GetHashCode() public method

public GetHashCode ( ) : int
return int
 public static void RemoveDriverInTransaction(Transaction transaction)
     lock (driversInUse.SyncRoot)
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private TransactionException CreateVolatileEnlistment(System.Transactions.Transaction transactionToEnlist)
            TransactionException         exception  = null;
            PersistenceContextEnlistment enlistment = null;
            int hashCode = transactionToEnlist.GetHashCode();

            lock (System.ServiceModel.Activities.Dispatcher.PersistenceContext.Enlistments)
                    if (!System.ServiceModel.Activities.Dispatcher.PersistenceContext.Enlistments.TryGetValue(hashCode, out enlistment))
                        enlistment = new PersistenceContextEnlistment(this.PersistenceContext, transactionToEnlist);
                        transactionToEnlist.EnlistVolatile(enlistment, EnlistmentOptions.None);
                        System.ServiceModel.Activities.Dispatcher.PersistenceContext.Enlistments.Add(hashCode, enlistment);
                catch (TransactionException exception2)
                    exception = exception2;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public static Driver GetDriverInTransaction(Transaction transaction)
     lock (driversInUse.SyncRoot)
         return (Driver) driversInUse[transaction.GetHashCode()];
 private void AddToConnectionInfoTable(Transaction transaction, SharedConnectionInfo connectionInfo)
     lock (this.tableSyncObject)
         this.transactionConnectionTable.Add(transaction, connectionInfo);
         WorkflowTrace.Host.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 0, string.Concat(new object[] { "AddToConnectionInfoTable ", transaction.GetHashCode(), " in table of count ", this.transactionConnectionTable.Count }));
        internal void AutomaticEnlistment()
            SysTx.Transaction currentSystemTransaction = ADP.GetCurrentTransaction();    // NOTE: Must be first to ensure _smiContext.ContextTransaction is set!
            SysTx.Transaction contextTransaction       = _smiContext.ContextTransaction; // returns the transaction that was handed to SysTx that wraps the ContextTransactionId.
            long contextTransactionId = _smiContext.ContextTransactionId;

            if (Bid.AdvancedOn)
                Bid.Trace("<sc.SqlInternalConnectionSmi.AutomaticEnlistment|ADV> %d#, contextTransactionId=0x%I64x, contextTransaction=%d#, currentSystemTransaction=%d#.\n",
                          (null != contextTransaction) ? contextTransaction.GetHashCode() : 0,
                          (null != currentSystemTransaction) ? currentSystemTransaction.GetHashCode() : 0);

            if (SqlInternalTransaction.NullTransactionId != contextTransactionId)
                if (null != currentSystemTransaction && contextTransaction != currentSystemTransaction)
                    throw SQL.NestedTransactionScopesNotSupported();    // can't use TransactionScope(RequiresNew) inside a Sql Transaction.
                if (Bid.AdvancedOn)
                    Bid.Trace("<sc.SqlInternalConnectionSmi.AutomaticEnlistment|ADV> %d#, using context transaction with transactionId=0x%I64x\n", base.ObjectID, contextTransactionId);
                _currentTransaction = new SqlInternalTransaction(this, TransactionType.Context, null, contextTransactionId);
                ContextTransaction  = contextTransaction;
            else if (null == currentSystemTransaction)
                _currentTransaction = null;  // there really isn't a transaction.

