Ejemplo n.º 1
        static void Main(string[] args)
                   Currency balance = new Currency(50,35);

                   Console.WriteLine("balance is " + balance);
                   Console.WriteLine("balance is (using ToString()) " + balance.ToString());

                   float balance2 = balance;

                   Console.WriteLine("After converting to float, = " + balance2);

                   balance = (Currency)balance2;

                   Console.WriteLine("After converting back to Currency, = " + balance);
                   Console.WriteLine("Now attempt to convert out of range value of " +
                                     "-$50.50 to a Currency:");

                    balance = (Currency)(-50.50);
                    Console.WriteLine("Result is " + balance.ToString());
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Exception occurred: " + e.Message);

        private static List<Transaction> GetTransactionsList(string fileName, Currency currency, string price, string quantity, string fileId, string userId)
            var transactionList = new List<Transaction>();
            transactionList.Add(new Transaction()
                invoice_number = fileId + "_" + userId,
                amount = new Amount()
                    currency = currency.ToString().ToUpper(),
                    total = price,       // Total must be equal to sum of shipping, tax and subtotal.


                item_list = new ItemList()
                    items = new List<Item>()
                        new Item()
                            name = fileName,
                            currency = currency.ToString().ToUpper(),
                            price = price,
                            quantity = quantity,
                            sku = fileId
            return transactionList;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public CurrencyInfo GetCurrencyInfo(Currency currency)
     CurrencyInfoResponse currencyInfoResponse = restClient.GetResponse<CurrencyInfoResponse>(String.Format("BTC{0}/money/currency", currency.ToString()), Method.POST, null, AccessType.Public);
     if(currencyInfoResponse.CurrencyInfo == null)
         throw new Exception("Failed to deserialize JSON object of type " + typeof(CurrencyInfo) + ". " + MtGoxRestClient.lastResponse);
     return currencyInfoResponse.CurrencyInfo;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public Depth GetDepth(Currency currency)
     DepthResponse depthResponse = restClient.GetResponse<DepthResponse>(String.Format("BTC{0}/money/depth/fetch", currency.ToString()), Method.GET, null, AccessType.Public);
     if (depthResponse.Depth == null)
         throw new Exception("Failed to deserialize JSON object of type " + typeof(Depth) + ". " + MtGoxRestClient.lastResponse);
     return depthResponse.Depth;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 /// <summary>
 /// 0/buyBTC.php 
 /// </summary>
 public List<Order> buyBTC(double amount, Currency currency, double price = 0.0)
         string url = (this.baseURL) + "0/buyBTC.php";
         string postData;
         if (price == 0.0)
             postData = "amount=" + amount + "&currency=" + currency.ToString();
             postData = "amount=" + amount + "&price=" + price + "&currency=" + currency.ToString();
         string responseStr = DoAuthenticatedAPIPost(url, apiKey, apiSecret, postData);
         var resp = JSON.Instance.ToObject<OrderResponse>(responseStr);
         return resp.orders;
     catch (Exception ex)
         return null;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public OrderCreateResponse CreateOrder(Currency currency, OrderType type, double amount, double? price)
     NameValueCollection nvc = new NameValueCollection
         {"type", type.ToString().ToLower()},
         {"amount_int", (Math.Round(amount, 8)*100000000).ToString()}
     if(price != null)
         nvc.Add("price_int", (Math.Round((double)price,5)*100000).ToString());
     return restClient.GetResponse<OrderCreateResponse>(String.Format("BTC{0}/money/order/add", currency.ToString()), Method.POST, nvc, AccessType.Private);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        protected void LicenseBound(Object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e)
            var cartProvider = (ICartProvider)MarketplaceProviderManager.Providers["CartProvider"];
            ICart _cart = cartProvider.GetCurrentCart();
            _currency = _cart.Currency;

            Literal _name = (Literal)e.Item.FindControl("LicenseType");
            Literal _price = (Literal)e.Item.FindControl("LicensePrice");
            ImageButton _addToCart = (ImageButton)e.Item.FindControl("LicenseAddToCart");

            var License = (ILicense)e.Item.DataItem;

            switch (License.LicenseType)
                    case LicenseType.Domain:
                        _name.Text = "Domain";
                    case LicenseType.IP:
                        _name.Text = "IP";
                    case LicenseType.Unlimited:
                        _name.Text = "Unlimited";
                    case LicenseType.SourceCode:
                        _name.Text = "Source Code";

