Ejemplo n.º 1
        internal static CGSize TranslateWindowSizeToCocoaWindowSize(CreateParams cp, CGSize size)
            /* From XplatUIX11
             * If this is a form with no window manager, X is handling all the border and caption painting
             * so remove that from the area (since the area we set of the window here is the part of the window
             * we're painting in only)
            Form form = cp.control as Form;

            if (form != null && (form.window_manager == null || cp.IsSet(WindowExStyles.WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW)))
                Hwnd.Borders borders = Hwnd.GetBorders(cp, null);
                CGSize       qsize   = size;

                qsize.Width  -= borders.left + borders.right;
                qsize.Height -= borders.top + borders.bottom;

                size = qsize;

            if (size.Height == 0)
                size.Height = 1;
            if (size.Width == 0)
                size.Width = 1;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        internal static CGRect TranslateClientRectangleToQuartzClientRectangle(Hwnd hwnd, Control ctrl)
            /* From XplatUIX11
             * If this is a form with no window manager, X is handling all the border and caption painting
             * so remove that from the area (since the area we set of the window here is the part of the window
             * we're painting in only)
            var          crect = hwnd.ClientRect;
            CGRect       rect  = new CGRect(crect.X, crect.Y, crect.Width, crect.Height);
            Form         form  = ctrl as Form;
            CreateParams cp    = null;

            if (form != null)
                cp = form.GetCreateParams();

            if (form != null && (form.window_manager == null || cp.IsSet(WindowExStyles.WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW)))
                Hwnd.Borders borders = Hwnd.GetBorders(cp, null);
                CGRect       qrect   = rect;

                qrect.Y      -= borders.top;
                qrect.X      -= borders.left;
                qrect.Width  += borders.left + borders.right;
                qrect.Height += borders.top + borders.bottom;

                rect = qrect;

            if (rect.Width < 1 || rect.Height < 1)
                rect.Width  = 1;
                rect.Height = 1;
                rect.X      = -5;
                rect.Y      = -5;
