Ejemplo n.º 1
 public void Load(ConfigNode node)
     node.TryGetValue("ullageHeightMin", ref ullageHeightMin);
     node.TryGetValue("ullageHeightMax", ref ullageHeightMax);
     node.TryGetValue("ullageRadialMin", ref ullageRadialMin);
     node.TryGetValue("ullageRadialMax", ref ullageRadialMax);
     node.TryGetValue("UT", ref UT);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public DefaultConfig(ConfigNode configNode)
     configNode.TryGetValue("name", ref this.name);
     configNode.TryGetValue("description", ref this.description);
     Random random = new Random();
     foreach (ConfigNode bodyNode in configNode.GetNodes("KRES_BODY"))
         if (KRESUtils.IsCelestialBody(bodyNode.GetValue("name")))
             this.bodies.Add(new DefaultBody(bodyNode, random));
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public DefaultResource(ConfigNode configNode, Random random)
     configNode.TryGetValue("name", ref this.name);
     configNode.TryGetValue("type", ref this.type);
     configNode.TryGetValue("density", ref this.density);
     configNode.TryGetValue("octaves", ref this.octaves);
     configNode.TryGetValue("persistence", ref this.persistence);
     configNode.TryGetValue("frequency", ref this.frequency);
     configNode.TryGetValue("minAltitude", ref this.minAltitude);
     configNode.TryGetValue("maxAltitude", ref this.maxAltitude);
     configNode.TryGetValue("biomes", ref this.biomes);
     configNode.TryGetValue("excludedBiomes", ref this.excludedBiomes);
     if (this.type == "ore") { this.seed = random.Next(999999999); }
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void Start()
            foreach (ConfigNode node in GameDatabase.Instance.GetConfigNodes("REALSOLARSYSTEM"))
                RSSSettings = node;

            if (RSSSettings != null)
                RSSSettings.TryGetValue("dumpOrbits", ref dumpOrbits);
                RSSSettings.TryGetValue("useKeypressClip", ref useKeypressClip);

Ejemplo n.º 5
 public void Load(ConfigNode node)
     if (node != null)
         node.TryGetValue("ullageHeightMin", ref ullageHeightMin);
         node.TryGetValue("ullageHeightMax", ref ullageHeightMax);
         node.TryGetValue("ullageRadialMin", ref ullageRadialMin);
         node.TryGetValue("ullageRadialMax", ref ullageRadialMax);
         node.TryGetValue("UT", ref UT);
     #if DEBUG
         string str = "Loaded from node. H,R: " + ullageHeightMin + "/" + ullageHeightMax + ", " + ullageRadialMin + "/" + ullageRadialMax + ". UT: " + UT;
         if (Planetarium.fetch)
             str += " with current UT " + Planetarium.GetUniversalTime();
         MonoBehaviour.print("*U* UllageSim load: " + str);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public ResourceItem(ConfigNode data, string resource, string body, string type, System.Random random)
            DefaultResource defaultResource = DefaultLibrary.GetDefault(MapGenerator.DefaultName).GetBody(body).GetResourceOfType(resource, type);
            this.resource = PartResourceLibrary.Instance.GetDefinition(data.GetValue("name"));
            this.type = KRESUtils.GetResourceType(type);
            this.map = null;
            if (!data.TryGetValue("actualDensity", ref actualDensity))
                actualDensity = KRESUtils.Clamp01(defaultResource.Density * (0.97d + (random.NextDouble() * 0.06d)));

            if (!data.TryGetValue("actualError", ref actualError))
                actualError = (random.NextDouble() * 2d) - 1d;
                data.AddValue("actualError", actualError);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public DefaultBody(ConfigNode configNode, Random random)
     configNode.TryGetValue("name", ref this.name);
     foreach (ConfigNode resourceNode in configNode.GetNodes("KRES_RESOURCE"))
         this.resources.Add(new DefaultResource(resourceNode, random));
        public void Load(ConfigNode node)
            unlocked = false;

            node.TryGetValue("name", ref name);

            double cost = 0d;
            node.TryGetValue("cost", ref cost);

            node.TryGetValue("entryCost", ref entryCost);
                entryCost = Math.Max(0d, cost * RFSettings.Instance.configEntryCostMultiplier);

            node.TryGetValue("sciEntryCost", ref sciEntryCost);
                sciEntryCost = Math.Max(0d, cost * RFSettings.Instance.configScienceCostMultiplier);

            node.TryGetValue("unlocked", ref unlocked);

            node.TryGetValue("techRequired", ref techRequired);

            if (node.HasNode("entryCostMultipliers"))

            if (node.HasNode("entryCostSubtractors"))

            node.TryGetValue("maxSubtraction", ref maxSubtraction);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public TLUpgrade(ConfigNode node, ModuleEngineConfigs mec)
            techLevelEntryCost = 0d;
            techLevelSciEntryCost = 0d;

            if (node.HasValue("name"))
                bool calc = true, sciCalc = true;
                string cfgName = node.GetValue("name");

                calc = !node.TryGetValue("entryCost", ref techLevelEntryCost);

                sciCalc = !node.TryGetValue("sciEntryCost", ref techLevelSciEntryCost);

                if (mec.part.partInfo != null)
                    double configCost = 0d;
                    node.TryGetValue("cost", ref configCost);

                    if (calc)
                        // calculate from what we know
                        techLevelEntryCost += configCost * RFSettings.Instance.configEntryCostMultiplier;
                    if (sciCalc)
                        techLevelSciEntryCost += configCost * RFSettings.Instance.configScienceCostMultiplier;

                    techLevelEntryCost += mec.part.partInfo.entryCost;
                    techLevelSciEntryCost += mec.part.partInfo.entryCost * RFSettings.Instance.configScienceCostMultiplier;
                techLevelEntryCost = Math.Max(0d, techLevelEntryCost * RFSettings.Instance.techLevelEntryCostFraction);
                techLevelSciEntryCost = Math.Max(0d, techLevelSciEntryCost * RFSettings.Instance.techLevelScienceEntryCostFraction);

                currentTL = mec.techLevel;

                Load(node); // override the values if we have the real values.

