Ejemplo n.º 1
		protected Rectangle GetSubItemBounds(ListViewItem Item, int SubItem)
			Rectangle subItemRect = Rectangle.Empty;

			if (Item == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("Item");

			int[] order = GetColumnOrder();
			if (order == null) // No Columns
				return subItemRect;

			if (SubItem >= order.Length)
				throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("SubItem "+SubItem+" out of range");

			// Retrieve the bounds of the entire ListViewItem (all subitems)
			Rectangle lviBounds = Item.GetBounds(ItemBoundsPortion.Entire);
			int	subItemX = lviBounds.Left;

			// Calculate the X position of the SubItem.
			// Because the columns can be reordered we have to use Columns[order[i]] instead of Columns[i] !
			ColumnHeader col;
			int i;
			for (i=0; i<order.Length; i++)
				col = this.Columns[order[i]];
				if (col.Index == SubItem)
				subItemX += col.Width;
			subItemRect	= new Rectangle(subItemX, lviBounds.Top, this.Columns[order[i]].Width, lviBounds.Height);

			return subItemRect;
        public Rectangle GetSubItemBounds(ListViewItem lvi, int subItemIndex)
            Rectangle lviBounds = lvi.GetBounds(ItemBoundsPortion.Entire);

            int subItemX = lviBounds.Left;

            for (int i = 0; i < GetNameColumnIndex(); i++)
                subItemX += this.listView.Columns[i].Width;

            Rectangle rect = new Rectangle();
            rect.Y = lviBounds.Top;
            rect.X = subItemX + lvi.GetBounds(ItemBoundsPortion.Icon).Width + 4;	// magic number for making the textbox appear just to the right of the icon

            rect.Size = new Size(GetSelectedItemNameTextWidth(), lvi.GetBounds(ItemBoundsPortion.Entire).Height);

            return rect;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void listAddField_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem item = listAddField.GetItemAt(e.X, e.Y);
            if (item == null)

            System.Drawing.Rectangle rec = item.GetBounds(System.Windows.Forms.ItemBoundsPortion.Entire);
            if (e.X <= listAddField.Columns[0].Width)
                m_EditObject = item;
                Form.frmSymbolEdit frm = new GeoSymbology.Form.frmSymbolEdit(this, item.Tag as ISymbol, "");
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieve the bounds of a ListViewSubItem
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Item">The Item containing the SubItem</param>
        /// <param name="SubItem">Index of the SubItem</param>
        /// <returns>Subitem's bounds</returns>
        protected Rectangle GetSubItemBounds(ListViewItem Item, int SubItem)
            Rectangle subItemRect = Rectangle.Empty;

            if (Item == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Item");

            int[] order = GetColumnOrder();
            if (order == null)             // No Columns

            if (SubItem >= order.Length)
                throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("SubItem " + SubItem + " out of range");

            // Retrieve the bounds of the entire ListViewItem (all subitems)
            Rectangle lviBounds = Item.GetBounds(ItemBoundsPortion.Entire);
            int       subItemX  = lviBounds.Left;

            // Calculate the X position of the SubItem.
            // Because the columns can be reordered we have to use Columns[order[i]] instead of Columns[i] !
            ColumnHeader col;
            int          i;

            for (i = 0; i < order.Length; i++)
                col = this.Columns[order[i]];
                if (col.Index == SubItem)
                subItemX += col.Width;

            subItemRect = new Rectangle(subItemX + 1, lviBounds.Top + 1, this.Columns[order[i]].Width - 2, lviBounds.Height - 1);

Ejemplo n.º 5
        private void DoListViewMouseDoubleClick(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
            DevComponents.DotNetBar.Controls.ListViewEx listView = sender as DevComponents.DotNetBar.Controls.ListViewEx;
            System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem           item     = null;
            if (item == null)
            switch (listView.Name)
            case "listAddField":
                item = listAddField.GetItemAt(e.X, e.Y);
                System.Drawing.Rectangle rec = item.GetBounds(System.Windows.Forms.ItemBoundsPortion.Entire);
                if (e.X <= listAddField.Columns[0].Width)
                    m_EditObject = item;
                    Form.frmSymbolEdit frm = new GeoSymbology.Form.frmSymbolEdit(this, item.Tag as ISymbol, "");
                else if (e.X > listAddField.Columns[0].Width && e.X <=
                         listAddField.Columns[0].Width + listAddField.Columns[1].Width)
                    item.ImageKey = "";

            case "listAllField":
                item = listAllField.GetItemAt(e.X, e.Y);
                listAddField.SmallImageList.Images.Add(item.Name.Replace("Item", "Symbol"),
                                                       ModuleCommon.Symbol2Picture(item.Tag as ISymbol, ModuleCommon.ImageWidth, ModuleCommon.ImageHeight));
                item.ImageKey = item.Name.Replace("Item", "Symbol");
 public int GetSubItemAt(int x, int y, out ListViewItem item)
     item = base.GetItemAt(x, y);
     if (item != null)
         int[] columnOrder = this.GetColumnOrder();
         int left = item.GetBounds(ItemBoundsPortion.Entire).Left;
         for (int i = 0; i < columnOrder.Length; i++)
             ColumnHeader header = base.Columns[columnOrder[i]];
             if (x < (left + header.Width))
                 return header.Index;
             left += header.Width;
     return -1;
        int GetCellNo( int x, int y )
            //System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem Cell = new System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem();
            System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem Item = new ListViewItem();

            // 获得单元格所在的行。
            Item = GetItemAt( x, y );
            if ( Item == null )
                return -1;

            //cell.ItemIndex = cell.Item.Index; // 现在 Item.Index 还能用

            // 根据各列宽度,获得单元格所在的列,以及 Bounds。
            int curX = Item.GetBounds( ItemBoundsPortion.Entire ).Left; // 依次循环各列,表示各列的起点值
            int scrollLeft = GetScrollPos( Handle.ToInt32(), 0 ); // 可能出现了横向滚动条,左边隐藏起来的宽度
            for ( int i = 0 ; i < Columns.Count ; i++ )
                if ( scrollLeft + x >= curX && scrollLeft + x < curX + Columns[ i ].Width )
                    //ListViewColumn = Columns[ i ]; // 列找到了
                    //Rectangle itemBounds = cell.Item.GetBounds( ItemBoundsPortion.Entire );
                    //cell.Bounds = new Rectangle( curX,
                    //    itemBounds.Y,
                    //    Columns[ i ].Width,
                    //    itemBounds.Height );
                    return i;
                curX += Columns[ i ].Width;

            return -1;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private void StartCellEdit(ListViewItem item)
            var eventArgs = new ListViewCellCancelEventArgs(m_currentRow, m_currentCol);
            if (eventArgs.Cancel)

