Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Connect to a stream of flat file data
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream">The stream of data to connect to</param>
        /// <returns>If the data was valid and is a stream</returns>
        public override Boolean Connect(DataItemDefinition definition, DataConnection connection, Stream stream)
            this.Connection = connection;
            this.definition = definition;      // Assign the definition to use
            this.memoryData = new DataTable(); // Blank data by default

            // Do we have a stream and a definition
            if (stream != null && definition == null)
                base.connected = true;
            else if (stream != null && definition != null)
                stream.Position = 0;   // Reset back to the start again in case someone else has read it
                base.MarkLastAction(); // Tell the provider base class that it did something

                // Read the data from the stream provided
                using (StreamReader textReader = new StreamReader(stream))
                    this.memoryData = DelimitedFileHelper.TextToDataTable(definition, connection, textReader.ReadToEnd());
                    base.connected  = true; // Mark the provider as connected
                    return(true);           // Connected without any errors

            return(false); // Failed if we get to here
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Connect to the flat file source
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="connectionString">The connection string to use</param>
        /// <returns>If the file exists when it is connected</returns>
        public override Boolean Connect(DataItemDefinition definition, DataConnection connection)
            Boolean result = false; // Failed by default

            // Check if not an object
            if (connection == null)

            // Get the processed connection string (with any injected items)
            String connectionString = connection.ConnectionStringProcessed;

            // Does the file that we are trying to connect to exist?
            if (File.Exists(connectionString))
                // Connect to the file and read the data from it
                using (Stream fileStream = File.OpenRead(connectionString))
                    result = Connect(definition, connection, fileStream); // Do a standard stream connect to reuse that code
                    if (result)
                        this.Connection = connection; // Remember the connection string

            this.MarkLastAction(); // Tell the provider base class that it did something
            return(result);        // Return the result of the read
        /// <summary>
        /// Analyse the connection to get the definition back
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request">The analysis request paramaters</param>
        /// <returns>The data item definition derived from the connection and object</returns>
        public override DataItemDefinition Analyse(AnalyseRequest <object> request)
            DataItemDefinition result = new DataItemDefinition(); // Empty Response By Default

            // Are we connected and have an object name?
            if ((this.ObjectName ?? String.Empty) != String.Empty &&
                // Set up the command to run and select all columns from the object
                using (SqlCommand command =
                           new SqlCommand($"select top {request.SampleSize.ToString()} * from {this.ObjectName}", this.sqlConnection))
                    // Run the command
                    using (SqlDataReader dataReader = command.ExecuteReader())
                        DataTable tempTable = new DataTable(); // Create a temporary table
                        tempTable.Load(dataReader);            // Run the data reader to load the results
                        result.FromDataTable(tempTable);       // Tell the definition to load itself from the data table provided

                        // Clean up
                        tempTable = null;

            // Send the result back
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public IDataProvider Get(
            Package package,
            DataConnection connection,
            DataItemDefinition definition,
            Boolean addToCache)
            IDataProvider result = null; // Create a fail state by default

            // Do we already have a provider set up for this data connection
            String uniqueKey = GenerateConnectionKey(
                new List <Guid>()
                ((definition == null || definition.Id == null) ? Guid.Empty : definition.Id)

            Boolean existingProvider = providers.ContainsKey(uniqueKey);

            if (!existingProvider)
                result = Get(connection.ProviderType);
                result = providers[uniqueKey];

            // If the provider is stale (something configuration-wise has been changed)
            if (result?.LastAction <= connection.LastUpdated)
#warning "Need a simple way of reseting a connection rather than doing each change manually"

            // Did we get a provider?
            if (result != null)
                // Set the package if it is not assigned
                connection.ParentPackage = (connection.ParentPackage ?? package);

                // Set the provider to be connected if it is not already connected
                // or if the provider has an updated definition
                if (!result.Connected || (definition != null && result.LastAction <= definition.LastUpdated))
                    result.Connect(definition, connection); // Connect attempt
                    existingProvider = false;               // Re-connected potentially so reset to make sure it's added to the cache

                // If the provider was not in the pooled collection of providers then add it
                if (!existingProvider && addToCache)
                    providers[uniqueKey] = result;

            // Return the provider
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Look at the file and try and represent the file as a dataset without a definition
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A representation of the data</returns>
        public override DataItemDefinition Analyse(AnalyseRequest <Object> request)
            // Create a blank result data table
            DataItemDefinition result = new DataItemDefinition()
            String rawData = ""; // The data which ultimately will be read from

            // Check to see what can of analysis is being requested
            if ((request.Connection?.ConnectionString ?? String.Empty) != String.Empty)
                // Get the stream of data from the raw file
                rawData = File.ReadAllText(request.Connection.ConnectionStringProcessed);
                // No connection was provided so use the raw data provided instead
                switch (request.Data.GetType().ToShortName())
                case "string":

                    rawData = (String)request.Data;



                    ((Stream)request.Data).Position = 0;     // Reset the stream position

                    // Read the data from the stream
                    StreamReader reader = new StreamReader((Stream)request.Data);
                    rawData = reader.ReadToEnd();

                    // Reset the position again so that it can be re-used
                    ((Stream)request.Data).Position = 0;


            // Pass down to the analyse text core function
            AnalyseRequest <String> analyseTextRequest =
                new AnalyseRequest <String>()
                Data       = rawData,
                Connection = request.Connection

            result = DelimitedFileHelper.AnalyseText(analyseTextRequest);

            base.MarkLastAction(); // Tell the provider base class that it did something

            // Send the analysis data table back
 /// <summary>
 /// Override the connection object to connect to the Sql Server
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="definition">The definition of the data to connect to</param>
 /// <param name="connection">The connect properties to connect to the server</param>
 /// <returns>If the connection worked</returns>
 public override Boolean Connect(DataItemDefinition definition, DataConnection connection)
     if (!this.Connected)
         // Connect to the sql server
         this.sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(connection.ConnectionStringProcessed);
             this.sqlConnection.Open();               // Start the connection
             this.definition = definition;            // Assign the definition
             this.ObjectName = connection.ObjectName; // Assign the object name being set to
             return(true);                            // Success!
         catch (Exception ex)
         return(true); // Already connected, why return false?
 /// <summary>
 /// Connect to this connection
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="definition">The definition of the data in the connection</param>
 /// <param name="connection">The connection</param>
 /// <param name="stream">The stream to connect to</param>
 /// <returns>If the system connected ok</returns>
 public virtual bool Connect(DataItemDefinition definition, DataConnection connection, Stream stream)
 => throw new NotImplementedException();