public override bool HandleHitSwitch(TSPlayer player, DPoint location)
            if (this.IsDisposed)
            return false;
              if (base.HandleHitSwitch(player, location))
            return true;

              if (this.CheckProtected(player, location, false)) {
            player.SendTileSquare(location, 3);
            return true;

              return false;
        public override bool HandleTileEdit(
            TSPlayer player, TileEditType editType, BlockType blockType, DPoint location, int objectStyle
            if (this.IsDisposed)
            return false;
              if (base.HandleTileEdit(player, editType, blockType, location, objectStyle))
            return true;

              switch (editType) {
            case TileEditType.PlaceTile: {
              Tile tile = TerrariaUtils.Tiles[location];
              if (tile == null)
            Main.tile[location.X, location.Y] = tile = new Tile();

              WorldGen.PlaceTile(location.X, location.Y, (int)blockType, false, true, -1, objectStyle);
              NetMessage.SendData((int)PacketTypes.Tile, -1, player.Index, string.Empty, 1, location.X, location.Y, (int)blockType, objectStyle);

              if (this.Config.AutoProtectedTiles[(int)blockType])
            this.TryCreateAutoProtection(player, location);

              return true;
            case TileEditType.TileKill:
            case TileEditType.TileKillNoItem: {
              // Is the tile really going to be destroyed or just being hit?
              //if (blockType != 0)
              //  break;

              Tile tile = TerrariaUtils.Tiles[location];
              bool isChest = (tile.type == TileID.Containers || tile.type == TileID.Dressers);
              foreach (ProtectionEntry protection in this.ProtectionManager.EnumerateProtectionEntries(location)) {
            // If the protection is invalid, just remove it.
            if (!TerrariaUtils.Tiles.IsValidCoord(protection.TileLocation)) {
              this.ProtectionManager.RemoveProtection(TSPlayer.Server, protection.TileLocation, false);

            Tile protectedTile = TerrariaUtils.Tiles[protection.TileLocation];
            // If the protection is invalid, just remove it.
            if (! || protectedTile.type != (int)protection.BlockType) {
              this.ProtectionManager.RemoveProtection(TSPlayer.Server, protection.TileLocation, false);

            string tileName = TerrariaUtils.Tiles.GetBlockTypeName((BlockType)protectedTile.type);
            if (
              protection.Owner == player.User.ID || (
                this.Config.AutoDeprotectEverythingOnDestruction &&
            ) {
              if (isChest) {
                bool isBankChest = (protection.BankChestKey != BankChestDataKey.Invalid);
                ObjectMeasureData measureData = TerrariaUtils.Tiles.MeasureObject(protection.TileLocation);
                DPoint chestLocation = measureData.OriginTileLocation;
                IChest chest = this.ChestManager.ChestFromLocation(chestLocation);

                if (chest == null)
                  return true;

                if (isBankChest) {
                } else {
                  for (int i = 0; i < Chest.maxItems; i++) {
                    if (chest.Items[i].StackSize > 0)
                      return true;
              this.ProtectionManager.RemoveProtection(player, protection.TileLocation, false);

              if (this.Config.NotifyAutoDeprotections)
                player.SendWarningMessage($"The {tileName} is not protected anymore.");
            } else {
              player.SendErrorMessage($"The {tileName} is protected.");

              if (protection.TradeChestData != null)
                player.SendWarningMessage("If you want to trade with this chest, right click it first.");

              return true;

              if (isChest) {
            ObjectMeasureData measureData = TerrariaUtils.Tiles.MeasureObject(location);
            DPoint chestLocation = measureData.OriginTileLocation;
            IChest chest = this.ChestManager.ChestFromLocation(chestLocation);
            if (chest != null) {
              // Don't allow removing of non empty chests.
              for (int i = 0; i < Chest.maxItems; i++) {
                if (chest.Items[i].StackSize > 0)
                  return true;

