Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the menu.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="state">The combat state using this menu.</param>
        public void Update(CombatState state)
            if (Page == CombatMenuPage.ActionSelection)
                if (InputMap.FindMapping(InputAction.Left).Pressed(state.Input))
                if (InputMap.FindMapping(InputAction.Right).Pressed(state.Input))

            if (Buttons.ContainsKey(Page))
                if (SelectedButton >= Buttons[Page].Count)
                    SelectedButton = 0;
                if (SelectedButton < 0)
                    SelectedButton = Buttons[Page].Count - 1;

                if (InputMap.FindMapping(InputAction.Action).Pressed(state.Input))
                    switch (Page)
                    case CombatMenuPage.ActionSelection:
                        if (Buttons[Page][SelectedButton] == "Attack")
                            PendingAction = CombatPendingPlayerAction.AttackMelee;
                            Page          = CombatMenuPage.None;
                        else if (Buttons[Page][SelectedButton] == "Magic")
                            Page = CombatMenuPage.MagicSelection;
                        else if (Buttons[Page][SelectedButton] == "Inventory")
                            PendingAction = CombatPendingPlayerAction.OpenInventory;
                            Page          = CombatMenuPage.None;
                        else if (Buttons[Page][SelectedButton] == "Stats")
                            Page = CombatMenuPage.Stats;
                        else if (Buttons[Page][SelectedButton] == "Run")
                            PendingAction = CombatPendingPlayerAction.AttemptRunAway;
                            Page          = CombatMenuPage.None;

                    case CombatMenuPage.MagicSelection:
                    case CombatMenuPage.Stats:
                        if (Buttons[Page][SelectedButton] == "Back")
                            Page = CombatMenuPage.ActionSelection;

            if (_messageResetTime != -1 && state.Game.Time > _messageResetTime)
                Message           = _messageTarget = "";
                _messageResetTime = -1;

            _untilNextChar -= state.Game.DeltaTime;
            while (_untilNextChar <= 0)
                if (Message.Length < _messageTarget.Length)
                    Message += _messageTarget[Message.Length];

                _untilNextChar += 0.03;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the menu text on top of the menu background.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="batch">The sprite batch to draw with.</param>
        /// <param name="menuRectangle">The rectangle the background was drawn in.</param>
        public void Draw(SpriteBatch batch, Rectangle menuRectangle, CombatState state)
            Font font = state.Assets.Get <Font>("fonts/bitcell.ttf");

            if (Page == CombatMenuPage.Stats)
                batch.Rectangle(new Rectangle(0, 0, 480, 270 - menuRectangle.Height), Color.Black * 0.6f);

                DrawTextMultiline(batch, font, state.Combatant.StatsInfoString, new Vector2(10, 4), Color.White * 0.8f, false);
                DrawTextMultiline(batch, font, state.Enemy.StatsInfoString, new Vector2(480 - 10, 4), Color.White * 0.8f, true);

            if (Buttons.ContainsKey(Page))
                int x = 20;
                int y = 34;

                batch.Text(font, 16, state.Combatant.Name, new Vector2(menuRectangle.X + 20, menuRectangle.Y + 14), Color.White);

                for (int i = 0; i < Buttons[Page].Count; i++)
                    string  s       = Buttons[Page][i];
                    Vector2 measure = font.Measure(16, s);

                    if (menuRectangle.X + x + measure.X >= 480 - 12)
                        x  = 10;
                        y += 16 + 2;

                    if (SelectedButton == i)
                        batch.Texture(new Vector2(menuRectangle.X + x - 8, menuRectangle.Y + y), state.Assets.Get <Texture2D>("ui/arrow.png"), Color.White);
                    batch.Text(font, 16, s, new Vector2(menuRectangle.X + x, menuRectangle.Y + y - 8), Color.White * (SelectedButton == i ? 0.8f : 0.6f));

                    x += (int)measure.X + 20;

                string action = "";

                if (Page == CombatMenuPage.ActionSelection)
                    if (Buttons[Page][SelectedButton] == "Attack")
                        action = "Attacks \"" + state.Enemy.Name + "\" with your equipped weapon";
                    if (Buttons[Page][SelectedButton] == "Magic")
                        action = "Choose a magic attack to use on \"" + state.Enemy.Name + "\"";
                    if (Buttons[Page][SelectedButton] == "Inventory")
                        action = "Choose an item to use on yourself";
                    if (Buttons[Page][SelectedButton] == "Run")
                        action = "Attempt to run away from combat";
                    if (Buttons[Page][SelectedButton] == "Stats")
                        action = "Shows statistics for you and your enemy";