                if (Bid.AdvancedOn)
                    Bid.Trace("<sc.SqlInternalConnectionSmi.AutomaticEnlistment|ADV> %d#, no transaction.\n", base.ObjectID);
                if (Bid.AdvancedOn)
                    Bid.Trace("<sc.SqlInternalConnectionSmi.AutomaticEnlistment|ADV> %d#, using current System.Transaction.\n", base.ObjectID);
 private void AddToConnectionInfoTable(Transaction transaction, SharedConnectionInfo connectionInfo)
     lock (this.tableSyncObject)
         this.transactionConnectionTable.Add(transaction, connectionInfo);
         WorkflowTrace.Host.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 0, "AddToConnectionInfoTable " + transaction.GetHashCode() +
                 " in table of count " + this.transactionConnectionTable.Count); 
 private void RemoveConnectionFromInfoTable(Transaction transaction)
     lock (this.tableSyncObject)
         SharedConnectionInfo connectionInfo;
         WorkflowTrace.Host.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 0, "TransactionCompleted " + transaction.GetHashCode());
         if (transactionConnectionTable.TryGetValue(transaction, out connectionInfo))
             WorkflowTrace.Host.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 0, "TransactionCompleted " + transaction.GetHashCode() +
                 " not found in table of count " + this.transactionConnectionTable.Count);                
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private void EnlistNonNull(SysTx.Transaction tx)
            Debug.Assert(null != tx, "null transaction?");
            SqlClientEventSource.Log.TryAdvancedTraceEvent("<sc.SqlInternalConnection.EnlistNonNull|ADV> {0}, transaction {1}.", ObjectID, tx.GetHashCode());
            bool hasDelegatedTransaction = false;

            if (Is2005OrNewer)
                SqlClientEventSource.Log.TryAdvancedTraceEvent("<sc.SqlInternalConnection.EnlistNonNull|ADV> {0}, attempting to delegate", ObjectID);

                // Promotable transactions are only supported on 2005
                // servers or newer.
                SqlDelegatedTransaction delegatedTransaction = new SqlDelegatedTransaction(this, tx);

                    // NOTE: System.Transactions claims to resolve all
                    // potential race conditions between multiple delegate
                    // requests of the same transaction to different
                    // connections in their code, such that only one
                    // attempt to delegate will succeed.

                    // NOTE: PromotableSinglePhaseEnlist will eventually
                    // make a round trip to the server; doing this inside
                    // a lock is not the best choice.  We presume that you
                    // aren't trying to enlist concurrently on two threads
                    // and leave it at that -- We don't claim any thread
                    // safety with regard to multiple concurrent requests
                    // to enlist the same connection in different
                    // transactions, which is good, because we don't have
                    // it anyway.

                    // PromotableSinglePhaseEnlist may not actually promote
                    // the transaction when it is already delegated (this is
                    // the way they resolve the race condition when two
                    // threads attempt to delegate the same Lightweight
                    // Transaction)  In that case, we can safely ignore
                    // our delegated transaction, and proceed to enlist
                    // in the promoted one.

                    // NOTE: Global Transactions is an Azure SQL DB only
                    // feature where the Transaction Manager (TM) is not
                    // MS-DTC. Sys.Tx added APIs to support Non MS-DTC
                    // promoter types/TM in .NET 4.6.1. Following directions
                    // from .NETFX shiproom, to avoid a "hard-dependency"
                    // (compile time) on Sys.Tx, we use reflection to invoke
                    // the new APIs. Further, the _isGlobalTransaction flag
                    // indicates that this is an Azure SQL DB Transaction
                    // that could be promoted to a Global Transaction (it's
                    // always false for on-prem Sql Server). The Promote()
                    // call in SqlDelegatedTransaction makes sure that the
                    // right Sys.Tx.dll is loaded and that Global Transactions
                    // are actually allowed for this Azure SQL DB.

                    if (_isGlobalTransaction)
                        if (SysTxForGlobalTransactions.EnlistPromotableSinglePhase == null)
                            // This could be a local Azure SQL DB transaction.
                            hasDelegatedTransaction = tx.EnlistPromotableSinglePhase(delegatedTransaction);
                            hasDelegatedTransaction = (bool)SysTxForGlobalTransactions.EnlistPromotableSinglePhase.Invoke(tx, new object[] { delegatedTransaction, _globalTransactionTMID });
                        // This is an MS-DTC distributed transaction
                        hasDelegatedTransaction = tx.EnlistPromotableSinglePhase(delegatedTransaction);

                    if (hasDelegatedTransaction)
                        this.DelegatedTransaction = delegatedTransaction;
                        SqlClientEventSource.Log.TryAdvancedTraceEvent("<sc.SqlInternalConnection.EnlistNonNull|ADV> {0}, delegated to transaction {1} with transactionId=0x{2}", ObjectID, null != CurrentTransaction ? CurrentTransaction.ObjectID : 0, null != CurrentTransaction ? CurrentTransaction.TransactionId : SqlInternalTransaction.NullTransactionId);
                catch (SqlException e)
                    // we do not want to eat the error if it is a fatal one
                    if (e.Class >= TdsEnums.FATAL_ERROR_CLASS)

