Ejemplo n.º 1
 void myo_OnAccelerometerData(object sender, Thalmic.Myo.AccelerometerDataEventArgs e)
     lock (_lock)
         _myoAccelerometer = e.Accelerometer;
    //gyroscop and accelerometer arrive together. nice.
    private void accelerometerReceived(object sender, AccelerometerDataEventArgs e)
        lock (_lock) {

    public void Update()
        lock (_lock) {
            // we sure can't do it online since we need to know the next gyroscope reading
            // doing it precisely can be a bit inefficient (have to slice the gyroscope values with accel times)
            // so, we'll have two modes:
            // 1. precise mode
            // 2. imprecise mode

            // precise mode is confusing. may not even exist...

            // make sure the values are ordered in time, so that we can merge them.


            var gyroEnum  = gyroscopeEvents.GetEnumerator();
            var accelEnum = accelerometerEvents.GetEnumerator();

            bool gyroHasNext  = gyroEnum.MoveNext();
            bool accelHasNext = accelEnum.MoveNext();

            while (gyroHasNext || accelHasNext)
                bool useGyro  = false;
                bool useAccel = false;

                if (gyroHasNext && accelHasNext)
                    int gyroIsLater = DateTime.Compare(gyroEnum.Current.Timestamp, accelEnum.Current.Timestamp);
                    if (gyroIsLater == 0)
                        // both are at the same time
                        useGyro  = true;
                        useAccel = true;
                    else if (gyroIsLater > 0)
                        // accel is before
                        useAccel = true;
                        // gyro is before
                        useGyro = true;
                    useGyro  = gyroHasNext;
                    useAccel = accelHasNext;

                bool moveWithGyro  = false;
                bool moveWithAccel = false;

                // by now, I should
                // have the effective value for both
                // have the necessary one(s) advance

                if (useGyro)
                    prevGyro      = effectiveGyro;
                    effectiveGyro = gyroEnum.Current;
                    gyroHasNext   = gyroEnum.MoveNext();
                    if (prevGyro != null)
                        moveWithGyro = true;

                if (useAccel)
                    prevAccel      = effectiveAccel;
                    effectiveAccel = accelEnum.Current;
                    accelHasNext   = accelEnum.MoveNext();

                    if (prevAccel != null)
                        moveWithAccel = true;

                if (moveWithGyro && moveWithAccel)
                    // TODO think about averaging these two
                    if (accelerometerLowpass != null)
                        Quaternion accelCorrectionForAccelOnly = calculateCorrectionForAccel(prevAccel, effectiveAccel, accelerometerLowpass);
                        applyAccelCorrection(accelerometerLowpass, accelCorrectionForAccelOnly);

                    if (complementaryFilter != null)
                        Quaternion accelCorrectionForComplOnly = calculateCorrectionForAccel(prevAccel, effectiveAccel, complementaryFilter);
                        applyAccelCorrection(complementaryFilter, accelCorrectionForComplOnly);

                        Quaternion gyroChange = calculateChangeForGyro(prevGyro, effectiveGyro);
                        applyGyroChange(complementaryFilter, gyroChange);

                    if (gyroscopeIntegrated != null)
                        Quaternion gyroChange = calculateChangeForGyro(prevGyro, effectiveGyro);
                        applyGyroChange(gyroscopeIntegrated, gyroChange);
                    if (moveWithAccel)
                        // TODO calculate and apply (time will go in here, will scale the contrib.)

                        Debug.Log("move with accel");

                        // currentup should always be Vector3.up
                        // localaccelup should be the vector in local coords. this is what we read.
                        // accelup should be that vector in global space
                        // this does not require matrix inversion. good.

                        if (accelerometerLowpass != null)
                            Quaternion accelCorrectionForAccelOnly = calculateCorrectionForAccel(prevAccel, effectiveAccel, accelerometerLowpass);
                            //this is the actual one
                            applyAccelCorrection(accelerometerLowpass, accelCorrectionForAccelOnly);
                            // TODO test this accelerometer thing first. then, merge it with gyro.

                        if (complementaryFilter != null)
                            Quaternion accelCorrectionForComplOnly = calculateCorrectionForAccel(prevAccel, effectiveAccel, complementaryFilter);
                            applyAccelCorrection(complementaryFilter, accelCorrectionForComplOnly);
                    else if (moveWithGyro)
                        // TODO calculate and apply
                        Debug.Log("move with gyro");

                        if (gyroscopeIntegrated != null)
                            Quaternion gyroChange = calculateChangeForGyro(prevGyro, effectiveGyro);
                            applyGyroChange(gyroscopeIntegrated, gyroChange);

                        if (complementaryFilter != null)
                            //this is the actual one
                            // TODO test this accelerometer thing first. then, merge it with gyro.
                            Quaternion gyroChange = calculateChangeForGyro(prevGyro, effectiveGyro);
                            applyGyroChange(complementaryFilter, gyroChange);
            } //this leaves effective gyro and accel set. what I should do is to initialize them in the very first use.


