Ejemplo n.º 1
        public TypeContext BuildContext()
            var typeContext = new TypeContext(Settings);

            new SolutionTraverser(Solution, ns =>
                new NamespaceTraverser(ns,
                    codeClass => BuildCodeClass(typeContext, codeClass),
                    codeEnum => BuildCodeEnum(typeContext, codeEnum)

            return typeContext;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public TypeContext BuildContext()
            var typeContext = new TypeContext();

            new ProjectTraverser(this.Project, (ns) =>
                new NamespaceTraverser(ns, (codeClass) =>
                    CodeAttribute attribute;
                    if (!TryGetAttribute(codeClass.Attributes, InterfaceAttributeFullName, out attribute))

                    var values = GetInterfaceValues(codeClass, attribute);
                    var customType = new CustomType(values.Name, values.Module);

                    typeContext.AddCustomType(codeClass.FullName, customType);

            return typeContext;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public TypeContext BuildContext()
            var typeContext = new TypeContext(this.Settings);
            var partialClasses = new Dictionary<string, CodeClass>();

            new SolutionTraverser(this.Solution, (ns) =>
                new NamespaceTraverser(ns, (codeClass) =>
                    CodeAttribute attribute;
                    if (!TryGetAttribute(codeClass.Attributes, InterfaceAttributeFullName, out attribute))

                    var values = GetInterfaceValues(codeClass, attribute);
                    var interfaceType = new InterfaceType(values);

                    if (!typeContext.ContainsInterfaceType(codeClass.FullName))
                        typeContext.AddInterfaceType(codeClass.FullName, interfaceType);

            return typeContext;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private TypeScriptInterface BuildInterface(CodeClass codeClass, TypeScriptInterfaceAttributeValues attributeValues, TypeContext typeContext)
            var tsInterface = new TypeScriptInterface
                FullName = codeClass.FullName,
                Name = GetInterfaceName(attributeValues)

            TypescriptType indexedType;
            if (TryGetIndexedType(codeClass, typeContext, out indexedType))
                tsInterface.IndexedType = indexedType;

            new ClassTraverser(codeClass, (property) =>
                TypeScriptInterfaceMember member;
                if (TryGetMember(property, typeContext, out member))

            return tsInterface;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private bool TryGetMember(CodeProperty property, TypeContext typeContext, out TypeScriptInterfaceMember member)
            member = null;
            if (property.Access != vsCMAccess.vsCMAccessPublic)
                return false;

            var getter = property.Getter;
            if (getter == null)
                return false;

            var values = GetMemberValues(property, typeContext);
            member = new TypeScriptInterfaceMember
                Name = values.Name ?? property.Name,
                FullName = property.FullName,
                Optional = values.Optional,
                Type = (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(values.Type))
                    ? typeContext.GetTypeScriptType(getter.Type)
                    : new CustomType(values.Type)

            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private TypeScriptMemberAttributeValues GetMemberValues(CodeProperty property, TypeContext typeContext)
            bool? attributeOptional = null;
            string attributeName = null;
            string attributeType = null;

            CodeAttribute attribute;
            if (TryGetAttribute(property.Attributes, MemberAttributeFullName, out attribute))
                var values = GetAttributeValues(attribute);
                if (values.ContainsKey("Optional"))
                    attributeOptional = values["Optional"] == "true";

                values.TryGetValue("Name", out attributeName);
                values.TryGetValue("Type", out attributeType);

            return new TypeScriptMemberAttributeValues
                Optional = attributeOptional.HasValue ? attributeOptional.Value : Settings.DefaultOptional,
                Name = attributeName,
                Type = attributeType
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private TypeScriptMemberAttributeValues GetMemberValues(CodeProperty property, TypeContext typeContext)
            bool?  attributeOptional  = null;
            bool?  attributeCamelCase = null;
            bool   attributeIgnore    = false;
            string attributeName      = null;
            string attributeType      = null;

