Ejemplo n.º 1
        private bool _isShadow; // true if the piece is a shadow at the bottom of the grid

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public PieceView(Piece piece, bool isShadow)
            // Associate the instances
            _piece = piece;
            _isShadow = isShadow;

            // Create the associated BlockViews
            _blocksView = new BlockView[Constants.BlockPerPiece];
            for (uint i = 0 ; i < Constants.BlockPerPiece ; i++)
                _blocksView[i] = new BlockView(_piece._blocks[i], isShadow);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void Init(Grid grid)
            // Associate the instance
            _grid = grid;

            // Create the associated PieceViews
            _fallingPieceView = new PieceView(_grid._fallingPiece, false);
            _shadowPieceView = new PieceView(_grid._shadowPiece, true);

            // Create the associated BlockViews
            _mapView = new BlockView[Constants.GridSizeX, Constants.GridSizeY];
            for (uint i = 0 ; i < _grid._map.GetLength(0) ; i++)
                for (uint j = 0 ; j < _grid._map.GetLength(1) ; j++)
                    _mapView[i,j] = new BlockView(_grid._map[i,j], false);

            _mutexView = new Mutex(false);