internal static string GetURL(RouteBase route, RequestContext context, IResource resource)
			var location = resource.Location;

			var values = new RouteValueDictionary();

			if (location is TypeLocation)
				TypeLocation tl = location as TypeLocation;
				values.Add("assembly", tl.ProxyType.Assembly.GetName().Name);
				values.Add("name", tl.ProxyType.FullName);
			else if (location is EmbeddedLocation)
				EmbeddedLocation el = location as EmbeddedLocation;
				values.Add("assembly", el.Assembly.GetName().Name);
				values.Add("name", el.ResourceName);
			else if (location is VirtualPathLocation)
				VirtualPathLocation vl = location as VirtualPathLocation;
				if (!(resource is IProxyResource))
					return UrlHelper.GenerateContentUrl(vl.VirtualPath, context.HttpContext);
				var p = vl.VirtualPath;
				if (p[0] == '/') p = p.Substring(1);
				values.Add("name", p);
			else if (location is ExternalLocation)
				ExternalLocation el = location as ExternalLocation;
				return el.Uri.ToString();
				throw new Exception("Unknown IResourceLocationType");
			var pr = resource as IProxyResource;
			if (pr != null && (pr.CultureSensitive || pr.CultureUISensitive))
				if (pr.CultureSensitive)
					values.Add("culture", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.LCID.ToString("x"));
				if (pr.CultureUISensitive)
					values.Add("cultureUI", CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.LCID.ToString("x"));

			values.Add("version", ToHex(resource.Version));

			var virtualPath = route.GetVirtualPath(context, values);
			if (virtualPath == null) throw new Exception("Routing is incomplete.");

			var url = UrlHelper.GenerateContentUrl("~/" + virtualPath.VirtualPath, context.HttpContext);
			return url;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private string GetRoutedUrl(RouteBase route, RouteValueDictionary routeValues, RequestContext requestContext)
            string routedVirtualPath = route.GetVirtualPath(requestContext, routeValues).VirtualPath; // i.e. "AllenISD"

            // Get the base URL with the trailing slash, if it exists
            string urlBase = requestUrlBaseProvider.GetRequestUrlBase(requestContext.HttpContext.Request);

            // Construct the URL that has been regenerated (i.e. a request for https://app/AllenISD/Overview will be shortened 
            // to https://app/AllenISD if "Overview" is defaulted, thereby making it possible to match with generated URLs on 
            // the menu items for determining correct menu selection)
            var returnValue = (new Uri(urlBase + routedVirtualPath)).AbsolutePath;

            return returnValue;