            Rectangle itemBound = item.GetBounds(ItemBoundsPortion.Entire);
            int cellLeft = itemBound.Left;
            for (int i = 0; i < m_currentCol; ++i)
                cellLeft += Columns[i].Width;

            int cellWidth = Columns[m_currentCol].Width;
            if (m_currentCol == 0 && CheckBoxes)
                cellLeft += CheckBoxWidth ;
                cellWidth -= CheckBoxWidth;
            cellLeft += TextOffset;
            cellWidth -=TextOffset;

            Rectangle cellBound = new Rectangle(cellLeft, itemBound.Y, cellWidth, itemBound.Height);
            if (m_propertyDescriptors[m_currentCol].PropertyType.IsEnum)
                m_comboBox.DataSource = Enum.GetValues(m_propertyDescriptors[m_currentCol].PropertyType);
                m_comboBox.Bounds = cellBound;
                m_activeEditingControl = m_comboBox;
                m_textBox.Bounds = cellBound;
                m_activeEditingControl = m_textBox;              
Ejemplo n.º 9
		// draws the ListViewItem of the given index
		protected override void DrawListViewItem( Graphics dc, ListView control, ListViewItem item ) {				
			Rectangle rect_checkrect = item.CheckRectReal;
			Rectangle rect_iconrect = item.GetBounds( ItemBoundsPortion.Icon );
			Rectangle full_rect = item.GetBounds( ItemBoundsPortion.Entire );
			Rectangle text_rect = item.GetBounds( ItemBoundsPortion.Label );			
			if ( control.CheckBoxes ) {
				if ( control.StateImageList == null ) {
					// Make sure we've got at least a line width of 1
					int check_wd = Math.Max( 3, rect_checkrect.Width / 6 );
					int scale = Math.Max( 1, rect_checkrect.Width / 12 );
					// set the checkbox background
					dc.FillRectangle( this.ResPool.GetSolidBrush( this.ColorWindow ),
							 rect_checkrect );
					// define a rectangle inside the border area
					Rectangle rect = new Rectangle( rect_checkrect.X + 2,
								       rect_checkrect.Y + 2,
								       rect_checkrect.Width - 4,
								       rect_checkrect.Height - 4 );
					Pen pen = new Pen( this.ColorWindowText, 2 );
					dc.DrawRectangle( pen, rect );
					// Need to draw a check-mark
					if ( item.Checked ) {
						pen.Width = 1;
						// adjustments to get the check-mark at the right place
						rect.X ++; rect.Y ++;
						// following logic is taken from DrawFrameControl method
						for ( int i = 0; i < check_wd; i++ ) {
							dc.DrawLine( pen, rect.Left + check_wd / 2,
								    rect.Top + check_wd + i,
								    rect.Left + check_wd / 2 + 2 * scale,
								    rect.Top + check_wd + 2 * scale + i );
							dc.DrawLine( pen,
								    rect.Left + check_wd / 2 + 2 * scale,
								    rect.Top + check_wd + 2 * scale + i,
								    rect.Left + check_wd / 2 + 6 * scale,
								    rect.Top + check_wd - 2 * scale + i );
				} else {
					if ( item.Checked && control.StateImageList.Images.Count > 1 )
						control.StateImageList.Draw( dc,
									    rect_checkrect.Location, 1 );
					else if ( ! item.Checked && control.StateImageList.Images.Count > 0 )
						control.StateImageList.Draw( dc,
									    rect_checkrect.Location, 0 );
			// Item is drawn as a special case, as it is not just text
			if ( control.View == View.LargeIcon ) {
				if ( item.ImageIndex > -1 &&
				    control.LargeImageList != null &&
				    item.ImageIndex < control.LargeImageList.Images.Count ) {
					// center image
					Point image_location = rect_iconrect.Location;
					Image image = control.LargeImageList.Images[ item.ImageIndex ];
					if ( image.Width < rect_iconrect.Width ) {
						int icon_rect_middle = rect_iconrect.Width / 2;
						int image_middle = image.Width / 2;
						image_location.X = image_location.X + icon_rect_middle - image_middle;
					control.LargeImageList.Draw( dc, image_location,
								    item.ImageIndex );
			} else {
				if ( item.ImageIndex > -1 &&
				    control.SmallImageList != null &&
				    item.ImageIndex < control.SmallImageList.Images.Count )
					control.SmallImageList.Draw( dc, rect_iconrect.Location,
								    item.ImageIndex );
			// draw the item text			
			// format for the item text
			StringFormat format = new StringFormat( );
			format.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
			if ( control.View == View.LargeIcon )
				format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center; 
				format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near;
			if ( !control.LabelWrap )
				format.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.NoWrap;
			if ( item.Selected ) {
				if ( control.View == View.Details ) {
					if ( control.FullRowSelect ) {
						// fill the entire rect excluding the checkbox						
						full_rect.Location = item.GetBounds (ItemBoundsPortion.Label).Location;
						dc.FillRectangle( this.ResPool.GetSolidBrush
								 ( this.ColorHighlight ), full_rect );
					} else {
						Size text_size = Size.Ceiling( dc.MeasureString( item.Text,
												item.Font ) );
						text_rect.Width = text_size.Width;
						dc.FillRectangle( this.ResPool.GetSolidBrush
								 ( this.ColorHighlight ), text_rect );
				} else {
					/*Size text_size = Size.Ceiling (dc.MeasureString (item.Text,
					 Point loc = text_rect.Location;
					 loc.X += (text_rect.Width - text_size.Width) / 2;
					 text_rect.Width = text_size.Width;*/
					dc.FillRectangle( this.ResPool.GetSolidBrush( this.ColorHighlight ),
							 text_rect );
			} else
				dc.FillRectangle( ResPool.GetSolidBrush( item.BackColor ), text_rect );
			if ( item.Text != null && item.Text.Length > 0 ) {
				if ( control.View != View.LargeIcon ) {
					if ( item.Selected )
						dc.DrawString( item.Text, item.Font, this.ResPool.GetSolidBrush
							      ( this.ColorHighlightText ), text_rect, format );
						dc.DrawString( item.Text, item.Font, this.ResPool.GetSolidBrush
							      ( item.ForeColor ), text_rect, format );
				} else {
					// ListView CalcTextSize says wrapping is done for two lines only !?!
					// text is centered for the complete text_rect but it should be centered per available row/line
					// calculate how much lines we get out of text_rect and current item.Font
					int nr_lines = text_rect.Height / item.Font.Height;
					int rest = text_rect.Height % item.Font.Height;
					int line_height = item.Font.Height + ( rest > 1 ? 2 : 0 );
					Rectangle[] text_rects = new Rectangle[ nr_lines ];
					for ( int i = 0; i < nr_lines; i++ ) {
						text_rects[ i ].X = text_rect.X;
						text_rects[ i ].Y = text_rect.Y + i * line_height;
						text_rects[ i ].Width = text_rect.Width;
						text_rects[ i ].Height = line_height;
					string[] lines = new string[ nr_lines ];
					string text = item.Text;
					int line_nr = 0;
					int current_pos = 0;
					for ( int k = 1; k <= text.Length; k++ ) {
						lines[ line_nr ] = text.Substring( current_pos, k - current_pos );
						// FIXME: Graphics.MeasureString returns wrong results if there is a 
						//        space char in the string
						SizeF sizef = dc.MeasureString( lines[ line_nr ], item.Font, text_rect.Width, format );
						if ( (int)sizef.Width > text_rect.Width - 3 ) {
							lines[ line_nr ] = lines[ line_nr ].Remove( lines[ line_nr ].Length - 1, 1 );
							current_pos = k;
							if ( line_nr == nr_lines )
					int j = 0;
					foreach ( Rectangle t_rect in text_rects ) {
						if ( item.Selected )
							dc.DrawString( lines[ j ], item.Font, this.ResPool.GetSolidBrush
								      ( this.ColorHighlightText ), t_rect, format );
							dc.DrawString( lines[ j ], item.Font, this.ResPool.GetSolidBrush
								      ( item.ForeColor ), t_rect, format );
			if ( control.View == View.Details && control.Columns.Count > 0 ) {
				// draw subitems for details view
				ListViewItem.ListViewSubItemCollection subItems = item.SubItems;
				int count = ( control.Columns.Count < subItems.Count ? 
					control.Columns.Count : subItems.Count );
				if ( count > 0 ) {
					ColumnHeader col;
					ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem subItem;
					Rectangle sub_item_rect = text_rect; 
					// set the format for subitems
					format.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.NoWrap;
					format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near;
					// 0th subitem is the item already drawn
					for ( int index = 1; index < count; index++ ) {
						subItem = subItems[ index ];
						col = control.Columns[ index ];
						sub_item_rect.X = col.Rect.Left;
						sub_item_rect.Width = col.Wd;
						sub_item_rect.X -= control.h_marker;
						SolidBrush sub_item_back_br = null;
						SolidBrush sub_item_fore_br = null;
						Font sub_item_font = null;
						if ( item.UseItemStyleForSubItems ) {
							sub_item_back_br = this.ResPool.GetSolidBrush
							( item.BackColor );
							sub_item_fore_br = this.ResPool.GetSolidBrush
							( item.ForeColor );
							sub_item_font = item.Font;
						} else {
							sub_item_back_br = this.ResPool.GetSolidBrush
							( subItem.BackColor );
							sub_item_fore_br = this.ResPool.GetSolidBrush
							( subItem.ForeColor );
							sub_item_font = subItem.Font;
						// In case of fullrowselect, background is filled
						// for the entire rect above
						if ( item.Selected && control.FullRowSelect ) {
							if ( subItem.Text != null && subItem.Text.Length > 0 )
								dc.DrawString( subItem.Text, sub_item_font,
									      ( this.ColorHighlightText ),
									      sub_item_rect, format );
						} else {
							dc.FillRectangle( sub_item_back_br, sub_item_rect );
							if ( subItem.Text != null && subItem.Text.Length > 0 )
								dc.DrawString( subItem.Text, sub_item_font,
									      sub_item_rect, format );
						sub_item_rect.X += col.Wd;
			if ( item.Focused ) {				
				if ( item.Selected )
					CPDrawFocusRectangle( dc, text_rect, ColorHighlightText, ColorHighlight );
					CPDrawFocusRectangle( dc, text_rect, control.ForeColor, control.BackColor );
			format.Dispose( );
Ejemplo n.º 10
        private void DrawItemBackground(Graphics g, Rectangle r, ListViewItem item, ListViewItemStates state)
            if (!this.Enabled) return;
            // Bug fix in ListView for this specific state
            if (state == 0 && item.Selected && this.View == View.Details && this.FullRowSelect && this.Focused)

