Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the TikzParseItem tpi, if it is drawn, or its children, if they can be drawn,
        /// or grandchildren etc..., and adds the drawn items to bag.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tpi"></param>
        /// <param name="bag"></param>
        public void DrawObject(TikzParseItem tpi, List <OverlayShape> bag)
            //BBGatherer bbg = new BBGatherer();
            if (bag == null)
                bag = new List <OverlayShape>();  // dummy, it is not used
            if (tpi is Tikz_Scope)
                OverlayScope os = new OverlayScope(ShapeFactory.NewScopeView());
                os.pol      = this;
                os.tikzitem = tpi as Tikz_Scope;
                foreach (TikzParseItem t in (tpi as TikzContainerParseItem).Children)
                    DrawObject(t, os.children);

                // don't draw scopes with no drawable children
                // (we don't know where to render them)
                if (os.children.Count > 0)
            else if (tpi is TikzContainerParseItem)
                foreach (TikzParseItem t in (tpi as TikzContainerParseItem).Children)
                    DrawObject(t, bag);
            if (tpi is Tikz_XYItem)
                if ((tpi as Tikz_XYItem).HasEditableCoordinate())
                    OverlayNode el;
                    if (tpi.parent is Tikz_Controls)
                        el = new OverlayControlPoint(ShapeFactory.NewCPView());     // control points for Bezier curves
                        el = new OverlayNode(ShapeFactory.NewNodeView());
                    el.pol      = this;
                    el.tikzitem = tpi as Tikz_XYItem;
                    //Ellipse el = new Ellipse();
                    //el.Stroke = Brushes.Red;


                    // add tooltip
                    Tikz_Node nref = TikzParseTreeHelper.GetReferenceableNode(tpi as Tikz_XYItem, ParseTree.GetTikzPicture());
                    if (nref != null && nref.name != "")


                    //bbg.Add(new Rect(Canvas.GetLeft(el), Canvas.GetTop(el), el.Width, el.Height));
            else if (tpi is Tikz_Path)
                //could this be a possibility to show edges and provide backward search?

                //there are many possibility for draw commands. here we

                /* string simpleEdge_RegexString = @"[ \t\s]*\\draw.*\((?<start>.*)\).*\((?<end>.*)\).*";
                 * Regex BB_Regex = new Regex(simpleEdge_RegexString);
                 * Match m = BB_Regex.Match(tpi.ToString());
                 * if (m.Success == true)
                 * {
                 *  //we just found a LaTex draw cmd, e.g.: \draw[default_edge] (v91) to (v99);
                 *  //get both nodes
                 *  Tikz_Node StartNode = tpi.parent.GetNodeByName(m.Groups[1].Value);
                 *  Tikz_Node EndNode = tpi.parent.GetNodeByName(m.Groups[2].Value);
                 *  if (StartNode != null && EndNode != null)
                 *  {
                 *      //and determine the position in between both nodes
                 *      Point start, end;
                 *      if (StartNode.GetAbsPos()
                 *      double x = (StartNode.GetAbsPos().X + EndNode.GetAbsPos().X) / 2;
                 *      double y = (StartNode.GetAbsPos().Y + EndNode.GetAbsPos().Y) / 2;
                 *      //draw an arrow at this pos.
                 *      //(new Point(x, y));
                 *      //and when clicked, jump to AvalonEdit at position tpi.StartPosition
                 *  }
                 * }       */
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the TikzParseItem tpi, if it is drawn, or its children, if they can be drawn, 
        /// or grandchildren etc..., and adds the drawn items to bag.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tpi"></param>
        /// <param name="bag"></param>
        public void DrawObject(TikzParseItem tpi, List<OverlayShape> bag)
            //BBGatherer bbg = new BBGatherer();
            if (bag == null)
                bag = new List<OverlayShape>();  // dummy, it is not used
            if (tpi is Tikz_Scope)
                OverlayScope os = new OverlayScope(ShapeFactory.NewScopeView());
                os.pol = this;
                os.tikzitem = tpi as Tikz_Scope;
                foreach (TikzParseItem t in (tpi as TikzContainerParseItem).Children)
                    DrawObject(t, os.children);

                // don't draw scopes with no drawable children
                // (we don't know where to render them)
                if (os.children.Count > 0)
            else if (tpi is TikzContainerParseItem)
                foreach (TikzParseItem t in (tpi as TikzContainerParseItem).Children)
                    DrawObject(t, bag);
            if (tpi is Tikz_XYItem)
                if ((tpi as Tikz_XYItem).HasEditableCoordinate())
                    OverlayNode el;
                    if (tpi.parent is Tikz_Controls)
                        el = new OverlayControlPoint(ShapeFactory.NewCPView());     // control points for Bezier curves
                        el = new OverlayNode(ShapeFactory.NewNodeView());
                    el.pol = this;
                    el.tikzitem = tpi as Tikz_XYItem;
                    //Ellipse el = new Ellipse();                                   
                    //el.Stroke = Brushes.Red;


                    // add tooltip
                    Tikz_Node nref = TikzParseTreeHelper.GetReferenceableNode(tpi as Tikz_XYItem, ParseTree.GetTikzPicture());
                    if (nref != null && nref.name != "")


                    //bbg.Add(new Rect(Canvas.GetLeft(el), Canvas.GetTop(el), el.Width, el.Height));
            else if (tpi is Tikz_Path)
                //could this be a possibility to show edges and provide backward search?