            CodeAttribute attribute;

            if (TryGetAttribute(property.Attributes, MemberAttributeFullName, out attribute))
                var  values = GetAttributeValues(attribute);
                bool parsedProperty;
                if (values.ContainsKey("Optional") && bool.TryParse(values["Optional"], out parsedProperty))
                    attributeOptional = parsedProperty;

                if (values.ContainsKey("CamelCase") && bool.TryParse(values["CamelCase"], out parsedProperty))
                    attributeCamelCase = parsedProperty;

                if (values.ContainsKey("Ignore") && bool.TryParse(values["Ignore"], out parsedProperty))
                    attributeIgnore = parsedProperty;

                values.TryGetValue("Name", out attributeName);
                values.TryGetValue("Type", out attributeType);

            return(new TypeScriptMemberAttributeValues
                Optional = attributeOptional.HasValue ? attributeOptional.Value : Settings.DefaultOptional,
                Name = attributeName,
                Type = attributeType,
                CamelCase = attributeCamelCase ?? Settings.DefaultCamelCaseMemberNames,
                Ignore = attributeIgnore
Ejemplo n.º 8
 private void BuildCodeEnum(TypeContext typeContext, CodeEnum codeEnum, CodeClass owner = null)
     if (codeEnum == null) return;
     CodeAttribute attribute;
     EnumType enumType = null;
     if (owner != null)
         var tsType = typeContext.GetTypeScriptType(owner.FullName);
         if (tsType != null)
             enumType = new EnumType(codeEnum.Name);
     if (TryGetAttribute(codeEnum.Attributes, EnumAttributeFullName, out attribute))
         var values = GetEnumValues(codeEnum, attribute);
         enumType = new EnumType(values);
     if (enumType != null)
         if (!typeContext.ContainsEnumType(codeEnum.FullName))
             typeContext.AddEnumType(codeEnum.FullName, enumType);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        private bool TryGetMember(CodeProperty property, TypeContext typeContext, out TypeScriptInterfaceMember member)
            member = null;
            if (property.Access != vsCMAccess.vsCMAccessPublic)
                return false;

            var getter = property.Getter;
            if (getter == null)
                return false;

            var values = GetMemberValues(property, typeContext);

            string name;
            if (values.Name != null)
                name = values.Name;
                name = property.Name;
                if (name.StartsWith("@"))
                    name = name.Substring(1);

            member = new TypeScriptInterfaceMember
                Name = name,
                //FullName = property.FullName,
                Optional = values.Optional,
                Ignore = values.Ignore,
                Type = (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(values.Type))
                    ? typeContext.GetTypeScriptType(getter.Type)
                    : new InterfaceType(values.Type)

            if (member.Ignore)
                return false;

            if (values.CamelCase && values.Name == null)
                member.Name = member.Name.Substring(0, 1).ToLowerInvariant() + member.Name.Substring(1);

            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        private bool TryGetEnumMember(CodeVariable variable, TypeContext typeContext, int index, out TypeScriptEnumMember member)
            var values = GetMemberValues(variable, typeContext);
            member = new TypeScriptEnumMember
                Name = values.Name,
                FullName = variable.FullName,
                Ignore = values.Ignore,
                Value = variable.InitExpression == null ? index : Int32.Parse(variable.InitExpression.ToString()),
                Comment = variable.Comment,
                DocComment = variable.DocComment

            if (member.Name == null)
                // The property is not explicit marked with TypeScriptMemberAttribute
                if (variable.Access != vsCMAccess.vsCMAccessPublic)
                    // remove non-public default properties
                    return false;
                member.Name = variable.Name;

            if (member.Ignore)
                return false;

            if (values.CamelCase && values.Name == null)
                member.Name = member.Name.Substring(0, 1).ToLowerInvariant() + member.Name.Substring(1);

            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        private void ProcessCodeEnum(TypeContext typeContext, IDictionary<CodeEnum, TypeScriptEnum> tsEnumMap,
            IDictionary<string, TypeScriptModule> byModuleName, CodeEnum codeEnum)
            EnumType enumType;
            if (typeContext.TryGetEnumType(codeEnum.FullName, out enumType))
                var values = enumType.AttributeValues;

