Ejemplo n.º 1
        ///////////////////////////////////////////for client
        //start main loop
        public void mainflow()
            if (shutdownval)

            settings.checkTimeSync();   //update changed time settings

            //internal sync
            if (settings.timeSync && !controller.wrong && !pause) //skip when xtu settings bad, or user request
                controller.XTUdaemon(settings, checker);

                //1. check config
                controller.generateCLKlist(settings, checker); //before batchCheck
                settings.batchCheckFiles();                    //no need to save io here
                if (settings.checkPowerCFGFlag)
                    controller.forceApply = true;   //just in case

                //2. apply settings(add app if dont exist)
                var currfg = checker.detectFgProc(settings);
                checker.autoCheckInsert(currfg, settings, controller);
                //controller.setProcNice(currfg, settings);
                controller.setPower(currfg, settings);

                //3. check throttle

                 *  per profile scheduling.
                 *  store intermediate values on settingsmanager.
                 *  on throttle:
                 *      cpuload 80%(tweakable)
                 *      -get median upto throttleSync(tweakable)
                 *  if app on the same profile throttles:
                 *      profile gets modified affecting other relevant apps.
                 *  if app is not in any profile:
                 *      monitor performance for throttleSync(tweakable) cycles and assign to closest one.

                /*current app info
                 *  1. skip if its not in list
                 *  2. which throttle mode

                //reset timers (except newlist does it internally)
                if (prev_currfg != null)
                    if (currfg.Id != prev_currfg.Id)
                prev_currfg = currfg;

                //current profile:
                int currprof = controller.checkInList(currfg, settings);

                //if app has a profile:
                if (currprof != -1)
                    if (checker.isCurrentlyThrottling(settings, controller))
                        int mode = settings.throttleMode; //save mode
                        settings.throttleMode = 0;        //reset

                        //median limit
                        int limit      = (int)settings.newlist_median.configList["newlist_median"]; //ex) 50
                        int listcount  = settings.generatedCLK.configList.Count();                  //ex) 12
                        int indexlimit = listcount - listcount * limit / 100;                       //ex) 6

                        //new clk value for cpu throttle (newclk)
                        var gclklist = checker.sortedCLKlist(settings);
                        int newindex = gclklist.IndexOf(controller.getCLK(false));
                        if (newindex > indexlimit)
                            newindex--;                            //ensure 0 is the end(noindex is -1)
                        int newclk = gclklist.ElementAt(newindex); //clk value goes in

                        //new xtu value for gpu throttle (newxtu)
                        float newxtu = controller.getXTU();
                        if (newxtu > controller.getBaseXTU(settings))
                            newxtu -= 0.5f;

                        switch (mode)
                        case 0: break;

                        case 1:     //cpu
                            settings.programs_running_cfg_cpu.appendChanges(currprof, newclk);


                        case 2:     //gpu
                            settings.programs_running_cfg_xtu.appendChanges(currprof, newxtu);

                    if (checker.isViableForResurrect(settings, controller))
                        int mode = settings.resurrectMode;
                        settings.resurrectMode = 0;

                        //median limit
                        int limit      = (int)settings.newlist_median.configList["newlist_median"]; //ex) 50
                        int listcount  = settings.generatedCLK.configList.Count();                  //ex) 12
                        int indexlimit = listcount - listcount * limit / 100;                       //ex) 6

                        string name = controller.checkNameInList(currfg, settings);
                        switch (mode)
                        case 0: break;

                        case 1:
                            if (currprof > 0)
                                settings.special_programs.appendChanges(name, currprof - 1);

                        case 2:
                            if (currprof < indexlimit)
                                settings.special_programs.appendChanges(name, currprof + 1);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /* its currently throttling if:
         * 1. get default high watermark from:
         *              06cadf0e-64ed-448a-8927-ce7bf90eb35d = 30   //rocket
         * 2. if load is over 30 and clockspeed is not fullspeed -> throttling.
         * sm.throttleMode:
         * 0 -> nein
         * 1 -> cpu(cpu usage under 80)
         * 2 -> gpu(cpu usage over 80)
         * cpu is more important than gpu
        public bool isCurrentlyThrottling(SettingsManager sm, TweakerController ts)
            sm.IPClocked = true;