              return true;

            case TileEditType.PlaceWire:
            case TileEditType.PlaceWireBlue:
            case TileEditType.PlaceWireGreen:
            case TileEditType.PlaceWireYellow:
            case TileEditType.PlaceActuator:
            case TileEditType.DestroyWire:
            case TileEditType.DestroyWireBlue:
            case TileEditType.DestroyWireGreen:
            case TileEditType.DestroyWireYellow:
            case TileEditType.DestroyActuator:
              if (this.Config.AllowWiringProtectedBlocks)

              if (this.CheckProtected(player, location, false)) {
            return true;

            case TileEditType.PokeLogicGate:
            case TileEditType.Actuate:
              if (this.CheckProtected(player, location, false)) {
            return true;


              return false;
        public virtual bool HandleChestUnlock(TSPlayer player, DPoint chestLocation)
            if (this.IsDisposed)
            return false;

              ProtectionEntry protection = null;
              // Only need the first enumerated entry as we don't need the protections of adjacent blocks.
              foreach (ProtectionEntry enumProtection in this.ProtectionManager.EnumerateProtectionEntries(chestLocation)) {
            protection = enumProtection;
              if (protection == null)
            return false;

              bool undoUnlock = false;
              if (!this.ProtectionManager.CheckProtectionAccess(protection, player, false)) {
            player.SendErrorMessage("This chest is protected, you can't unlock it.");
            undoUnlock = true;
              if (protection.RefillChestData != null && !this.CheckRefillChestLootability(protection.RefillChestData, player))
            undoUnlock = true;

              if (undoUnlock) {
            bool dummy;
            if (TerrariaUtils.Tiles.GetChestStyle(TerrariaUtils.Tiles[chestLocation], out dummy) == ChestStyle.GoldChest) {
              int itemIndex = Item.NewItem(
            chestLocation.X * TerrariaUtils.TileSize, chestLocation.Y * TerrariaUtils.TileSize, 0, 0, (int)ItemType.GoldenKey
              player.SendData(PacketTypes.ItemDrop, string.Empty, itemIndex);

            player.SendTileSquare(chestLocation, 3);
            return true;

              return false;
        public virtual bool HandleDoorUse(TSPlayer player, DPoint location, bool isOpening, Direction direction)
            if (this.IsDisposed)
            return false;
              if (this.CheckProtected(player, location, false)) {
            player.SendTileSquare(location, 5);
            return true;

              return false;
        public override bool HandleTileEdit(
            TSPlayer player, TileEditType editType, BlockType blockType, DPoint location, int objectStyle
            if (this.IsDisposed)
            return false;
              if (base.HandleTileEdit(player, editType, blockType, location, objectStyle))
            return true;

              switch (editType) {
            case TileEditType.TileKill:
            case TileEditType.TileKillNoItem: {
              // Is the tile really going to be destroyed or just being hit?
              //if (blockType != 0)
              //  break;

              foreach (ProtectionEntry protection in this.ProtectionManager.EnumerateProtectionEntries(location)) {
            // If the protection is invalid, just remove it.
            if (!TerrariaUtils.Tiles.IsValidCoord(protection.TileLocation)) {
              this.ProtectionManager.RemoveProtection(TSPlayer.Server, protection.TileLocation, false);

            Tile protectedTile = TerrariaUtils.Tiles[protection.TileLocation];
            // If the protection is invalid, just remove it.
            if (
              ! ||
              protectedTile.type != (int)protection.BlockType
            ) {
              this.ProtectionManager.RemoveProtection(TSPlayer.Server, protection.TileLocation, false);

