to read the current time series element.  We have now reached the end of the
                            // time series element, so the XmlReader should be closed.
                            // The record can not be saved to the table if information for some of the fields is missing.
                            // These flags indicate whether each of the required fields was found in the XML file.
                            if (!(foundTimeStepUnit && foundTimeStepQuantity && foundStartDate && foundValueArray))
                                // One or more required fields were missing, so we'll throw an exception.
                                String errorList, nameString;
                                if (tsImport.Name == "")
                                    nameString = "unnamed time series";
                                    nameString = "time series named '" + tsImport.Name + "'";
                                errorList = "Some required subelements were missing from " + nameString
                                            + " in " + ReportedFileName + "\n";
                                if (!foundStartDate)
                                    errorList += "\n<StartDate> was not found";
                                if (!foundTimeStepUnit)
                                    errorList += "\n<TimeStepUnit> was not found";
                                if (!foundTimeStepQuantity)
                                    errorList += "\n<TimeStepQuantity> was not found";
                                if (!foundValueArray)
                                    errorList += "\n<Data> was not found";
                                throw new TSLibraryException(ErrCode.Enum.Xml_File_Incomplete, errorList);
                            // Now that we've established that all fields have been read, we can parse the
                            // string of timeseries values into an array, and save the array to the database.
                            if (TimeStepUnit == TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode.Irregular)
                                // IRREGULAR TIME SERIES

                                // The TS object is used to save one record to the database table
                                TS ts = new TS(TSConnection, TableName, TraceTableName);
                                foreach (KeyValuePair <int, String> keyValuePair in DataStrings)
                                    int traceNumber = keyValuePair.Key;
                                    if (traceNumber == 0)
                                        traceNumber = defaultTraceNumber;
                                    // Split the big data string into an array of strings.
                                    // The date/time/value triplets will be all collated together.
                                    String[] stringArray = keyValuePair.Value
                                                           .Split(new char[] { }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                                    // We'll use this date/value structure to build each item of the date/value array
                                    TSDateValueStruct tsv = new TSDateValueStruct();
                                    // allocate the array of date/value pairs
                                    TSDateValueStruct[] dateValueArray = new TSDateValueStruct[stringArray.Length / 3];
                                    // Loop through the array of strings, 3 elements at a time
                                    for (int i = 2; i < stringArray.Length; i += 3)
                                        s                     = stringArray[i - 2] + " " + stringArray[i - 1];
                                        tsv.Date              = DateTime.Parse(s);
                                        tsv.Value             = double.Parse(stringArray[i]);
                                        dateValueArray[i / 3] = tsv;
                                    if (tsImport.TraceList.Count == 0)
                                        // Ignore whatever was entered in the StartDate element, since it
                                        // might conflict with the date/value entries
                                        StartDate = dateValueArray[0].Date;
                                        // Write parameters to the database and record values in the TSImport object
                                        ts.WriteParametersIrregular(shouldStoreToDatabase, tsImport,
                                                                    dateValueArray.Count(), StartDate, dateValueArray.Last().Date,
                                                                    null, null);
                                        if (StartDate != ts.BlobStartDate)
                                            throw new TSLibraryException(ErrCode.Enum.Xml_File_Inconsistent,
                                                                         ReportedFileName + "contains a time series "
                                                                         + "with traces that do not overlay each other.");
                                    ts.WriteTraceIrregular(0, shouldStoreToDatabase, tsImport,
                                                           traceNumber, dateValueArray);
                                // Done with the TS object.
                                ts = null;
                                // REGULAR TIME SERIES

                                // The TS object is used to save one record to the database table
                                TS ts = new TS(TSConnection, TableName, TraceTableName);
                                foreach (KeyValuePair <int, String> keyValuePair in DataStrings)
                                    int traceNumber = keyValuePair.Key;
                                    if (traceNumber == 0)
                                        traceNumber = defaultTraceNumber;
                                    // Fancy LINQ statement turns the String object into an array of double[]
                                    valueArray = keyValuePair.Value
                                                 .Split(new char[] { }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
                                                 .Select(z => double.Parse(z)).ToArray();
                                    if (tsImport.TraceList.Count == 0)
                                        // Write to the database and record values in the TSImport object
                                        ts.WriteParametersRegular(shouldStoreToDatabase, tsImport,
                                                                  (short)TimeStepUnit, TimeStepQuantity, valueArray.Count(),
                                                                  StartDate, null, null);
                                    ts.WriteTraceRegular(0, shouldStoreToDatabase, tsImport,
                                                         traceNumber, valueArray);
                                // Done with the TS object.
                                ts = null;

                            // the TSImport object contains data for this timeseries that TSLibrary does not process.
                            // Add the TSImport object to a list that the calling process can read and use.
                        } while (xmlReader.ReadToNextSibling(elementName));
                if (numTs == 0)
                    throw new TSLibraryException(ErrCode.Enum.Xml_File_Empty,
                                                 ReportedFileName + " does not contain any "
                                                 + elementNames.Select(ss => "<" + ss + ">").ToStringWithConjunc("or")
                                                 + " element".Pluralize(elementNames.Count) + ".");
            catch (XmlException e)
                // An XmlException was caught somewhere in the lifetime of the object xmlReader,
                // so we can presumably say there was an error in how the XML file was formatted.
                // The information from the XmlException object is included in the error message
                // that we throw here, and the XmlException is included as an inner exception.
                throw new TSLibraryException(ErrCode.Enum.Xml_File_Malformed,
                                             ReportedFileName + "is malformed.\n\n" + e.Message, e);
                // Disposing the Stream object ensures that the file is closed, if applicable.
                // This is put into the 'finally' clause so that we can ensure that the Stream
                // is closed no matter how we exit this method.
