Ejemplo n.º 1
        static bool check_flag_placed(Vessel flag)
            foreach (var part in flag.Parts)
                var pname = part.name;
                //Telemagic.logTM($"{flag.vesselName} type {flag.GetType()} has pname {pname}");
                if (pname == "flag")

                    // find MODULE with name = FlagSite
                    foreach (var module in part.Modules)
                        // and state = Placed
                        Telemagic.logTM($"flag part module {part.name}");
                        //if (module.name == "FlagSite") {
                        //	bool placed = module.find("state").value("Placed");
                        //	Telemagic.logTM("checking flag " + flag.name + ' ' + placed);
                        //	return placed;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public FuelTotals(Vessel vessel)
     if (vessel?.parts != null)
         foreach (var part in vessel.parts)
             int nres = part.Resources.Count;
             for (int i = 0; i < nres; ++i)
                 PartResource resource = part.Resources[i];
                 if (resource.flowState && resource.isVisible)
                     var       resourceName = resource.resourceName;
                     FuelState fuelState;
                     if (!this.ContainsKey(resourceName))
                         fuelState = new FuelState();
                         fuelState.resourceName = resourceName;
                         this[resourceName]     = fuelState;
                         fuelState = this[resourceName];
                     fuelState.amount    += resource.amount;
                     fuelState.maxAmount += resource.maxAmount;
         foreach (var total in this)
             Telemagic.logTM($"{vessel.vesselName} {total.Value.resourceName} {total.Value.amount} {total.Value.maxAmount}");
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public void Update()
     if (TimeWarp.CurrentRateIndex != 0)
         TimeWarp.SetRate(0, true);
         Telemagic.logTM("cancel time warp");
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public Vessel BeginRefueling()
            vessel = FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel;
            Telemagic.logTM($"current vessel is {vessel.vesselName}");
            vesselFuelTotals       = new FuelTotals(vessel);
            FuelTotals.transferred = 0;
            timeRemaining          = refuelingDuration;

            if (!Telemagic.isOnFuelApron(vessel))
                sourceVessel = vessel.targetObject?.GetVessel();
                if (sourceVessel != null)
                    sourceVesselFuelTotals = new FuelTotals(sourceVessel);
                    Telemagic.logTM($"will refuel from {sourceVessel.vesselName}");

            // for each resource, compute how much can be transferred.
            foreach (var resource in vesselFuelTotals)
                var resourceName = resource.Key;
                // how much reserve capacity in the client vessel?
                var capacity       = resource.Value.maxAmount - resource.Value.amount;
                var transferAmount = capacity;  // assuming unlimited source
                // if there is a source Target, it will have finite resources.
                if (sourceVessel != null)
                    var sourceFuelState = sourceVesselFuelTotals?.getResource(resourceName);
                    if (sourceFuelState != null)
                        if (sourceFuelState.amount < capacity)
                            transferAmount = sourceFuelState.amount;
                        transferAmount = 0;
                resource.Value.targetTransferAmount = transferAmount;
                Telemagic.logTM($"will transfer {resource.Value.targetTransferAmount} of {resourceName}");

Ejemplo n.º 5
        /*  First step is to consider every vessel within Max_refuel_radius and
         *      determine whether it is a hub airport control tower.
         *      [kmk] disable this
        public static void refuel_hub_airport(Vessel vessel)
            disqual = null;

            /*  Find all vessels within the refueling apron radius.  One of them may be a hub control tower.
             *      In that case, we can refuel.
            List <Vessel> nearby = find_locale(vessel.mainBody, vessel.longitude, vessel.latitude, Max_refuel_radius);

            foreach (var tower in nearby)
                if (check_airport(tower))
                    Telemagic.logTM($"refueling {vessel.vesselName}");
            if (disqual != null)
                Telemagic.message(vessel, $"{disqual} at {name}");
Ejemplo n.º 6
        //private double altAGL = 0; // Need to work out these in relation
        //private double altASL = 0; // to land or sea.