                name = Utilities.GetPartName(mec.part) + cfgName;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public ResourceItem(ConfigNode data, string resource, string body, System.Random random)
            DefaultResource defaultResource = DefaultLibrary.GetDefault(MapGenerator.DefaultName).GetBody(body).GetResourceOfType(resource, "ore");
            this.resource = PartResourceLibrary.Instance.GetDefinition(resource);
            this.type = ResourceType.ORE;
            double density = defaultResource.Density;
            this.map = new ResourceMap(defaultResource, body);
            if (!data.TryGetValue("actualDensity", ref actualDensity))
                Texture2D texture = Map.GetTexture();
                actualDensity = texture.GetPixels().Count(p => p.a > 0) / mapResolution;
                data.AddValue("actualDensity", actualDensity);

            if (!data.TryGetValue("actualError", ref actualError))
                actualError = (random.NextDouble() * 2d) - 1d;
                data.AddValue("actualError", actualError);
 public void Load(ConfigNode node)
     if (node.HasNode(configNodeName))
         ConfigNode TSTStockPlanetOrderNode = new ConfigNode();
         node.TryGetNode(configNodeName, ref TSTStockPlanetOrderNode);
         string tmpPlanetOrderString = "";
         TSTStockPlanetOrderNode.TryGetValue("planets", ref tmpPlanetOrderString);
         string[] tmpPlanetOrder = tmpPlanetOrderString.Split(',');
         NHPlanetOrder = new string[tmpPlanetOrder.Length];
         if (tmpPlanetOrder.Length > 0)
             for (int i = 0; i < tmpPlanetOrder.Length; i++)
                 NHPlanetOrder[i] = tmpPlanetOrder[i];
     Utilities.Log_Debug("TSTNHPlanetOrder load complete");
Ejemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Initiates all the texture and model nodes in this model config
        /// </summary>
        public TextureConfig(ConfigNode node)
            node.TryGetValue("name", ref _name);

            this._cases = node.GetNodes("CASE_TEXTURE").Select(n => new CaseConfig(n)).ToDictionary(c => c.name, c => c);
            this._caseNames = this._cases.Keys.ToArray();
            this._types = this._cases.Values.SelectMany(c => c.types).Distinct()
                .ToDictionary(t => t, t => this._cases.Values.Where(c => c.types.Contains(t)).Select(c => c.name).ToArray());

            this._canopies = node.GetNodes("CANOPY_TEXTURE").Select(n => new CanopyConfig(n)).ToDictionary(c => c.name, c => c);
            this._canopyNames = this._canopies.Keys.ToArray();

            this._models = node.GetNodes("CANOPY_MODEL").Select(n => new ModelConfig(n)).ToDictionary(m => m.name, m => m);
            this._modelNames = this._models.Keys.ToArray();
            int max = this._models.Values.Select(m => m.parameters.Count).Max();
            for (int i = 1; i <= max; i++)
                this._parameters.Add(i, this.models.Values.Where(m => m.parameters.Count >= i).Select(m => m.name).ToArray());
            foreach (ModelConfig model in this._models.Values)
                model.parameters.ForEach(p => this._transforms.Add(p.transformName, model));
Ejemplo n.º 13
        internal static AlarmInfo Load(ConfigNode node)
            Guid vesselID = Utilities.GetNodeValue(node, "vesselID");
            string Name = "";
            node.TryGetValue("Name", ref Name);

            AlarmInfo info = new AlarmInfo(Name, vesselID);

            info.AlarmType = Utilities.GetNodeValue(node, "AlarmType", KACWrapper.KACAPI.AlarmTypeEnum.Raw);
            node.TryGetValue("Notes", ref info.Notes);
            node.TryGetValue("AlarmTime", ref info.AlarmTime);
            node.TryGetValue("AlarmMargin", ref info.AlarmMargin);
            node.TryGetValue("AlarmExecute", ref info.AlarmExecute);

            string frzkbllst = "";
            node.TryGetValue("FrzKerbals", ref frzkbllst);
            string thwkbllst = "";
            node.TryGetValue("ThwKerbals", ref thwkbllst);

            string[] frzStrings = frzkbllst.Split(',');
            if (frzStrings.Length > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < frzStrings.Length; i++)
            string[] thwStrings = thwkbllst.Split(',');
            if (thwStrings.Length > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < thwStrings.Length; i++)
                    if (thwStrings[i].Length > 0)
            return info;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        private IEnumerator<YieldInstruction> LoadScaledSpace(ConfigNode node, CelestialBody body, double origRadius)
            #region ScaledSpace
            // Scaled space
            Transform scaledSpaceTransform = null;
            Transform atmo = null;
            guiMinor = "Scaled Space";
            if (ScaledSpace.Instance != null)
                float SSTScale = 1.0f;
                node.TryGetValue("SSTScale", ref SSTScale);
                foreach (Transform t in ScaledSpace.Instance.scaledSpaceTransforms)
                    if (t.name.Equals(node.name))
                        print("*RSS* Found scaledspace transform for " + t.name + ", scale " + t.localScale.x);
                        scaledSpaceTransform = t;
                        // replace
                        int replaceColor = 0;
                        string path = "";
                        if (node.HasValue("SSColor"))
                            replaceColor = 1;
                            path = node.GetValue("SSColor");
                        if (node.HasValue("SSColor32"))
                            replaceColor = 2;
                            path = node.GetValue("SSColor32");
                        if (replaceColor > 0)
                            guiExtra = "Color map";
                            Texture2D map = null;
                            bool local = Utils.LoadTexture(path, ref map, true, true, true);
                            if ((object)map != null)
                                Texture oldColor = t.gameObject.renderer.material.GetTexture("_MainTex");
                                if ((object)oldColor != null)
                                    foreach (Material m in Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(Material)))
                                        if (m.GetTexture("_MainTex") == oldColor)
                                            m.SetTexture("_MainTex", map);
                                    oldColor = null;
                                    yield return null;
                        yield return null;
                        guiExtra = "";
                        if (node.HasValue("SSBump"))
                            guiExtra = "Normal Map";
                            path = node.GetValue("SSBump");
                            Texture2D map = null;
                            bool local = Utils.LoadTexture(path, ref map, loadInfo.compressNormals, true, true);
                            yield return null;
                            if ((object)map != null)
                                Texture oldBump = t.gameObject.renderer.material.GetTexture("_BumpMap");
                                if (oldBump != null)
                                    foreach (Material m in Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(Material)))
                                        if (m.GetTexture("_BumpMap") == oldBump)
                                            m.SetTexture("_BumpMap", map);
                                    t.gameObject.renderer.material.SetTexture("_BumpMap", map); // in case one wasn't set.
                                    oldBump = null;
                                    yield return null;
                            yield return null;
                            guiExtra = "";
                        /*if (t.gameObject.renderer.material.GetTexture("_rimColorRamp") != null)
                                System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(KSPUtil.ApplicationRootPath + body.name + "Ramp.png", ((Texture2D)t.gameObject.renderer.material.GetTexture("_rimColorRamp")).EncodeToPNG());
                            catch (Exception e)
                                print("*RSS* Failed to get/write ramp for " + body.name + ", exception: " + e.Message);
                        guiExtra = "Ramp and Specularity";
                        yield return null;
                        if (node.HasValue("SSRampRef"))
                            //if (t.gameObject.renderer.material.GetTexture("_rimColorRamp") != null)
                            // for now try setting anyway.
                            Texture map = null;
                            map = GetRamp(node.GetValue("SSRampRef"));
                            if (map != null)
                                t.gameObject.renderer.material.SetTexture("_rimColorRamp", map);
                                print("*RSS* *ERROR* texture does not exist! " + node.GetValue("SSRamp"));
                        if (node.HasValue("SSRamp"))
                            Texture2D map = null;
                            bool localLoad = Utils.LoadTexture(node.GetValue("SSRamp"), ref map, true, true, true);
                            if ((object)map != null)
                                t.gameObject.renderer.material.SetTexture("_rimColorRamp", map);
                                print("*RSS* *ERROR* texture does not exist! " + node.GetValue("SSRamp"));
                        yield return null;
                        if (node.HasValue("SSSpec"))
                                Vector4 col = KSPUtil.ParseVector4(node.GetValue("SSSpec"));
                                Color c = new Color(col.x, col.y, col.z, col.w);
                                t.gameObject.renderer.material.SetColor("_SpecColor", c);
                            catch (Exception e)
                                print("*RSS* Error reading SSSpec as color4: original text: " + node.GetValue("SSSpec") + " --- exception " + e.Message);
                        yield return null;

