Ejemplo n.º 1
        // Set the connection string in temporary storage
        // Returns true if the metadata was successfully loaded for the specified connections
        internal bool SelectConnectionStringBuilder(EntityConnectionStringBuilderItem selectedConnection, bool resetContainer)
            _selectedConnectionStringBuilder = selectedConnection;

            bool metadataLoaded = false;

            if (selectedConnection != null)
                if (selectedConnection.EntityConnectionStringBuilder != null)
                    metadataLoaded = _helper.LoadMetadata(selectedConnection.EntityConnectionStringBuilder);
                    // Since we don't have a valid connection string builder, we don't have enough information to load metadata.
                    // Clear any existing metadata so we don't see an old item collection on any subsequent calls that access it.
                    // Don't need to display an error here because that was handled by the caller who created the builder item

            // Reset the list of containers if requested and set the ComboBox to have no selection.
            // In some cases the containers do not need to be reset because the caller wants to delay that until a later event or wants to preserve a specific value
            if (resetContainer)
                string defaultContainerName = _selectedConnectionStringBuilder.EntityConnectionStringBuilder == null ? null : _selectedConnectionStringBuilder.EntityConnectionStringBuilder.Name;
                LoadContainerNames(defaultContainerName, false /*initialLoad*/);

            // Update the controls

        // Expects that the specified builder item is a named connection already in the list, is a full connection string, or is empty
        // If empty, the default is to select the named connection option and don't select anything in the list
        internal void SetConnectionString(EntityConnectionStringBuilderItem connStrBuilderItem)
            Debug.Assert(connStrBuilderItem != null, "expected non-null connStrBuilderItem");

            _ignoreEvents = true;

            // set the state of the ConnectionString radio buttons and associated controls
            bool isNamedConnection = connStrBuilderItem.IsEmpty || connStrBuilderItem.IsNamedConnection;

            _namedConnectionRadioButton.Checked  = isNamedConnection;
            _namedConnectionComboBox.Enabled     = isNamedConnection;
            _connectionStringRadioButton.Checked = !isNamedConnection;
            _connectionStringTextBox.Enabled     = !isNamedConnection;

            // set the value of the control that was just enabled
            if (connStrBuilderItem.IsEmpty)
                _namedConnectionComboBox.SelectedIndex = -1;
                _configureObjectContext.SelectConnectionStringHasValue(false /*connectionStringHasValue*/);
            else if (connStrBuilderItem.IsNamedConnection)
                _namedConnectionComboBox.SelectedItem = connStrBuilderItem;
                _configureObjectContext.SelectConnectionStringHasValue(true /*connectionStringHasValue*/);
                _connectionStringTextBox.Text = connStrBuilderItem.ConnectionString;

            _ignoreEvents = false;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        // Populates the NamedConnection ComboBox with all of the EntityClient connections from the web.config.
        // If the specified connectionString is a named connection (if it contains "name=ConnectionName"), it is added to the list and selected.
        // If the specified connectionString is not a named connection, the plain connection string option is selected and populated with the specified value.
        private void LoadConnectionStrings()
            // Get a list of all named EntityClient connections in the web.config
            _namedConnections = _helper.GetNamedEntityClientConnections(false /*sortResults*/);

            EntityConnectionStringBuilderItem connStrBuilderItem = _helper.GetEntityConnectionStringBuilderItem(_entityDataSourceState.ConnectionString);

            Debug.Assert(connStrBuilderItem != null, "expected GetEntityConnectionStringBuilder to always return non-null");

            if (connStrBuilderItem.IsNamedConnection)
                // Try to find the specified connection in the list or add it
                connStrBuilderItem = FindCurrentNamedConnection(connStrBuilderItem);
                Debug.Assert(connStrBuilderItem != null, "expected a non-null connStrBuilderItem for the named connection because it should have added it if it didn't exist");

            // Sort results now, after we may have added a new item above

            SelectConnectionStringBuilder(connStrBuilderItem, false /*resetContainer*/);

            // Update the controls
        /// <summary>
        /// Verify the selected connection string and load the metadata for it if it is successfully verified
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>True if the metadata was successfully loaded from the connection string</returns>
        private bool VerifyConnectionString()
                Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
                if (_connectionInEdit)
                    bool isNamedConnection = _namedConnectionRadioButton.Checked;
                    Debug.Assert(!isNamedConnection ? _connectionStringRadioButton.Checked : true, "only expecting either named connection or connection string radio button options");

                    EntityConnectionStringBuilderItem selectedConnection = null;
                    if (isNamedConnection)
                        if (_namedConnectionComboBox.SelectedIndex != -1)
                            selectedConnection = _namedConnectionComboBox.SelectedItem as EntityConnectionStringBuilderItem;
                        // Make a builder item out of the specified connection string. This will do some basic verification on the string.
                        selectedConnection = _configureObjectContext.GetEntityConnectionStringBuilderItem(_connectionStringTextBox.Text);

                    if (selectedConnection != null)
                        bool metadataLoaded = _configureObjectContext.SelectConnectionStringBuilder(selectedConnection, true /*resetContainer*/);

                        // If verification failed, try to move the focus back to the appropriate control.
                        if (!metadataLoaded)
                            if (_namedConnectionRadioButton.Checked)
                                if (LocalAppContextSwitches.UseLegacyAccessibilityFeatures || _connectionStringTextBox.TextLength != 0)
                                    _connectionStringTextBox.Select(0, _connectionStringTextBox.TextLength);

                    // Leave connection edit mode regardless of whether the metadata was loaded or not, because there is no need to keep trying
                    // to validated it over and over again unless the user makes a change that puts it back into edit mode again

                Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        // Find the current named connection in the list of connections
        // The returned item may refer to the same connection as the specified item, but it will be the actual reference from the list
        private EntityConnectionStringBuilderItem FindCurrentNamedConnection(EntityConnectionStringBuilderItem newBuilderItem)
            Debug.Assert(_namedConnections != null, "_namedConnections should have already been initialized and should not be null");
            Debug.Assert(newBuilderItem != null && newBuilderItem.IsNamedConnection, "expected non-null newBuilderItem");

            foreach (EntityConnectionStringBuilderItem namedConnectionItem in _namedConnections)
                if (((IComparable <EntityConnectionStringBuilderItem>)newBuilderItem).CompareTo(namedConnectionItem) == 0)
                    // returning the one that was actually in the list, so we can select it in the control

            // didn't find it in the list, so add it