                TypeScriptModule module;
                if (!byModuleName.TryGetValue(values.Module, out module))
                    module = new TypeScriptModule { QualifiedName = values.Module };
                    byModuleName.Add(values.Module, module);

                var tsEnum = BuildEnum(codeEnum, values, typeContext);
                tsEnumMap.Add(codeEnum, tsEnum);
                tsEnum.Module = module;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        private void ProcessCodeClass(TypeContext typeContext, IDictionary<CodeClass, TypeScriptInterface> tsMap, 
            IDictionary<string, TypeScriptModule> byModuleName, CodeClass codeClass)
            InterfaceType interfaceType;
            if (typeContext.TryGetInterfaceType(codeClass.FullName, out interfaceType))
                var values = interfaceType.AttributeValues;

                TypeScriptModule module;
                if (!byModuleName.TryGetValue(values.Module, out module))
                    module = new TypeScriptModule { QualifiedName = values.Module };
                    byModuleName.Add(values.Module, module);

                var tsInterface = BuildInterface(codeClass, values, typeContext);
                tsMap.Add(codeClass, tsInterface);
                tsInterface.Module = module;
Ejemplo n.º 13
        private TypeScriptMemberAttributeValues GetMemberValues(CodeVariable variable, TypeContext typeContext)
            bool? attributeOptional = null;
            bool? attributeCamelCase = null;
            bool attributeIgnore = false;
            string attributeName = null;
            string attributeType = null;

            CodeAttribute attribute;

            // By default ignore properties marked with MemberIgnoreAttributes
            if (Settings.MemberIgnoreAttributes.Any(a => TryGetAttribute(variable.Attributes, a, out attribute, true)))
                attributeIgnore = true;

            if (TryGetAttribute(variable.Attributes, MemberAttributeFullName, out attribute))
                var values = GetAttributeValues(attribute);
                if (values.ContainsKey("Optional"))
                    attributeOptional = values["Optional"] == "true";

                if (values.ContainsKey("CamelCase"))
                    attributeCamelCase = values["CamelCase"] == "true";

                if (values.ContainsKey("Ignore"))
                    attributeIgnore = values["Ignore"] == "true";

                values.TryGetValue("Name", out attributeName);
                values.TryGetValue("Type", out attributeType);

            return new TypeScriptMemberAttributeValues
                Optional = attributeOptional.HasValue ? attributeOptional.Value : Settings.DefaultOptional,
                Name = attributeName,
                Type = attributeType,
                CamelCase = attributeCamelCase ?? Settings.DefaultCamelCaseMemberNames,
                Ignore = attributeIgnore
Ejemplo n.º 14
        private TypeScriptInterface BuildInterface(CodeClass codeClass, TypeScriptInterfaceAttributeValues attributeValues, TypeContext typeContext)
            var tsInterface = new TypeScriptInterface
                FullName = codeClass.FullName,
                Name = GetInterfaceName(attributeValues),
                Comment = codeClass.Comment,
                DocComment = codeClass.DocComment

            // Add sub-classes to the interface
            foreach (var codeSubClass in codeClass.Members.OfType<CodeClass>().Where(cc => cc.Access == vsCMAccess.vsCMAccessPublic))
                var subAttributeValues = new TypeScriptInterfaceAttributeValues { Name = codeSubClass.Name };
                InterfaceType interfaceType;
                if (typeContext.TryGetInterfaceType(codeSubClass.FullName, out interfaceType))
                    subAttributeValues = interfaceType.AttributeValues;
                    subAttributeValues.Module = attributeValues.Module + "." + tsInterface.Name;

                var subInterface = BuildInterface(codeSubClass, subAttributeValues, typeContext);
                subInterface.Owner = tsInterface;