                        // Fix mesh
                        guiExtra = "Wrapping mesh";
                        yield return null;
                        bool rescale = true;
                        bool doWrapHere = loadInfo.doWrap;
                        node.TryGetValue("wrap", ref doWrapHere);
                        bool sphereVal = loadInfo.spheresOnly;
                        bool sphereHere = node.TryGetValue("useSphericalSSM", ref sphereVal);
                        float origLocalScale = t.localScale.x; // assume uniform scale
                        if (body.pqsController != null && doWrapHere)
                            MeshFilter m = (MeshFilter)t.GetComponent(typeof(MeshFilter));
                            if (m == null || m.mesh == null)
                                print("*RSS* Failure getting SSM for " + body.pqsController.name + ": mesh is null");
                                char sep = System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;
                                string filePath = KSPUtil.ApplicationRootPath + "GameData" + sep + "RealSolarSystem" + sep + "Plugins"
                                            + sep + "PluginData" + sep + t.name;

                                filePath += ".obj";

                                bool wrap = true;
                                if (File.Exists(filePath))
                                        print("*RSS* loading cached ScaledSpace mesh " + m.name);
                                        ProfileTimer.Push("LoadSSM_" + body.name);
                                        Mesh tMesh = new Mesh();
                                        Utils.CopyMesh(loadInfo.joolMesh.mesh, tMesh);

                                        ObjLib.UpdateMeshFromFile(tMesh, filePath);
                                        m.mesh = tMesh;
                                        print("*RSS* Loaded " + filePath + " and wrapped.");
                                        ProfileTimer.Pop("LoadSSM_" + body.name);
                                        wrap = false;
                                    catch (Exception ex)
                                        Print("*RSS* Failed to load cached SSM: {0}", ex);
                                    yield return null;
                                if (wrap)
                                        ProfileTimer.Push("Wrap time for " + body.name);
                                        Mesh tMesh = new Mesh();
                                        Utils.CopyMesh(loadInfo.joolMesh.mesh, tMesh);
                                        if (sphereVal)
                                            float scaleFactor = (float)(origRadius / (1000 * 6000 * (double)origLocalScale)); // scale mesh such that it will end up right.
                                            // (need to scale it such that in the end localScale will = origLocalScale * radius/origRadius)
                                            print("*RSS* using Jool scaledspace mesh (spherical) for body " + body.pqsController.name + ". Vertex Scale " + scaleFactor);
                                            Utils.ScaleVerts(tMesh, scaleFactor);
                                            print("*RSS* wrapping ScaledSpace mesh " + m.name + " to PQS " +
                                            float scaleFactor = (float)(origRadius / (1000 * 6000 * (double)origLocalScale));
                                            // scale mesh such that it will end up right.
                                            // (need to scale it such that in the end localScale will = origLocalScale * radius/origRadius)
                                            Utils.MatchVerts(tMesh, body.pqsController, body.ocean ? body.Radius : 0.0,
                                            //ProfileTimer.Push("Recalc Normals");

                                            //ProfileTimer.Pop("Recalc Normals");
                                            //print("*RSS* wrapped.");
                                        m.mesh = tMesh;
                                            ObjLib.MeshToFile(m, filePath);
                                        catch (Exception e)
                                            print("*RSS* Exception saving wrapped mesh " + filePath + ": " + e.Message);
                                        //print("*RSS*: Done wrapping and exporting. Setting scale");