            if (!item.BackColor.IsEmpty)
                using (SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(item.BackColor))
                    g.FillRectangle(brush, r);
            bool selected = IsInState(state, ListViewItemStates.Selected) || state == 0 && item.Selected;
            if (selected)
                Office2007ListViewColorTable ct = GetColorTable();
                // Draw the background for selected item.
                using (Pen pen = new Pen(ct.SelectionBorder))
                    g.DrawRectangle(pen, r);
                Rectangle ir = new Rectangle(r.X, r.Y + 1, r.Width, r.Height - 2);
                DisplayHelp.FillRectangle(g, ir, ct.SelectionBackground);
            else if (IsInState(state, ListViewItemStates.Hot) && this.HotTracking)
                Office2007Renderer rnd = this.GetRenderer() as Office2007Renderer;
                Office2007ButtonItemPainter.PaintBackground(g, rnd.ColorTable.ButtonItemColors[0].MouseOver, r, RoundRectangleShapeDescriptor.RectangleShape);

            if (IsInState(state, ListViewItemStates.Focused) && (!IsInState(state, ListViewItemStates.Hot) && this.View != View.LargeIcon || selected))
                Rectangle rFocus = item.Bounds;
                if (this.View == View.Details && !this.FullRowSelect || this.View == View.List)
                    rFocus = item.GetBounds(ItemBoundsPortion.Label);
                else if (this.View == View.Details && this.FullRowSelect)
                    rFocus = r;
                else if (this.View == View.SmallIcon)
                    rFocus = r;

                if (selected)
                    rFocus.Height -= 2;

                DrawFocusRectangle(g, rFocus, item);
            else if (selected && this.View == View.Details && this.FullRowSelect && this.Focused) // Bug fix in ListView for this specific state
                Rectangle rFocus = r;
                rFocus.Height -= 2;
                Region oldClip = g.Clip;
                Rectangle rClip = rFocus;
                DrawFocusRectangle(g, rFocus, item);
                g.Clip = oldClip;
Ejemplo n.º 11
		protected virtual void DrawListViewItem (Graphics dc, ListView control, ListViewItem item)
			Rectangle rect_checkrect = item.CheckRectReal;
			Rectangle icon_rect = item.GetBounds (ItemBoundsPortion.Icon);
			Rectangle full_rect = item.GetBounds (ItemBoundsPortion.Entire);
			Rectangle text_rect = item.GetBounds (ItemBoundsPortion.Label);			

			// Tile view doesn't support CheckBoxes
			if (control.CheckBoxes && control.View != View.Tile) {
				if (control.StateImageList == null) {
					// Make sure we've got at least a line width of 1
					int check_wd = Math.Max (3, rect_checkrect.Width / 6);
					int scale = Math.Max (1, rect_checkrect.Width / 12);

					// set the checkbox background
					dc.FillRectangle (SystemBrushes.Window,
					// define a rectangle inside the border area
					Rectangle rect = new Rectangle (rect_checkrect.X + 2,
									rect_checkrect.Y + 2,
									rect_checkrect.Width - 4,
									rect_checkrect.Height - 4);
					Pen pen = ResPool.GetSizedPen (this.ColorWindowText, 2);
					dc.DrawRectangle (pen, rect);