            string tileName = TerrariaUtils.Tiles.GetBlockTypeName((BlockType)protectedTile.type);
            if (
              protection.Owner == player.User.ID || (
                this.Config.AutoDeprotectEverythingOnDestruction &&
            ) {
              bool isChest = (protectedTile.type == TileID.Containers || protectedTile.type == TileID.Dressers);
              if (isChest) {
                ObjectMeasureData measureData = TerrariaUtils.Tiles.MeasureObject(protection.TileLocation);
                DPoint chestLocation = measureData.OriginTileLocation;
                int chestId = Chest.FindChest(chestLocation.X, chestLocation.Y);

                if (chestId != -1) {
                  bool isBankChest = (protection.BankChestKey != BankChestDataKey.Invalid);
                  if (isBankChest) {
                    Chest.DestroyChestDirect(chestLocation.X, chestLocation.Y, chestId);
                    WorldGen.KillTile(location.X, location.Y);
                    TSPlayer.All.SendData(PacketTypes.TileKill, string.Empty, 3, chestLocation.X, chestLocation.Y, 0f, chestId);
                  } else {
                    Chest tChest = Main.chest[chestId];
                    bool isFilled = tChest.item.Any(i => i != null && i.stack > 0);
                    if (isFilled)
                     break; // Do not remove protections of filled chests.
              this.ProtectionManager.RemoveProtection(player, protection.TileLocation, false);

              if (this.Config.NotifyAutoDeprotections) {
                player.SendWarningMessage(string.Format("The {0} is not protected anymore.", tileName));
            } else {
              player.SendErrorMessage(string.Format("The {0} is protected.", tileName));
              return true;

            case TileEditType.PlaceWire:
            case TileEditType.DestroyWire:
              if (this.Config.AllowWiringProtectedBlocks)

              if (this.CheckProtected(player, location, false)) {
            return true;

            case TileEditType.PlaceTile: // As of Terraria 1.2.3, this packet should never be sent for chests.
              // Fix: We do not allow chests to be placed on active stone to prevent players from using the chest duplication bugs.
              // Fix2: Don't allow on ice blocks either, you never know.
              /*if (blockType == BlockType.Chest) {
            for (int x = 0; x < 2; x++) {
              DPoint tileBeneathLocation = location.OffsetEx(x, 1);
              if (
                TerrariaUtils.Tiles[tileBeneathLocation].active() && (
                  TerrariaUtils.Tiles[tileBeneathLocation].type == (int)BlockType.ActiveStone ||
                  TerrariaUtils.Tiles[tileBeneathLocation].type == (int)BlockType.IceRodBlock
              ) {
                TSPlayer.All.SendData(PacketTypes.Tile, string.Empty, 0, location.X, location.Y);

                bool dummy;
                ChestStyle chestStyle = TerrariaUtils.Tiles.GetChestStyle(objectStyle, out dummy);
                int itemType = (int)TerrariaUtils.Tiles.GetItemTypeFromChestType(chestStyle);
                Item.NewItem(location.X * TerrariaUtils.TileSize, location.Y * TerrariaUtils.TileSize, 32, 32, itemType);

                player.SendErrorMessage("Chests can not be placed on active stone or ice blocks.");

                return true;


              return false;
        public virtual bool HandleChestPlace(TSPlayer player, DPoint location, int storageType, int storageStyle)
            if (this.IsDisposed)
            return false;

              ushort tileToPlace = TileID.Containers;
              bool isDresser = (storageType == 2);
              if (isDresser)
            tileToPlace = TileID.Dressers;

              try {
            this.ChestManager.PlaceChest(tileToPlace, storageStyle, location);
              } catch (LimitEnforcementException ex) {
            player.SendTileSquare(location.X, location.Y, 2);
            player.SendErrorMessage("The limit of maximum possible chests has been reached. Please report this to a server administrator.");
            this.PluginTrace.WriteLineWarning($"Chest limit of {Main.chest.Length + this.Config.MaxProtectorChests - 1} has been reached!");

              if (this.Config.AutoProtectedTiles[tileToPlace])
            this.TryCreateAutoProtection(player, location);

