Ejemplo n.º 1
 private void ParseImageLayerXml(XElement xml)
     if (xml.Element("image") == null)
         Logger.WriteWarning("Image Layer '{0}' is being ignored since it has no image.", base.Name);
         base.Ignore = IgnoreSettings.True;
         Width  = 1;
         Height = 1;
         string  imagePath = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFullPath(xml.Element("image"), "source");
         TmxTile value     = base.ParentMap.Tiles.First((KeyValuePair <uint, TmxTile> t) => t.Value.TmxImage.AbsolutePath.ToLower() == imagePath.ToLower()).Value;
         Data = new TmxData(this);
         TmxChunk tmxChunk = new TmxChunk(Data);
         tmxChunk.X      = 0;
         tmxChunk.Y      = 0;
         tmxChunk.Width  = 1;
         tmxChunk.Height = 1;
         PointF offset = base.Offset;
         offset.Y -= (float)base.ParentMap.TileHeight;
         offset.Y += (float)value.TmxImage.Size.Height;
         PointF pointF = TmxMath.TileCornerInScreenCoordinates(base.ParentMap, 0, 0);
         offset.X   -= pointF.X;
         offset.Y   -= pointF.Y;
         offset.X   += TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFloat(xml, "x", 0f);
         offset.Y   += TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFloat(xml, "y", 0f);
         base.Offset = offset;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 private void BuildCollisionLayers_ByObjectType()
     for (int i = 0; i < Data.Chunks.Count; i++)
         TmxChunk tmxChunk = Data.Chunks[i];
         for (int j = 0; j < tmxChunk.TileIds.Count; j++)
             uint num = tmxChunk.TileIds[j];
             if (num != 0)
                 uint tileIdWithoutFlags = TmxMath.GetTileIdWithoutFlags(num);
                 foreach (TmxObject @object in base.ParentMap.Tiles[tileIdWithoutFlags].ObjectGroup.Objects)
                     if (@object is TmxHasPoints)
                         TmxLayer tmxLayer = CollisionLayers.Find((TmxLayer l) => string.Compare(l.Name, @object.Type, true) == 0);
                         if (tmxLayer == null)
                             tmxLayer = new TmxLayer(null, base.ParentMap);
                             tmxLayer.Name       = @object.Type;
                             tmxLayer.Offset     = base.Offset;
                             tmxLayer.Width      = Width;
                             tmxLayer.Height     = Height;
                             tmxLayer.Ignore     = base.Ignore;
                             tmxLayer.Properties = base.Properties;
                             tmxLayer.Data       = Data.MakeEmptyCopy(tmxLayer);
                         tmxLayer.Data.Chunks[i].TileIds[j] = num;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static TmxData FromDataXml(XElement xml, TmxLayer parentLayer)
            TmxData tmxData = new TmxData(parentLayer);

            tmxData.Encoding    = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsEnum(xml, "encoding", DataEncoding.Xml);
            tmxData.Compression = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsEnum(xml, "compression", DataCompression.None);
            tmxData.Chunks      = TmxChunk.ListFromDataXml(xml, tmxData);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private static List <TmxChunk> ListFromDataXml_Finite(XElement xml, TmxData parentData)
            TmxChunk tmxChunk = new TmxChunk(parentData);

            tmxChunk.X      = 0;
            tmxChunk.Y      = 0;
            tmxChunk.Width  = parentData.ParentLayer.Width;
            tmxChunk.Height = parentData.ParentLayer.Height;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private static List <TmxChunk> ListFromDataXml_Infinite(XElement xml, TmxData parentData)
            List <TmxChunk> list = new List <TmxChunk>();

            foreach (XElement item in xml.Elements("chunk"))
                TmxChunk tmxChunk = new TmxChunk(parentData);
                tmxChunk.X      = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(item, "x", 0);
                tmxChunk.Y      = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(item, "y", 0);
                tmxChunk.Width  = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(item, "width", 0);
                tmxChunk.Height = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(item, "height", 0);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public static List <TmxMesh> ListFromTmxChunk(TmxChunk chunk)
            List <TmxMesh> list = new List <TmxMesh>();