					// Need to draw a check-mark
					if (item.Checked) {
						Pen check_pen = ResPool.GetSizedPen (this.ColorWindowText, 1);
						// adjustments to get the check-mark at the right place
						rect.X ++; rect.Y ++;
						// following logic is taken from DrawFrameControl method
						int x_offset = rect.Width / 5;
						int y_offset = rect.Height / 3;
						for (int i = 0; i < check_wd; i++) {
							dc.DrawLine (check_pen, rect.Left + x_offset,
								     rect.Top + y_offset + i,
								     rect.Left + x_offset + 2 * scale,
								     rect.Top + y_offset + 2 * scale + i);
							dc.DrawLine (check_pen,
								     rect.Left + x_offset + 2 * scale,
								     rect.Top + y_offset + 2 * scale + i,
								     rect.Left + x_offset + 6 * scale,
								     rect.Top + y_offset - 2 * scale + i);
				else {
					int simage_idx;
					if (item.Checked)
						simage_idx = control.StateImageList.Images.Count > 1 ? 1 : -1;
						simage_idx = control.StateImageList.Images.Count > 0 ? 0 : -1;

					if (simage_idx > -1)
						control.StateImageList.Draw (dc, rect_checkrect.Location, simage_idx);

			ImageList image_list = control.View == View.LargeIcon || control.View == View.Tile ? control.LargeImageList : control.SmallImageList;
			if (image_list != null) {
				int idx;

				if (item.ImageKey != String.Empty)
					idx = image_list.Images.IndexOfKey (item.ImageKey);
					idx = item.ImageIndex;

				if (idx > -1 && idx < image_list.Images.Count)
					image_list.Draw (dc, icon_rect.Location, idx);

			// draw the item text			
			// format for the item text
			StringFormat format = new StringFormat ();
			if (control.View == View.SmallIcon || control.View == View.LargeIcon)
				format.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Near;
				format.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
			if (control.View == View.LargeIcon)
				format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
				format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near;
			if (control.LabelWrap && control.View != View.Details && control.View != View.Tile)
				format.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.LineLimit;
				format.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.NoWrap;

			if ((control.View == View.LargeIcon && !item.Focused) || control.View == View.Details || control.View == View.Tile)
				format.Trimming = StringTrimming.EllipsisCharacter;

			Rectangle highlight_rect = text_rect;
			if (control.View == View.Details) { // Adjustments for Details view
				Size text_size = Size.Ceiling (dc.MeasureString (item.Text, item.Font));

				if (!control.FullRowSelect) // Selection shouldn't be outside the item bounds
					highlight_rect.Width = Math.Min (text_size.Width + 4, text_rect.Width);

			if (item.Selected && control.Focused)
				dc.FillRectangle (SystemBrushes.Highlight, highlight_rect);
			else if (item.Selected && !control.HideSelection)
				dc.FillRectangle (SystemBrushes.Control, highlight_rect);
				dc.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (item.BackColor), text_rect);
			Brush textBrush =
				!control.Enabled ? SystemBrushes.ControlLight :
				(item.Selected && control.Focused) ? SystemBrushes.HighlightText :
				this.ResPool.GetSolidBrush (item.ForeColor);

			// Tile view renders its Text in a different fashion
			if (control.View == View.Tile && Application.VisualStylesEnabled) {
				// Item.Text is drawn using its first subitem's bounds
				dc.DrawString (item.Text, item.Font, textBrush, item.SubItems [0].Bounds, format);

				int count = Math.Min (control.Columns.Count, item.SubItems.Count);
				for (int i = 1; i < count; i++) {
					ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem sub_item = item.SubItems [i];
					if (sub_item.Text == null || sub_item.Text.Length == 0)

					Brush itemBrush = item.Selected && control.Focused ? 
						SystemBrushes.HighlightText : GetControlForeBrush (sub_item.ForeColor);
					dc.DrawString (sub_item.Text, sub_item.Font, itemBrush, sub_item.Bounds, format);
			} else
			if (item.Text != null && item.Text.Length > 0) {
				Font font = item.Font;

				if (control.HotTracking && item.Hot)
					font = item.HotFont;

				if (item.Selected && control.Focused)
					dc.DrawString (item.Text, font, textBrush, highlight_rect, format);
					dc.DrawString (item.Text, font, textBrush, text_rect, format);

			if (item.Focused && control.Focused) {				
				Rectangle focus_rect = highlight_rect;
				if (control.FullRowSelect && control.View == View.Details) {
					int width = 0;
					foreach (ColumnHeader col in control.Columns)
						width += col.Width;
					focus_rect = new Rectangle (0, full_rect.Y, width, full_rect.Height);
				if (control.ShowFocusCues) {
					if (item.Selected)
						CPDrawFocusRectangle (dc, focus_rect, ColorHighlightText, ColorHighlight);
						CPDrawFocusRectangle (dc, focus_rect, control.ForeColor, control.BackColor);

			format.Dispose ();
Ejemplo n.º 12
		protected virtual void DrawListViewItem (Graphics dc, ListView control, ListViewItem item)
			Rectangle rect_checkrect = item.CheckRectReal;
			Rectangle icon_rect = item.GetBounds (ItemBoundsPortion.Icon);
			Rectangle full_rect = item.GetBounds (ItemBoundsPortion.Entire);
			Rectangle text_rect = item.GetBounds (ItemBoundsPortion.Label);			

#if NET_2_0
			// Tile view doesn't support CheckBoxes
			if (control.CheckBoxes && control.View != View.Tile) {
			if (control.CheckBoxes) {
				if (control.StateImageList == null) {
					// Make sure we've got at least a line width of 1
					int check_wd = Math.Max (3, rect_checkrect.Width / 6);
					int scale = Math.Max (1, rect_checkrect.Width / 12);

					// set the checkbox background
					dc.FillRectangle (SystemBrushes.Window,
					// define a rectangle inside the border area
					Rectangle rect = new Rectangle (rect_checkrect.X + 2,
									rect_checkrect.Y + 2,
									rect_checkrect.Width - 4,
									rect_checkrect.Height - 4);
					Pen pen = ResPool.GetSizedPen (this.ColorWindowText, 2);
					dc.DrawRectangle (pen, rect);