        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the vessel altitude to the current calculation.
        /// </summary>
        public void SetAltitudeToCurrent()
            var pqs = Body.pqsController;

            if (pqs == null)
            var alt = pqs.GetSurfaceHeight(
                QuaternionD.AngleAxis(Longitude, Vector3d.down) *
                QuaternionD.AngleAxis(Latitude, Vector3d.forward) * Vector3d.right) -

            Telemagic.logTM("SetAltitudeToCurrent:: alt (pqs.GetSurfaceHeight) = " + alt);

            alt = Math.Max(alt, 0);     // Underwater

            Altitude = GetComponent <Vessel>().altitude - alt;

            Telemagic.logTM(" alt = Math.Max(alt, 0) := " + alt);
            Telemagic.logTM(" <Vessel>.altitude      := " + Altitude);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        internal static void refuel(Vessel vessel, Vessel sourceVessel = null)
            if (vessel.parts == null)

            logTM($"considering {vessel.vesselName} for refueling...");

            // the intention here was to discover a way to equip a solo Kerbal with a flag.
            logTM($"{vessel.vesselName} is {vessel.RevealType()}");
            if (vessel.isEVA)
                foreach (var part in vessel.parts)
                    logTM($"{part.name} is {part.GetType()}");
                    if (part.name.Contains("kerbalEVA"))
                        foreach (var mod in part.Modules)  //vessel.vesselModules) {
                            logTM($"mod {mod.name}");
                        foreach (var res in part.Resources)
                            logTM($"res {res.resourceName}");
                logTM($"that's all");

            // does the vessel have chutes?
            var repacked_chute_count = 0;

            foreach (var part in vessel.parts)
                if (part.name.Contains("chute") || part.name.Contains("Drogue"))
                    logTM($"chute: {part.name} mods:{part.Modules.Count}");
                    foreach (var mod in part.Modules)
                        logTM($"mod {mod.name}");
                        if (mod.name.Contains("chute") || mod.name.Contains("Drogue"))
                            var chute = mod as ModuleParachute;
                            if (chute != null && chute.deploymentState != ModuleParachute.deploymentStates.STOWED)
                    var crew = part.protoModuleCrew;
                    foreach (var member in crew)
                        logTM($"{member.name} in {vessel.vesselName}");
            if (repacked_chute_count > 0)
                Telemagic.message(vessel, $"{repacked_chute_count} chutes repacked.");

            // dynamic Fueler component to fuel the craft in "real-time"...
            FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.gameObject.AddComponent <TelemagicFueler>();
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void Update()
            if (vessel == null)
                vessel = BeginRefueling();
                Telemagic.logTM($"TelemagicFueler starting for {vessel?.vesselName}");
                Telemagic.message(vessel, $"refueling has commenced...");

            if (vessel?.parts != null)
                string resourceName;

                /*  Cycle through all resources and replenish them.
                 *              Cancel fueling if brakes are released or engines started.
                if (!Telemagic.enginesRunning(vessel) && Telemagic.brakesApplied(vessel) && timeRemaining > 0)
                    var deltaTime = Math.Min(Time.deltaTime, timeRemaining);
                    timeRemaining -= deltaTime;
                    int tankNumber = 0;
                    foreach (var part in vessel.parts)
                        int nres = part.Resources.Count;
                        for (int i = 0; i < nres; ++i)
                            PartResource resource = part.Resources[i];
                            if (resource.flowState && resource.isVisible)
                                resourceName = resource.resourceName;
                                FuelState fuelState = vesselFuelTotals.getResource(resourceName);
                                if (fuelState == null)
                                // apportion the standard flow by available tank capacity as a ratio of total remaining capacity
                                var transferAmount = 0.0;
                                var capacity       = resource.maxAmount - resource.amount;
                                if (fuelState.amount < fuelState.maxAmount)
                                    transferAmount = fuelState.targetTransferAmount
                                                     * capacity / (fuelState.maxAmount - fuelState.amount)
                                                     * deltaTime / refuelingDuration;
                                //Telemagic.logTM($"{vessel.vesselName} {tankNumber} {resourceName} {resource.amount} {resource.maxAmount} +{transferAmount} target {fuelState.targetTransferAmount}");
                                fuelState.actualTransferAmount += transferAmount;
                                if (transferAmount > 0)
                                    if (transferAmount > capacity)
                                        transferAmount = capacity;
                                    part.TransferResource(resource.info.id, transferAmount);
                                FuelTotals.transferred += transferAmount;

                    /*  Update total amount transferred to client.
                    foreach (var total in vesselFuelTotals)
                        total.Value.amount += total.Value.actualTransferAmount;
                        //Telemagic.logTM($"{vessel.vesselName} {total.Value.resourceName} +{total.Value.actualTransferAmount} = {total.Value.amount}");
                        var sourceFuelState = sourceVesselFuelTotals?.getResource(total.Value.resourceName);
                        if (sourceFuelState != null)
                            sourceFuelState.targetTransferAmount = total.Value.actualTransferAmount;
                            sourceFuelState.actualTransferAmount = 0;
                        total.Value.actualTransferAmount = 0;

