Ejemplo n.º 1
 public ItemSet(GrammarRule sourceRule, RuleSymbolLink[] items)
     SourceRule = sourceRule;
     Items      = items;
     TableRow   = new int[SYMCNT_TOTAL];
     for (int i = 0; i < SYMCNT_TOTAL; i++)
         TableRow[i] = -1;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 private void BuildItemSet(GrammarRule rule, List <RuleSymbolLink> itemSet, bool justIndex0 = false)
     if (rule.MatchSymbols.Length == 1 || justIndex0)
         itemSet.Add(new RuleSymbolLink(rule, 0));
         for (int j = 0; j <= rule.MatchSymbols.Length; j++)
             itemSet.Add(new RuleSymbolLink(rule, j));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialises a new instance of the Parser class
        /// </summary>
        public Parser()
            // Generate grammar rules
            grammarRules = new List <GrammarRule>()
                // TypeName := '<' Identifier '>'
                GrammarRule.Sequence(SymbolType.TypeName, SymbolType.OpenTypeDef, SymbolType.Identifier, SymbolType.CloseTypeDef),

                // PrimitiveValue := String | Number | Boolean
                GrammarRule.Sequence(SymbolType.PrimitiveValue, SymbolType.StringLiteral),
                GrammarRule.Sequence(SymbolType.PrimitiveValue, SymbolType.NumberLiteral),
                GrammarRule.Sequence(SymbolType.PrimitiveValue, SymbolType.BooleanLiteral),

                // EnumValue := Identifier '.' Identifier | Identifier '.' EnumValue
                GrammarRule.Sequence(SymbolType.EnumValue, SymbolType.Identifier, SymbolType.Dot, SymbolType.Identifier),
                //GrammarRule.Sequence(SymbolType.EnumValue,            SymbolType.Identifier, SymbolType.Dot, SymbolType.EnumValue),

                // MapValue := '{' KeyValueSeq '}' | '{' '}'
                GrammarRule.Sequence(SymbolType.MapValue, SymbolType.OpenMap, SymbolType.KeyValueSeq, SymbolType.CloseMap),
                GrammarRule.Sequence(SymbolType.MapValue, SymbolType.OpenMap, SymbolType.CloseMap),

                // ArrayValue := '[' ArraySeq ']' | '[' ']'
                GrammarRule.Sequence(SymbolType.ArrayValue, SymbolType.OpenArray, SymbolType.ArraySeq, SymbolType.CloseArray),
                GrammarRule.Sequence(SymbolType.ArrayValue, SymbolType.OpenArray, SymbolType.CloseArray),

                // TypedMapValue = TypeName MapValue
                GrammarRule.Sequence(SymbolType.TypedMapValue, SymbolType.TypeName, SymbolType.MapValue),

                // TypedArrayValue = TypeName ArrayValue
                GrammarRule.Sequence(SymbolType.TypedArrayValue, SymbolType.TypeName, SymbolType.ArrayValue),

                // ComplexValue := TypedMapValue | TypedArrayValue | MapValue | ArrayValue
                GrammarRule.Sequence(SymbolType.ComplexValue, SymbolType.TypedMapValue),
                GrammarRule.Sequence(SymbolType.ComplexValue, SymbolType.TypedArrayValue),
                GrammarRule.Sequence(SymbolType.ComplexValue, SymbolType.MapValue),
                GrammarRule.Sequence(SymbolType.ComplexValue, SymbolType.ArrayValue),

                // KeyValue := Identifier ComplexValue | Identifier '=' PrimitiveValue | Identifier '=' EnumValue | TypeName Identifier '=' PrimitiveValue
                GrammarRule.Sequence(SymbolType.KeyValue, SymbolType.Identifier, SymbolType.ComplexValue),
                GrammarRule.Sequence(SymbolType.KeyValue, SymbolType.Identifier, SymbolType.Assign, SymbolType.PrimitiveValue),
                GrammarRule.Sequence(SymbolType.KeyValue, SymbolType.Identifier, SymbolType.Assign, SymbolType.EnumValue),
                GrammarRule.Sequence(SymbolType.KeyValue, SymbolType.TypeName, SymbolType.Identifier, SymbolType.Assign, SymbolType.PrimitiveValue),

                // KeyValueSeq := KeyValue*
                GrammarRule.Sequence(SymbolType.KeyValueSeq, SymbolType.KeyValueSeq, SymbolType.KeyValue),
                GrammarRule.Sequence(SymbolType.KeyValueSeq, SymbolType.KeyValue),

