Ejemplo n.º 1
        // UC 6: Create a TR based on a Bug.
        // Return if the bug is updated or not.
        private void createTR(
            Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.WorkItem workItem,
            WorkItemChangedEvent notification,
            String user,
            ref Status status)
            // Create the ECR
            callCreateTR(ECRMapper.mapFromWorkitem(workItem, null, ECRMapper.ACTION_CREATE), user, ref status);
            if (!status.OK)

            // UC 3 (one case): Update all changed attributes before handling any state change

            // Note: If adding an entry in History on create this should propagate to Progress Info, but
            // this caused Bug to appear dirty after Save, see issue 79. Given almost all fields are used on
            // create, it does not make sense to make extra update as below. TBD if we should re-add in a
            // changed form.

            //EnterpriseChangeRequest updatedEcr = ECRMapper.mapFromUpdatedWorkitem(workItem, status.TRAbout, notification);
            //if (updatedEcr != null)
            //    // Note: Failure to update will be Warning not Error, so status still OK.
            //    callUpdateTR(updatedEcr, user, null, ref status);

            // Set the ECR in state Registered
            EnterpriseChangeRequest ecr = ECRMapper.mapFromWorkitem(workItem, status.TRAbout, ECRMapper.ACTION_REGISTER_ROUTE);

            callUpdateTR(ecr, user, ECRMapper.TR_STATE_REGISTERED_S, ref status);
            if (!status.OK)

            // Set the ECR in state Assigned if we have a defined owner
            ecr = ECRMapper.mapFromWorkitem(workItem, status.TRAbout, ECRMapper.ACTION_ASSIGN);
            if (ecr.GetOwner() != null && ecr.GetOwner().Length > 0)
                callUpdateTR(ecr, user, ECRMapper.TR_STATE_ASSIGNED_S, ref status);
                if (!status.OK)

            if (status.OK)
                    String.Format("Created TR based on workitem named: {0}", workItem.Title),
Ejemplo n.º 2
        // Update the connected TR State. Return if the bug is updated or not.
        private void updateTRState(
            Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.WorkItem workItem,
            String oldState, String newState,
            String user,
            Uri about,
            ref Status status)
            status.TRState = ECRMapper.getTRState(workItem);

            if (oldState.Equals(ECRMapper.BUG_STATE_ACTIVE, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
                newState.Equals(ECRMapper.BUG_STATE_RESOLVED, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                // UC 4: Updated TR based on the Bug's Active -> Resolve state change

                EnterpriseChangeRequest ecr = null;
                if (status.TRState.Equals(ECRMapper.TR_STATE_ASSIGNED))
                    ecr = ECRMapper.mapFromWorkitem(workItem, about, ECRMapper.ACTION_PROPOSE);
                    callUpdateTR(ecr, user, ECRMapper.TR_STATE_PROPOSED_S, ref status);
                    if (!status.OK)

                if (status.TRState.Equals(ECRMapper.TR_STATE_PROPOSED))
                    String answerCode = "";
                    if (ecr != null)
                        answerCode = ecr.GetAnswerCode();
                        answerCode = AttributesMapper.GetTfsValueForEcrKey(TFSMapper.ECM_ANSWER_CODE, workItem);

                    if (answerCode.Contains("A") || answerCode.Contains("D") || answerCode.Contains("B11"))
                        // In case Answer Code = A*, D*, or B11 go directly to Answer
                        callUpdateTR(ECRMapper.mapFromWorkitem(workItem, about, ECRMapper.ACTION_ANSWER),
                                     user, ECRMapper.TR_STATE_TECH_ANSW_PROV_S, ref status);
                        callUpdateTR(ECRMapper.mapFromWorkitem(workItem, about, ECRMapper.ACTION_APPROVE),
                                     user, ECRMapper.TR_STATE_PROP_APPROV_S, ref status);

                String expectedState = ECRMapper.TR_STATE_PROP_APPROV;
                if (!status.TRState.Equals(expectedState))
                    // Incorrect pre condition
                        String.Format("Expected TR State: {0}, current TR state: {1}", expectedState, status.TRState),

                // Note: Here we assume we are in trState PA, as we accepted AS, PP and PA. If we have not failed
                // before, this is where we will fail if any assumption was wrong -> error message.
                if (status.OK)
                    callUpdateTR(ECRMapper.mapFromWorkitem(workItem, about, ECRMapper.ACTION_VERIFY),
                                 user, ECRMapper.TR_STATE_TECH_ANSW_PROV_S, ref status);

            else if (oldState.Equals(ECRMapper.BUG_STATE_RESOLVED, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
                     newState.Equals(ECRMapper.BUG_STATE_CLOSED, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                // Update a TR based on Close of the Bug's Resolve -> Close state change