                                        // do normal rescaling below.
                                        ProfileTimer.Pop("Wrap time for " + body.name);
                                    catch (Exception e)
                                        print("*RSS* Exception wrapping: " + e.Message);
                                yield return null;
                        atmo = t.FindChild("Atmosphere");
                        if (rescale)
                            float scaleFactor = (float)((double)origLocalScale * body.Radius / origRadius * SSTScale);
                            t.localScale = new Vector3(scaleFactor, scaleFactor, scaleFactor);
                            // rescale only atmo
                            if (atmo != null)
                                guiExtra = "Atmosphere";
                                yield return null;
                                print("*RSS* found atmo transform for " + node.name);
                                float scaleFactor = loadInfo.SSAtmoScale; // default to global default
                                if (!node.TryGetValue("SSAtmoScale", ref scaleFactor)) // if no override multiplier
                                    if (loadInfo.defaultAtmoScale) // use stock KSP multiplier
                                        scaleFactor *= 1.025f;
                                    else // or use atmosphere height-dependent multiplier
                                        scaleFactor *= (float)((body.Radius + body.maxAtmosphereAltitude) / body.Radius);
                                scaleFactor *= origLocalScale / t.localScale.x * (float)(body.Radius / origRadius); // since our parent transform changed, we no longer are the same scale as the planet.
                                atmo.localScale = new Vector3(scaleFactor, scaleFactor, scaleFactor);
                                print("*RSS* final scale of atmo for " + body.name + " in scaledspace: " + atmo.localScale.x);
                        print("*RSS* final scale of " + body.name + " in scaledspace: " + t.localScale.x);
                        yield return null;
                        guiExtra = "";
            #region AtmosphereFromGround
            guiExtra = "AtmosphereFromGround";
            yield return null;
            foreach (AtmosphereFromGround ag in Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(AtmosphereFromGround)))
                //print("*RSS* Found AG " + ag.name + " " + (ag.tag == null ? "" : ag.tag) + ". Planet " + (ag.planet == null ? "NULL" : ag.planet.name));
                if (ag != null && ag.planet != null)
                    // generalized version of Starwaster's code. Thanks Starwaster!
                    if (ag.planet.name.Equals(node.name))
                        print("Found atmo for " + node.name + ": " + ag.name + ", has localScale " + ag.transform.localScale.x);
                        UpdateAFG(body, ag, node.GetNode("AtmosphereFromGround"));
                        print("Atmo updated");
            yield return null;
            guiExtra = "";
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public RSSLoadInfo(ConfigNode RSSnode)
            useEpoch = RSSnode.TryGetValue("Epoch", ref epoch);
            RSSnode.TryGetValue("wrap", ref doWrap);
            RSSnode.TryGetValue("compressNormals", ref compressNormals);
            RSSnode.TryGetValue("spheresOnly", ref spheresOnly);
            RSSnode.TryGetValue("orbitCalc", ref orbitCalc);
            RSSnode.TryGetValue("defaultAtmoScale", ref defaultAtmoScale);
            RSSnode.TryGetValue("SSAtmoScale", ref SSAtmoScale);

            node = new ConfigNode();
            // get spherical scaledspace mesh
            if (ScaledSpace.Instance != null)
                //print("*RSS* Printing ScaledSpace Transforms");
                foreach (Transform t in ScaledSpace.Instance.scaledSpaceTransforms)
                    /*print("***** TRANSFROM: " + t.name);
                    if (t.name.Equals("Jool"))
                        joolMesh = (MeshFilter)t.GetComponent(typeof(MeshFilter));
                //print("*RSS* InverseScaleFactor = " + ScaledSpace.InverseScaleFactor);
Ejemplo n.º 16
        private IEnumerator<YieldInstruction> LoadCB(ConfigNode node, CelestialBody body)
            bool updateMass = false;
            #region CBChanges
            print("Fixing CB " + node.name + " of radius " + body.Radius);
            guiMinor = "CelestialBody";
            double origRadius = body.Radius;
            double origAtmo = body.maxAtmosphereAltitude;

            #region CBMassRadius

            node.TryGetValue("bodyName", ref body.bodyName);
            node.TryGetValue("bodyDescription", ref body.bodyDescription);
            if (node.TryGetValue("Radius", ref body.Radius))
                updateMass = true;
            print("Radius ratio: " + body.Radius / origRadius);

            if (node.TryGetValue("Mass", ref body.Mass))

            if (node.TryGetValue("GeeASL", ref body.GeeASL))
                updateMass = false;
            if (node.TryGetValue("gravParameter", ref body.gravParameter))
                updateMass = false;

            #region CBAtmosphereTemperature
            node.TryGetValue("atmosphericAmbientColor", ref body.atmosphericAmbientColor);
            node.TryGetValue("atmosphere", ref body.atmosphere);
            node.TryGetValue("atmosphereScaleHeight", ref body.atmosphereScaleHeight);
            node.TryGetValue("atmosphereMultiplier", ref body.atmosphereMultiplier);
            node.TryGetValue("maxAtmosphereAltitude", ref body.maxAtmosphereAltitude);
            node.TryGetValue("staticPressureASL", ref body.staticPressureASL);
            node.TryGetValue("useLegacyAtmosphere", ref body.useLegacyAtmosphere);
            if (!body.useLegacyAtmosphere)
                ConfigNode PCnode = node.GetNode("pressureCurve");
                if (PCnode != null)
                    body.altitudeMultiplier = 1f;
                    body.pressureMultiplier = 1f;
                    AnimationCurve pressureCurve = Utils.LoadAnimationCurve(PCnode);
                    if (pressureCurve != null)
                        body.pressureCurve = pressureCurve;
                        body.useLegacyAtmosphere = true;
                        Debug.LogWarning("Unable to load pressureCurve data for " + body.name + ": Using legacy atmosphere");
                    print("*RSS* finished with " + body.GetName() + ".pressureCurve (" + body.pressureCurve.keys.Length.ToString() + " keys)");
                    print("*RSS* useLegacyAtmosphere = False but pressureCurve not found!");
            if (node.HasNode("temperatureCurve"))
                ConfigNode TCnode = node.GetNode("temperatureCurve");
                if (TCnode != null)
                    AnimationCurve temperatureCurve = Utils.LoadAnimationCurve(TCnode);
                    if (temperatureCurve != null)
                        body.temperatureCurve = temperatureCurve;
                        // Following two lines corrects situations where planets without atmosphere's have these two fields zeroed out
                        // Maybe think about making these configurable in the planet's config node? yes? no? meh?
                        body.atmoshpereTemperatureMultiplier = 1f;
                        body.altitudeMultiplier = 1f;
                        print("*RSS* found and loaded temperatureCurve data for " + body.name);

            #region CBRotation
            node.TryGetValue("rotationPeriod", ref body.rotationPeriod);
            node.TryGetValue("tidallyLocked", ref body.tidallyLocked);
            node.TryGetValue("initialRotation", ref body.initialRotation);
            node.TryGetValue("inverseRotation", ref body.inverseRotation);

            if (updateMass)

            /*if (node.HasValue("axialTilt"))
                if (!body.inverseRotation && double.TryParse(node.GetValue("axialTilt"), out dtmp))
                    CBRotationFixer.CBRotations.Add(body.name, new CBRotation(body.name, dtmp, body.rotationPeriod, body.initialRotation));
                    body.rotationPeriod = 0;
            yield return null;

