Ejemplo n.º 1
        public SkillsEditor()

            //path of the xml file that contains the settings of the form
            base_xml_file = new XML("ArcadiaManager/SkillsEditor/main.xml");

            //the button that will show the data where the user selects a row to build on
            base_button_data_viewer = bt_dataviewer;

            //running the aracdia manager to setup the form
            arcadia_manager = new ArcadiaManager(this);

            //set common textboxes
            //arcadia_manager.set_common_fields(new TextBox { }, new Int32 { });
        private void initialize_controls()
            foreach(String file in Directory.GetFiles(Path.GetDirectoryName(base_arcadia_manager.base_xml_file.path)))
                if (((Form)base_arcadia_manager).Controls.Find(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file), true).Length > 0)
                    Control control = (Control)((Form)base_arcadia_manager).Controls.Find(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file), true)[0];

                    if (control is AM_TextFromData)
                        AM_TextFromData mycontrol = (AM_TextFromData)control;
                        XML xml_file = new XML(file);

                        mycontrol.SelectQuery = xml_file.readProperty("select_query");
                        mycontrol.DefaultFilter = xml_file.readProperty("string_filter");
                        mycontrol.hasIcon = xml_file.readProperty("string_filter") == "true" ? true : false;