            _price.Text = DeliCurrency.FriendlyConvertFromEuro((decimal)License.Price, DeliCurrency.FromSymbol(_currency.ToString()));
            _addToCart.CommandArgument = License.Id.ToString();

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Project.GACode))
                var eventCategory = "_" + Project.Name.ToLower().Replace(" ", "");
                _addToCart.OnClientClick = "vendorTracker._trackEvent('" + eventCategory + "', 'Add To Cart - " + _name.Text + "', '" + Project.Name + " " + _name.Text + "'," + License.Price + ");";
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public static decimal ToAUD(decimal price, Currency sourceCurrency, Currency destinationCurrency)
                var client = new WebClient();
                var response = client.DownloadString(string.Format("http://www.google.com/ig/calculator?hl=en&q={0}{1}=?{2}", price, sourceCurrency.ToString(), destinationCurrency.ToString()));
                string value = response.Substring(response.IndexOf("rhs"));
                value = value.Substring(0, value.IndexOf(","));
                string decimalValue = "";

                foreach (char c in value)
                    if (char.IsDigit(c) || c == '.')
                        decimalValue += c;

                return Math.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(decimalValue), 2);
                return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 9
Archivo: Limit.cs Proyecto: Romzes/IFDK
        public static int InsertBondLimit(int? counterpartyID, int? counterpartyGroupID, double limitValue, Currency cur,
            bool considerRevRepo, DateTime startDate)
            if (counterpartyID == null && counterpartyGroupID == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("counterpartyID == null && counterpartyGroupID == null");

            if (counterpartyID != null && counterpartyGroupID != null)
                throw new ArgumentException("counterpartyID != null && counterpartyGroupID != null");

            if (limitValue <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("limitValue <= 0");

            string script = @"
                declare @limitID int;
                set @limitID = (select max(ID)+1 from t_Cpty_Limit);

                declare @fullName nvarchar(300);
                declare @shortName nvarchar(300);

                if (@cptyID is not null)
                    select @fullName = Client_Name, @shortName = Client_ShortName from t_Client where ID = @cptyID;
                    select @fullName = NameCptyGroup, @shortName = SNameCptyGroup from t_CptyGroup where ID = @cptyGroupID;

                insert into t_Cpty_Limit(ID, MasterLimitType, Limit_Type, Limit_Value, Limit_Currency, Limit_Unit, Limit_Date_Start, InstrumentType_ID,
                    Cpty_ID, CtptyGroup_ID, Cpty_ShortName, Cpty_Name, PortfolioGroup_ID)
                values(@limitID, 'counterparty', 'credit', @limitValue, @limitCurrency, 'currency', @startDate, @instrumentType_ID,
                    @cptyID, @cptyGroupID, @shortName, @fullName, null)";
            SqlCommand cmd = DBHelper.CreateCommand(RiskSettings.ConnStr, script,
                DBHelper.CreateParameter("@limitValue", limitValue),
                DBHelper.CreateParameter("@limitCurrency", cur.ToString().ToUpper()),
                DBHelper.CreateParameter("@startDate", startDate),
                DBHelper.CreateParameter("@instrumentType_ID", considerRevRepo ? -1 : (int?)null),
                DBHelper.CreateParameter("@cptyID", counterpartyID), DBHelper.CreateParameter("@cptyGroupID", counterpartyGroupID));
            return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// 0/data/getDepth.php 
        /// </summary>
        public Depth getDepth(Currency currency)
                string url = (this.baseURL) + "0/data/getDepth.php?currency=" + currency.ToString();
                string postData = "";
                string responseStr = DoAuthenticatedAPIPost(url, apiKey, apiSecret, postData);