					// Need to draw a check-mark
					if (item.Checked) {
						Pen check_pen = ResPool.GetSizedPen (this.ColorWindowText, 1);
						// adjustments to get the check-mark at the right place
						rect.X ++; rect.Y ++;
						// following logic is taken from DrawFrameControl method
						int x_offset = rect.Width / 5;
						int y_offset = rect.Height / 3;
						for (int i = 0; i < check_wd; i++) {
							dc.DrawLine (check_pen, rect.Left + x_offset,
								     rect.Top + y_offset + i,
								     rect.Left + x_offset + 2 * scale,
								     rect.Top + y_offset + 2 * scale + i);
							dc.DrawLine (check_pen,
								     rect.Left + x_offset + 2 * scale,
								     rect.Top + y_offset + 2 * scale + i,
								     rect.Left + x_offset + 6 * scale,
								     rect.Top + y_offset - 2 * scale + i);
				else {
					int simage_idx;
					if (item.Checked)
#if NET_2_0
						simage_idx = control.StateImageList.Images.Count > 1 ? 1 : -1;
						simage_idx = control.StateImageList.Images.Count > 1 ? 1 : 0;
						simage_idx = control.StateImageList.Images.Count > 0 ? 0 : -1;

					if (simage_idx > -1)
						control.StateImageList.Draw (dc, rect_checkrect.Location, simage_idx);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        private void DrawImage(
            Graphics g, 
            ListViewItem item, 
            bool selected)
            ImageList imageList = item.ImageList;
            Size imageSize = imageList.ImageSize;
            Rectangle imageRect = item.GetBounds(ItemBoundsPortion.Icon);

            if (imageRect.Width > imageSize.Width)
                imageRect.X += (imageRect.Width - imageSize.Width) / 2;
                imageRect.Width = imageSize.Width;

            if (imageRect.Height > imageSize.Height)
                imageRect.Y += (imageRect.Height - imageSize.Height) / 2;
                imageRect.Height = imageSize.Height;

            int imageIndex =
                item.ImageIndex != -1 ?
                item.ImageIndex :

            if (selected)
                IntPtr hIcon = NativeMethods.ImageList_GetIcon(
                g.DrawIcon(Icon.FromHandle(hIcon), imageRect);
                Image image = imageList.Images[imageIndex];

Ejemplo n.º 14
			internal void BeginEdit (ListViewItem item)
				if (edit_item != null)
					EndEdit (edit_item);
				if (edit_text_box == null) {
					edit_text_box = new ListViewLabelEditTextBox ();
					edit_text_box.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
					edit_text_box.EditingCancelled += new EventHandler (LabelEditCancelled);
					edit_text_box.EditingFinished += new EventHandler (LabelEditFinished);
					edit_text_box.TextChanged += new EventHandler (LabelTextChanged);
					edit_text_box.Visible = false;
					Controls.Add (edit_text_box);
				edit_text_box.Reset ();
				switch (owner.view) {
					case View.List:
					case View.SmallIcon:
					case View.Details:
						edit_text_box.TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
						edit_text_box.Bounds = item.GetBounds (ItemBoundsPortion.Label);
						SizeF sizef = TextRenderer.MeasureString (item.Text, item.Font);
						edit_text_box.Width = (int)sizef.Width + 4;
						edit_text_box.MaxWidth = owner.ClientRectangle.Width - edit_text_box.Bounds.X;
						edit_text_box.WordWrap = false;
						edit_text_box.Multiline = false;
					case View.LargeIcon:
						edit_text_box.TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
						edit_text_box.Bounds = item.GetBounds (ItemBoundsPortion.Label);
						sizef = TextRenderer.MeasureString (item.Text, item.Font);
						edit_text_box.Width = (int)sizef.Width + 4;
						edit_text_box.MaxWidth = item.GetBounds(ItemBoundsPortion.Entire).Width;
						edit_text_box.MaxHeight = owner.ClientRectangle.Height - edit_text_box.Bounds.Y;
						edit_text_box.WordWrap = true;
						edit_text_box.Multiline = true;

				edit_item = item;

				edit_text_box.Text = item.Text;
				edit_text_box.Font = item.Font;
				edit_text_box.Visible = true;
				edit_text_box.Focus ();
				edit_text_box.SelectAll ();

				edit_args = new LabelEditEventArgs (owner.Items.IndexOf (edit_item));
				owner.OnBeforeLabelEdit (edit_args);

				if (edit_args.CancelEdit)
					EndEdit (item);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        private void DrawListViewItem(Graphics g, ListViewItem item, ColumnHeader header, Font font, Color color, ListViewItemStates state)
            bool hasImage = HasImage(item);
            // Draw Image if any
            if (hasImage && (header == null || header.Width > 4))
                Rectangle rImage = item.GetBounds(ItemBoundsPortion.Icon);
                int index = item.ImageIndex;
                if (index < 0)
                    index = item.ImageList.Images.IndexOfKey(item.ImageKey);
                if (this.View != View.Details && this.View != View.List && this.StateImageList != null)
                    rImage.X += this.StateImageList.ImageSize.Width + 3;
                else if (this.View == View.SmallIcon && this.CheckBoxes && this.Groups.Count == 0)
                    rImage.X += this.SmallImageList.ImageSize.Width;
                else if (this.View == View.LargeIcon && (item.ImageList.ImageSize.Width < rImage.Width || item.ImageList.ImageSize.Height < rImage.Height))
                    if (item.ImageList.ImageSize.Width < rImage.Width)
                        rImage.X += (rImage.Width - item.ImageList.ImageSize.Width) / 2;
                    if (item.ImageList.ImageSize.Height < rImage.Height)
                        rImage.Y += (rImage.Height - item.ImageList.ImageSize.Height) / 2;

                Region oldClip = null;
                if (header != null && header.Width < rImage.Width)
                    Rectangle rClip = rImage;
                    rClip.Width = header.Width;
                    oldClip = g.Clip;
                if (rImage.Width > 2)
                    g.DrawImage(item.ImageList.Images[index], rImage.Location); // item.ImageList.Draw(g, rImage.Location, index);

                if (oldClip != null) g.Clip = oldClip;

            // Draw text
            Rectangle rText = item.GetBounds(ItemBoundsPortion.Label);
            if (rText.Width > 2)
                // Draw the item text for views other than the Details view.
                eTextFormat flags = eTextFormat.Left | eTextFormat.SingleLine | eTextFormat.NoPrefix;
                if (this.View == View.Tile && item.SubItems.Count > 1)
                    flags |= eTextFormat.Top;
                    flags |= eTextFormat.VerticalCenter;
                if (this.View == View.LargeIcon)
                    flags = eTextFormat.HorizontalCenter | eTextFormat.WordBreak | eTextFormat.EndEllipsis | eTextFormat.NoClipping;
                else if (this.View == View.Details && header != null)
                    flags |= eTextFormat.EndEllipsis;
                    if (header.TextAlign == HorizontalAlignment.Center)
                        flags |= eTextFormat.HorizontalCenter;
                    else if (header.TextAlign == HorizontalAlignment.Right)
                        flags |= eTextFormat.Right;

                    rText.X += 2;
                else if (this.View == View.List || this.View == View.SmallIcon)
                    rText.X += 2;
                if (!BarFunctions.IsVista) rText.Inflate(0, 1);
                TextDrawing.DrawString(g, item.Text, font, color, rText, flags);

