Ejemplo n.º 1
        private XElement CreateEdgeColliderElement(TmxObjectPolyline tmxPolyine)
            // The points need to be transformed into unity space
            var points = from pt in TmxMath.GetPointsInMapSpace(this.tmxMap, tmxPolyine)
                         select PointFToUnityVector(pt);

            XElement edgeCollider =
                new XElement("EdgeCollider2D",
                             new XElement("Points", String.Join(" ", points.Select(pt => String.Format("{0},{1}", pt.X, pt.Y)))));

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static TmxObject FromXml(XElement xml, TmxObjectGroup tmxObjectGroup, TmxMap tmxMap)
            Program.WriteLine("Parsing object ...");

            // What kind of TmxObject are we creating?
            TmxObject tmxObject = null;

            if (xml.Element("ellipse") != null)
                tmxObject = new TmxObjectEllipse();
            else if (xml.Element("polygon") != null)
                tmxObject = new TmxObjectPolygon();
            else if (xml.Element("polyline") != null)
                tmxObject = new TmxObjectPolyline();
            else if (xml.Attribute("gid") != null)
                tmxObject = new TmxObjectTile();
                // Just a rectangle
                tmxObject = new TmxObjectRectangle();

            // Data found on every object type
            tmxObject.Name              = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsString(xml, "name", "");
            tmxObject.Type              = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsString(xml, "type", "");
            tmxObject.Visible           = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(xml, "visible", 1) == 1;
            tmxObject.ParentObjectGroup = tmxObjectGroup;

            float x = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFloat(xml, "x");
            float y = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFloat(xml, "y");
            float w = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFloat(xml, "width", 0);
            float h = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFloat(xml, "height", 0);
            float r = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFloat(xml, "rotation", 0);

            tmxObject.Position = new System.Drawing.PointF(x, y);
            tmxObject.Size     = new System.Drawing.SizeF(w, h);
            tmxObject.Rotation = r;

            tmxObject.Properties = TmxProperties.FromXml(xml);

            tmxObject.InternalFromXml(xml, tmxMap);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static TmxObject FromXml(XElement xml, TmxObjectGroup tmxObjectGroup, TmxMap tmxMap)
            Program.WriteLine("Parsing object ...");

            // What kind of TmxObject are we creating?
            TmxObject tmxObject = null;

            if (xml.Element("ellipse") != null)
                tmxObject = new TmxObjectEllipse();
            else if (xml.Element("polygon") != null)
                tmxObject = new TmxObjectPolygon();
            else if (xml.Element("polyline") != null)
                tmxObject = new TmxObjectPolyline();
            else if (xml.Attribute("gid") != null)
                tmxObject = new TmxObjectTile();
                // Just a rectangle
                tmxObject = new TmxObjectRectangle();

            // Data found on every object type
            tmxObject.Name = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsString(xml, "name", "");
            tmxObject.Type = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsString(xml, "type", "");
            tmxObject.Visible = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(xml, "visible", 1) == 1;
            tmxObject.ParentObjectGroup = tmxObjectGroup;

            float x = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFloat(xml, "x");
            float y = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFloat(xml, "y");
            float w = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFloat(xml, "width", 0);
            float h = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFloat(xml, "height", 0);
            float r = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFloat(xml, "rotation", 0);
            tmxObject.Position = new System.Drawing.PointF(x, y);
            tmxObject.Size = new System.Drawing.SizeF(w, h);
            tmxObject.Rotation = r;

            tmxObject.Properties = TmxProperties.FromXml(xml);

            tmxObject.InternalFromXml(xml, tmxMap);

            return tmxObject;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void DrawPolyline(Graphics g, Pen pen, TmxObjectPolyline tmxPolyline)
            var points = TmxMath.GetPointsInMapSpace(this.tmxMap, tmxPolyline).ToArray();

            g.DrawLines(pen, points);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public static TmxObject FromXml(XElement xml, TmxObjectGroup tmxObjectGroup, TmxMap tmxMap)
            Logger.WriteLine("Parsing object ...");