            // Add sub-enums to the interface
            foreach (CodeEnum codeSubEnum in codeClass.Members.OfType<CodeEnum>().Where(cc => cc.Access == vsCMAccess.vsCMAccessPublic))
                var subAttributeValues = new TypeScriptEnumAttributeValues { Name = codeSubEnum.Name };
                EnumType enumType;
                if (typeContext.TryGetEnumType(codeSubEnum.FullName, out enumType))
                    subAttributeValues = enumType.AttributeValues;
                    subAttributeValues.Module = attributeValues.Module + "." + tsInterface.Name;

                var subEnum = BuildEnum(codeSubEnum, subAttributeValues, typeContext);
                subEnum.Owner = tsInterface;

            TypescriptType indexedType;
            if (TryGetIndexedType(codeClass, typeContext, out indexedType))
                tsInterface.IndexedType = indexedType;

            new ClassTraverser(codeClass, property =>
                TypeScriptInterfaceMember member;
                if (TryGetMember(property, typeContext, out member))

            return tsInterface;
Ejemplo n.º 15
        private TypeScriptEnum BuildEnum(CodeEnum codeEnum, TypeScriptEnumAttributeValues attributeValues, TypeContext typeContext)
            var tsEnum = new TypeScriptEnum
                FullName = codeEnum.FullName,
                Name = GetEnumName(attributeValues),
                Comment = codeEnum.Comment,
                DocComment = codeEnum.DocComment

            new EnumTraverser(codeEnum, (variable, index) =>
                TypeScriptEnumMember member;
                if (TryGetEnumMember(variable, typeContext, index, out member))

            return tsEnum;
Ejemplo n.º 16
        private TypeScriptMemberAttributeValues GetMemberValues(CodeProperty property, TypeContext typeContext)
            bool? attributeOptional = null;
            bool? attributeCamelCase = null;
            bool attributeIgnore = false;
            string attributeName = null;
            string attributeType = null;

            CodeAttribute attribute;
            if (TryGetAttribute(property.Attributes, MemberAttributeFullName, out attribute))
                var values = GetAttributeValues(attribute);
                bool parsedProperty;
                if (values.ContainsKey("Optional") && bool.TryParse(values["Optional"], out parsedProperty))
                    attributeOptional = parsedProperty;

                if (values.ContainsKey("CamelCase") && bool.TryParse(values["CamelCase"], out parsedProperty))
                    attributeCamelCase = parsedProperty;

                if (values.ContainsKey("Ignore") && bool.TryParse(values["Ignore"], out parsedProperty))
                    attributeIgnore = parsedProperty;

                values.TryGetValue("Name", out attributeName);
                values.TryGetValue("Type", out attributeType);

            return new TypeScriptMemberAttributeValues
                Optional = attributeOptional.HasValue ? attributeOptional.Value : Settings.DefaultOptional,
                Name = attributeName,
                Type = attributeType,
                CamelCase = attributeCamelCase ?? Settings.DefaultCamelCaseMemberNames,
                Ignore = attributeIgnore
Ejemplo n.º 17
        private bool TryGetIndexedType(CodeClass codeClass, TypeContext typeContext, out TypescriptType indexedType)
            indexedType = null;
            if (codeClass.Bases == null || codeClass.Bases.Count == 0)
                return false;

            foreach (CodeElement baseClass in codeClass.Bases)
                if (typeContext.IsGenericEnumerable(baseClass.FullName))
                    string fullName = typeContext.UnwrapGenericType(baseClass.FullName);
                    indexedType = typeContext.GetTypeScriptType(fullName);
                    return true;

            return false;
Ejemplo n.º 18
        private bool TryGetMember(CodeProperty property, TypeContext typeContext, out TypeScriptInterfaceMember member)
            member = null;

            var getter = property.Getter;
            if (getter == null || property.Name == "this")
                return false;

            var values = GetMemberValues(property, typeContext);

            string name;
            if (values.Name != null)
                name = values.Name;
                name = property.Name;
                if (name.StartsWith("@"))
                    name = name.Substring(1);