            for (int i = 0; i < chunk.TileIds.Count; i++)
                uint    num  = chunk.TileIds[i];
                TmxTile tile = chunk.ParentData.ParentLayer.ParentMap.GetTileFromTileId(num);
                if (tile != null)
                    int timeMs = 0;
                    foreach (TmxFrame frame in tile.Animation.Frames)
                        uint globalTileId = frame.GlobalTileId;
                        globalTileId |= (num & TmxMath.FLIPPED_HORIZONTALLY_FLAG);
                        globalTileId |= (num & TmxMath.FLIPPED_VERTICALLY_FLAG);
                        globalTileId |= (num & TmxMath.FLIPPED_DIAGONALLY_FLAG);
                        TmxMesh tmxMesh = list.Find((TmxMesh m) => m.CanAddFrame(tile, timeMs, frame.DurationMs, tile.Animation.TotalTimeMs));
                        if (tmxMesh == null)
                            TmxTile tileFromTileId = chunk.ParentData.ParentLayer.ParentMap.GetTileFromTileId(globalTileId);
                            tmxMesh                         = new TmxMesh();
                            tmxMesh.X                       = chunk.X;
                            tmxMesh.Y                       = chunk.Y;
                            tmxMesh.Width                   = chunk.Width;
                            tmxMesh.Height                  = chunk.Height;
                            tmxMesh.TileIds                 = new uint[chunk.TileIds.Count];
                            tmxMesh.UniqueMeshName          = string.Format("{0}_mesh_{1}", chunk.ParentData.ParentLayer.ParentMap.Name, chunk.ParentData.ParentLayer.ParentMap.GetUniqueId().ToString("D4"));
                            tmxMesh.TmxImage                = tileFromTileId.TmxImage;
                            tmxMesh.StartTimeMs             = timeMs;
                            tmxMesh.DurationMs              = frame.DurationMs;
                            tmxMesh.FullAnimationDurationMs = tile.Animation.TotalTimeMs;
                            tmxMesh.ObjectName              = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(tileFromTileId.TmxImage.AbsolutePath);
                            if (tmxMesh.DurationMs != 0)
                                TmxMesh tmxMesh2 = tmxMesh;
                                tmxMesh2.ObjectName += $"[{timeMs}-{timeMs + tmxMesh.DurationMs}][{tmxMesh.FullAnimationDurationMs}]";
                        tmxMesh.AddTile(i, globalTileId);
                        timeMs += frame.DurationMs;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public static PolyTree ExecuteClipper(TmxMap map, TmxChunk chunk, TransformPointFunc xfFunc)
            ////for(int i=0;i<chunk.Height;i++)
            //// {
            ////     for(int j=0; j<chunk.Width;j++)
            ////     {
            ////         var raw = chunk.GetRawTileIdAt(j, i);
            ////      if(raw!=0)
            ////         {
            ////             var tid = TmxMath.GetTileIdWithoutFlags(raw);
            ////             var tile = map.Tiles[tid];
            ////             foreach(var p in tile.ObjectGroup.Objects)
            ////             {
            ////                 if(p is TmxHasPoints)
            ////                 {
            ////                     p.ToEnumerable().Where((x) =>
            ////                     {
            ////                         if (!usingUnityLayerOverride)
            ////                         {

            ////                             return string.Compare(tuple.Item1.Type, chunk.ParentData.ParentLayer.Name, true) == 0;
            ////                         }

            ////                         return true;
            ////                     });
            ////                 }

            ////             }
            ////         }
            ////     }
            //// }

            //     Clipper clipper = new Clipper(0);
            //     Tuple<TmxObject, TmxTile, uint> tuple = new Tuple<TmxObject, TmxTile, uint>(null, null, 0);
            //     bool usingUnityLayerOverride = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(chunk.ParentData.ParentLayer.UnityLayerOverrideName);
            //     foreach (var item2 in from h__TransparentIdentifier4 in (from y in Enumerable.Range(0, chunk.Height)
            //                                                              from x in Enumerable.Range(0, chunk.Width)
            //                                                              let rawTileId = chunk.GetRawTileIdAt(x, y)
            //                                                              where rawTileId != 0
            //                                                              let tileId = TmxMath.GetTileIdWithoutFlags(rawTileId)
            //                                                              let tile = map.Tiles[tileId]

            //                                                              from polygon in tile.ObjectGroup.Objects
            //                                                              where polygon is TmxHasPoints

            //                                                              select polygon.ToEnumerable().ToList().TrueForAll
            //                                                              (h__TransparentIdentifier4 =>

            //                    {
            //                        UnityEngine.Debug.Log("liudaodelh");
            //                        tuple = new Tuple<TmxObject, TmxTile, uint>(polygon, tile, rawTileId);
            //                        if (!usingUnityLayerOverride)
            //                        {

            //                            return string.Compare(tuple.Item1.Type, chunk.ParentData.ParentLayer.Name, true) == 0;
            //                        }

            //                        return true;
            //                    }))
            //                           select new
            //                           {