                //there are many possibility for draw commands. here we 
                /* string simpleEdge_RegexString = @"[ \t\s]*\\draw.*\((?<start>.*)\).*\((?<end>.*)\).*";
                Regex BB_Regex = new Regex(simpleEdge_RegexString);
                Match m = BB_Regex.Match(tpi.ToString());
                if (m.Success == true)
                    //we just found a LaTex draw cmd, e.g.: \draw[default_edge] (v91) to (v99);

                    //get both nodes
                    Tikz_Node StartNode = tpi.parent.GetNodeByName(m.Groups[1].Value);
                    Tikz_Node EndNode = tpi.parent.GetNodeByName(m.Groups[2].Value);

                    if (StartNode != null && EndNode != null)
                        //and determine the position in between both nodes
                        Point start, end;
                        if (StartNode.GetAbsPos()
                        double x = (StartNode.GetAbsPos().X + EndNode.GetAbsPos().X) / 2;
                        double y = (StartNode.GetAbsPos().Y + EndNode.GetAbsPos().Y) / 2;

                        //draw an arrow at this pos.
                        //(new Point(x, y));
                        //and when clicked, jump to AvalonEdit at position tpi.StartPosition                        

                }       */

Ejemplo n.º 3
        IEnumerable<OverlayShapeVM> CreateOverlayShapesFromItem(TikzParseItem tpi)

            var ret = new List<OverlayShapeVM>();
            if (tpi is Tikz_Scope)
                OverlayScope os = new OverlayScope();
                //os.pol = this;
                os.tikzitem = tpi as Tikz_Scope;

                // add child shapes
                os.children.AddRange( (tpi as TikzContainerParseItem).Children.SelectMany( child => CreateOverlayShapesFromItem(child) ) );

                //foreach (TikzParseItem t in (tpi as TikzContainerParseItem).Children)
                //    DrawObject(t, os.children);

                // don't draw scopes with no drawable children
                // (we don't know where to render them)
                if (os.children.Count > 0)
            else if (tpi is TikzContainerParseItem)
                ret.AddRange( (tpi as TikzContainerParseItem).Children.SelectMany( child => CreateOverlayShapesFromItem(child) ) );
            else if (tpi is Tikz_XYItem)
                if ((tpi as Tikz_XYItem).HasEditableCoordinate())
                    OverlayNode el;
                    if (tpi.parent is Tikz_Controls)
                        el = new OverlayControlPoint();     // control points for Bezier curves
                        el = new OverlayNode();
                    //el.pol = this;
                    el.tikzitem = tpi as Tikz_XYItem;


                    // add tooltip
                    if (ParseTree != null)
                        Tikz_Node nref = TikzParseTreeHelper.GetReferenceableNode(tpi as Tikz_XYItem, ParseTree.GetTikzPicture());
                        if (nref != null && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(nref.name))
                            el.ToolTip = nref.name;

                    //bbg.Add(new Rect(Canvas.GetLeft(el), Canvas.GetTop(el), el.Width, el.Height));
            else if (tpi is Tikz_Path)

            return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        IEnumerable <OverlayShapeVM> CreateOverlayShapesFromItem(TikzParseItem tpi)
            var ret = new List <OverlayShapeVM>();

            if (tpi is Tikz_Scope)
                OverlayScope os = new OverlayScope();
                //os.pol = this;
                os.tikzitem = tpi as Tikz_Scope;

                // add child shapes
                os.children.AddRange((tpi as TikzContainerParseItem).Children.SelectMany(child => CreateOverlayShapesFromItem(child)));

                //foreach (TikzParseItem t in (tpi as TikzContainerParseItem).Children)
                //    DrawObject(t, os.children);

                // don't draw scopes with no drawable children
                // (we don't know where to render them)
                if (os.children.Count > 0)
            else if (tpi is TikzContainerParseItem)
                ret.AddRange((tpi as TikzContainerParseItem).Children.SelectMany(child => CreateOverlayShapesFromItem(child)));
            else if (tpi is Tikz_XYItem)
                if ((tpi as Tikz_XYItem).HasEditableCoordinate())
                    OverlayNode el;
                    if (tpi.parent is Tikz_Controls)
                        el = new OverlayControlPoint();     // control points for Bezier curves
                        el = new OverlayNode();
                    //el.pol = this;
                    el.tikzitem = tpi as Tikz_XYItem;


                    // add tooltip
                    if (ParseTree != null)
                        Tikz_Node nref = TikzParseTreeHelper.GetReferenceableNode(tpi as Tikz_XYItem, ParseTree.GetTikzPicture());
                        if (nref != null && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(nref.name))
                            el.ToolTip = nref.name;

                    //bbg.Add(new Rect(Canvas.GetLeft(el), Canvas.GetTop(el), el.Width, el.Height));
            else if (tpi is Tikz_Path)