                Depth returnValue = new Depth();//Depth.getObjects(responseStr);

                return returnValue;

            catch (Exception ex)
                return null;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public static string GetFutureSearchCriteria(string description = "", string root = "", FutureType futureType = FutureType.Electronic, 
			Currency currency = Currency.USD, bool includeExpired = false, CountryCode country = CountryCode.ALL)
            StringBuilder criteria = new StringBuilder(255);
            Append(criteria, "c=" + SearchCategory.Future.ToString());
            if (description != string.Empty) Append(criteria, "desc=" + description);
            if (root != string.Empty) Append(criteria, "r=" + root);
            if (futureType != FutureType.Electronic) Append(criteria, "FT=" + futureType.ToString());
            if (currency != Currency.USD) Append(criteria, "Cur=" + currency.ToString());
            if (includeExpired) Append(criteria, "Exp=true");
            if (country != CountryCode.ALL) Append(criteria, "Cnt=" + country.ToString());

            return criteria.ToString();
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public void AddCell(Currency text)
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public TradeResponse GetTrades(Currency currency, DateTime? fromDateTime)
            TradeResponse tradeResponse;

            if (fromDateTime.HasValue)
                DateTime epoch = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
                TimeSpan span = ((DateTime)fromDateTime - epoch);
                Int64 since = (Int64)Decimal.Round(Decimal.Divide(span.Ticks, 10), 0);

                tradeResponse = restClient.GetResponse<TradeResponse>(String.Format("BTC{0}/money/trades/fetch?since={1}", currency.ToString(), since), Method.GET, null, AccessType.Public);
                tradeResponse = restClient.GetResponse<TradeResponse>(String.Format("BTC{0}/money/trades/fetch", currency.ToString()), Method.GET, null, AccessType.Public);

            if (tradeResponse.Trades == null)
                throw new Exception("Failed to deserialize JSON object of type " + typeof(List<Trade>) + ". " + MtGoxRestClient.lastResponse);
            return tradeResponse;
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public Ticker GetTicker(Currency currency)
     MtGoxTickerResponse tickerResponse = restClient.GetResponse<MtGoxTickerResponse>(String.Format("BTC{0}/money/ticker", currency.ToString()), Method.GET, null, AccessType.Public);
     if (tickerResponse.Ticker == null)
         throw new Exception("Failed to deserialize JSON object of type " + typeof(MtGoxTicker) + ". " + MtGoxRestClient.lastResponse);
     return new Ticker(tickerResponse.Ticker);
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public void ToStringTest()
     Symbols sym = Symbols.USD;
     Decimal amount = 2.2M;
     Currency target = new Currency(sym, amount);
     string expected = "USD 2.20";
     string actual;
     actual = target.ToString();
     Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Ejemplo n.º 16
 /// <summary>
 /// 0/history_[CUR].csv
 /// </summary>
 public string history_CUR(Currency currency)
         string url = (this.baseURL) + "0/history_" + currency.ToString() + ".csv";
         string postData = "";
         string responseStr = DoAuthenticatedAPIPost(url, apiKey, apiSecret, postData);
         return responseStr;
     catch (Exception ex)
         return null;
Ejemplo n.º 17
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Console.WindowHeight = 60;
        var ci = new CultureInfo("en-NZ");
        var mfi = new MeasurementFormatInfo(ci.NumberFormat);
        var dict = new HybridDictionary();
        dict["FuelEfficiency"] = "km/L;0.0";
        dict["Length"] = "in";
        dict["MassFlow"] = "t/d;0.00000";
        dict["Angle"] = ">+0d0'0.00\"";
        dict["Angle~brg"] = "<{>B} ({>+000d})";
        dict["Angle~test"] = "<{~brg} {/3.1415926536;0.00}\u03C0 {!;0.0} {*} {%} {>x}";


        var ang1 = Angle.Degrees(-25);
        string sAng1 = ang1.ToString("~test", mfi);
        Console.WriteLine("composite format: 25deg: {0}", sAng1);
        var ang2 = Angle.Degrees(333);
        string sAng2 = ang2.ToString("~brg", mfi);
        Console.WriteLine("composite format: 333deg:  {0} {1:>X}", sAng2, ang2);

        for (int deg3 = 0; deg3 < 700; deg3 += 50)
            Angle ang3 = Angle.Degrees(deg3);
            string sAng3 = ang3.ToString("<{!},{>0d},{>+0d},{>-000d00'00.0\"}", mfi);
            Console.WriteLine("normal, full and half: {0}", sAng3);

