Ejemplo n.º 1
 public bool drawGrid(TuioDemo f)
     for (x = 0; x < node.GetLength(0); x++) //x is the column indicator
         for (y = 0; y < node.GetLength(1); y++) //y is the row indicator
             node[x, y] = new MyPictureBox(); //So, node[2][0] is the first row, 3rd element
             ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)(node[x, y])).BeginInit();
             node[x, y].Image = global::Thesis_Security_App_1._1.Properties.Resources.Untouched;
             node[x, y].Location = new System.Drawing.Point(((x + 1) * x_mult) + x_off, ((y + 1) * y_mult) + y_off);
             node[x, y].Name = "node:{" + x + "," + y + "}";
             node[x, y].Size = new System.Drawing.Size(img_width, img_height);
             node[x, y].TabIndex = (node.GetLength(1) * y) + x + 4; //The algorithm we are using is (RowNumber*MaxNumColumns)+currentColumn( + offset so that the buttons are first)
             node[x, y].TabStop = false;
             node[x, y].passes = 0;
             node[x, y].nodenum = (node.GetLength(1) * y) + x;
             f.Controls.Add(node[x, y]);
             ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)(node[x, y])).EndInit();
     System.Drawing.Point edge = node[node.GetLength(0)-1, node.GetLength(1)-1].Location;    //Getting bottom righthand node location
     form_height = edge.Y + 100;
     form_width = edge.X + 100;
     f.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(form_width, form_height);                     //and using it to readjust the window size
     f.setButtonloc(1, 13, edge.Y + 75);
     f.setButtonloc(2, 105, edge.Y + 75);
     f.setButtonloc(3, 199, edge.Y + 75);
     f.setTextBoxLoc(289, edge.Y + 75);
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public void updateImage(MyPictureBox pb)
     switch (pb.passes)
         case 0:
             pb.Image = global::Thesis_Security_App_1._1.Properties.Resources.Untouched;
         case 1:
             pb.Image = global::Thesis_Security_App_1._1.Properties.Resources.Touched1;
         case 2:
             pb.Image = global::Thesis_Security_App_1._1.Properties.Resources.Touched2;
         case 3:
             pb.Image = global::Thesis_Security_App_1._1.Properties.Resources.Touched3;
             pb.Image = global::Thesis_Security_App_1._1.Properties.Resources.Bad;