Ejemplo n.º 1
        static public void SaveConfig(TSIModelConfig config, string pathFolder, string fileName)
            string pathFileName;
            string root = Path.GetPathRoot(pathFolder);

            if (root != pathFolder)
                pathFileName = @pathFolder + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + fileName + ".xml";
                pathFileName = @pathFolder + fileName + ".xml";
            XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(TSIModelConfig));

            using (TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter(pathFileName))
                serializer.Serialize(writer, config);
        // see also https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/14465/Specify-a-Configuration-File-at-Runtime-for-a-C-Co

        private TSModelRunner(IFilenameDateParser _parser, TSIModelConfig cfg)
            _fnParser = _parser;
            //var set = Properties.Settings.Default;
            //System.Console.WriteLine("Looking for files in " + m_FileWildCard);
            //var d = new System.Diagnostics.DefaultTraceListener();

            _maxReader = new TiffCubeReader(cfg.dataPathConfig.MaxTempFiles, _fnParser,
                                            cfg.modelRunConfig.ReadFromDate, cfg.modelRunConfig.ReadToDate);
            var nMax = _maxReader.Filenames.Count;

            Console.WriteLine("Looking for max temp files in " + cfg.dataPathConfig.MaxTempFiles +
                              " - found " + nMax.ToString());
            _minReader = new TiffCubeReader(cfg.dataPathConfig.MinTempFiles, _fnParser,
                                            cfg.modelRunConfig.ReadFromDate, cfg.modelRunConfig.ReadToDate);
            var nMin = _minReader.Filenames.Count;

            Console.WriteLine("Looking for min temp files in " + cfg.dataPathConfig.MinTempFiles +
                              " - found " + nMin.ToString());

            if (nMax == 0 || nMin == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Can't continue without data");
                // I don't see any reason not to continue if the numbers for day and night aren't actually equal
            if (!_maxReader.GeoTransform.SequenceEqual(_minReader.GeoTransform))
                throw new ArgumentException("max and min temp image transforms do not match!");
            if (!GDAL_Operations.GetGeoTransform(cfg.dataPathConfig.MaskFile).SequenceEqual(_maxReader.GeoTransform))
                throw new ArgumentException("Land-sea mask doesn't match images!");
            if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(cfg.dataPathConfig.OutputFolder))
            _cfg = cfg;
        /// <summary>
        /// If a command-line argument was passed, attempt to load it as a configuration file and
        /// set up the model accordingly. If the input is a folder, not a file, then write a sample
        /// config file into that folder as a template for the user to edit. If no command-line
        /// argument was given, prompt for one.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        static TSIModelConfig loadConfig(string[] args)
            string runtimeConfigFile;

            if (args.Length == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Please specify a path to a configuration xml file.\n\n" +
                                  "Alternatively specify a path to a folder, to create a sample config file \n in this folder for editing.\n\n" +
                                  "Or, just hit enter to attempt to run with application default paths.");
                Console.Write("> ");
                runtimeConfigFile = Console.ReadLine();
                runtimeConfigFile = args[0];
            if (runtimeConfigFile == "")
                runtimeConfigFile = null;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        static public TSIModelConfig LoadConfigFromSettings()
            var            set = Properties.Settings.Default;
            DataPathConfig dpc = new DataPathConfig();

                dpc.MaskFile     = set.LS_Mask_File;
                dpc.MaxTempFiles = set.Max_Temp_Files;
                dpc.MinTempFiles = set.Min_Temp_Files;
                dpc.OutputFolder = set.OutputFolder;
                Console.WriteLine("Could not find paths specification in application config file");
            SpatialLimits spc = new SpatialLimits();

                spc.WestLimitDegrees  = set.WestLim;
                spc.EastLimitDegrees  = set.EastLim;
                spc.WestLimitDegrees  = set.NorthLim;
                spc.SouthLimitDegrees = set.SouthLim;
                Console.WriteLine("Failed to read geographic limits from application config file");
            ModelConfig mcfg = new ModelConfig();

                mcfg.SliceLengthHours        = set.ParamSliceLengthHours;
                mcfg.LifespanDays            = set.ParamLifespanDays;
                mcfg.DeathTempCelsius        = set.ParamDeathTempCelsius;
                mcfg.SporogenesisDegreeDays  = set.ParamSporogDegreeDays;
                mcfg.MinTempThresholdCelsius = set.ParamMinTempThreshCelsius;
                mcfg.MaxTSNormaliser         = set.ParamMaxTSNormaliser;
                Console.WriteLine("Failed to read temp suitability parameters from application config file");
            ModelRunConfig rcfg = new ModelRunConfig();

                rcfg.OutputFileTag         = set.Output_File_Tag;
                rcfg.MaxTileSizePx         = set.TileSizePx;
                rcfg.MaxThreads            = set.MaxThreads;
                rcfg.MaxTempFilesAreLST    = set.Max_Temp_Convert_From_LST;
                rcfg.MinTempFilesAreLST    = set.Min_Temp_Convert_From_LST;
                rcfg.MinRequiredDataPoints = set.Min_Required_Data_Points;
                rcfg.MaskValidValue        = set.MaskValidValue;
                rcfg.ReadFromDate          = set.Read_From_Date;
                rcfg.ReadToDate            = set.Read_To_Date;
                Console.WriteLine("Failed to read model execution parameters from application config file");
            var tsiCfg = new TSIModelConfig();

            tsiCfg.modelConfig    = mcfg;
            tsiCfg.spatialLimits  = spc;
            tsiCfg.dataPathConfig = dpc;
            tsiCfg.modelRunConfig = rcfg;