                if (this.View == View.Tile && item.SubItems.Count > 1)
                    Size sz = TextDrawing.MeasureString(g, item.Text, font);
                    rText.Y += sz.Height;
                    rText.Height -= sz.Height;
                    Color c1 = item.SubItems[1].ForeColor;
                    if (!c1.IsEmpty && c1 != color)
                        color = c1;
                        color = SystemColors.ControlDarkDark;
                    TextDrawing.DrawString(g, item.SubItems[1].Text, font, color, rText, flags);

            if (this.View == View.Details || this.StateImageList != null)
                if (this.StateImageList != null)
                    if (item.StateImageIndex >= 0 && item.StateImageIndex < this.StateImageList.Images.Count)
                        Rectangle r = item.GetBounds(ItemBoundsPortion.Icon);
                        if (this.View == View.Details || this.View == View.List)
                            r.X -= 19;
                        else if (this.View == View.LargeIcon && r.Width > this.StateImageList.ImageSize.Width)
                            r.X += (r.Width - this.StateImageList.ImageSize.Width) / 2;
                        else if (this.View == View.Tile && r.Height > this.StateImageList.ImageSize.Height)
                            r.Y += (r.Height - this.StateImageList.ImageSize.Height) / 2;
                        this.StateImageList.Draw(g, r.Location, item.StateImageIndex);

            if (this.CheckBoxes && (this.View == View.Details || this.View == View.List || this.View == View.SmallIcon || this.View == View.LargeIcon) && this.StateImageList == null)
                Rectangle r = item.GetBounds(ItemBoundsPortion.Icon);
                if (this.View == View.LargeIcon)
                    r.X += (r.Width - m_CheckSignSize.Width) / 2 - 4;
                else if (this.View == View.List)
                    r.X -= 18;
                else if (this.View == View.SmallIcon && hasImage && this.Groups.Count > 0)
                    r.X -= 20;
                else if (this.View == View.SmallIcon)
                    r.X -= 3;
                    r.X -= 21;
                Office2007CheckBoxItemPainter p = PainterFactory.CreateCheckBoxItemPainter(null);
                Office2007CheckBoxColorTable ctt = GetCheckBoxColorTable();
                Office2007CheckBoxStateColorTable ct = ctt.Default;
                if ((state & ListViewItemStates.Grayed) != 0 || !this.Enabled)
                    ct = ctt.Disabled;
                //else if ((state & ListViewItemStates.Hot) != 0)
                //    ct = ctt.MouseOver;

                p.PaintCheckBox(g, new Rectangle(r.X + 4, r.Y + (r.Height - m_CheckSignSize.Height) / 2, m_CheckSignSize.Width, m_CheckSignSize.Height),
                    ct, item.Checked ? CheckState.Checked : CheckState.Unchecked);
Ejemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the bounds for a given sub-item
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item">The item parent of the sub-item for which we request the bounds.</param>
        /// <param name="index">The index of the sub-item.</param>
        /// <returns>The bounding rectangle of the sub-item.</returns>
        private Rectangle GetSubItemBounds(ListViewItem item, int index)
            if (item == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("item");
            if ((index < 0) || (index >= item.SubItems.Count))
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index");

            // Retrieve the bounds of the entire ListViewItem (all sub-items)
            Rectangle lviBounds = item.GetBounds(ItemBoundsPortion.Entire);
            int left = lviBounds.Left;

            // Compute the X position of the sub-item.
            ColumnHeader col = base.Columns[index];
            for (int i = 0; i < index; i++)
                left += base.Columns[i].Width;

            return new Rectangle(left, lviBounds.Top, base.Columns[index].Width, lviBounds.Height);
            /// <summary>
            /// Get bounds for a SubItem
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="Item">Target ListViewItem</param>
            /// <param name="SubItem">Target SubItem index</param>
            /// <returns>Bounds of SubItem (relative to ListView)</returns>
            private Rectangle GetSubItemBounds(ListViewItem Item, int SubItem)
                int[] order = Util.GetColumnOrder();

                Rectangle subItemRect = Rectangle.Empty;
                if (SubItem >= order.Length)
                    throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("SubItem " + SubItem + " out of range");

                if (Item == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("Item");

                Rectangle lviBounds = Item.GetBounds(ItemBoundsPortion.Entire);
                int subItemX = lviBounds.Left;
                switch (m_lvEntries.BorderStyle)
                    case BorderStyle.Fixed3D:
                        subItemX += SystemInformation.Border3DSize.Width;
                    case BorderStyle.FixedSingle:
                        subItemX += SystemInformation.BorderSize.Width;

                ColumnHeader col;
                int i;
                for (i = 0; i < order.Length; i++)
                    col = m_lvEntries.Columns[order[i]];
                    if (col.Index == SubItem)
                    subItemX += col.Width;

                if (m_lvEntries.RightToLeftLayout)
                    subItemX = m_lvEntries.Width - subItemX - m_lvEntries.Columns[order[i]].Width;

                // Adapt the bounds
                subItemX = subItemX - 1;
                int subItemT = lviBounds.Top + 2;
                int subItemW = m_lvEntries.Columns[order[i]].Width + 1;
                int subItemH = lviBounds.Height;

                if (SubItem == 0)
                    // Text indention because of the entry icon
                    subItemX += 21;
                    subItemW -= 21;

                subItemRect = new Rectangle(subItemX, subItemT, subItemW, subItemH);
                return subItemRect;
            private bool HitImageTestAt(Point p, ListViewItem item)
                Rectangle rcItem = item.GetBounds(ItemBoundsPortion.Entire);
                GraphicsUnit units = GraphicsUnit.Point;
                if (item.ImageList != null)
                    Image img = item.ImageList.Images[0];
                    RectangleF rcImageF = img.GetBounds(ref units);
                    Rectangle rcImage = Rectangle.Round(rcImageF);

                    rcImage.Width += item.IndentCount + item.Position.X;
                    p.Offset(rcItem.Left, -rcItem.Top);

                    if (rcImage.Contains(p))
                        return true;
                        return false;
                return false;
Ejemplo n.º 19
    /// <summary>Calculates the boundaries of a cell in the list view</summary>
    /// <param name="item">Item in the list view from which to calculate the cell</param>
    /// <param name="subItem">Index der cell whose boundaries to calculate</param>
    /// <returns>The boundaries of the specified list view cell</returns>
    /// <exception cref="IndexOutOfRangeException">
    ///   When the specified sub item index is not in the range of valid sub items
    /// </exception>
    protected Rectangle GetSubItemBounds(ListViewItem item, int subItem) {
      int[] order = GetColumnOrder();
      if(order == null) // No Columns
        return Rectangle.Empty;

      if(subItem >= order.Length)
        throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("SubItem " + subItem + " out of range");

      // Determine the border of the entire ListViewItem, including all sub items
      Rectangle itemBounds = item.GetBounds(ItemBoundsPortion.Entire);
      int subItemX = itemBounds.Left;

