Ejemplo n.º 1
 internal static void SaveDetail(StatisticData data, string filename)
     using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(filename + ".csv"))
         foreach (var re in data.ResultCollection)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 internal static string[] GetOuputString(StatisticData data)
     return(new string[]
         string.Format("Session {0} with {1}-{2} cores.", data.SessionId, (int)data.StartInfo.MinimumUnits, (int)data.StartInfo.MaximumUnits),
         string.Format("Number of Batches/Clients: {0}.", data.Client),
         string.Format("Number of Requests: {0}, Failed Requests: {1}.", data.Count, data.FaultCount),
         string.Format("Request Run Time: {0} milliseconds;  Request Data Size: {1} bytes; Common Data Size: {2} bytes; Response Data Size: {3} bytes.", data.Milliseconds, sizeof(int) + data.InputDataSize, data.CommonDataSize, data.OutputDataSize),
         string.Format("Used core: {0}", data.Used_cores),
         string.Format("Elapsed: {0} milliseconds.", (long)data.SessionEnd.Subtract(data.SessionStart).TotalMilliseconds),
         string.Format("Efficiency of CPU: {0}%.", data.EfficiencyTotal * 100),
         string.Format("Overall message throughput: {0}.", data.OverallThroughput),
         string.Format("Repro command: {0}.", data.Command),
Ejemplo n.º 3
        internal static void LogOutput(StatisticData data, string filename)
            bool append = false;

            if (File.Exists(filename + ".txt"))
                append = true;
            StringBuilder sbCategory = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder sbValue    = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> output in data.OutputLogs)
                if (!append)
                    sbCategory.Append("\t" + output.Key);
                sbValue.Append("\t" + output.Value.ToString());
            using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(filename + ".txt", append))
                if (!append)
            //using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(filename + "-reqData.txt", true))
            //    writer.WriteLine("======= Repro command =========");
            //    writer.WriteLine(data.Command);
            //    writer.WriteLine("======= Detailed requests info =========");
            //    foreach (ResultData resultData in data.ResultCollection.OrderBy(ResultData => ResultData.Start))
            //    {
            //        writer.WriteLine(resultData);
            //    }
            //    writer.Close();
Ejemplo n.º 4
        internal static void DrawChart(StatisticData data, string filename)
            const int STANDARD_WIDTH  = 1000;
            const int STANDARD_HEIGHT = 400;

            const string legendLine = "-------------";

            int MAX_WIDTH_ZOOM_OUT = (int)(data.Milliseconds / 5);

            if (MAX_WIDTH_ZOOM_OUT == 0)
                MAX_WIDTH_ZOOM_OUT = 1;

            int widthZoomOutLevel = 10;
            int heightZoomInLevel = 1;
            int leftWidth         = 50;
            int rightWidth        = 50;
            int widthOffset       = 50;
            int topHeight         = 50;
            int bottomHeight      = 260;
            int heightOffset      = 50;

            // adjust width and height
            TimeSpan E2ERrange;

            E2ERrange = data.SessionEnd.Subtract(data.SessionStart);
            DateTime startTime = data.SessionStart;

            if (Program.sleep_before_sending > 0)
                TimeSpan sleepSpan = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(Program.sleep_before_sending);
                E2ERrange -= sleepSpan;
                startTime += sleepSpan;

            int width = (int)E2ERrange.TotalMilliseconds / widthZoomOutLevel + leftWidth + rightWidth;

            if (width > STANDARD_WIDTH)
                int currentZoom = (int)E2ERrange.TotalMilliseconds / (STANDARD_WIDTH - leftWidth - rightWidth);
                if (currentZoom <= MAX_WIDTH_ZOOM_OUT)
                    width             = STANDARD_WIDTH;
                    widthZoomOutLevel = currentZoom == 0 ? 1 : currentZoom;
                    width             = (int)E2ERrange.TotalMilliseconds / MAX_WIDTH_ZOOM_OUT + leftWidth + rightWidth;
                    widthZoomOutLevel = MAX_WIDTH_ZOOM_OUT;
                width = STANDARD_WIDTH;

            int height = (int)data.StartInfo.MaximumUnits + topHeight + bottomHeight;

            if (height < STANDARD_HEIGHT)
                heightZoomInLevel = (STANDARD_HEIGHT - topHeight - bottomHeight) / (int)data.StartInfo.MaximumUnits;
                heightZoomInLevel = heightZoomInLevel == 0 ? 1 : heightZoomInLevel;
                height            = STANDARD_HEIGHT;

            using (Bitmap image = new Bitmap(width, height))
                using (Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(image))
                    using (Font normalFont = new Font("Arial", 10))
                        using (Font smallFont = new Font(normalFont.FontFamily, normalFont.Size * 0.8f, normalFont.Style))
                            // mapping taskId->colorId
                            Dictionary <int, int> colorCollection = new Dictionary <int, int>();