            // eat up the data.
            // I have a couple of gyro and accel readings
            // now order them
            //   for each time duration,
            //     integrate gyro (avg with last value for area)
            //     use

            //Debug.Log(gyroscopeDataCount + " " + accelerometerDataCount);
            //gyroscopeDataCount = accelerometerDataCount = 0;

            //if (gyroscopeIntegrated != null) {
            //    if (cumulativeHasQ) {
            //        gyroscopeIntegrated.localRotation = gyroscopeIntegrated.localRotation * cumulativeDq;
            //        cumulativeDq = Quaternion.identity;
            //        cumulativeHasQ = false;
            //    }
    private Quaternion calculateCorrectionForAccel(AccelerometerDataEventArgs prev, AccelerometerDataEventArgs effective, Transform currentTransform)
        TimeSpan dts = effective.Timestamp.Subtract(prev.Timestamp);
        double   dt  = dts.TotalSeconds;

        // make this local
        // we have a local up vector. draw it.

        // TODO this needs to be a rotation taht will be applied after the current orientation. right now it isn't. fix it.

        // this is more like desiredLocalAccelUp. so, turn this to become the actual local up
        Vector3 localAccelUp = myoToUnity(effective.Accelerometer);

        Debug.DrawRay(currentTransform.position, localAccelUp, Color.red, Time.deltaTime, false);

        //// these are the same. proof.

        //yvec = M . loccurrup. so, the middle row of rot mat
        //this is the current actual up, in local coordinates
        Vector3 localCurrentWorldUp = currentTransform.localToWorldMatrix.GetRow(1);
        //Vector3 localCurrentUp = currentTransform.localToWorldMatrix.GetRow(1);
        Vector3 actualCurrentWorldUp = currentTransform.TransformDirection(localCurrentWorldUp);
        //Debug.DrawRay(currentTransform.position, localCurrentUp, Color.cyan, Time.deltaTime, false);
        //Debug.DrawRay(currentTransform.position, actualCurrentUp, Color.white, Time.deltaTime, false);
        // so, I'll turn so that localAccelUp becomes localCurrentWorldUp. this is a rotation in local coords.
        // I can find that axis easily in world coords, since localCurrentWorldUp is world's Vector3.up

        Vector3 worldAccelUp = currentTransform.TransformDirection(localAccelUp);
        // turn this to be y

        // like LaValle says. same because left hand rule AND left handed coord frame.
        Vector3 axis = new Vector3(-worldAccelUp.z, 0, worldAccelUp.x); // TODO this axis may not be correct
        // TODO the only uncertainty that I have is this angle calculation. maybe I should calculate it myself? since its wrt Vector3.up?
        float angle = Vector3.Angle(worldAccelUp, Vector3.up);

        // now, transform this axis into local coords, and apply the rotation there

        Vector3 localAxis = currentTransform.InverseTransformDirection(axis);

        //Debug.DrawRay(currentTransform.position, worldAccelUp, Color.blue, Time.deltaTime, false);
        Debug.DrawRay(currentTransform.position, localCurrentWorldUp, Color.white, Time.deltaTime, false);
        Debug.DrawRay(currentTransform.position, localAxis, Color.green, Time.deltaTime, false);

        //Debug.Log("angle " + angle);
        // now do the rotation in local coords

        return(Quaternion.AngleAxis((float)(angle * lowpassNewContribution * dt), localAxis.normalized));
        //return Quaternion.identity;

        //Vector3 currentUp = Vector3.up;
        //Vector3 accelup = currentTransform.TransformDirection(localAccelUp);

        //float angle = Vector3.Angle(currentUp, accelup);
        //Vector3 axis = new Vector3(-accelup.z, 0, accelup.x); // TODO this axis may not be correct
        ////TODO normalize axis?
        ////Debug.DrawRay(currentTransform.position, currentUp, Color.white, Time.deltaTime, false);
        ////Debug.DrawRay(currentTransform.position, accelup, Color.red, Time.deltaTime, false);
        ////Debug.DrawRay(currentTransform.position, axis, Color.blue, Time.deltaTime, false);

        ////TODO this quaternion may be flipped. check it.
        //Quaternion correction = Quaternion.AngleAxis((float)(angle * lowpassNewContribution * dt), axis);
        ////here I will set it immediately to debug it
        ////accelerometerLowpass.localRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, axis);
        //correction = Quaternion.identity;
        //return correction;