        string x1 = string.Format(mfi,
                "\r\nUnitless:	{0:*}" + // unitless SI value
                "\r\nKnown unit:  {1:km/L}" + // use km/L unit
                "\r\nMultiplier:  {2:*3.6;0,000.000}" + // unitless, multiply SI value
                "\r\nCanonical:   {3:!;0.00}" + // show simple SI base units with dots between units
                "\r\nSI base:	 {4:^}" + // show simple SI base units without dots between, and using superscripts for 1..3
                "\r\nAngle:	   {5:deg;0.0}" + // display unit different from the lookup key
                "\r\nCurrency:	{6:@}" + // @ is the lookup character for the generic currency symbol
                "\r\nTemperature: {7:degF;0.0}" +  // temperature scale conversion
                "\r\nFeet:		{8:';30.0}" + // use of ' mark
                "\r\nPreferred:   {9}" + // uses the preferences in MeasureFormatInfo
                "\r\nEasy unit:   {10: m3}" + // converts 3 to superscript before lookup
                "\r\nSlash unit:  {11:ps;0}" // 'per' ...

                , Length.Metre(10) //0
                , FuelEfficiency.KmPerLitre(11.5) //1
                , Speed.MetrePerSec(893483.0) //2
                , Pressure.Pascal(1013.293840129348) //3
                , Volume.CubicMetre(7.0012) //4
                , Angle.Degrees(89.55) //5
                , new Currency(1200) //6
                , Temperature.Kelvin(233.15) //7
                , Length.Metre(3) //8
                , MassFlow.KgPerSec(2.3) // 9
                , Volume.USGallon(100.0) // 10
                , Frequency.Hertz(60) // 11

        var m1 = new Measurement(0.1334, new MUnit(2, 3, -1, 0, 0, 1, 0));
        string x2 = string.Format(mfi,
                "\r\nCanonical   {0:!}" +
                "\r\nSuperscript {1:^}" +
                "\r\nUnitless	{2:*}" +
                "\r\nMultiplier  {3:*100}%" +
                "\r\nDivider	 {4:/2}" +
                "\r\nPreferred   {5}"
                , m1, m1, m1, m1, m1, m1
        Console.WriteLine(FuelEfficiency.USGallonPer100Mile(5.0).ToString(null, mfi));
        string q;
        Console.WriteLine(Angle.Degrees(-123.457).ToString(">000E 00' 00.0\"", mfi));
        Console.WriteLine(q = Angle.Degrees(-123.457).ToString(">#DN 00' 00.0\"", mfi));
        Console.WriteLine(Angle.Degrees(3.457).ToString(">000.00000d", mfi));
        Console.WriteLine(Angle.Degrees(-6.1234123).ToString(">0.00000d 0.00000' 0.00000\u2033", mfi));
        var time = Time.Hours(2);
        var speed = Speed.Kph(20);
        var length = (Length)((Measurement)speed * time);
        Console.WriteLine(string.Format(mfi, "Length = {0:km}", length));
        Console.WriteLine(Length.Metre(20).ToString("yd", mfi));
        Console.WriteLine(string.Format(mfi, "-> {0}", Length.Metre(0.01)));
        Console.WriteLine("=> " + Length.Metre(0.01).ToString(null, mfi));
        //string s = FuelEfficiency.KmPerLitre(14.5).ToString("gal/100mi", measureFormatInfo);
        string s = Angle.Degrees(45).ToString("%;0.0", mfi);

        var a = Length.Metre(5e-9);
        var ss = string.Format(mfi, "{0:/1e-9;0}nm = {1:*1e9;0}nm", a, a);
        ss = string.Format(mfi, "{0:*;0}nm", new Measurement(a.InSI(SIPrefix.Nano)));

        var fe1 = FuelEfficiency.KmPerLitre(11).ToString("<{km/L;0.0} ({L/100km;0})", mfi);
        Console.WriteLine("FE: " + fe1);

        var sp1 = Speed.Kph(5.1).ToString("<{*86.4;0}km/24h", mfi);
        Console.WriteLine("Daily distance " + sp1);

        string z = "Length:12";
        Length l1 = (Length)Measurement.Parse(z);
        Length l2 = Measurement.Parse<Length>(z);
        Console.WriteLine("{0}", l1);