                    /*  Debit the source vessel, if there is one.
                    if (sourceVesselFuelTotals != null)
                        tankNumber = 0;
                        foreach (var part in sourceVessel.parts)
                            int nparts = part.Resources.Count;
                            for (int partx = 0; partx < nparts; partx++)
                                PartResource resource = part.Resources[partx];
                                //Telemagic.logTM($"Processing {resource.resourceName} in the source: {sourceVessel?.vesselName}");
                                if (resource.flowState && resource.isVisible)
                                    resourceName = resource.resourceName;
                                    // check that it is a resource that would have been drawn by the client
                                    FuelState fuelState = vesselFuelTotals.getResource(resourceName);
                                    if (fuelState != null && fuelState.targetTransferAmount > 0)
                                        fuelState = sourceVesselFuelTotals.getResource(resourceName);
                                        // how much?
                                        var transferAmount = 0.0;
                                        if (fuelState.amount > 0)
                                            transferAmount = resource.amount / fuelState.amount * fuelState.targetTransferAmount;
                                        //Telemagic.logTM($"{sourceVessel.vesselName} {tankNumber} {resourceName} {resource.amount} {resource.maxAmount} -{transferAmount}");
                                        fuelState.actualTransferAmount += transferAmount;
                                        part.TransferResource(resource.info.id, -transferAmount);
                                        FuelTotals.transferred -= transferAmount;
                        // Update total amount withdrawn from source.
                        foreach (var total in sourceVesselFuelTotals)
                            total.Value.amount -= total.Value.actualTransferAmount;
                            //Telemagic.logTM($"{sourceVessel.vesselName} {total.Value.resourceName} -{total.Value.actualTransferAmount} = {total.Value.amount}");
                Telemagic.message(vessel, $"refueling complete.");

            // finished
            Telemagic.logTM($"TelemagicFueler terminating for {vessel?.vesselName}");
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public void FixedUpdate()
            var vessel = GetComponent <Vessel>();

            if (vessel != FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel)

            if (TimeWarp.CurrentRateIndex != 0)
                TimeWarp.SetRate(0, true);
                Telemagic.logTM("cancel time warp");

            if (AlreadyTeleported)
                if (vessel.LandedOrSplashed)
                    var accel = (vessel.srf_velocity + vessel.upAxis) * -0.5;
                //NOT AlreadyTeleported
                //Still calculating
                var pqs = Body.pqsController;
                if (pqs == null)           // The sun has no terrain.  Everthing else has a PQScontroller.

                var alt    = pqs.GetSurfaceHeight(Body.GetRelSurfaceNVector(Latitude, Longitude)) - Body.Radius;
                var tmpAlt = Body.TerrainAltitude(Latitude, Longitude);

                double landHeight = FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.altitude - FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.pqsAltitude;

                double finalAltitude = 0.0;

                var    checkAlt    = FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.altitude;
                var    checkPQSAlt = FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.pqsAltitude;
                double terrainAlt  = GetTerrainAltitude();

                Telemagic.logTM($"m1. Body.Radius  = {Body.Radius}");
                Telemagic.logTM("m2. PQS SurfaceHeight = " + pqs.GetSurfaceHeight(Body.GetRelSurfaceNVector(Latitude, Longitude)));
                Telemagic.logTM("alt ( m2 - m1 ) = " + alt);
                Telemagic.logTM("Body.TerrainAltitude = " + tmpAlt);
                Telemagic.logTM("checkAlt    = " + checkAlt);
                Telemagic.logTM("checkPQSAlt = " + checkPQSAlt);
                Telemagic.logTM("landheight  = " + landHeight);
                Telemagic.logTM("terrainAlt  = " + terrainAlt);
                Telemagic.logTM($"Latitude: {Latitude} Longitude: {Longitude}");

                alt = Math.Max(alt, 0d);

                // HoldVesselUnpack is in display frames, not physics frames

                Vector3d teleportPosition;

                if (!teleportedToLandingAlt)
                    Telemagic.logTM("teleportedToLandingAlt == false");
                    Telemagic.logTM("interimAltitude: " + InterimAltitude);
                    Telemagic.logTM("Altitude: " + Altitude);

                    if (InterimAltitude > Altitude)
                        if (Planetarium.GetUniversalTime() - lastUpdate >= 0.5)
                            InterimAltitude = InterimAltitude / 10;
                            terrainAlt      = GetTerrainAltitude();

                            if (InterimAltitude < terrainAlt)
                                InterimAltitude = terrainAlt + Altitude;

                            //InterimAltitude = terrainAlt + Altitude;

                            teleportPosition = Body.GetWorldSurfacePosition(Latitude, Longitude, InterimAltitude) - Body.position;

                            Telemagic.logTM("1. teleportPosition = " + teleportPosition);
                            Telemagic.logTM("1. interimAltitude: " + InterimAltitude);

