Ejemplo n.º 1
        protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)



            //Get the data passed into this view.
            var hours = Intent.GetIntExtra("hours", 0);
            var minutes = Intent.GetIntExtra("minutes", 0);
            var questions = Intent.GetIntExtra("questions", 0);

            //Validate the data.  If it doesn't pass, navigate back.
            if (hours == 0 && minutes == 0 || questions == 0)

            //Keep the screen alive so it doesn't go into sleep mode.
            Window.SetFlags(WindowManagerFlags.KeepScreenOn, WindowManagerFlags.KeepScreenOn);

            //Get references to our UI controls
            _questionTimeText = FindViewById<AutoScaleToWidthTextView>(Resource.Id.questionTimeRemainingTextView);
            _testTimeText = FindViewById<AutoScaleToWidthTextView>(Resource.Id.testTimeRemainingTextView);
            _questionsRemainingText = FindViewById<AutoScaleToWidthTextView>(Resource.Id.questionsRemainingTextView);
            _prevButton = FindViewById<Button>(Resource.Id.prevQuestionButton);
            _nextButton = FindViewById<Button>(Resource.Id.nextQuestionButton);

            //Store the default background for the TextView that shows the amount of time left for the current question.
            _questionTimeTextDefaultBackground = _questionTimeText.Background;

            //Start the countdown timer object using the data passed into this Activity.
            _timer = new TestCoundownTimer(hours, minutes, questions, new SynchronizeInvoke() { Activity = this });

            //Update the relevant TextView controls every second.
            _timer.TimerUpdated += (sender, args) =>
                _questionTimeText.Text = args.TimeRemainingForCurrentQuestionText;
                _testTimeText.Text = args.TotalTimeRemainingText;
                _questionsRemainingText.Text = args.QuestionsRemaining;

            //Listen for the stopped event of the timer.
            _timer.TimerStopped += OnTimerOnTimerStopped;

            //Change the background color of the TextView containing the time remaining for the current question to red when it is negative.
            _timer.QuestionTimeRemainingNegative += (sender, args) =>
                _questionTimeText.Background = new ColorDrawable(Color.Red);

            //Change the background color of the TextView containing the time remaining for the current question back to its default when it is positive.
            _timer.QuestionTimeRemainingPositive += (sender, args) =>
                _questionTimeText.Background = _questionTimeTextDefaultBackground;

            //Start our timer object.

            //Update our Next and Previous buttons so they are properly enabled/disabled.

            //When the next button is clicked, alert the countdown timer object so it can update its calculations.
            _nextButton.Click += (sender, args) =>

            //When the previous button is clicked, alert the countdown timer object so it can update its calculations.
            _prevButton.Click += (sender, args) =>
Ejemplo n.º 2
 //Cleanup code.
 protected override void OnStop()
     if (_timer != null && _timer.State != CountdownTimerStates.Stopped)
     _timer = null;