                // ArraySeq := ArraySeq ',' PrimitiveValue | ArraySeq ',' ComplexValue | ArraySeq ',' EnumValue | PrimitiveValue | ComplexValue | EnumValue
                GrammarRule.Sequence(SymbolType.ArraySeq, SymbolType.ArraySeq, SymbolType.Seperator, SymbolType.PrimitiveValue),
                GrammarRule.Sequence(SymbolType.ArraySeq, SymbolType.ArraySeq, SymbolType.Seperator, SymbolType.ComplexValue),
                GrammarRule.Sequence(SymbolType.ArraySeq, SymbolType.ArraySeq, SymbolType.Seperator, SymbolType.EnumValue),
                GrammarRule.Sequence(SymbolType.ArraySeq, SymbolType.PrimitiveValue),
                GrammarRule.Sequence(SymbolType.ArraySeq, SymbolType.ComplexValue),
                GrammarRule.Sequence(SymbolType.ArraySeq, SymbolType.EnumValue)
            goalSymbol = SymbolType.KeyValueSeq;

            /*grammarRules = new List<GrammarRule>()
             * {
             *  GrammarRule.Sequence(SymbolType.E,      SymbolType.E, SymbolType.Mult, SymbolType.B),
             *  GrammarRule.Sequence(SymbolType.E,      SymbolType.E, SymbolType.Add, SymbolType.B),
             *  GrammarRule.Sequence(SymbolType.E,      SymbolType.B),
             *  GrammarRule.Sequence(SymbolType.B,      SymbolType.Zero),
             *  GrammarRule.Sequence(SymbolType.B,      SymbolType.One)
             * }.ToArray();
             * goalSymbol = SymbolType.E;*/

            // Generate parse tables
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public Model.Node Parse(TokenStream strm)
            // Sanity check
            if (strm.EoS)

            // Initialise parse state
            Stack <Symbol> parseStack = new Stack <Symbol>();

            Symbol lookahead = strm.Read();

            // Loop until we're done
            bool done = false;

            while (!done)
                // Read current parse state
                Symbol parseState = parseStack.Peek();
                if (!parseState.IsParseState)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException();
                StateDefinition state = parseStates[parseState.State];

                // Select next action
                int terminalIndex = lookahead != null ? lookahead.TerminalIndex : SYMCNT_TERMINAL - 1;
                var rule          = state.LookaheadTable[terminalIndex];
                switch (rule.Action)
                case ParserAction.Shift:
                    lookahead = strm.Read();

                case ParserAction.Reduce:
                    GrammarRule grammarRule = grammarRules[rule.Arg];
                    int         toRemove    = grammarRule.MatchSymbols.Length;
                    Symbol[]    children    = new Symbol[toRemove];
                    while (toRemove > 0)
                        Symbol s = parseStack.Pop();
                        if (!s.IsParseState)
                            children[toRemove - 1] = s;
                    Symbol newSymbol  = new Symbol(grammarRule.OutputSymbol, children);
                    Symbol priorState = parseStack.Peek();
                    if (!priorState.IsParseState)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException();
                    StateDefinition priorStateDef = parseStates[priorState.State];
                    int             nextState     = priorStateDef.GotoTable[SymbolTypeToCol(grammarRule.OutputSymbol, true)];

                case ParserAction.Done:
                    done = true;

                case ParserAction.Error:
                    if (lookahead != null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unexpected symbol '{lookahead.Value}' (line {lookahead.Position.Line}, col {lookahead.Position.Column})");
                        throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unexpected end of stream");

            // Locate the parse tree
            Symbol parseTree = null;

            while (parseStack.Count > 0)
                Symbol sym = parseStack.Pop();
                if (!sym.IsParseState)
                    if (parseTree != null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException($"Multiple parse trees generated (got '{sym.Type}', already had '{parseTree.Type}')");
                        parseTree = sym;
            if (parseTree == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Parse tree not generated");

            // Identify it
            switch (parseTree.Type)
            case SymbolType.KeyValueSeq:
                // We're going to emit a map
                var map = new Model.MapValue();
                PopulateMap(map, parseTree);

            case SymbolType.ArraySeq:
                // We're going to emit an array
                var arr = new Model.ArrayValue();
                PopulateArray(arr, parseTree);

                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unexpected root symbol '{parseTree.Type}'");
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private void GenerateParseTables()
            // Produce item sets from rules (item set = list of rules that a symbol might be a part of)
            // 1 item set per symbol, 1 parser state per item set

            // Produce all item sets
            GrammarRule    goalRule = GrammarRule.Sequence(SymbolType.Goal, goalSymbol);
            ItemSet        goalItemSet;
            List <ItemSet> itemSets = new List <ItemSet>();
                List <RuleSymbolLink> itemSet = new List <RuleSymbolLink>();
                BuildItemSet(goalRule, itemSet);
                itemSets.Add(goalItemSet = new ItemSet(goalRule, itemSet.ToArray()));

