private void AddStudentButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            ListBoxItem studentListBoxItem = new ListBoxItem();

            studentListBoxItem.Content = LastNameTextBox.Text + " " + FirstNameTextBox.Text;
            if (LevelBox.Text == "Undergraduate")
                UndergraduateStudent tempStudent = new UndergraduateStudent();
                tempStudent.Age       = Convert.ToInt32(AgeTextBox.Text);
                tempStudent.FirstName = FirstNameTextBox.Text;
                tempStudent.LastName  = LastNameTextBox.Text;
                tempStudent.Gender    = GenderBox.SelectedIndex;
                tempStudent.StudentID = Convert.ToInt32(StudentIDTextBox.Text);
                GraduateStudent tempStudent = new GraduateStudent();
                tempStudent.Age       = Convert.ToInt32(AgeTextBox.Text);
                tempStudent.FirstName = FirstNameTextBox.Text;
                tempStudent.LastName  = LastNameTextBox.Text;
                tempStudent.Gender    = GenderBox.SelectedIndex;
                tempStudent.StudentID = Convert.ToInt32(StudentIDTextBox.Text);
            StudentsListBox.SelectedItem = StudentsListBox.Items.GetItemAt(StudentsListBox.Items.Count - 1);
        private void AddStudentButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            UndergraduateStudent test = new UndergraduateStudent();

            try //test if in correct format if not cancel action by return
                test.Confirm(FirstNameTextBox.Text, LastNameTextBox.Text, Convert.ToInt32(StudentIDTextBox.Text), comboBox.Text, levelBox.Text, Convert.ToInt32(AgeTextBox.Text));
            catch (OverflowException)
                MessageBox.Show("ID or age to large please try again");
            catch (FormatException)
                MessageBox.Show("   Input was not in proper format\n" + "\t- All fields are required");
            //if no exception fill usuable variables
            string fName    = FirstNameTextBox.Text;
            string lName    = LastNameTextBox.Text;
            int    id       = Convert.ToInt32(StudentIDTextBox.Text);
            string gender   = comboBox.Text;
            string level    = levelBox.Text;
            int    age      = Convert.ToInt32(AgeTextBox.Text);
            string nameTest = lName + fName;
            string name     = fName + " " + lName;

                while (storage != null)
                    for (int counter = 0; counter < storage.Length; counter++)
                        string checkName = storage[counter].LastName + storage[counter].FirstName;
                        int    checkID   = storage[counter].ID;
                        if (!test.StudentCheck(nameTest, checkName, id, checkID))
                            MessageBox.Show(nameTest + "\n" + checkName + "\n" + Convert.ToString(id) + "\n" + Convert.ToString(checkID));
            catch (NullReferenceException)
                //do nothing, storage array is empty and nothing to compare it to
            if (levelBox.Text == test.Check)    //if student will be undergraduate then make one and put into array for later use
                UndergraduateStudent student = new UndergraduateStudent(fName, lName, gender, age, id, level);
                storage[i] = student;
                MessageBox.Show(name + " Added to storage " + "\n");
            else    //else must be grad student, create one, put into storage
                GraduateStudent gStudent = new GraduateStudent(fName, lName, gender, age, id, level);
                storage[i] = gStudent;
                MessageBox.Show(name + " Added to storage " + "\n");

            //populate list box with relevant info
            ListBoxItem studentListBoxItem = new ListBoxItem();

            studentListBoxItem.Content = storage[i].LastName + " " + storage[i].FirstName + "\n" + storage[i].ID + "\n" + storage[i].Gender + " " + storage[i].Age + "\n" + storage[i].lvl;

            //clear text boxes for ease of use and bump i for next use
            FirstNameTextBox.Text  = null;
            LastNameTextBox.Text   = null;
            StudentIDTextBox.Text  = null;
            AgeTextBox.Text        = null;
            comboBox.SelectedIndex = 0;
            levelBox.SelectedIndex = 0;