                String expectedState = ECRMapper.TR_STATE_TECH_ANSW_PROV;
                if (!status.TRState.Equals(expectedState))
                    // Incorrect pre condition
                        String.Format("Expected TR State: {0}, current TR state: {1}", expectedState, status.TRState),

                // TODO: Put the condition in configuration file etc.
                String answerCode = AttributesMapper.GetTfsValueForEcrKey(TFSMapper.ECM_ANSWER_CODE, workItem);
                if (answerCode.Equals("D4"))
                    // UC 9.3 - Bug set as Postponed
                    callUpdateTR(ECRMapper.mapFromWorkitem(workItem, about, ECRMapper.ACTION_ACCEPT),
                                 user, ECRMapper.TR_STATE_POSTPONED_S, ref status);
                else if (answerCode.Equals("Duplicate"))
                    // UC 9.4 - Bug set as Duplicate
                    callUpdateTR(ECRMapper.mapFromWorkitem(workItem, about, ECRMapper.ACTION_DUPLICATE), user, null, ref status);
                    // UC 9.1 - Close of Bug from TFS
                    callUpdateTR(ECRMapper.mapFromWorkitem(workItem, about, ECRMapper.ACTION_FINISH), user,
                                 ECRMapper.TR_STATE_FINISHED_S, ref status);

            else if (oldState.Equals(ECRMapper.BUG_STATE_RESOLVED, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
                     newState.Equals(ECRMapper.BUG_STATE_ACTIVE, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                // UC 9.2: Update a TR based the Bug's Resolved -> Active state change

                callUpdateTR(ECRMapper.mapFromWorkitem(workItem, about, ECRMapper.ACTION_REJECT), user,
                             ECRMapper.TR_STATE_REGISTERED_S, ref status);
                if (!status.OK)

                // If Bug is assigned to a user we need to drive change back to Assigned state
                EnterpriseChangeRequest ecr = ECRMapper.mapFromWorkitem(workItem, about, ECRMapper.ACTION_ASSIGN);
                if (ecr.GetOwner() != null && ecr.GetOwner().Length > 0)
                    callUpdateTR(ecr, user, ECRMapper.TR_STATE_ASSIGNED_S, ref status);
            else if (oldState.Equals(ECRMapper.BUG_STATE_CLOSED, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
                     newState.Equals(ECRMapper.BUG_STATE_ACTIVE, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                // UC 9.2: Update a TR based the Bug's Closed -> Active state change

                // In case of Closed -> Active, this is only allowed for the "no action" answer codes
                // in MHWeb, so OK for this to fail if selecting the incorrect answer code.
                // Could block in Bug.xml if we want to prevent some cases.

                callUpdateTR(ECRMapper.mapFromWorkitem(workItem, about, ECRMapper.ACTION_REACTIVATE), user,
                             ECRMapper.TR_STATE_REGISTERED_S, ref status);
                if (!status.OK)

                // If Bug is assigned to a user we need to drive change back to Assigned state
                EnterpriseChangeRequest ecr = ECRMapper.mapFromWorkitem(workItem, about, ECRMapper.ACTION_ASSIGN);
                if (ecr.GetOwner() != null && ecr.GetOwner().Length > 0)
                    callUpdateTR(ecr, user, ECRMapper.TR_STATE_ASSIGNED_S, ref status);

            else if (oldState.Equals(ECRMapper.BUG_STATE_ACTIVE, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
                     newState.Equals(ECRMapper.BUG_STATE_ACTIVE, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                // UC 3 (one case): Handle Assign case - state change for TR, attribute change for Bug

                // Incorrect pre condition
                String expectedState = ECRMapper.TR_STATE_REGISTERED;
                if (!status.TRState.Equals(expectedState))
                        String.Format("Expected TR State: {0}, current TR state: {1}", expectedState, status.TRState),

                // Handle case when we are in state PR
                if (status.TRState.Equals(ECRMapper.TR_STATE_PRIVATE))
                                     workItem, about, ECRMapper.ACTION_REGISTER_ROUTE),
                                 user, ECRMapper.TR_STATE_REGISTERED_S, ref status);

                                 workItem, about, ECRMapper.ACTION_ASSIGN), user, ECRMapper.TR_STATE_ASSIGNED_S, ref status);