            #region CBOrbit
            ConfigNode onode = node.GetNode("Orbit");
            if (body.orbitDriver != null && body.orbit != null && onode != null)
                if (loadInfo.useEpoch)
                    body.orbit.epoch = loadInfo.epoch;

                onode.TryGetValue("semiMajorAxis", ref body.orbit.semiMajorAxis);
                onode.TryGetValue("eccentricity", ref body.orbit.eccentricity);
                onode.TryGetValue("meanAnomalyAtEpoch", ref body.orbit.meanAnomalyAtEpoch);
                if (onode.TryGetValue("meanAnomalyAtEpochD", ref body.orbit.meanAnomalyAtEpoch))
                    body.orbit.meanAnomalyAtEpoch *= DEG2RAD;
                onode.TryGetValue("inclination", ref body.orbit.inclination);
                onode.TryGetValue("period", ref body.orbit.period);
                onode.TryGetValue("LAN", ref body.orbit.LAN);
                onode.TryGetValue("argumentOfPeriapsis", ref body.orbit.argumentOfPeriapsis);
                if (onode.HasValue("orbitColor"))
                        Vector4 col = KSPUtil.ParseVector4(onode.GetValue("orbitColor"));
                        Color c = new Color(col.x, col.y, col.z, col.w);
                        body.GetOrbitDriver().orbitColor = c;
                    catch (Exception e)
                        print("*RSS* Error parsing as color4: original text: " + onode.GetValue("orbitColor") + " --- exception " + e.Message);
                string bodyname = "";
                if (onode.TryGetValue("referenceBody", ref bodyname))
                    if (body.orbit.referenceBody == null || !body.orbit.referenceBody.Equals(bodyname))
                        foreach (CelestialBody b in FlightGlobals.Bodies)
                            if (b.name.Equals(bodyname))
                                if (body.orbit.referenceBody)
                                body.orbit.referenceBody = b;
            yield return null;
            // SOI and HillSphere done at end

            #region SSPQSFade
            // Scaled space fader
            float SSFMult = 1.0f;
            float SSFStart = -1, SSFEnd = -1;
            node.TryGetValue("SSFStart", ref SSFStart);
            node.TryGetValue("SSFEnd", ref SSFEnd);
            node.TryGetValue("SSFMult", ref SSFMult);

            foreach (ScaledSpaceFader ssf in Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(ScaledSpaceFader)))
                if (ssf.celestialBody != null)
                    if (ssf.celestialBody.name.Equals(node.name))
                        if (SSFStart >= 0)
                            ssf.fadeStart = SSFStart;
                            ssf.fadeStart *= SSFMult;

                        if (SSFEnd >= 0)
                            ssf.fadeEnd = SSFEnd;
                            ssf.fadeEnd *= SSFMult;
            // The CBT that fades out the PQS
            // Should probably do this as just another PQSMod, actually.
            foreach (PQSMod_CelestialBodyTransform c in Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(PQSMod_CelestialBodyTransform)))
                    if (c.body != null)
                        if (c.body.name.Equals(node.name))
                            print("Found CBT for " + node.name);
                            node.TryGetValue("PQSdeactivateAltitude", ref c.deactivateAltitude);
                            if (c.planetFade != null)
                                node.TryGetValue("PQSfadeStart", ref c.planetFade.fadeStart);
                                node.TryGetValue("PQSfadeEnd", ref c.planetFade.fadeEnd);
                                if (c.secondaryFades != null)
                                    foreach (PQSMod_CelestialBodyTransform.AltitudeFade af in c.secondaryFades)
                                        node.TryGetValue("PQSSecfadeStart", ref af.fadeStart);
                                        node.TryGetValue("PQSSecfadeEnd", ref af.fadeEnd);
                catch (Exception e)
                    print("CBT fix for " + node.name + " failed: " + e.Message);
            print("Did CBT for " + node.name);
            yield return null;

            #region Science
            // Science
            if (node.HasNode("CelestialBodyScienceParams"))
                guiMinor = "Science";
                ConfigNode spNode = node.GetNode("CelestialBodyScienceParams");
                if (body.scienceValues != null)
                    foreach (ConfigNode.Value val in spNode.values)
                        // meh, for now hard-code it. Saves worry of GIGO.
                        /*if(body.scienceValues.GetType().GetField(val.name) != null)
                            if(float.TryParse(val.value, out ftmp))
                        spNode.TryGetValue("LandedDataValue", ref body.scienceValues.LandedDataValue);
                        spNode.TryGetValue("SplashedDataValue", ref body.scienceValues.SplashedDataValue);
                        spNode.TryGetValue("FlyingLowDataValue", ref body.scienceValues.FlyingLowDataValue);
                        spNode.TryGetValue("FlyingHighDataValue", ref body.scienceValues.FlyingHighDataValue);
                        spNode.TryGetValue("InSpaceLowDataValue", ref body.scienceValues.InSpaceLowDataValue);
                        spNode.TryGetValue("InSpaceHighDataValue", ref body.scienceValues.InSpaceHighDataValue);
                        spNode.TryGetValue("RecoveryValue", ref body.scienceValues.RecoveryValue);
                        spNode.TryGetValue("flyingAltitudeThreshold", ref body.scienceValues.flyingAltitudeThreshold);
                        spNode.TryGetValue("spaceAltitudeThreshold", ref body.scienceValues.spaceAltitudeThreshold);
                guiMinor = "";
            yield return null;
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public override void OnLoad(ConfigNode node)
            if (thrustCurve == null)
                thrustCurve = new FloatCurve();

            // Manually reload ignitions if not in editor
                node.TryGetValue("ignited", ref ignited);
            int pCount = propellants.Count;
            // thrust curve
            useThrustCurve = false;
            if (node.HasNode("thrustCurve") && node.HasValue("curveResource"))
                if (node.GetValue("curveResource") != curveResource)
                    Debug.Log("*RFE* ERROR: curveResource doesn't match node's!");
                    curveResource = node.GetValue("curveResource");
                if (thrustCurve == null)
                    Debug.Log("*RFE* ERROR: have curve node but thrustCurve is null!");
                    thrustCurve = new FloatCurve();

                if (curveResource != "")
                    for (int i = 0; i < pCount; ++i)
                        if (propellants[i].name.Equals(curveResource))
                            curveProp = i;
                    if (curveProp != -1)
                        useThrustCurve = true;

            // Set from propellants
            bool instantThrottle = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < pCount; ++i)
                if (RFSettings.Instance.instantThrottleProps.Contains(propellants[i].name))
                    instantThrottle = false;
                // any other stuff

            // FIXME calculating throttle change rate
            if (!instantThrottle)
                throttleResponseRate = (float)(10d / Math.Sqrt(Math.Sqrt(part.mass * maxThrust)));
                throttleResponseRate = 1000000f;

