Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void TestFetchBlocks()

            // strategy:
            // 1. Set up a single BAT block from which to construct a
            // BAT. create nonsense blocks in the raw data block ArrayList
            // corresponding to the indices in the BAT block.
            // 2. The indices will include very short documents (0 and 1
            // block in Length), longer documents, and some screwed up
            // documents (one with a loop, one that will peek into
            // another document's data, one that includes an unused
            // document, one that includes a reserved (BAT) block, one
            // that includes a reserved (XBAT) block, and one that
            // points off into space somewhere
            LocalRawDataBlockList list = new LocalRawDataBlockList();
            byte[] data = new byte[512];
            int offset = 0;

            LittleEndian.PutInt(data, offset, -3);   // for the BAT block itself
            offset += LittleEndianConsts.INT_SIZE;

            // document 1: Is at end of file alReady; start block = -2
            // document 2: has only one block; start block = 1
            LittleEndian.PutInt(data, offset, -2);
            offset += LittleEndianConsts.INT_SIZE;

            // document 3: has a loop in it; start block = 2
            LittleEndian.PutInt(data, offset, 2);
            offset += LittleEndianConsts.INT_SIZE;

            // document 4: peeks into document 2's data; start block = 3
            LittleEndian.PutInt(data, offset, 4);
            offset += LittleEndianConsts.INT_SIZE;
            LittleEndian.PutInt(data, offset, 1);
            offset += LittleEndianConsts.INT_SIZE;

            // document 5: includes an unused block; start block = 5
            LittleEndian.PutInt(data, offset, 6);
            offset += LittleEndianConsts.INT_SIZE;
            LittleEndian.PutInt(data, offset, -1);
            offset += LittleEndianConsts.INT_SIZE;

            // document 6: includes a BAT block; start block = 7
            LittleEndian.PutInt(data, offset, 8);
            offset += LittleEndianConsts.INT_SIZE;
            LittleEndian.PutInt(data, offset, 0);
            offset += LittleEndianConsts.INT_SIZE;

            // document 7: includes an XBAT block; start block = 9
            LittleEndian.PutInt(data, offset, 10);
            offset += LittleEndianConsts.INT_SIZE;
            LittleEndian.PutInt(data, offset, -4);
            offset += LittleEndianConsts.INT_SIZE;

            // document 8: goes off into space; start block = 11;
            LittleEndian.PutInt(data, offset, 1000);
            offset += LittleEndianConsts.INT_SIZE;

            // document 9: no screw ups; start block = 12;
            int index = 13;

            for (; offset < 508; offset += LittleEndianConsts.INT_SIZE)
                LittleEndian.PutInt(data, offset, index++);
            LittleEndian.PutInt(data, offset, -2);
            list.Add(new RawDataBlock(new MemoryStream(data)));
            int[] blocks = { 0 };

            BlockAllocationTableReader table =
                new BlockAllocationTableReader(POIFSConstants.SMALLER_BIG_BLOCK_SIZE_DETAILS,  1, blocks, 0, -2, list);
            int[] start_blocks = { -2, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12};
            int[] expected_Length = { 0, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 116 };

            for (int j = 0; j < start_blocks.Length; j++)
                    ListManagedBlock[] dataBlocks =
                        table.FetchBlocks(start_blocks[j],-1, list);

                    if (expected_Length[j] == -1)
                        Assert.Fail("document " + j + " should have failed");
                        Assert.AreEqual(expected_Length[j], dataBlocks.Length);
                catch (IOException)
                    if (expected_Length[j] == -1)

                        // no problem, we expected a failure here
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void TestReadingConstructor()

            // create a document, minus the header block, and use that to
            // create a RawDataBlockList. The document will exist entire
            // of BATBlocks and XBATBlocks
            // we will create two XBAT blocks, which will encompass 128
            // BAT blocks between them, and two extra BAT blocks which
            // will be in the block array passed to the constructor. This
            // makes a total of 130 BAT blocks, which will encompass
            // 16,640 blocks, for a file size of some 8.5 megabytes.
            // Naturally, we'll fake that out ...
            // map of blocks:
            // block 0: xbat block 0
            // block 1: xbat block 1
            // block 2: bat block 0
            // block 3: bat block 1
            // blocks 4-130: bat blocks 2-128, contained in xbat block 0
            // block 131: bat block 129, contained in xbat block 1
            // blocks 132-16639: fictitious blocks, faked out. All blocks
            // whose index Is evenly divisible by 256
            // will be unused
            LocalRawDataBlockList list = new LocalRawDataBlockList();

            list.CreateNewXBATBlock(4, 130, 1);
            list.CreateNewXBATBlock(131, 131, -2);
            for (int j = 0; j < 130; j++)
                list.CreateNewBATBlock(j * 128);
            int[] blocks = { 2,3 };
            BlockAllocationTableReader table = new BlockAllocationTableReader(
                                    POIFSConstants.SMALLER_BIG_BLOCK_SIZE_DETAILS, 130, blocks, 2, 0, list);
            for (int i = 0; i < (130 * 128); i++)
                if (i % 256 == 0)
                               !table.IsUsed(i), "verifying block " + i + " Is unused");
                else if (i % 256 == 255)
                                 table.GetNextBlockIndex(i), "Verify end of chain for block " + i);
                    Assert.AreEqual(i + 1,
                                 table.GetNextBlockIndex(i), "Verify next index for block " + i);