              return true;
        private void SendFakeTileWire(TSPlayer player, DPoint tileLocation)
            Tile tile = TerrariaUtils.Tiles[tileLocation];
              if (tile.wire2())

              try {
            player.SendTileSquare(tileLocation, 1);
              } finally {
 private void SendAreaDottedFakeWires(TSPlayer player, Rectangle area, bool setOrUnset = true)
     foreach (Point boundaryPoint in TShock.Utils.EnumerateRegionBoundaries(area))
     if ((boundaryPoint.X + boundaryPoint.Y & 1) == 0)
       if (setOrUnset)
     this.SendFakeTileWire(player, new DPoint(boundaryPoint.X, boundaryPoint.Y));
     player.SendTileSquare(boundaryPoint.X, boundaryPoint.Y, 1);
        public override bool HandleTileEdit(
            TSPlayer player, TileEditType editType, BlockType blockType, DPoint location, int objectStyle
            if (this.IsDisposed)
            return false;
              if (base.HandleTileEdit(player, editType, blockType, location, objectStyle))
            return true;

              switch (editType) {
            case TileEditType.TileKill:
            case TileEditType.TileKillNoItem: {
              // Is the tile really going to be destroyed or just being hit?
              //if (blockType != 0)
              //  break;

              foreach (ProtectionEntry protection in this.ProtectionManager.EnumerateProtectionEntries(location)) {
            // If the protection is invalid, just remove it.
            if (!TerrariaUtils.Tiles.IsValidCoord(protection.TileLocation)) {
              this.ProtectionManager.RemoveProtection(TSPlayer.Server, protection.TileLocation, false);

            Tile protectedTile = TerrariaUtils.Tiles[protection.TileLocation];
            // If the protection is invalid, just remove it.
            if (! || protectedTile.type != (int)protection.BlockType) {
              this.ProtectionManager.RemoveProtection(TSPlayer.Server, protection.TileLocation, false);

            string tileName = TerrariaUtils.Tiles.GetBlockTypeName((BlockType)protectedTile.type);
            if (
              protection.Owner == player.User.ID || (
                this.Config.AutoDeprotectEverythingOnDestruction &&
            ) {
              bool isChest = (protectedTile.type == TileID.Containers || protectedTile.type == TileID.Dressers);
              if (isChest) {
                ObjectMeasureData measureData = TerrariaUtils.Tiles.MeasureObject(protection.TileLocation);
                DPoint chestLocation = measureData.OriginTileLocation;
                int chestId = Chest.FindChest(chestLocation.X, chestLocation.Y);

                if (chestId != -1) {
                  bool isBankChest = (protection.BankChestKey != BankChestDataKey.Invalid);
                  if (isBankChest) {
                    Chest.DestroyChestDirect(chestLocation.X, chestLocation.Y, chestId);
                    WorldGen.KillTile(location.X, location.Y);
                    TSPlayer.All.SendData(PacketTypes.TileKill, string.Empty, 3, chestLocation.X, chestLocation.Y, 0f, chestId);
                  } else {
                    Chest tChest = Main.chest[chestId];
                    bool isFilled = tChest.item.Any(i => i != null && i.stack > 0);
                    if (isFilled)
                      break; // Do not remove protections of filled chests.
              this.ProtectionManager.RemoveProtection(player, protection.TileLocation, false);

              if (this.Config.NotifyAutoDeprotections)
                player.SendWarningMessage(string.Format("The {0} is not protected anymore.", tileName));
            } else {
              player.SendErrorMessage(string.Format("The {0} is protected.", tileName));
              return true;

            case TileEditType.PlaceWire:
            case TileEditType.DestroyWire:
              if (this.Config.AllowWiringProtectedBlocks)

              if (this.CheckProtected(player, location, false)) {
            return true;


              return false;
        public override bool HandleTileEdit(
            TSPlayer player, TileEditType editType, BlockType blockType, DPoint location, int objectStyle
            if (this.IsDisposed)
            return false;
              if (base.HandleTileEdit(player, editType, blockType, location, objectStyle))
            return true;

              switch (editType) {
            case TileEditType.TileKill:
            case TileEditType.TileKillNoItem: {
              // Is the tile really going to be destroyed or just being hit?
              if (blockType != 0)