            // What kind of TmxObject are we creating?
            TmxObject tmxObject = null;

            if (xml.Element("ellipse") != null)
                tmxObject = new TmxObjectEllipse();
            else if (xml.Element("polygon") != null)
                tmxObject = new TmxObjectPolygon();
            else if (xml.Element("polyline") != null)
                tmxObject = new TmxObjectPolyline();
            else if (xml.Attribute("gid") != null)
                uint gid = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsUInt(xml, "gid");
                gid = TmxMath.GetTileIdWithoutFlags(gid);
                if (tmxMap.Tiles.ContainsKey(gid))
                    tmxObject = new TmxObjectTile();
                    // For some reason, the tile is not in any of our tilesets
                    // Warn the user and use a rectangle
                    Logger.WriteWarning("Tile Id {0} not found in tilesets. Using a rectangle instead.\n{1}", gid, xml.ToString());
                    tmxObject = new TmxObjectRectangle();
                // Just a rectangle
                tmxObject = new TmxObjectRectangle();

            // Data found on every object type
            tmxObject.Name              = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsString(xml, "name", "");
            tmxObject.Type              = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsString(xml, "type", "");
            tmxObject.Visible           = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(xml, "visible", 1) == 1;
            tmxObject.ParentObjectGroup = tmxObjectGroup;

            float x = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFloat(xml, "x");
            float y = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFloat(xml, "y");
            float w = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFloat(xml, "width", 0);
            float h = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFloat(xml, "height", 0);
            float r = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFloat(xml, "rotation", 0);

            tmxObject.Position = new System.Drawing.PointF(x, y);
            tmxObject.Size     = new System.Drawing.SizeF(w, h);
            tmxObject.Rotation = r;

            tmxObject.Properties = TmxProperties.FromXml(xml);

            tmxObject.InternalFromXml(xml, tmxMap);

Ejemplo n.º 6
 private void DrawPolyline(Graphics g, Pen pen, TmxObjectPolyline tmxPolyline)
     var points = TmxMath.GetPointsInMapSpace(this.tmxMap, tmxPolyline).ToArray();
     g.DrawLines(pen, points);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public static TmxObject FromXml(XElement xml, TmxObjectGroup tmxObjectGroup, TmxMap tmxMap)
            Program.WriteLine("Parsing object ...");

            // What kind of TmxObject are we creating?
            TmxObject tmxObject = null;

            if (xml.Element("ellipse") != null)
                tmxObject = new TmxObjectEllipse();
            else if (xml.Element("polygon") != null)
                tmxObject = new TmxObjectPolygon();
            else if (xml.Element("polyline") != null)
                tmxObject = new TmxObjectPolyline();
            else if (xml.Attribute("gid") != null)
                uint gid = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsUInt(xml, "gid");
                gid = TmxMath.GetTileIdWithoutFlags(gid);
                if (tmxMap.Tiles.ContainsKey(gid))
                    tmxObject = new TmxObjectTile();
                    // For some reason, the tile is not in any of our tilesets
                    // Warn the user and use a rectangle
                    Program.WriteWarning("Tile Id {0} not found in tilesets. Using a rectangle instead.\n{1}", gid, xml.ToString());
                    tmxObject = new TmxObjectRectangle();
                // Just a rectangle
                tmxObject = new TmxObjectRectangle();

            // Data found on every object type
            tmxObject.Name = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsString(xml, "name", "");
            tmxObject.Type = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsString(xml, "type", "");
            tmxObject.Visible = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(xml, "visible", 1) == 1;
            tmxObject.ParentObjectGroup = tmxObjectGroup;

            float x = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFloat(xml, "x");
            float y = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFloat(xml, "y");
            float w = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFloat(xml, "width", 0);
            float h = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFloat(xml, "height", 0);
            float r = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFloat(xml, "rotation", 0);
            tmxObject.Position = new System.Drawing.PointF(x, y);
            tmxObject.Size = new System.Drawing.SizeF(w, h);
            tmxObject.Rotation = r;

            tmxObject.Properties = TmxProperties.FromXml(xml);

            tmxObject.InternalFromXml(xml, tmxMap);

            return tmxObject;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private void DrawPolyline(Graphics g, Pen pen, TmxObjectPolyline tmxPolyine)
            var points = tmxPolyine.Points.ToArray();

            g.DrawLines(pen, points);
        private XElement CreateEdgeColliderElement(TmxObjectPolyline tmxPolyline)
            // The points need to be transformed into unity space
            var points = from pt in TmxMath.GetPointsInMapSpace(this.tmxMap, tmxPolyline)
                         select PointFToUnityVector(pt);

            XElement edgeCollider =
                new XElement("EdgeCollider2D",
                    new XElement("Points", String.Join(" ", points.Select(pt => String.Format("{0},{1}", pt.X, pt.Y)))));

            return edgeCollider;