Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static Real[] GetSparsitiesErdosRenyi(NdArray <Real>[] allMasks, string[] Names, Real defaultSparsity, Dictionary <string, Real> customSparsityMap)
            // We have to enforce custom sparsities and then find the correct scaling factor.

            bool isEpsValid = false;
            // The following loop will terminate worst case when all masks are in the custom_sparsity_map.
            // This should probably never happen though, since once we have a single variable or more with the same constant, we have a valid epsilon.
            // Note that for each iteration we add at least one variable to the custom_sparsity_map and therefore this while loop should terminate.
            List <int> denseLayerIndex = new List <int>();

            // We will start with all layers and try to find right epsilon.
            // However if any probablity exceeds 1, we will make that layer dense and repeat the process (finding epsilon) with the non-dense layers.
            // We want the total number of connections to be the same.
            // Let say we have for layers with N_1, ..., N_4 parameters each.
            // Let say after some iterations probability of some dense layers (3, 4) exceeded 1 and therefore we added them to the dense_layers set.
            // Those layers will not scale with erdos_renyi, however we need to count them so that target paratemeter count is achieved.
            // See below.
            // eps * (p_1 * N_1 + p_2 * N_2) + (N_3 + N_4) = (1 - default_sparsity) * (N_1 + N_2 + N_3 + N_4)
            // eps * (p_1 * N_1 + p_2 * N_2) = (1 - default_sparsity) * (N_1 + N_2) - default_sparsity * (N_3 + N_4)
            // eps = rhs / (\sum_i p_i * N_i) = rhs / divisor.
            Real[] rawProbabilities = new Real[allMasks.Length];
            Real   eps = 0;

            while (!isEpsValid)
                Real divisor = 0;
                int  rhs     = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < allMasks.Length; i++)
                    int nParam = allMasks[i].Data.Length;
                    int nZeros = Math.Ceiling(nParam * defaultSparsity);

                    if (denseLayerIndex.Contains(i))
                        //See `- default_sparsity * (N_3 + N_4)` part of the equation above.
                        rhs -= nZeros;
                    else if (customSparsityMap.ContainsKey(Names[i]))
                        //We ignore custom_sparsities in erdos-renyi calculations.
                        //Corresponds to `(1 - default_sparsity) * (N_1 + N_2)` part of the equation above.
                        int nOnes = nParam - nZeros;
                        rhs += nOnes;

                        rawProbabilities[i] = (allMasks[i].Shape[0] + allMasks[i].Shape[1]) / (Real)allMasks[i].Data.Length;

                    divisor += rawProbabilities[i] * nParam;

                // By multipliying individual probabilites with epsilon, we should get the number of parameters per layer correctly.
                eps = rhs / divisor;

                // If eps * raw_probabilities[mask.name] > 1.0 We set the sparsities of that mask to 0.0, so they become part of dense_layers sets.
                Real maxProb    = rawProbabilities.Max();
                Real maxProbOne = maxProb * eps;

                if (maxProbOne > 1)
                    isEpsValid = false;

                    for (int i = 0; i < rawProbabilities.Length; i++)
                        if (rawProbabilities[i] == maxProb)
                    isEpsValid = true;

            Real[] sparsities = new Real[allMasks.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < sparsities.Length; i++)
                if (customSparsityMap.ContainsKey(Names[i]))
                    sparsities[i] = customSparsityMap[Names[i]];
                else if (denseLayerIndex.Contains(i))
                    sparsities[i] = 0.0f;
                    sparsities[i] = 1.0f - eps * rawProbabilities[i];