              // Because Terraria is dumb-assed, TileKill which is usually only sent on a chest being removed, is also sent
              // when the chest is filled but was hit enought times to be removed, thus we have to work around this by checking
              // if there's content in the chest.
              if (TerrariaUtils.Tiles[location].active() && TerrariaUtils.Tiles[location].type == (int)BlockType.Chest) {
            DPoint chestLocation = TerrariaUtils.Tiles.MeasureObject(location).OriginTileLocation;
            int chestIndex = Chest.FindChest(chestLocation.X, chestLocation.Y);
            // Non existing chests are considered empty.
            if (chestIndex != -1) {
              Chest tChest = Main.chest[chestIndex];
              bool isFilled = tChest.item.Any(i => i != null && i.stack > 0);
              if (isFilled) {
                lock (this.WorldMetadata.Protections) {
                  ProtectionEntry protection;
                  if (
                    !this.WorldMetadata.Protections.TryGetValue(chestLocation, out protection) ||
                    protection.BankChestKey == BankChestDataKey.Invalid
                  ) {

              Tile protectedTile = null;
              foreach (ProtectionEntry protection in this.ProtectionManager.EnumerateProtectionEntries(location)) {
            if (!TerrariaUtils.Tiles.IsValidCoord(protection.TileLocation)) {
              this.ProtectionManager.RemoveProtection(TSPlayer.Server, protection.TileLocation, false);
              protectedTile = null;
            protectedTile = TerrariaUtils.Tiles[protection.TileLocation];

            // If the protection is invalid, just remove it.
            if (! || protectedTile.type != (int)protection.BlockType) {
              this.ProtectionManager.RemoveProtection(TSPlayer.Server, protection.TileLocation, false);
              protectedTile = null;

            if (
              protection.Owner == player.UserID || (
                this.Config.AutoDeprotectEverythingOnDestruction &&
            ) {
              this.ProtectionManager.RemoveProtection(player, protection.TileLocation, false);

              if (this.Config.NotifyAutoDeprotections) {
                  "The {0} is not protected anymore.", TerrariaUtils.Tiles.GetBlockTypeName((BlockType)protectedTile.type)

              protectedTile = null;

              if (protectedTile != null) {
              "The {0} is protected.", TerrariaUtils.Tiles.GetBlockTypeName((BlockType)protectedTile.type)

            return true;

            case TileEditType.PlaceWire:
            case TileEditType.DestroyWire:
              if (this.Config.AllowWiringProtectedBlocks)

              if (this.CheckProtected(player, location, false)) {
            return true;

            case TileEditType.PlaceTile: // As of Terraria 1.2.3, this packet should never be sent for chests.
              // Fix: We do not allow chests to be placed on active stone to prevent players from using the chest duplication bugs.
              // Fix2: Don't allow on ice blocks either, you never know.
              /*if (blockType == BlockType.Chest) {
            for (int x = 0; x < 2; x++) {
              DPoint tileBeneathLocation = location.OffsetEx(x, 1);
              if (
                TerrariaUtils.Tiles[tileBeneathLocation].active() && (
                  TerrariaUtils.Tiles[tileBeneathLocation].type == (int)BlockType.ActiveStone ||
                  TerrariaUtils.Tiles[tileBeneathLocation].type == (int)BlockType.IceRodBlock
              ) {
                TSPlayer.All.SendData(PacketTypes.Tile, string.Empty, 0, location.X, location.Y);

                bool dummy;
                ChestStyle chestStyle = TerrariaUtils.Tiles.GetChestStyle(objectStyle, out dummy);
                int itemType = (int)TerrariaUtils.Tiles.GetItemTypeFromChestType(chestStyle);
                Item.NewItem(location.X * TerrariaUtils.TileSize, location.Y * TerrariaUtils.TileSize, 32, 32, itemType);

                player.SendErrorMessage("Chests can not be placed on active stone or ice blocks.");

                return true;


              return false;
        private bool HandleWirePlace(TSPlayer player, DPoint location)
            if (this.IsDisposed)
            return false;