      // Find the horizontal position of the sub item. Because the column order can vary,
      // we need to use Columns[order[i]] instead of simply doing Columns[i] here!
      ColumnHeader columnHeader;
      int i;
      for(i = 0; i < order.Length; ++i) {
        columnHeader = this.Columns[order[i]];
        if(columnHeader.Index == subItem)

        subItemX += columnHeader.Width;

      return new Rectangle(
        subItemX, itemBounds.Top, this.Columns[order[i]].Width, itemBounds.Height
 public Rectangle GetSubItemBounds(ListViewItem Item, int SubItem)
     int[] columnOrder = this.GetColumnOrder();
     if (SubItem >= columnOrder.Length)
         throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("SubItem " + SubItem + " out of range");
     if (Item == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("Item");
     Rectangle bounds = Item.GetBounds(ItemBoundsPortion.Entire);
     int left = bounds.Left;
     int index = 0;
     while (index < columnOrder.Length)
         ColumnHeader header = base.Columns[columnOrder[index]];
         if (header.Index == SubItem)
         left += header.Width;
     return new Rectangle(left, bounds.Top, base.Columns[columnOrder[index]].Width, bounds.Height);
Ejemplo n.º 21
        /// <summary>
        /// Find ListViewItem and SubItem Index at position (x,y)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="x">relative to ListView</param>
        /// <param name="y">relative to ListView</param>
        /// <param name="item">Item at position (x,y)</param>
        /// <returns>SubItem index</returns>
        public int GetSubItemAt(int x, int y, out ListViewItem item)
            item = GetItemAt(x, y);

            if (item != null)
                int[] order = GetColumnOrder();

                Rectangle lviBounds = item.GetBounds(ItemBoundsPortion.Entire);
                int subItemX = lviBounds.Left;
                foreach (int t in order)
                    ColumnHeader h = Columns[t];
                    if (x < subItemX + h.Width)
                        return h.Index;
                    subItemX += h.Width;

            return -1;
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public Rectangle GetSubItemBounds(ListViewItem item, int subItem)
            int[] order = GetColumnOrder();

            if (subItem >= order.Length) {
                throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("SubItem '" + subItem + "' is out of range.");

            if (item == null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("item");

            Rectangle itemBounds = item.GetBounds(ItemBoundsPortion.Entire);

            int subItemX = itemBounds.Left;
            for (int i = 0; i < order.Length; i++) {
                ColumnHeader col = Columns[order[i]];
                if (col.Index == subItem) {
                    return new Rectangle(subItemX, itemBounds.Top, col.Width, itemBounds.Height);
                subItemX += col.Width;

            return Rectangle.Empty;
Ejemplo n.º 23
        /// <summary>
        /// Get bounds for a SubItem
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Item">Target ListViewItem</param>
        /// <param name="SubItem">Target SubItem index</param>
        /// <returns>Bounds of SubItem (relative to ListView)</returns>
        public Rectangle GetSubItemBounds(ListViewItem Item, int SubItem)
            int[] order = GetColumnOrder();

            Rectangle subItemRect = Rectangle.Empty;
            if (SubItem >= order.Length)
                throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("SubItem " + SubItem + " out of range");

            if (Item == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Item");

            Rectangle lviBounds = Item.GetBounds(ItemBoundsPortion.Entire);
            int subItemX = lviBounds.Left;

            ColumnHeader col;
            int i;
            for (i = 0; i < order.Length; i++)
                col = this.Columns[order[i]];
                if (col.Index == SubItem)
                subItemX += col.Width;
            subItemRect = new Rectangle(subItemX, lviBounds.Top, this.Columns[order[i]].Width, lviBounds.Height);
            return subItemRect;
Ejemplo n.º 24
		protected virtual void DrawListViewSubItems (Graphics dc, ListView control, ListViewItem item)
			int columns_count = control.Columns.Count;
			int count = Math.Min (item.SubItems.Count, columns_count);
			// 0th item already done (in this case)
			for (int i = 1; i < count; i++)
				DrawListViewSubItem (dc, control, item, i);

			// Fill in selection for remaining columns if Column.Count > SubItems.Count
			Rectangle sub_item_rect = item.GetBounds (ItemBoundsPortion.Label);
			if (item.Selected && (control.Focused || !control.HideSelection) && control.FullRowSelect) {
				for (int index = count; index < columns_count; index++) {
					ColumnHeader col = control.Columns [index];
					sub_item_rect.X = col.Rect.X - control.h_marker;
					sub_item_rect.Width = col.Wd;
					dc.FillRectangle (control.Focused ? SystemBrushes.Highlight : SystemBrushes.Control, 
		private static Rectangle GetIconsSpacerBounds(ListViewItem item)
			if (item == null)
				return Rectangle.Empty;
			var xPosition = item.Bounds.X;
			for (var i = 1; i < item.SubItems.Count; i++)
				var iPos = item.SubItems[i].Bounds.X + item.SubItems[i].Bounds.Width;
				if (item.Position.X > iPos && xPosition < iPos)
					xPosition = iPos;
			var iconBounds = item.GetBounds(ItemBoundsPortion.Icon);
			var labelBounds = item.GetBounds(ItemBoundsPortion.Label);
			var width = iconBounds.X - xPosition + iconBounds.Width + (labelBounds.Width < 0 ? labelBounds.Width : 0);
			return new Rectangle(xPosition, item.Bounds.Y, width, item.Bounds.Height);
 /// <summary>
 /// �ړ��A�C�e���̑}���ʒu��\���������`�悵�܂��B
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="listItem">�`�悷��ʒu�̃��X�g�A�C�e��</param>
 /// <param name="isUpper">���̕`��ꏊ��w�肵�܂��B���� listItem �̏㑤�ł���� true�A�����ł���� false ��w�肵�܂��B </param>
 private void drawInsertLine(ListViewItem listItem, bool isUpper)
     using (var g = this.CreateGraphics())
         var rect = listItem.GetBounds(ItemBoundsPortion.ItemOnly);
         int y = isUpper ? rect.Top : rect.Bottom;
         Point ptL = new Point(0, y);
         Point ptR = new Point(rect.Width, y);
         g.DrawLine(new Pen(DRAG_TARGET_LINE_COLOR, 2), ptL, ptR);
Ejemplo n.º 27
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieve the bounds of a ListViewSubItem
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item">The Item containing the SubItem</param>
        /// <param name="subItemIndex">Index of the SubItem</param>
        /// <returns>Subitem's bounds</returns>
        protected Rectangle GetSubItemBounds(ListViewItem item, int subItemIndex)
            Rectangle subItemRect = Rectangle.Empty;

            if (item == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Item", "The list view item cannot be null");

            int[] listColumns = GetCurrentColumnOrder();

            if (listColumns != null)
                if (subItemIndex >= listColumns.Length)
                    throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("Index " + subItemIndex + " is out of range of the columns in the listview");