        FuelEfficiency ff = FuelEfficiency.KmPerLitre(11);
        z = Measurement.PString(ff);
        FuelEfficiency ff2 = Measurement.Parse<FuelEfficiency>(z);
        Console.WriteLine(string.Format(mfi, "FuelEfficiency, Preferred: {0}", ff2));
        Console.WriteLine(ff2.ToString(null, mfi));
        if ((Measurement)ff2 != ff) Console.WriteLine("not the same");

        var m2 = new Measurement(17.7, new MUnit(-1, -1, -3, 0, 1, -1, 2));
        Console.WriteLine(m2.ToString(null, mfi));
        z = Measurement.PString(m2);
        var m3 = Measurement.Parse(z);

        var forex = mfi.ExchangeRates;
        forex["USD"] = 1.0;
        forex["NZD"] = 1.3839;
        forex["EUR"] = 0.6870;
        forex["DKK"] = 5.1121;
        var c1 = new Currency(34.98);
        var cs1 = c1.ToString("<{>USD;0 @} {>NZD;c} {>EUR;\u20AC0.00} {>DKK } {>XYZ;0} {@} {$}", mfi);
        Console.WriteLine("Currency: " + cs1);

        Console.WriteLine(new Currency(12000).ToString(">NZD ;@0;@(0);nil", mfi));

        var c2 = new Currency(36.00, "NZD", mfi);
        var cs2 = c2.ToString("<{>NZD;c} stored as {*}", mfi);
        Console.WriteLine("Conversion: "+ cs2);

        string[] af = {
                                         Measurement.Format("Angle:2", null),
                                         Measurement.Format("Angle:2", mfi),
                                         Measurement.Format("Angle:2 ~brg", mfi),
                                         Measurement.Format("Angle:2 ~test", mfi),
                                         Measurement.Format("Angle:2 !;0.0", mfi),
                                         Measurement.Format("Angle:2 <quadrant {>X} {>b}", mfi),
                                         Measurement.Format("Angle:2 deg", mfi),
                                         Measurement.Format("Currency:750 >NZD;c", mfi),
                                         Measurement.Format("M:123;1,1,1,-1,-2,-2,1 <{!} ({*;0} units)", mfi),
        foreach (string afi in af) Console.WriteLine("  {0}", afi);

Ejemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Операция для получения токена
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="amount">Стоимость</param>
        /// <param name="currencyCode">Валюта</param>
        /// <param name="action">Действие на сайте PayPal, которое пользователь должен будет сделать</param>
        /// <param name="cancelUrl">URL, куда перенаправят пользователя в случае ошибки или отказа от проведения платежа</param>
        /// <param name="returnUrl">URL, куда перенаправят пользователя в случае успешного выполнения платежа</param>
        /// <returns>Все параметры, которые пришли от PayPal</returns>
        public Dictionary<string, string> GetToken(Currency currencyCode, PayAction action,  string cancelUrl, string returnUrl)
            var errList = Validate();
            if (errList.Count != 0)
            { throw new Exception("Can`t get PayPal token because an error has occurred: " + string.Join(",", errList.ToArray())); }

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cancelUrl))
            { throw new Exception("Cancel url is not defined"); }

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(returnUrl))
            { throw new Exception("Successfull url is not defined"); }

            var retDict = new Dictionary<string, string>();

            /* --- Получаем сумму для оплаты --- */
            decimal amount = basket.Sum(t => Convert.ToDecimal(t.Amount));

            /* --- !Получаем сумму для оплаты --- */

            var client = new WebClient();
            var requestStr = new StringBuilder();
                                            PayPalURL, User, Password, Signature, Version, amount.ToString("F").Replace(',','.'), currencyCode.ToString("F"), action.ToString("F"), cancelUrl, returnUrl));

            requestStr.Append(currencyCode == Currency.RUB ? "&LOCALECODE=RU" : "&LOCALECODE=US");

            for (int i = 0; i < basket.Count; i++)
                                                i, basket[i].Name, basket[i].Description, basket[i].Amount.Replace(',', '.'), basket[i].Quantity));

            var sr = new StreamReader(client.OpenRead(requestStr.ToString()));

            string newLine;
            while ((newLine = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                foreach (var curPair in newLine.Split('&'))
                    var pairKeyVal = curPair.Split('=');
                    retDict.Add(pairKeyVal[0], pairKeyVal[1]);

            TokenResponse = retDict;
            return retDict;
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public string BuildFileName(DataItem dataItem, Resolution resolution, Currency currencye)
     var url = "{0}_{1}_{2}";
     url = string.Format(url, dataItem.ToXString(), resolution.ToXString(), currencye.ToString());
     return url;