            /*for (int i = 0; i < grammarRules.Length; i++)
             * {
             *  GrammarRule rule = grammarRules[i];
             *  List<RuleSymbolLink> itemSet = new List<RuleSymbolLink>();
             *  BuildItemSet(rule, itemSet);
             *  itemSets.Add(new ItemSet(rule, itemSet.ToArray()));
             * }*/

            // Derive all item sets
            Stack <int> toProcess = new Stack <int>();

            while (toProcess.Count > 0)
                int     curItemSetIdx = toProcess.Pop();
                ItemSet curItemSet    = itemSets[curItemSetIdx];

                HashSet <SymbolType> possibleSymbols = new HashSet <SymbolType>();
                for (int i = 0; i < curItemSet.Items.Length; i++)
                    SymbolType symbol;
                    if (curItemSet.Items[i].GetNextSymbol(out symbol))
                foreach (SymbolType pSymbol in possibleSymbols)
                    List <RuleSymbolLink> subset = new List <RuleSymbolLink>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < curItemSet.Items.Length; i++)
                        SymbolType symbol;
                        if (curItemSet.Items[i].GetNextSymbol(out symbol) && pSymbol == symbol)
                            RuleSymbolLink item = curItemSet.Items[i];
                            item = new RuleSymbolLink(item.Rule, item.Index + 1, item.Lookahead);
                    ItemSet newItemSet = new ItemSet(null, subset.ToArray());
                    int     newIdx     = itemSets.IndexOf(newItemSet);
                    if (newIdx == -1)
                        newIdx = itemSets.Count;

                    curItemSet.TableRow[SymbolTypeToCol(pSymbol)] = newIdx;

            // Create states
            parseStates = new StateDefinition[itemSets.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < itemSets.Count; i++)
                ItemSet itemSet = itemSets[i];
                StateDefinition.Rule[] lookaheadTable = new StateDefinition.Rule[SYMCNT_TERMINAL];
                int[] gotoTable = new int[SYMCNT_NONTERMINAL];
                for (int j = 0; j < SYMCNT_TERMINAL - 1; j++)
                    SymbolType symbol = SymbolType.Terminal | (SymbolType)(j + 1);
                    int        arg    = itemSet.TableRow[SymbolTypeToCol(symbol)];
                    if (arg != -1)
                        lookaheadTable[j] = new StateDefinition.Rule(ParserAction.Shift, arg);
                        lookaheadTable[j] = new StateDefinition.Rule(ParserAction.Error, 0);
                if (itemSet.Items.Any(item => item.Rule == goalRule))
                    lookaheadTable[SYMCNT_TERMINAL - 1] = new StateDefinition.Rule(ParserAction.Done, 0);
                    lookaheadTable[SYMCNT_TERMINAL - 1] = new StateDefinition.Rule(ParserAction.Error, 0);
                for (int j = 0; j < SYMCNT_NONTERMINAL; j++)
                    SymbolType symbol = SymbolType.NonTerminal | (SymbolType)(j + 1);
                    gotoTable[j] = itemSet.TableRow[SymbolTypeToCol(symbol)];
                parseStates[i] = new StateDefinition(lookaheadTable, gotoTable);
            for (int i = 0; i < itemSets.Count; i++)
                ItemSet        itemSet    = itemSets[i];
                bool           reduce     = false;
                RuleSymbolLink reduceItem = default(RuleSymbolLink);
                for (int j = 0; j < itemSet.Items.Length; j++)
                    RuleSymbolLink item = itemSet.Items[j];
                    if (item.Rule != goalRule && item.Index >= item.Rule.MatchSymbols.Length)
                        reduce     = true;
                        reduceItem = item;
                if (reduce)
                    int ruleIndex = -1;
                    for (int j = 0; j < grammarRules.Length; j++)
                        if (grammarRules[j] == reduceItem.Rule)
                            ruleIndex = j;
                    var pS = parseStates[i];
                    for (int j = 0; j < SYMCNT_TERMINAL; j++)
                        if (pS.LookaheadTable[j].Action == ParserAction.Shift)
                            // Shift-reduce conflict
                            throw new Exception($"Shift-reduce conflict ({grammarRules[ruleIndex]})");
                        else if (pS.LookaheadTable[j].Action == ParserAction.Reduce)
                            // Reduce-reduce conflict
                            throw new Exception($"Reduce-reduce conflict ({grammarRules[ruleIndex]})");
                            pS.LookaheadTable[j] = new StateDefinition.Rule(ParserAction.Reduce, ruleIndex);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public RuleSymbolLink(GrammarRule rule, int index, SymbolType lookahead = SymbolType.None)
     Rule      = rule;
     Index     = index;
     Lookahead = lookahead;