Ejemplo n.º 1
        void CreateControllerInfos()
            VrControllers vrControllers = App.VrSdk.VrControls;

            if (vrControllers != null)
                BaseControllerBehavior[] behaviors = vrControllers.GetBehaviors();
                if (behaviors.Length != (int)ControllerName.Num)
                    Debug.LogErrorFormat("Expected {0} controllers, have {1}",
                m_ControllerInfos = new ControllerInfo[behaviors.Length];

                for (int i = 0; i < m_ControllerInfos.Length; ++i)
                    bool isLeft = i == 0;
                    m_ControllerInfos[i] = App.VrSdk.CreateControllerInfo(behaviors[i], isLeft);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        // Destroy and recreate the ControllerBehavior and ControllerGeometry objects.
        // This is mostly useful if you want different geometry.
        // TODO: this will always give the wand left-hand geometry and the brush right-hand geometry,
        // so InputManager.WandOnRight should probably be reset to false after this? Or maybe
        // SetControllerStyle should be smart enough to figure that out.
        public void SetControllerStyle(ControllerStyle style)
            Debug.Log("Calling SetControllerStyle");
            // Clear console parent in case we're switching controllers.
            if (ControllerConsoleScript.m_Instance != null)
                ControllerConsoleScript.m_Instance.transform.parent = null;

            // Clean up existing controllers.
            // Note that we are explicitly not transferring state.  This is because, in practice,
            // we only change controller style when we're initializing SteamVR, and the temporary
            // controllers are largely disabled.  Any bugs that occur will be trivial and cosmetic.
            // If we add the ability to dynamically change controllers or my above comment about
            // trivial bugs is not true, state transfer should occur here.
            // In practice, the only style transitions we should see are:
            // - None -> correct style                   During VrSdk.Awake()
            // - None -> InitializingSteamVr             During VrSdk.Awake()
            //   InitializingSteamVr -> correct style    Many frames after VrSdk.Awake()
            if (m_VrControls != null)
                m_VrControls = null;

            m_NeedsToAttachConsoleScript = true;

            GameObject controlsPrefab;

            switch (style)
            case ControllerStyle.Vive:
                controlsPrefab = m_SteamViveControlsPrefab;

            case ControllerStyle.Knuckles:
                controlsPrefab = m_SteamKnucklesControlsPrefab;

            case ControllerStyle.Cosmos:
                controlsPrefab = m_SteamCosmoControlsPrefab;

            case ControllerStyle.OculusTouch:
                // This will probably not work once new headsets are released.
                // Maybe something like this instead?
                //   isQuest = (UnityEngine.XR.XRDevice.model != "Oculus Rift CV1");
                bool isQuestController = (UnityEngine.XR.XRDevice.refreshRate < 81f) ||
                                         (App.Config.VrHardware == VrHardware.Quest);
                if (App.Config.m_SdkMode == SdkMode.Oculus)
                    controlsPrefab = isQuestController ? m_OculusQuestControlsPrefab : m_OculusRiftControlsPrefab;
                else         /* Assume SteamVR */
                    controlsPrefab = isQuestController ? m_SteamQuestControlsPrefab : m_SteamRiftControlsPrefab;

            case ControllerStyle.Wmr:
                controlsPrefab = m_SteamWmrControlsPrefab;

            case ControllerStyle.Gvr:
                controlsPrefab = m_GvrPointerControlsPrefab;

            case ControllerStyle.None:
                controlsPrefab = m_NonVrControlsPrefab;
                m_NeedsToAttachConsoleScript = false;

            case ControllerStyle.InitializingSteamVR:
                controlsPrefab = m_SteamUninitializedControlsPrefab;
                m_NeedsToAttachConsoleScript = false;

            case ControllerStyle.Unset:
                controlsPrefab = null;
                m_NeedsToAttachConsoleScript = false;

            // This is _just_ robust enough to be able to switch between the Rift and Touch
            // controllers. To force (for example) a Wmr controller when using a Touch will
            // probably require being able to specify an override style as well, because TB
            // might act funny if we spawn a Wmr prefab with style OculusTouch.
            // Additionally, the Logitech Pen override happens after this, so there's no way
            // to override it.

            // Wait for the "real" SetControllerStyle to come through.
            if (style != ControllerStyle.InitializingSteamVR)
                GameObject overridePrefab = null;
                switch (App.Config.m_SdkMode)
                case SdkMode.Oculus: overridePrefab = App.Config.m_ControlsPrefabOverrideOvr; break;

                case SdkMode.SteamVR: overridePrefab = App.Config.m_ControlsPrefabOverrideSteamVr; break;
                if (overridePrefab != null)
                    Debug.LogWarning("Overriding Vr controls with {0}", overridePrefab);
                    controlsPrefab = overridePrefab;

            if (controlsPrefab != null)
                Debug.Assert(m_VrControls == null);
                GameObject controlsObject = Instantiate(controlsPrefab);
                m_VrControls = controlsObject.GetComponent <VrControllers>();
                if (m_VrControls == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(
                              string.Format("Bad prefab for {0} {1}", style, controlsPrefab));
                m_VrControls.transform.parent = m_VrSystem.transform;

            if (m_VrControls != null)
                if (m_NeedsToAttachConsoleScript && ControllerConsoleScript.m_Instance)
                    m_NeedsToAttachConsoleScript = false;

                // TODO: the only case where this is necessary is when using empty geometry
                // for ControllerStyle.InitializingSteamVR. Can we keep track of "initializing"
                // some other way?
                m_VrControls.Brush.ControllerGeometry.TempWritableStyle = style;
                m_VrControls.Wand.ControllerGeometry.TempWritableStyle  = style;