            // set fields
            Fields["thrustCurveDisplay"].guiActive = useThrustCurve;

            if (ullageSet == null)
                ullageSet = new Ullage.UllageSet(this);

            // Get thrust axis (only on create prefabs)
            if (part.partInfo == null || part.partInfo.partPrefab == null)
                thrustAxis = Vector3.zero;
                foreach(Transform t in part.FindModelTransforms(thrustVectorTransformName))
                    thrustAxis -= t.forward;
                thrustAxis = thrustAxis.normalized;

            // ullage
            if (node.HasNode("Ullage"))

            // load ignition resources
            if (node.HasNode("IGNITOR_RESOURCE"))
            foreach (ConfigNode n in node.GetNodes("IGNITOR_RESOURCE"))
                ModuleResource res = new ModuleResource();
 //Settings Functions Follow
 public void Load(ConfigNode node)
     if (node.HasNode(configNodeName))
         ConfigNode TSTsettingsNode = new ConfigNode();
         node.TryGetNode(configNodeName, ref TSTsettingsNode);
         TSTsettingsNode.TryGetValue( "FwindowPosX", ref FwindowPosX);
         TSTsettingsNode.TryGetValue( "FwindowPosY", ref FwindowPosY);
         TSTsettingsNode.TryGetValue( "SCwindowPosX", ref FwindowPosX);
         TSTsettingsNode.TryGetValue( "SCwindowPosY", ref FwindowPosY);
         TSTsettingsNode.TryGetValue( "CwindowPosX", ref CwindowPosX);
         TSTsettingsNode.TryGetValue( "CwindowPosY", ref CwindowPosY);
         TSTsettingsNode.TryGetValue( "GalwindowPosX", ref GalwindowPosX);
         TSTsettingsNode.TryGetValue( "GalwindowPosY", ref GalwindowPosY);
         TSTsettingsNode.TryGetValue( "BodwindowPosX", ref BodwindowPosX);
         TSTsettingsNode.TryGetValue( "BodwindowPosY", ref BodwindowPosY);
         TSTsettingsNode.TryGetValue( "ChemwinSml", ref ChemwinSml);
         TSTsettingsNode.TryGetValue( "ChemwinLge", ref ChemwinLge);
         TSTsettingsNode.TryGetValue( "TelewinSml", ref TelewinSml);
         TSTsettingsNode.TryGetValue( "TelewinLge", ref TelewinLge);
         TSTsettingsNode.TryGetValue( "UseAppLauncher", ref UseAppLauncher);
         TSTsettingsNode.TryGetValue( "debugging", ref debugging);
         TSTsettingsNode.TryGetValue( "Tooltips", ref Tooltips);
         Utilities.debuggingOn = debugging;
         TSTsettingsNode.TryGetValue( "maxChemCamContracts", ref maxChemCamContracts);
         TSTsettingsNode.TryGetValue( "photoOnlyChemCamContracts", ref photoOnlyChemCamContracts);
         TSTsettingsNode.TryGetValue("ZoomSkyBox", ref ZoomSkyBox);
         TSTsettingsNode.TryGetValue("scienceUndiscoveredScope", ref scienceUndiscoveredScope);
         TSTsettingsNode.TryGetValue("scienceDiscoveredScope", ref scienceDiscoveredScope);
         TSTsettingsNode.TryGetValue("repUndiscoveredScope", ref repUndiscoveredScope);
         TSTsettingsNode.TryGetValue("repDiscoveredScope", ref repDiscoveredScope);
         TSTsettingsNode.TryGetValue("fundsUndiscoveredScope", ref fundsUndiscoveredScope);
         TSTsettingsNode.TryGetValue("fundsdiscoveredScope", ref fundsdiscoveredScope);
         TSTsettingsNode.TryGetValue("scienceUndiscoveredChem", ref scienceUndiscoveredChem);
         TSTsettingsNode.TryGetValue("scienceDiscoveredChem", ref scienceDiscoveredChem);
         TSTsettingsNode.TryGetValue("repUndiscoveredChem", ref repUndiscoveredChem);
         TSTsettingsNode.TryGetValue("repDiscoveredChem", ref repDiscoveredChem);
         TSTsettingsNode.TryGetValue("fundsUndiscoveredChem", ref fundsUndiscoveredChem);
         TSTsettingsNode.TryGetValue("fundsdiscoveredChem", ref fundsdiscoveredChem);
         Utilities.Log_Debug("TSTSettings load complete");
Ejemplo n.º 19
        public void Load(ConfigNode node)
            node.TryGetValue("name", ref name);

            node.TryGetValue("currentTL", ref currentTL);