                // Retrieve the bounds of the entire ListViewItem (all subitems)
                Rectangle itemBounds = item.GetBounds(ItemBoundsPortion.Entire);

                // Calculate the X position of the SubItem.
                // Because the columns may be reordered we have
                //to use Columns[listColumns[index]] instead of Columns[index]
                int subItemX = itemBounds.Left;
                int index = 0;

                for (; index < listColumns.Length; index++)
                    ColumnHeader column = this.Columns[listColumns[index]];

                    if (column.Index == subItemIndex)

                    subItemX += column.Width;

                subItemRect = new Rectangle(subItemX, itemBounds.Top, this.Columns[listColumns[index]].Width, itemBounds.Height);

            return subItemRect;
Ejemplo n.º 28
 /// <summary>
 ///   Determines if the specified Point is in the top half of the specified ListViewItem
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="location">The point to check</param>
 /// <param name="itemToCheck">The ListViewItem whose bounds are to be checked</param>
 /// <returns>true if location is in the top half of itemToCheck, otherwise false</returns>
 private bool IsPointInTopHalfOfItem(Point location, ListViewItem itemToCheck)
   var pt = PointToClient(location);
   var rc = itemToCheck.GetBounds(ItemBoundsPortion.Entire);
   return (pt.Y < (rc.Top + (rc.Height/2)));
Ejemplo n.º 29
        private Rectangle GetSubItemBounds(ListViewItem item, int subItem)
            Rectangle subItemRect = Rectangle.Empty;

            if (item == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("item");

            int[] order = this.GetColumnOrder();

            if (order == null)
                // No Columns
                return subItemRect;

            if (subItem >= order.Length)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("SubItem " + subItem.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + " out of range");

            // Retrieve the bounds of the entire ListViewItem (all subitems)
            Rectangle bounds = item.GetBounds(ItemBoundsPortion.Entire);

            int subItemX = bounds.Left;
            ColumnHeader header = null;
            int process = 0;

            // Calculate the X position of the SubItem.
            for (process = 0; process <= order.Length - 1; process++)
                header = this.Columns[order[process]];

                if (header.Index == subItem)

                subItemX += header.Width;

            subItemRect = new Rectangle(subItemX, bounds.Top, this.Columns[order[process]].Width, bounds.Height);

            return subItemRect;
Ejemplo n.º 30
        /// <summary>
        /// Find ListViewItem and SubItem Index at position (x,y)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="x">relative to ListView</param>
        /// <param name="y">relative to ListView</param>
        /// <param name="item">Item at position (x,y)</param>
        /// <returns>SubItem index</returns>
        public int GetSubItemAt(int x, int y, out ListViewItem item)
            item = this.GetItemAt(x, y);

            if (item != null)
                int[] order = GetColumnOrder();
                Rectangle lviBounds;
                int subItemX;

                lviBounds = item.GetBounds(ItemBoundsPortion.Entire);
                subItemX = lviBounds.Left;
                for (int i = 0; i < order.Length; i++)
                    ColumnHeader h = this.Columns[order[i]];
                    if (x < subItemX + h.Width)
                        return h.Index;
                    subItemX += h.Width;

            return -1;
Ejemplo n.º 31
		/// <summary>
		/// Retrieve the bounds of a ListViewSubItem
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="item">The Item containing the SubItem</param>
		/// <param name="subItem">Index of the SubItem</param>
		/// <returns>Subitem's bounds</returns>
		protected Rectangle GetSubItemBounds(ListViewItem item, int subItem)
			Rectangle subItemRect = Rectangle.Empty;

			if (item == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("item", SmartResourceManager.GetString("SLV_003", "Workshare.Common.Exceptions.Resource", Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(SmartListView)),System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture));

			int[] order = GetColumnOrder();
			if (order == null) // No Columns
				return subItemRect;

			if (subItem >= order.Length)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("subItem", subItem, SmartResourceManager.GetString("SLV_001", "Workshare.Common.Exceptions.Resource", Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(SmartListView)),System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture));

			// Retrieve the bounds of the entire ListViewItem (all subitems)
			Rectangle lviBounds = item.GetBounds(ItemBoundsPortion.Entire);
			int	subItemX = lviBounds.Left;

			// Calculate the X position of the SubItem.
			// Because the columns can be reordered we have to use Columns[order[i]] instead of Columns[i] !
			ColumnHeader col;
			int i;
			for (i=0; i<order.Length; i++)
				col = this.Columns[order[i]];
				if (col.Index == subItem)
				subItemX += col.Width;
			subItemRect	= new Rectangle(subItemX, lviBounds.Top-1, this.Columns[order[i]].Width, lviBounds.Height);

			return subItemRect;
Ejemplo n.º 32
        public Rectangle GetSubItemBounds(ListViewItem Item, int SubItem)
            if (SubItem >= this.Columns.Count)
                throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("SubItem " + SubItem + " out of range");
            else if (Item == null)
                return Rectangle.Empty; // throw new ArgumentNullException("Item");

            int top, left, width, height;
            Rectangle bounds = Item.GetBounds(ItemBoundsPortion.Entire);
            top = bounds.Top;
            width = this.Columns[SubItem].Width;
            height = bounds.Height;

            left = bounds.Left;
            for(int index=0;index<SubItem;index+=1)
                left += this.Columns[index].Width;

            return new Rectangle(new Point(left,top),new Size(width,height));
Ejemplo n.º 33
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieve the bounds of a ListViewSubItem
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Item">The Item containing the SubItem</param>
        /// <param name="SubItem">Index of the SubItem</param>
        /// <returns>Subitem's bounds</returns>
        protected Rectangle GetSubItemBounds(ListViewItem Item, int SubItem)
            Rectangle subItemRect = Rectangle.Empty;

            if (Item == null)
				Logger.LogError("Attempted to get NULL item");
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Item");

            int[] order = GetColumnOrder();
            if (order == null) // No Columns
                return subItemRect;

            if (SubItem >= order.Length)
                Utilities.ErrorMessage errorMessage = new Utilities.ErrorMessage(
                    System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), SubItem);
				throw new IndexOutOfRangeException(errorMessage.DisplayString);

            // Retrieve the bounds of the entire ListViewItem (all subitems)
            Rectangle lviBounds = Item.GetBounds(ItemBoundsPortion.Entire);
            int subItemX = lviBounds.Left;

            // Calculate the X position of the SubItem.
            // Because the columns can be reordered we have to use Columns[order[i]] instead of Columns[i] !
            ColumnHeader col;
            int i;
            for (i = 0; i < order.Length; i++)
                col = this.Columns[order[i]];
                if (col.Index == SubItem)
                subItemX += col.Width;

            subItemRect = new Rectangle(subItemX, lviBounds.Top, this.Columns[order[i]].Width, lviBounds.Height);

            return subItemRect;