            //                               PositionOnMap = map.GetMapPositionAt((int)tuple.Item1.Position.X + chunk.X, (int)tuple.Item1.Position.Y + chunk.Y, tuple.Item2),
            //                               HasPointsInterface = (tuple.Item1 as TmxHasPoints),
            //                               TmxObjectInterface = tuple.Item1,
            //                               IsFlippedDiagnoally = TmxMath.IsTileFlippedDiagonally(tuple.Item3),
            //                               IsFlippedHorizontally = TmxMath.IsTileFlippedHorizontally(tuple.Item3),
            //                               IsFlippedVertically = TmxMath.IsTileFlippedVertically(tuple.Item3),
            //                               TileCenter = new PointF((float)tuple.Item2.TileSize.Width * 0.5f, (float)tuple.Item2.TileSize.Height * 0.5f)
            //                           })
            //     {
            //         List<IntPoint> list = new List<IntPoint>();
            //         SizeF offset = new SizeF(item2.TmxObjectInterface.Position);
            //         PointF[] array = item2.HasPointsInterface.Points.Select((PointF pt) => PointF.Add(pt, offset)).ToArray();
            //         TmxMath.TransformPoints(array, item2.TileCenter, item2.IsFlippedDiagnoally, item2.IsFlippedHorizontally, item2.IsFlippedVertically);
            //         PointF[] array2 = array;
            //         for (int i = 0; i < array2.Length; i++)
            //         {
            //             PointF pointF = array2[i];
            //             float x2 = (float)item2.PositionOnMap.X + pointF.X;
            //             float y2 = (float)item2.PositionOnMap.Y + pointF.Y;
            //             IntPoint item = xfFunc(x2, y2);
            //             list.Add(item);
            //         }
            //         list.Reverse();
            //         clipper.AddPath(list, PolyType.ptSubject, item2.HasPointsInterface.ArePointsClosed());
            //     }
            //     PolyTree polyTree = new PolyTree();
            //     clipper.Execute(ClipType.ctUnion, polyTree, SubjectFillRule, ClipFillRule);

            //     return polyTree;

            ClipperLib.Clipper clipper = new ClipperLib.Clipper();

            // Limit to polygon "type" that matches the collision layer name (unless we are overriding the whole layer to a specific Unity Layer Name)
            bool usingUnityLayerOverride = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(chunk.ParentData.ParentLayer.UnityLayerOverrideName);

            var polygons = from y in Enumerable.Range(0, chunk.Height)
                           from x in Enumerable.Range(0, chunk.Width)
                           let rawTileId = chunk.GetRawTileIdAt(x, y)
                                           where rawTileId != 0
                                           let tileId                       = TmxMath.GetTileIdWithoutFlags(rawTileId)
                                                                   let tile = map.Tiles[tileId]
                                                                              from polygon in tile.ObjectGroup.Objects
                                                                              where (polygon as TmxHasPoints) != null
                                                                              where usingUnityLayerOverride || String.Compare(polygon.Type, chunk.ParentData.ParentLayer.Name, true) == 0
                                                                              select new
                PositionOnMap         = map.GetMapPositionAt(x + chunk.X, y + chunk.Y, tile),
                HasPointsInterface    = polygon as TmxHasPoints,
                TmxObjectInterface    = polygon,
                IsFlippedDiagnoally   = TmxMath.IsTileFlippedDiagonally(rawTileId),
                IsFlippedHorizontally = TmxMath.IsTileFlippedHorizontally(rawTileId),
                IsFlippedVertically   = TmxMath.IsTileFlippedVertically(rawTileId),
                TileCenter            = new PointF(tile.TileSize.Width * 0.5f, tile.TileSize.Height * 0.5f),

            // Add all our polygons to the Clipper library so it can reduce all the polygons to a (hopefully small) number of paths
            foreach (var poly in polygons)
                // Create a clipper library polygon out of each and add it to our collection
                ClipperPolygon clipperPolygon = new ClipperPolygon();

                // Our points may be transformed due to tile flipping/rotation
                // Before we transform them we put all the points into local space relative to the tile
                SizeF    offset            = new SizeF(poly.TmxObjectInterface.Position);
                PointF[] transformedPoints = poly.HasPointsInterface.Points.Select(pt => PointF.Add(pt, offset)).ToArray();

                // Now transform the points relative to the tile
                TmxMath.TransformPoints(transformedPoints, poly.TileCenter, poly.IsFlippedDiagnoally, poly.IsFlippedHorizontally, poly.IsFlippedVertically);

                foreach (var pt in transformedPoints)
                    float x = poly.PositionOnMap.X + pt.X;
                    float y = poly.PositionOnMap.Y + pt.Y;

                    ClipperLib.IntPoint point = xfFunc(x, y);

                // Because of Unity's cooridnate system, the winding order of the polygons must be reversed

                // Add the "subject"
                clipper.AddPath(clipperPolygon, ClipperLib.PolyType.ptSubject, poly.HasPointsInterface.ArePointsClosed());

            ClipperLib.PolyTree solution = new ClipperLib.PolyTree();
            clipper.Execute(ClipperLib.ClipType.ctUnion, solution, LayerClipper.SubjectFillRule, LayerClipper.ClipFillRule);