Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void Load()
            this.Progress = 0;
            var fileName = this.GetFileName(this.FileName);

            if (!File.Exists(fileName))
                throw new XTMFRuntimeException(String.Format("The file {0} was not found when trying to load the population!", fileName));
            SparseArray <IPerson[]>   pop        = this.Root.ZoneSystem.ZoneArray.CreateSimilarArray <IPerson[]>();
            SparseArray <Household[]> Households = this.Root.ZoneSystem.ZoneArray.CreateSimilarArray <Household[]>();
            var flatHouseholds = Households.GetFlatData();
            var flatZones      = this.Root.ZoneSystem.ZoneArray.GetFlatData();
            Dictionary <int, List <IPerson> > tempPop = new Dictionary <int, List <IPerson> >(flatZones.Length);

            Parallel.For(0, flatZones.Length, delegate(int i)
                IZone zone        = flatZones[i];
                flatHouseholds[i] = new Household[]
                { new Household()
                      Cars = 0, Zone = zone
                  new Household()
                      Cars = 1, Zone = zone
                  new Household()
                      Cars = 2, Zone = zone
                  } };
            using (CommentedCsvReader reader = new CommentedCsvReader(fileName))
                int i          = 0;
                var baseStream = reader.BaseStream;
                while (reader.NextLine())
                    if (reader.NumberOfCurrentCells > 9)
                        int   zone, age, cars, employmentStatus, studentStatus, occupation, driversLicense;
                        float expansionFactor;
                        reader.Get(out zone, 0);
                        reader.Get(out age, 1);
                        reader.Get(out cars, 2);
                        reader.Get(out employmentStatus, 5);
                        reader.Get(out studentStatus, 6);
                        reader.Get(out occupation, 7);
                        reader.Get(out driversLicense, 8);
                        reader.Get(out expansionFactor, 9);
                        List <IPerson> zoneData;
                        if (!tempPop.TryGetValue(zone, out zoneData))
                            zoneData = tempPop[zone] = new List <IPerson>(10);
                        zoneData.Add(new Person()
                            Age              = age,
                            DriversLicense   = driversLicense > 0,
                            EmploymentStatus = employmentStatus,
                            ExpansionFactor  = expansionFactor,
                            Household        = Households[zone][cars],
                            Occupation       = occupation,
                            StudentStatus    = studentStatus
                        if (i >= 4000)
                            i             = 0;
                            this.Progress = (float)baseStream.Position / baseStream.Length;
                this.Progress = 1;
            SetupPopulation(pop, tempPop, flatZones);