                            if (lastUpdate != 0)
                                InterimAltitude = Altitude;
                            lastUpdate = Planetarium.GetUniversalTime();
                            Telemagic.logTM("teleportPositionAltitude (no time change):");

                            teleportPosition = Body.GetWorldSurfacePosition(Latitude, Longitude, alt + InterimAltitude) - Body.position;

                            Telemagic.logTM("2. teleportPosition = " + teleportPosition);
                            Telemagic.logTM("2. alt: " + alt);
                            Telemagic.logTM("2. interimAltitude: " + InterimAltitude);
                        //InterimAltitude <= Altitude
                        Telemagic.logTM("3. teleportedToLandingAlt sets to true");

                        landHeight = FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.altitude - FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.pqsAltitude;
                        terrainAlt = GetTerrainAltitude();

                        //trying to find the correct altitude here.

                        if (checkPQSAlt > terrainAlt)
                            alt = checkPQSAlt;
                            alt = terrainAlt;

                        if (alt == 0.0)
                            //now what?

                        teleportedToLandingAlt = true;
                        //finalAltitude = alt + Altitude;
                        if (alt < 0)
                            finalAltitude = Altitude;
                        else if (alt > 0)
                            finalAltitude = alt + Altitude;
                            finalAltitude = alt + Altitude;

                        teleportPosition = Body.GetWorldSurfacePosition(Latitude, Longitude, finalAltitude) - Body.position;

                        Telemagic.logTM("3. teleportPosition = " + teleportPosition);
                        Telemagic.logTM($"3. alt = {alt} Altitude = {Altitude} InterimAltitude = {InterimAltitude}");
                        Telemagic.logTM($"3. TerrainAlt = {terrainAlt} landHeight = {landHeight}");
                    Telemagic.logTM("teleportedToLandingAlt == true");

                    landHeight = FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.altitude - FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.pqsAltitude;
                    terrainAlt = GetTerrainAltitude();

                    Telemagic.logTM($"4. finalAltitude = {finalAltitude}");

                    //finalAltitude = alt + Altitude;
                    if (alt < 0)
                        finalAltitude = Altitude;
                    else if (alt > 0)
                        finalAltitude = alt + Altitude;
                        finalAltitude = alt + Altitude;

                    //teleportPosition = Body.GetRelSurfacePosition(Latitude, Longitude, finalAltitude);
                    teleportPosition = Body.GetWorldSurfacePosition(Latitude, Longitude, finalAltitude) - Body.position;

                    Telemagic.logTM("4. teleportPosition = " + teleportPosition);
                    Telemagic.logTM($"4. alt = {alt} Altitude = { Altitude} InterimAltitude = { InterimAltitude}");
                    Telemagic.logTM($"4. TerrainAlt = {terrainAlt} landHeight = {landHeight}");
                    Telemagic.logTM("4. finalAltitude = " + finalAltitude);

                var teleportVelocity = Vector3d.Cross(Body.angularVelocity, teleportPosition);

                // convert from world space to orbit space

                teleportPosition = teleportPosition.xzy;
                teleportVelocity = teleportVelocity.xzy;

                Telemagic.logTM("0. teleportPosition(xzy): " + teleportPosition);
                Telemagic.logTM("0. teleportVelocity(xzy): " + teleportVelocity);
                Telemagic.logTM("0. Body                 : " + Body);

                // counter for the momentary fall when on rails (about one second)
                teleportVelocity += teleportPosition.normalized * (Body.gravParameter / teleportPosition.sqrMagnitude);

                Quaternion rotation;

                if (SetRotation)
                    // Need to check vessel and find up for the root command pod
                    vessel.ActionGroups.SetGroup(KSPActionGroup.SAS, false); //hopefully this disables SAS as it causes unknown results!

                    var from = Vector3d.up;                                  //Sensible default for all vessels

                    if (vessel.displaylandedAt == "Runway" || vessel.vesselType.ToString() == "Plane")
                        from = vessel.vesselTransform.up;

                    var to = teleportPosition.xzy.normalized;
                    rotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(from, to);
                    var oldUp = vessel.orbit.pos.xzy.normalized;
                    var newUp = teleportPosition.xzy.normalized;
                    rotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(oldUp, newUp) * vessel.vesselTransform.rotation;

                var orbit = Telemagic.Clone(vessel.orbitDriver.orbit);
                orbit.UpdateFromStateVectors(teleportPosition, teleportVelocity, Body, Planetarium.GetUniversalTime());

                Telemagic.SetOrbit(vessel, orbit);

                if (teleportedToLandingAlt)
                    AlreadyTeleported = true;
                    Telemagic.logTM(" :FINISHED TELEPORTING:");