Ejemplo n.º 1
        public double getBalance(StockMarket sm)
            totalBalance = cash;
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 25; j++)
                    if (files[i].quantity[j] != 0)
                        totalBalance += (files[i].quantity[j] * sm.getPrice(j));

Ejemplo n.º 2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            char delimiter = '-';

            string[] pieces = new string[3];
            string[] name   = new string[25];
            string[] title  = new string[25];
            double[] price  = new double[25];
            string[] sprice = new string[25];

            string  line;
            string  fileName = "C:/Users/Tyler/Desktop/Ticker.txt";
            int     count    = 0;
            Account user     = new Ticker501.Account();

            //reading in text file to create Stock Market
            Console.WriteLine("reading stock files now...");
            using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fileName))
                while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                    pieces = line.Split(delimiter);
                    for (int p = 0; p < 3; p++)
                        if (p == 0)
                            name[count] = pieces[p];
                        if (p == 1)
                            title[count] = pieces[p];
                        if (p == 2)
                            sprice[count] = pieces[p];
                    }//end for
                    if (count == name.Length)
                } //end while
            }     //end using
            Console.WriteLine("File read in properly...");

            //converting string to double for price now

            for (int y = 0; y < price.Length; y++)
                string tempLine = sprice[y].Trim('$');
                price[y] = Double.Parse(tempLine);
            }//end for

            //creating initial stock market now
            StockMarket sm = new StockMarket(name, title, price);

            Console.WriteLine("Stock Market has been recreated");

            Console.WriteLine("What would you like to call your initial portfolio?");
            string called = Console.ReadLine();
            int    size   = 0;

            user.addPortfolio(called, size);

            bool exit = false;

            while (exit == false)
                //main menu for user interaction
                Console.WriteLine("Press the corresponding letter to navigate the menu");
                Console.WriteLine("D: Deposit money into account");
                Console.WriteLine("W: withdraw money from account");
                Console.WriteLine("A: Show account's information");
                Console.WriteLine("P: Print out Stock Market list");
                Console.WriteLine("V: Choose market volatility");
                Console.WriteLine("C: Create a portfolio");
                Console.WriteLine("R: Remove a portfolio");
                Console.WriteLine("B: Buy stocks");
                Console.WriteLine("S: Sell stocks");
                Console.WriteLine("E: Exit Program");
                string react = Console.ReadLine();

                int index = 0;
                //main menu navigation
                switch (react)
                case "D":
                case "d":
                    Console.WriteLine("How much would you like to deposit into your account today?");
                    double damount = Double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                    Console.WriteLine("You now have a total of $" + user.cash + " worth of spendable currency.");

                case "W":
                case "w":
                    Console.WriteLine("How much would you like to withdraw from your account today?");
                    double wamount = Double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                    if (user.cash >= wamount)
                        Console.WriteLine("Your account balance is now: " + user.cash);
                        Console.WriteLine("You do not have enough funds to make this withdraw.");


                case "A":
                case "a":
                        double total = user.getBalance(sm);
                        Console.WriteLine("Your current account balance is: $" + user.cash);
                        Console.WriteLine("With all portfolio's combined your account is worth $" + total);

                        size = user.getSize();
                        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                            double portWorth = 0;
                            for (int j = 0; j < 25; j++)
                                int amount = user.files[index].quantity[j];

                                portWorth += amount * sm.getPrice(j);
                            }    //inside loop
                            double perc = Math.Round(((portWorth / total) * 100), 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
                            Console.WriteLine("\nYour portfolio " + user.files[index].pName + " is worth $"
                                              + portWorth + " and makes up a total of " + perc + "% of your account");
                            int[] quantity = new int[25];
                            quantity = user.files[index].quantity;
                            double worth = sm.setPortfolioWorth(quantity);
                            sm.myStock(user.files[index].quantity, worth);
                        }    //outside loop
                    catch (Exception ex)

                case "P":
                case "p":

                case "V":
                case "v":

                    Console.WriteLine("Choose volatility of stock market, between 1-3, 3 being the highest maximum");
                    int numb = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                    if (numb >= 3)
                        numb = 3;
                        Console.WriteLine("Maximum stock volatility chosen. All stock prices altered between (+) or (-) 3-15%");
                    if (numb == 2)
                        Console.WriteLine("Medium stock volatility chosen. All stock prices altered between (+) or (-) 2-8%");
                        numb = 1;
                        Console.WriteLine("Minimum stock volatility chosen. All stock prices altered between (+) or (-) 1-4%");
                    sm = new StockMarket(name, title, sm.determineRate(numb));
                    Console.WriteLine("*****Stock market has been updated*****");

                case "C":
                case "c":
                        bool result = true;
                        if (size > 2)
                            Console.WriteLine("You already have the maximum amount of portfolios, you must first remove one to create a new one.");
                            result = false;
                        if (result)
                            Console.WriteLine("What would you like to name this Portfolio?");
                            string another = Console.ReadLine();
                            user.addPortfolio(another, size);
                            Console.WriteLine("New portfolio has been made, referred to as: " + another);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Console.WriteLine("An error occurred while tring to create your new portfolio.\n" +

                case "R":
                case "r":
                        Console.WriteLine("What portfolio would you like to remove? Please type the name: ");
                        string rName = Console.ReadLine();

                        for (int m = 0; m < 3; m++)
                            bool found = false;
                            if (user.checkName(rName, m) == true)
                                found      = true;
                                user.cash += sm.sellAllStock(user.files[m].quantity);
                                Console.WriteLine("Your portfolio has been removed.");
                            if (m == 3 && found == false)
                                Console.WriteLine("Sorry we could not find that portfolio's name, please check your spelling.");
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Console.WriteLine("An error occurred while trying to remove your portfolio, please double-check spelling\n"
                                          + ex.Message);

                case "b":
                case "B":

