public static ChannelReader <T> AsChannelReader <T> (this IObservable <T> observable, int?maxBufferSize = null)
            // This sample shows adapting an observable to a ChannelReader without
            // back pressure, if the connection is slower than the producer, memory will
            // start to increase.

            // If the channel is bounded, TryWrite will return false and effectively
            // drop items.

            // The other alternative is to use a bounded channel, and when the limit is reached
            // block on WaitToWriteAsync. This will block a thread pool thread and isn't recommended and isn't shown here.
            var channel = maxBufferSize != null?Channel.CreateBounded <T> (maxBufferSize.Value) : Channel.CreateUnbounded <T> ();

            var disposable = observable.Subscribe(
                value => channel.Writer.TryWrite(value),
                error => channel.Writer.TryComplete(error),
                () => channel.Writer.TryComplete());

            // Complete the subscription on the reader completing
            channel.Reader.Completion.ContinueWith(task => disposable.Dispose());
