Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void seticon_forbutton()
            MainMenu frm = new MainMenu();

            frm.setbuttonicon("new", btnnew);
            frm.setbuttonicon("down", btncompany);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void seticon_forbutton()
            MainMenu frm = new MainMenu();

            frm.setbuttonicon_top("save", btnsavecutting);
            frm.setbuttonicon("save", btnsaveedit);
            frm.setbuttonicon("cancel", btncancel);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void seticon_forbutton()
            MainMenu frm = new MainMenu();

            frm.setbuttonicon("create", button2);
            frm.setbuttonicon("open", button1);
            frm.setbuttonicon("down", btnrecent);
            frm.setbuttonicon("down", btnrcv);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void seticon_forbutton()
            MainMenu frm = new MainMenu();

            frm.setbuttonicon("open", btnopen);
            frm.setbuttonicon("down", btnselectsupplier);
            frm.setbuttonicon("down", btnlot);
            frm.setbuttonicon("delete", btnclose);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private void seticon_forbutton()
            MainMenu frm = new MainMenu();

            frm.setbuttonicon("new", btnnew);
            frm.setbuttonicon("open", btnopen);
            frm.setbuttonicon("down", btntype);
            frm.setbuttonicon("down", btnsize);
            frm.setbuttonicon("down", btnexistingcase);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private void frmCreateBoxLabel_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            dtexpiry.Value         = DateTime.Now;
            dtproduction.Value     = DateTime.Now;
            txtproductname.Text    = "FROZEN YELLOWFIN TUNA LOIN";
            txtscientificname.Text = "Thunnus albacares";
            txtpackingsize.Text    = "Case 30 Kg";
            txtcountryorigin.Text  = "INDONESIA";
            MainMenu frm = new MainMenu();

            frm.setbuttonicon("print", btnprint);
            frm.setbuttonicon("print", btnprinton);
            frm.setbuttonicon("print", btnprintoff);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private void frmCutting_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            lbl_locked.Visible = false;
            scale_on = false;

            panelpad.Visible = false;
            //to display loin
            Properties.Settings.Default.grade = "";
            String   txt  = "";
            Int32    xPos = 205;
            Int32    yPos = 26;
            MainMenu frm  = new MainMenu();
            //get data from table
            List <object[]> data = new List <object[]>();

            data = frm.get_data_table_string("tbgrade", "module", "cutting");
            if (data.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < data.Count; i++)
                    txt = data[i][1].ToString();
                    tombolgrade(100, 60, 22, xPos, yPos, txt, Color.WhiteSmoke);
                    xPos = xPos + 105;
                    //tombolgrade(Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 fontsize, Int32 xPos, Int32 yPos, String txt, Color btncolor);

            frm.setbuttonicon("search", btnsearch);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private void seticon_forbutton()
            MainMenu frm = new MainMenu();

            frm.setbuttonicon("new", btnnew);
            frm.setbuttonicon("open", btnopen);
            frm.setbuttonicon("edit", btnedit);
            frm.setbuttonicon("down", btnpo);
            frm.setbuttonicon("down", btnship);
            frm.setbuttonicon("down", btndate);
            frm.setbuttonicon("down", button2);
            frm.setbuttonicon("down", btnrecent);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        private void seticon_forbutton()
            MainMenu frm = new MainMenu();

            frm.setbuttonicon("receiving", btnreceiving);
            frm.setbuttonicon("cutting_retouching", btntrimming);
            frm.setbuttonicon("cutting_retouching", btnretouching);
            frm.setbuttonicon("packing", btnpacking);
            frm.setbuttonicon("stuffing", btnstuffing);
            frm.setbuttonicon("packing", btnreceivingbox);
            frm.setbuttonicon("summary", btnsummary);
            frm.setbuttonicon("back", backtomain);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        private void seticon_forbutton()
            MainMenu frm = new MainMenu();

            frm.setbuttonicon("save", btnnew);
            frm.setbuttonicon("open", btnopen);
            frm.setbuttonicon("down", btninternal);
            frm.setbuttonicon("down", btnprevinternal);
            frm.setbuttonicon("down", btnproduct);
            frm.setbuttonicon("delete", btnclose);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public void tombolreceiving(Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 fontsize, Int32 xPos, Int32 yPos, String txt, Color btncolor)
            System.Windows.Forms.Button btn = new System.Windows.Forms.Button();
            btn.Width  = width;  // Width of button
            btn.Height = height; // Height of button
            btn.Font   = new Font(btn.Font.FontFamily, fontsize);
            btn.Left   = xPos;
            btn.Top    = yPos;
            // Add buttons to a Panel:
            panel1.Controls.Add(btn); // Let panel hold the Buttons
            btn.Text      = txt.ToString();
            btn.BackColor = btncolor;
            btn.ForeColor = Color.White;
            btn.Name      = "btnreceiving" + txt;
            MainMenu frm = new MainMenu();

            frm.setbuttonicon("new", btn);
            btn.Click += new EventHandler(receivingentry);
            btn.Paint += new PaintEventHandler(p_Paint);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        private void seticon_forbutton()
            MainMenu frm = new MainMenu();

            frm.setbuttonicon("useraccess", btnaccess);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        private void seticon_forbutton()
            MainMenu frm = new MainMenu();

            frm.setbuttonicon("save", btnsaveproduct);