                            Dictionary <int, int> Y = new Dictionary <int, int>();

                            Color[] colors = new Color[]

                            for (int i = 0; i <= (int)data.StartInfo.MaximumUnits; i++)
                                colorCollection.Add(i, 0);

                            int drawHeight = height - bottomHeight;

                            // draw request line
                            foreach (ResultData resultData in data.ResultCollection.OrderBy(ResultData => ResultData.Start))
                                Color color = colors[colorCollection[resultData.TaskId]];

                                // change to next color when next time draw the line
                                colorCollection[resultData.TaskId] = (colorCollection[resultData.TaskId] + 1) % colors.Length;

                                if (!Y.ContainsKey(resultData.TaskId))
                                    drawHeight -= heightZoomInLevel;
                                    Y.Add(resultData.TaskId, drawHeight);

                                              (int)resultData.Start.Subtract(startTime).TotalMilliseconds / widthZoomOutLevel + leftWidth,
                                              ((int)resultData.End.Subtract(resultData.Start).TotalMilliseconds / widthZoomOutLevel) + 1,

                            // draw axis
                            DrawLine(graphics, Color.Black, leftWidth, height - bottomHeight, width, height - bottomHeight);
                            DrawLine(graphics, Color.Black, leftWidth, topHeight, leftWidth, height - bottomHeight);

                            // draw horizontal coordinate TODO: value
                            for (int i = leftWidth; i < width - rightWidth; i += widthOffset)
                                DrawLine(graphics, Color.Black, i, height - bottomHeight, i, height - bottomHeight - 3);
                                DrawString(graphics, ((i - leftWidth) * widthZoomOutLevel).ToString(), smallFont, Color.Black, new PointF(i, height - bottomHeight + 10));

                            // draw vertical coordinate TODO: value
                            for (int i = height - bottomHeight; i >= topHeight; i -= heightOffset)
                                DrawString(graphics, ((int)((height - bottomHeight - i) / heightZoomInLevel)).ToString(), smallFont, Color.Black, new PointF(20, i));

                            // draw boundary line
                            int y = height - bottomHeight;

                            int x = (int)data.SendStart.Subtract(startTime).TotalMilliseconds / widthZoomOutLevel + leftWidth;
                            DrawLine(graphics, Color.Green, x, topHeight, x, y);

                            if (data.ReqEom > DateTime.MinValue)
                                x = (int)data.ReqEom.Subtract(startTime).TotalMilliseconds / widthZoomOutLevel + leftWidth;
                                DrawLine(graphics, Color.Orange, x, topHeight, x, y);

                            x = (int)data.RetrieveEnd.Subtract(startTime).TotalMilliseconds / widthZoomOutLevel + leftWidth;
                            DrawLine(graphics, Color.Brown, x, topHeight, x, y);

                            x = (int)data.SessionEnd.Subtract(startTime).TotalMilliseconds / widthZoomOutLevel + leftWidth;
                            DrawLine(graphics, Color.Blue, x, topHeight, x, y);

                            // draw statistic info
                            string[] strings = Utils.GetOuputString(data);

                            int stringOffset = 15;
                            drawHeight = height - bottomHeight + stringOffset * 2;
                            foreach (string str in strings)
                                DrawString(graphics, str, normalFont, Color.Black, new PointF(leftWidth, drawHeight));
                                drawHeight += stringOffset;

                            // draw legend
                            Dictionary <string, Color> dic = new Dictionary <string, Color>();
                            dic.Add("Begin to send requests: ", Color.Green);
                            if (data.ReqEom > DateTime.MinValue)
                                dic.Add("Begin to call EOM: ", Color.Orange);

                            dic.Add("All requests returned: ", Color.Brown);
                            dic.Add("Session closed: ", Color.Blue);

                            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Color> pair in dic)
                                DrawString(graphics, pair.Key + legendLine, normalFont, pair.Value, new PointF(leftWidth, drawHeight));
                                drawHeight += stringOffset;
                            if (!File.Exists(filename + ".png"))
                                image.Save(filename + ".png", ImageFormat.Png);
                                int i = 0;
                                while (i < int.MaxValue && File.Exists(filename + i.ToString() + ".png"))
                                image.Save(filename + i.ToString() + ".png");