                        bool ask = true;

                        bool fineCheck = false;
                        //while loop is so user isnt charged multiple fees per transaction
                        bool verify = false;

                        while (verify == false)
                            if (user.getSize() == 1)
                                index = 0;
                                ask   = false;

                            while (ask == true)
                                //getting portfolio and stock index's
                                Console.WriteLine("What portfolio will be adding these stocks into today?");
                                string chosen = Console.ReadLine();
                                for (int f = 0; f < 3; f++)
                                    if (chosen.Equals(user.getName(f)))
                                        index = f;
                                        ask   = false;
                            }    //end asking while loop

                            Console.WriteLine("what stock would you like to buy? if you prefer to choose using" +
                                              "\nIntegers such as a list 1-25 (1 being top on the list), that will work as well.");
                            string stockName = Console.ReadLine();

                            int stockIndex = Int32.Parse(stockName);
                            if (stockName.Length > 1)
                                for (int w = 0; w < 25; w++)
                                    if (stockName.Equals(name[w]) || stockName.Equals(title[w]))
                                        stockIndex = w;
                                } //end for
                            }     //end if statement for string names

                            else if (Int32.Parse(stockName) < 26)
                                //make up for 0 position
                                stockIndex = Int32.Parse(stockName) - 1;
                            //if (stockIndex == 24)
                            //    stockIndex = 23;
                            if (stockIndex >= 25)
                                stockIndex = 24;

                            Console.WriteLine("And how much of this stock would you like? Each stock costs: $" + sm.getPrice(stockIndex));
                            int amount = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                            //adds the amount of stocks to the user's portfolio
                            double cost = (amount * price[stockIndex]) + user.tradeFee;
                            if (user.cash >= cost)
                                //sets the portfolio's quantity of the stock while tracking their payments
                                user.files[index].buyStock(stockIndex, amount, sm.getPrice(stockIndex));
                                //I take the tradefee out after the loop finishes, so not to double charge
                                user.subtract(cost - user.tradeFee);
                                fineCheck = true;
                                Console.WriteLine("You do not have enough funds.");
                                fineCheck = false;

                            Console.WriteLine("To continue buying stocks in this portfolio, type 'Y'. To exit buying, type 'E': ");
                            string word = Console.ReadLine();
                            if (word == "E" || word == "e")
                                verify = true;
                            else if (word == "Y" || word == "y")
                                verify = false;
                                ask    = false;
                        }    //end while statement (while (verify == false))
                        if (fineCheck)
                    catch (Exception ex)
                //end of buy

                case "S":
                case "s":
                        bool ask = true;

                        //this keeps track whether they've sold a stock this loop or not
                        bool fine = false;
                        //while loop is so user isnt charged multiple fees per transaction
                        bool aswr = false;
                        while (aswr == false)
                            if (user.getSize() == 1)
                                ask   = false;
                                index = 0;

                            while (ask == true)
                                //getting portfolio index's
                                Console.WriteLine("What portfolio would you like to sell stocks from?");
                                string choicer = Console.ReadLine();

                                for (int f = 0; f < 3; f++)
                                    if (choicer.Equals(user.getName(f)))
                                        index = f;
                                        ask   = false;
                            }    //end ask while loop

                            int[] quantity = new int[25];
                            quantity = user.files[index].quantity;
                            double worth = sm.setPortfolioWorth(quantity);
                            //prints out stock info of that specific portfolio
                            sm.myStock(user.files[index].quantity, worth);
                            Console.WriteLine("What stock would you like to sell?");
                            string sName = Console.ReadLine();

                            //gets index of stock positioning using name
                            int posit = sm.searchPos(sName);
                            Console.WriteLine("How much of this stock would you like to sell?");
                            int amt = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                            //checking that they have the proper amount to sell in the first place
                            if (user.files[index].quantity[posit] < amt)
                                amt = user.files[index].quantity[posit];
                            else if (user.files[index].quantity[posit] >= amt)
                                //call sell stock method
                                //substract quantity, track, and check they have enough
                                user.files[index].sellStock(posit, amt, sm.getPrice(posit));
                                double cashAmt = (amt * sm.getPrice(posit));
                                fine = true;

                                Console.WriteLine("You do not have enough of that stock to sell.");
                                fine = false;

                            Console.WriteLine("To continue selling stocks, type 'Y', To exit selling, type 'E': ");
                            string word = Console.ReadLine();
                            if (word == "E" || word == "e")
                                aswr = true;
                                aswr = false;
                        }    //end while statement (while(aswr == false))
                        if (fine)
                    catch (Exception ex)
                //end of sell

                case "N":
                case "n":

                        size = user.getSize();

                        Console.WriteLine("Type the portfolio's name that'd you like to see: ");
                        string checker = Console.ReadLine();

                        for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
                            bool found = false;
                            if (user.checkName(checker, k) == true)
                                index = k;
                                found = true;
                            if (k == 3 && found == false)
                                Console.WriteLine("That portfolio was not found, please check your spelling.");
                        int[] quantity = new int[25];
                        quantity = user.files[index].quantity;
                        double net = Math.Round(sm.setPortfolioWorth(quantity), 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
                        Console.WriteLine("Your portfolio's net worth is: $" + net);
                    catch (Exception ex)

                case "E":
                case "e":
                    //asking user if they want to exit the main menu (will exit program)
                    exit = true;

                } //end switch
            }     //end main menu while loop
        }         //end main