            node.TryGetValue("techLevelEntryCost", ref techLevelEntryCost);
            node.TryGetValue("techLevelSciEntryCost", ref techLevelSciEntryCost);
 public virtual void SetDEVConfiguration(string newChamber, string newNozzle)
     #if DEBUG
     Debug.Log($"replacing {chamber} & {nozzle} with:");
     Debug.Log(newChamber +"&"+ newNozzle);
     chamberConfig = chambers.Find(c => c.GetValue("name").Equals(newChamber));
     nozzleConfig = nozzles.Find(c => c.GetValue("name").Equals(newNozzle));
     string s = "";
     bool validate = chamberConfig.TryGetValue("type", ref s)&&nozzleConfig.TryGetValue("type", ref s);
         if (!validate) {
             Debug.Log("*RFMEC*DEV�� ERROR could not find configuration of name " + newChamber+"&" + newNozzle);
             chamberConfig = chambers.First();
             nozzleConfig = nozzles.First();
         chamber = chamberConfig.GetValue("name");
         nozzle = nozzleConfig.GetValue("name");
     catch (System.Exception ex)
         Debug.Log("*RFMEC*DEV�� ERROR no configuration availble " + newChamber + "&" + newNozzle+",params unchanged");
     if (pModule is ModuleEnginesDEV) {
         ModuleEnginesDEV pMDEV = (pModule as ModuleEnginesDEV);
         pMDEV.nominalPcns      = float.Parse(chamberConfig.GetValue("nominalPcns"));
         pMDEV.maxMassFlow      = float.Parse(chamberConfig.GetValue("maxMassFlow"));
         pMDEV.minMassFlow      = float.Parse(chamberConfig.GetValue("minMassFlow"));
         pMDEV.At               = float.Parse(nozzleConfig.GetValue("At"));
         pMDEV.nominalPe        = float.Parse(nozzleConfig.GetValue("nominalPe"));
         pMDEV.nozzleType       = nozzleConfig.GetValue("type");
         pMDEV.chamberType      = chamberConfig.GetValue("type");
     pMInfo = pModule.GetInfo();
Ejemplo n.º 21
 /// <summary>
 /// Loads the Parachute from a ConfigNode.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="node">Node to load the Parachute from</param>
 private void Load(ConfigNode node)
     node.TryGetValue("material", ref this.material);
     node.TryGetValue("preDeployedDiameter", ref this.preDeployedDiameter);
     node.TryGetValue("deployedDiameter", ref this.deployedDiameter);
     node.TryGetValue("minIsPressure", ref this.minIsPressure);
     node.TryGetValue("capOff", ref this.capOff);
     node.TryGetValue("minDeployment", ref this.minDeployment);
     node.TryGetValue("minPressure", ref this.minPressure);
     node.TryGetValue("deploymentAlt", ref this.deploymentAlt);
     node.TryGetValue("cutAlt", ref this.cutAlt);
     node.TryGetValue("preDeploymentSpeed", ref this.preDeploymentSpeed);
     node.TryGetValue("deploymentSpeed", ref this.deploymentSpeed);
     node.TryGetValue("time", ref this.time);
     node.TryGetValue("parachuteName", ref this.parachuteName);
     node.TryGetValue("baseParachuteName", ref this.baseParachuteName);
     node.TryGetValue("capName", ref this.capName);
     node.TryGetValue("preDeploymentAnimation", ref this.preDeploymentAnimation);
     node.TryGetValue("deploymentAnimation", ref this.deploymentAnimation);
     node.TryGetValue("forcedOrientation", ref this.forcedOrientation);
     node.TryGetValue("depState", ref this.depState);
     MaterialsLibrary.instance.TryGetMaterial(this.material, ref this.mat);
     Transform p = this.part.FindModelTransform(this.parachuteName);
     if (p != null) { p.gameObject.SetActive(false); }
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public void Start()
            if (!CompatibilityChecker.IsCompatible())
                isCompatible = false;
            if (!(HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight || HighLogic.LoadedScene == GameScenes.SPACECENTER))
            foreach (ConfigNode node in GameDatabase.Instance.GetConfigNodes("REALSOLARSYSTEM"))
                RSSSettings = node;

            if (RSSSettings != null)
                RSSSettings.TryGetValue("dumpOrbits", ref dumpOrbits);

Ejemplo n.º 23
 public override void OnLoad(ConfigNode node)
     node.TryGetValue("mirrorTexturing", ref isMirrored);
         if (WPDebug.logEvents)
             DebugLogWithID("OnLoad", "Invoked");
Ejemplo n.º 24
 /// <summary>
 /// Loads the ChuteTemplate from the given ConfigNode
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="node">ConfigNode to load the object from</param>
 private void Load(ConfigNode node)
     node.TryGetValue("chuteID", ref chuteID);
     node.TryGetValue("modelID", ref modelID);
     node.TryGetValue("typeID", ref typeID);
     node.TryGetValue("lastTypeID", ref lastTypeID);
     node.TryGetValue("position", ref position);
     node.TryGetValue("isPressure", ref isPressure);
     node.TryGetValue("calcSelect", ref calcSelect);
     node.TryGetValue("getMass", ref getMass);
     node.TryGetValue("useDry", ref useDry);
     node.TryGetValue("preDepDiam", ref preDepDiam);
     node.TryGetValue("depDiam", ref depDiam);
     node.TryGetValue("predepClause", ref predepClause);
     node.TryGetValue("mass", ref mass);
     node.TryGetValue("landingSpeed", ref landingSpeed);
     node.TryGetValue("deceleration", ref deceleration);
     node.TryGetValue("refDepAlt", ref refDepAlt);
     node.TryGetValue("chuteCount", ref chuteCount);
     node.TryGetValue("deploymentAlt", ref deploymentAlt);
     node.TryGetValue("cutAlt", ref cutAlt);
     node.TryGetValue("preDepSpeed", ref preDepSpeed);
     node.TryGetValue("depSpeed", ref depSpeed);
Ejemplo n.º 25
 /// <summary>
 /// Loads the ChuteTemplate from the given ConfigNode
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="node">ConfigNode to load the object from</param>
 private void Load(ConfigNode node)
     int t = 0;
     node.TryGetValue("chuteID", ref this.templateGUI.chuteID);
     node.TryGetValue("modelID", ref this.templateGUI.modelID);
     if (node.TryGetValue("typeID", ref t)) { this.templateGUI.typeID = t; }
     if (node.TryGetValue("lastTypeID", ref t)) { this.templateGUI.lastTypeID = t; }
     node.TryGetValue("position", ref this.position);
     node.TryGetValue("isPressure", ref this.templateGUI.isPressure);
     node.TryGetValue("calcSelect", ref this.templateGUI.calcSelect);
     node.TryGetValue("getMass", ref this.templateGUI.getMass);
     node.TryGetValue("useDry", ref this.templateGUI.useDry);
     node.TryGetValue("preDepDiam", ref this.templateGUI.preDepDiam);
     node.TryGetValue("depDiam", ref this.templateGUI.depDiam);
     node.TryGetValue("predepClause", ref this.templateGUI.predepClause);
     node.TryGetValue("mass", ref this.templateGUI.mass);
     node.TryGetValue("landingSpeed", ref this.templateGUI.landingSpeed);
     node.TryGetValue("deceleration", ref this.templateGUI.deceleration);
     node.TryGetValue("refDepAlt", ref this.templateGUI.refDepAlt);
     node.TryGetValue("chuteCount", ref this.templateGUI.chuteCount);
     node.TryGetValue("deploymentAlt", ref this.templateGUI.deploymentAlt);
     node.TryGetValue("cutAlt", ref this.templateGUI.cutAlt);
     node.TryGetValue("preDepSpeed", ref this.templateGUI.preDepSpeed);
     node.TryGetValue("depSpeed", ref this.templateGUI.depSpeed);
Ejemplo n.º 26
        public static void UpdateAFG(CelestialBody body, AtmosphereFromGround afg, ConfigNode modNode = null)
            if(modNode != null)
                float ftmp;
                // the default
                afg.outerRadius = (float)body.Radius * 1.025f * ScaledSpace.InverseScaleFactor;
                if (modNode.TryGetValue("outerRadius", ref afg.outerRadius))
                    afg.outerRadius *= ScaledSpace.InverseScaleFactor;
                else if (modNode.HasValue("outerRadiusAtmo"))
                    afg.outerRadius = ((float)body.Radius + body.maxAtmosphereAltitude) * ScaledSpace.InverseScaleFactor;
                else if (modNode.TryGetValue("outerRadiusMult", ref afg.outerRadius))
                    afg.outerRadius *= (float)body.Radius * ScaledSpace.InverseScaleFactor;