              DPoint[] tilesToCheck = new[] {
            new DPoint(location.X - 1, location.Y),
            new DPoint(location.X + 1, location.Y),
            new DPoint(location.X, location.Y - 1),
            new DPoint(location.X, location.Y + 1),

              foreach (DPoint tileToCheck in tilesToCheck) {
            Tile tile = TerrariaUtils.Tiles[tileToCheck];
            if (!
            if (tileToCheck != location && tile.type != (int)AdvancedCircuits.BlockType_WirelessTransmitter)

            bool hasPermission = true;
            ObjectMeasureData measureData = TerrariaUtils.Tiles.MeasureObject(tileToCheck);
            PaintColor componentPaint = (PaintColor)TerrariaUtils.Tiles[measureData.OriginTileLocation].color();
            switch ((BlockType)tile.type) {
              case BlockType.Statue: {
            StatueStyle statueStyle = TerrariaUtils.Tiles.GetStatueStyle(tile);
            StatueConfig statueConfig;
            if (!this.Config.StatueConfigs.TryGetValue(statueStyle, out statueConfig))
              return false;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(statueConfig.WirePermission))
              return false;

            hasPermission = player.Group.HasPermission(statueConfig.WirePermission);
            if (!hasPermission) {
              this.TellNoStatueWiringPermission(player, statueStyle);
              player.SendTileSquare(location, 1);
              Item.NewItem(location.X * TerrariaUtils.TileSize, location.Y * TerrariaUtils.TileSize, 0, 0, (int)ItemType.Wire);

              return true;
              case BlockType.DartTrap: {
            TrapConfig trapConfig;
            TrapConfigKey configKey = new TrapConfigKey(TerrariaUtils.Tiles.GetTrapStyle(TerrariaUtils.Tiles[location].frameY / 18), componentPaint);
            if (!this.Config.TrapConfigs.TryGetValue(configKey, out trapConfig))
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(trapConfig.WirePermission))

            hasPermission = player.Group.HasPermission(trapConfig.WirePermission);
              case BlockType.Boulder: {
            hasPermission = player.Group.HasPermission(AdvancedCircuitsPlugin.WireBoulder_Permission);
              case BlockType.Sign: {
            hasPermission = player.Group.HasPermission(AdvancedCircuitsPlugin.WireSign_Permission);
              case BlockType.InletPump:
              case BlockType.OutletPump: {
            PumpConfig pumpConfig;
            if (!this.Config.PumpConfigs.TryGetValue(componentPaint, out pumpConfig))

            hasPermission = player.Group.HasPermission(pumpConfig.WirePermission);
              case AdvancedCircuits.BlockType_WirelessTransmitter: {
            WirelessTransmitterConfig transmitterConfig;
            if (!this.Config.WirelessTransmitterConfigs.TryGetValue(componentPaint, out transmitterConfig))

            hasPermission = player.Group.HasPermission(transmitterConfig.WirePermission);
              case BlockType.Teleporter: {
            hasPermission = player.Group.HasPermission(AdvancedCircuitsPlugin.WireTeleporter_Permission);

            if (!hasPermission) {
              this.TellMissingComponentWiringPermission(player, (BlockType)tile.type);

              player.SendTileSquare(location, 1);
              Item.NewItem(location.X * TerrariaUtils.TileSize, location.Y * TerrariaUtils.TileSize, 0, 0, (int)ItemType.Wire);

              return true;

              return false;