                    Rectangle hpRectangle = new Rectangle(480 - 90 - 30, menuRectangle.Y + menuRectangle.Height / 2 - (16 * 2 + 4) / 2 + 2, 90, 16);

                    batch.Rectangle(hpRectangle, Color.White * 0.1f);
                    hpRectangle.Width = (int)(90 * ((float)state.Combatant.Health / state.Combatant.MaxHealth));
                    batch.Rectangle(hpRectangle, Color.White * 0.3f);
                    hpRectangle.Width = 90;

                    batch.Text(font, 16, "HP", new Vector2(hpRectangle.X + 4, hpRectangle.Y - 4), Color.White);

                    Vector2 measure = font.Measure(16, state.Combatant.Health + "/" + state.Combatant.MaxHealth);
                    batch.Text(font, 16, state.Combatant.Health + "/" + state.Combatant.MaxHealth, new Vector2(hpRectangle.X + hpRectangle.Width - 4 - measure.X, hpRectangle.Y - 4), Color.White);

                    hpRectangle.Y += 16 + 4;
                    batch.Rectangle(hpRectangle, Color.White * 0.1f);
                    hpRectangle.Width = (int)(90 * ((float)state.Enemy.Health / state.Enemy.MaxHealth));
                    batch.Rectangle(hpRectangle, Color.White * 0.3f);
                    hpRectangle.Width = 90;

                    batch.Text(font, 16, "Enemy", new Vector2(hpRectangle.X + 4, hpRectangle.Y - 4), Color.White);

                    measure = font.Measure(16, state.Enemy.Health + "/" + state.Enemy.MaxHealth);
                    batch.Text(font, 16, state.Enemy.Health + "/" + state.Enemy.MaxHealth, new Vector2(hpRectangle.X + hpRectangle.Width - 4 - measure.X, hpRectangle.Y - 4), Color.White);

                if (Page == CombatMenuPage.MagicSelection ||
                    Page == CombatMenuPage.Stats)
                    if (Page == CombatMenuPage.MagicSelection)
                        Rectangle mpRectangle = new Rectangle(480 - 90 - 30, menuRectangle.Y + menuRectangle.Height / 2 - 6, 90, 16);

                        batch.Rectangle(mpRectangle, Color.White * 0.1f);
                        mpRectangle.Width = (int)(90 * ((float)state.Combatant.Magicka / state.Combatant.MaxMagicka));
                        batch.Rectangle(mpRectangle, Color.White * 0.3f);
                        mpRectangle.Width = 90;

                        batch.Text(font, 16, "MP", new Vector2(mpRectangle.X + 4, mpRectangle.Y - 4), Color.White);

                        Vector2 measure = font.Measure(16, state.Combatant.Magicka + "/" + state.Combatant.MaxMagicka);
                        batch.Text(font, 16, state.Combatant.Magicka + "/" + state.Combatant.MaxMagicka, new Vector2(mpRectangle.X + mpRectangle.Width - 4 - measure.X, mpRectangle.Y - 4), Color.White);

                    if (Buttons[Page][SelectedButton] == "Back")
                        action = "Go back to main page";

                batch.Text(font, 16, action, new Vector2(menuRectangle.X + 20, menuRectangle.Y + y + 8), Color.White * (0.4f + (float)Math.Sin(state.Game.Time * 10) * 0.1f));

            batch.Text(font, 16, Message, new Vector2(menuRectangle.X + 20, menuRectangle.Y + 14), Color.White);

            if (AttackSlots != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < AttackSlots.Length; i++)
                    int x = i * 8 - (int)AttackSlotAnimation.Value - 4;
                    batch.Texture(new Vector2(x, menuRectangle.Y + 30), state.Assets.Get <Texture2D>(AttackSlots[i] ? "icons/armors.png" : "icons/weapons.png"), Color.White);

                int offsetY = (int)(Math.Sin(state.Game.Time * 10) * 2);
                batch.Texture(new Vector2(menuRectangle.X + menuRectangle.Width / 2 - 3, menuRectangle.Y + 44 + offsetY), state.Assets.Get <Texture2D>("combat/arrow.png"), Color.White);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public CombatMenu(CombatState combat)
     AttackSlotAnimation = new TweenedDouble(combat.Game, 0);