            member = new TypeScriptInterfaceMember
                Name = name,
                //FullName = property.FullName,
                Optional = values.Optional,
                Ignore = values.Ignore,
                Type = (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(values.Type))
                    ? typeContext.GetTypeScriptType(getter.Type)
                    : new InterfaceType(values.Type),
                Comment = property.Comment,
                DocComment = property.DocComment

            if (member.Name == null)
                // The property is not explicit marked with TypeScriptMemberAttribute
                if (property.Access != vsCMAccess.vsCMAccessPublic)
                    // remove non-public default properties
                    return false;
                member.Name = property.Name;

            if (member.Ignore)
                return false;

            if (values.CamelCase && values.Name == null)
                member.Name = member.Name.Substring(0, 1).ToLowerInvariant() + member.Name.Substring(1);

            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 19
        private TypeScriptInterface BuildInterface(CodeClass codeClass, TypeScriptInterfaceAttributeValues attributeValues, TypeContext typeContext)
            var tsInterface = new TypeScriptInterface
                FullName = codeClass.FullName,
                Name     = GetInterfaceName(attributeValues),
                Extends  = attributeValues.Extends

            TypescriptType indexedType;

            if (TryGetIndexedType(codeClass, typeContext, out indexedType))
                tsInterface.IndexedType = indexedType;

            new ClassTraverser(codeClass, (property) =>
                TypeScriptInterfaceMember member;
                if (TryGetMember(property, typeContext, out member))

Ejemplo n.º 20
        private void BuildCodeClass(TypeContext typeContext, CodeClass codeClass, CodeClass owner = null, bool forcedProcessing = false)
            if (codeClass == null) return;
            CodeAttribute attribute;
            InterfaceType interfaceType = null;
            if (owner != null)
                var tsType = typeContext.GetTypeScriptType(owner.FullName);
                if (tsType != null)
                    interfaceType = new InterfaceType(codeClass.Name);
            if (forcedProcessing)
                var values = new TypeScriptInterfaceAttributeValues
                    Name = codeClass.Name,
                    Module = Settings.DefaultModule ?? "T4TS",
                    NamePrefix = Settings.DefaultInterfaceNamePrefix ?? string.Empty
                interfaceType = new InterfaceType(values);

            if (TryGetAttribute(codeClass.Attributes, InterfaceAttributeFullName, out attribute))
                var values = GetInterfaceValues(codeClass, attribute);
                interfaceType = new InterfaceType(values);
            else if (Settings.ProcessDataContracts && TryGetAttribute(codeClass.Attributes, "System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractAttribute", out attribute))
                var values = new TypeScriptInterfaceAttributeValues
                    Name = codeClass.Name,
                    Module = Settings.DefaultModule ?? "T4TS",
                    NamePrefix = Settings.DefaultInterfaceNamePrefix ?? string.Empty
                interfaceType = new InterfaceType(values);
            if (interfaceType != null)
                // Process parent classes anyway if it has not TypeScriptAttribute or DataContractAttribute
                if (Settings.ProcessParentClasses)
                    CodeClass parentClass = null;
                    if (codeClass.Bases.Count > 0)
                        parentClass = codeClass.Bases.Item(1) as CodeClass;
                    if (parentClass != null && parentClass.FullName != "System.Object")
                        BuildCodeClass(typeContext, parentClass, null, true);

                if (!typeContext.ContainsInterfaceType(codeClass.FullName))
                    typeContext.AddInterfaceType(codeClass.FullName, interfaceType);

                foreach (var subCodeElement in codeClass.Members)
                    var subCodeClass = subCodeElement as CodeClass;
                    if (subCodeClass != null && subCodeClass.Access == vsCMAccess.vsCMAccessPublic)
                        BuildCodeClass(typeContext, subCodeClass, codeClass);
                    var subCodeEnum = subCodeElement as CodeEnum;
                    if (subCodeEnum != null && subCodeEnum.Access == vsCMAccess.vsCMAccessPublic)
                        BuildCodeEnum(typeContext, subCodeEnum, codeClass);