                // the default
                afg.innerRadius = afg.outerRadius * 0.975f;
                if (modNode.TryGetValue("innerRadius", ref afg.innerRadius))
                    afg.innerRadius *= ScaledSpace.InverseScaleFactor;
                else if (modNode.TryGetValue("innerRadiusMult", ref afg.innerRadius))
                    afg.innerRadius *= afg.outerRadius;

                modNode.TryGetValue("doScale", ref afg.doScale);
                if (modNode.HasValue("transformScale"))
                    if (float.TryParse(modNode.GetValue("transformScale"), out ftmp) && afg.transform != null)
                        afg.transform.localScale = new Vector3(ftmp, ftmp, ftmp);
                else if (modNode.HasValue("transformAtmo"))
                    afg.transform.localScale = Vector3.one * ((float)(body.Radius + body.maxAtmosphereAltitude) / (float)body.Radius);

                if (modNode.HasValue("invWaveLength"))
                    //will be recomputed by SQUAD anyway so no point.
                    // so instead, compute waveLength from it
                        Vector4 col = KSPUtil.ParseVector4(modNode.GetValue("invWaveLength"));
                        afg.invWaveLength = new Color(col.x, col.y, col.z, col.w);
                        afg.waveLength = new Color((float)Math.Pow(1/col.x, 0.25), (float)Math.Pow(1/col.y, 0.25), (float)Math.Pow(1/col.z, 0.25), 1f);
                    catch(Exception e)
                        print("*RSS* Error parsing as color4: original text: " + modNode.GetValue("invWaveLength") + " --- exception " + e.Message);
                if (modNode.HasValue("waveLength"))
                        Vector4 col = KSPUtil.ParseVector4(modNode.GetValue("waveLength"));
                        afg.waveLength = new Color(col.x, col.y, col.z, col.w);
                    catch(Exception e)
                        print("*RSS* Error parsing as color4: original text: " + modNode.GetValue("waveLength") + " --- exception " + e.Message);
                modNode.TryGetValue("Kr", ref afg.Kr);
                modNode.TryGetValue("Km", ref afg.Km);
                modNode.TryGetValue("ESun", ref afg.ESun);
                modNode.TryGetValue("g", ref afg.g);
                modNode.TryGetValue("samples", ref afg.samples);
                // the defaults
                afg.outerRadius = (float)body.Radius * 1.025f * ScaledSpace.InverseScaleFactor;
                afg.innerRadius = afg.outerRadius * 0.975f;
            afg.KrESun = afg.Kr * afg.ESun;
            afg.KmESun = afg.Km * afg.ESun;
            afg.Kr4PI = afg.Kr * 4f * (float)Math.PI;
            afg.Km4PI = afg.Km * 4f * (float)Math.PI;
            afg.g2 = afg.g * afg.g;
            afg.outerRadius2 = afg.outerRadius * afg.outerRadius;
            afg.innerRadius2 = afg.innerRadius * afg.innerRadius;
            afg.scale = 1f / (afg.outerRadius - afg.innerRadius);
            afg.scaleDepth = -0.25f;
            afg.scaleOverScaleDepth = afg.scale / afg.scaleDepth;
                MethodInfo setMaterial = afg.GetType().GetMethod("SetMaterial", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
                setMaterial.Invoke(afg, new object[] { true });
            catch (Exception e)
                print("*RSS* *ERROR* setting AtmosphereFromGround " + afg.name + " for body " + body.name + ": " + e);
Ejemplo n.º 27
        internal static PartInfo Load(ConfigNode node)
            string PartName = "Unknown";
            node.TryGetValue("PartName", ref PartName);
            double lastUpdate = 0.0;
            node.TryGetValue("lastUpdate", ref lastUpdate);
            string tmpvesselID = "";
            node.TryGetValue("vesselID", ref tmpvesselID);
            Guid vesselID = Guid.Empty;
                vesselID = new Guid(tmpvesselID);
            catch (Exception ex)
                vesselID = Guid.Empty;
                Debug.Log("DFInterface - Load of GUID VesselID for known part failed Err: " + ex);
            PartInfo info = new PartInfo(vesselID, PartName, lastUpdate);
            node.TryGetValue("numSeats", ref info.numSeats);
            node.TryGetValue("numCrew", ref info.numCrew);

            string CrewString = "";
            node.TryGetValue("crewMembers", ref CrewString);

            string[] CrewStrings = CrewString.Split(',');
            if (CrewStrings.Length > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < CrewStrings.Length; i++)
            string CrewTraitString = "";
            node.TryGetValue("crewMemberTraits", ref CrewTraitString);
            string[] CrewTStrings = CrewTraitString.Split(',');
            if (CrewTStrings.Length > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < CrewTStrings.Length; i++)
            node.TryGetValue("numFrznCrew", ref info.numFrznCrew);
            node.TryGetValue("hibernating", ref info.hibernating);
            node.TryGetValue("hasextDoor", ref info.hasextDoor);
            node.TryGetValue("hasextPod", ref info.hasextPod);
            node.TryGetValue("timeLastElectricity", ref info.timeLastElectricity);
            node.TryGetValue("frznChargeRequired", ref info.frznChargeRequired);
            node.TryGetValue("timeLastTempCheck", ref info.timeLastTempCheck);
            node.TryGetValue("deathCounter", ref info.deathCounter);
            node.TryGetValue("tmpdeathCounter", ref info.tmpdeathCounter);
            node.TryGetValue("outofEC", ref info.outofEC);
            info.TmpStatus = Utilities.GetNodeValue(node, "TmpStatus", FrzrTmpStatus.OK);
            node.TryGetValue("cabinTemp", ref info.cabinTemp);
            node.TryGetValue("ECWarning", ref info.ECWarning);
            node.TryGetValue("TempWarning", ref info.TempWarning);

            return info;
 public override void OnLoad(ConfigNode node)
     node.TryGetValue("mirrorTexturing", ref isMirrored);