                 * ex) 1 sync = 5 cycles
                 *  all cycles synchronized under:
                 *      -throttleSync
                 *  throttle decision is done by:
                 *      -throttledelay(2/5 no throttle: nothing happens in this sync)
                 *  which side to throttle is decided by:
                 *      -throttle_acc median(accumulates all throttled cycle over throttledelay)
                 *      -user tweakable throttle_median bar

                //<string, int>
                int currpwr         = autofilterPWR(getPWR());
                int load            = getLoad();
                int currclk         = ts.getCLK(false);
                int target_pwr      = autofilterPWR((int)sm.generatedCLK.configList[currclk]);
                int throttle_median = (int)sm.throttle_median.configList["throttle_median"];
                int upperlimit      = (int)sm.processor_guid_tweak.configList["06cadf0e-64ed-448a-8927-ce7bf90eb35d"];

                if (throttlecheck == 0)

                if (load >= upperlimit && currpwr < target_pwr)
                    if (throttlecheck > 0)

                log.WriteLog("accumulation for throttle load = " + load + " ,clk = " + currpwr + " ,throttlecheck = " + throttlecheck);

                 *  on throttle:
                 *      cpuload 80%(tweakable)
                 *      -get average upto throttleSync(tweakable)

                //on throttleSync timer
                if (sm.checkThrottleSync())
                    sm.throttleMode = 0;

                     * get avg.
                     * heavily modified version of exponential moving average(EMA)
                     * EMA is highest, EMA + CMA helps in some scenarios
                     * designed to be more favorable towards higher load for avg
                    float favg       = throttle_acc[0];
                    float lsum       = 0.0f;
                    bool  ignoreFlag = false;
                    for (int i = 1; i < throttle_acc.Count(); i++)
                        if (throttle_acc[i] == 100 && ignoreFlag == false)
                            ignoreFlag = true;
                            favg       = 100.0f;
                            //skip the next one
                        else if (throttle_acc[i] == 100 && ignoreFlag == true)
                            continue;   //skip
                        else if (throttle_acc[i] != 100 && ignoreFlag == true)
                            ignoreFlag = false;

                        float next = throttle_acc[i];
                        lsum = next + favg + 1.0f;   //prevent divbyzero
                        favg = favg * (1.0f - next / lsum) + next * (next / lsum);
                    int avg = (int)favg;    //int version

                    int medload = avg;
                    log.WriteLog("EMA result medload:" + medload);

                    //this is count instead of value
                    int countval = 100 * throttlecheck / (throttle_acc.Count() + 1); //prevent divbyzero
                    log.WriteLog("count percentage:" + countval);
                    throttle_acc.Clear();                                            //clear
                    throttlecheck = 0;                                               //reset acc
                    if (countval < throttle_median)
                        log.WriteLog("throttle check ignored.");

                    //throttleMode notifier:
                    //      dont confuse!
                    //      *throttle_median: cpu load median
                    //      *newlist_median: low limit clk median.
                    //  if throttle_acc median doesnt exceed default median (ex)80:
                    //      decrease cpu
                    //  else if cpu cant be decreased:
                    //      decrease gpu

                    log.WriteLog("complete throttle sync load(median) = " + medload);

                    //find index of low limit(newlist median)
                    int index      = 0;
                    int limit      = (int)sm.newlist_median.configList["newlist_median"]; //ex) 50
                    int listcount  = sm.generatedCLK.configList.Count();                  //ex) 12
                    int indexlimit = listcount * limit / 100;                             //ex) 6
                    //get low limit through sorted clk
                    foreach (int val in sortedCLKlist(sm))
                        if (index < indexlimit)
                            limit = val;

                    //dont exceed throttle median && current clk is over limit
                    int limitclk = (int)sm.programs_running_cfg_cpu.configList[indexlimit];
                    if (medload < throttle_median && limitclk < currclk)
                        log.WriteLog("cpu throttle detected!");
                        sm.throttleMode = 1;
                        log.WriteLog("gpu throttle detected!");
                        sm.throttleMode = 2;
                        if (limitclk >= currclk)
                            log.WriteLog("reason: cpu low limit reached (newlist_median)");

                    sm.IPClocked = false;
                    //initiate throttle!

                sm.IPClocked = false;
                //skip for now
            catch (Exception) { //config file bug
                //log.WriteErr("config file is broken");

            sm.IPClocked = false;
            return(false);   //this will never reach