                    // if the parser is null or its state is not openloggedin, the connection is no longer good.
                    SqlInternalConnectionTds tdsConnection = this as SqlInternalConnectionTds;
                    if (tdsConnection != null)
                        TdsParser parser = tdsConnection.Parser;
                        if (parser == null || parser.State != TdsParserState.OpenLoggedIn)


                    // In this case, SqlDelegatedTransaction.Initialize
                    // failed and we don't necessarily want to reject
                    // things -- there may have been a legitimate reason
                    // for the failure.

            if (!hasDelegatedTransaction)
                SqlClientEventSource.Log.TryAdvancedTraceEvent("<sc.SqlInternalConnection.EnlistNonNull|ADV> {0}, delegation not possible, enlisting.", ObjectID);
                byte[] cookie = null;

                if (_isGlobalTransaction)
                    if (SysTxForGlobalTransactions.GetPromotedToken == null)
                        throw SQL.UnsupportedSysTxForGlobalTransactions();

                    cookie = (byte[])SysTxForGlobalTransactions.GetPromotedToken.Invoke(tx, null);
                    if (null == _whereAbouts)
                        byte[] dtcAddress = GetDTCAddress();

                        if (null == dtcAddress)
                            throw SQL.CannotGetDTCAddress();
                        _whereAbouts = dtcAddress;
                    cookie = GetTransactionCookie(tx, _whereAbouts);

                // send cookie to server to finish enlistment
                _isEnlistedInTransaction = true;
                SqlClientEventSource.Log.TryAdvancedTraceEvent("<sc.SqlInternalConnection.EnlistNonNull|ADV> {0}, enlisted with transaction {1} with transactionId=0x{2}", ObjectID, null != CurrentTransaction ? CurrentTransaction.ObjectID : 0, null != CurrentTransaction ? CurrentTransaction.TransactionId : SqlInternalTransaction.NullTransactionId);

            EnlistedTransaction = tx; // Tell the base class about our enlistment

            // If we're on a 2005 or newer server, and we we delegate the
            // transaction successfully, we will have done a begin transaction,
            // which produces a transaction id that we should execute all requests
            // on.  The TdsParser or SmiEventSink will store this information as
            // the current transaction.
            // Likewise, propagating a transaction to a 2005 or newer server will
            // produce a transaction id that The TdsParser or SmiEventSink will
            // store as the current transaction.
            // In either case, when we're working with a 2005 or newer server
            // we better have a current transaction by now.

            Debug.Assert(!Is2005OrNewer || null != CurrentTransaction, "delegated/enlisted transaction with null current transaction?");
Ejemplo n.º 9
        private void EnlistNonNull(SysTx.Transaction tx)
            Debug.Assert(null != tx, "null transaction?");

            if (Bid.AdvancedOn)
                Bid.Trace("<sc.SqlInternalConnection.EnlistNonNull|ADV> %d#, transaction %d#.\n", base.ObjectID, tx.GetHashCode());

            bool hasDelegatedTransaction = false;

            if (IsYukonOrNewer)
                if (Bid.AdvancedOn)
                    Bid.Trace("<sc.SqlInternalConnection.EnlistNonNull|ADV> %d#, attempting to delegate\n", base.ObjectID);

                // Promotable transactions are only supported on Yukon
                // servers or newer.
                SqlDelegatedTransaction delegatedTransaction = new SqlDelegatedTransaction(this, tx);

                try {
                    // NOTE: System.Transactions claims to resolve all
                    // potential race conditions between multiple delegate
                    // requests of the same transaction to different
                    // connections in their code, such that only one
                    // attempt to delegate will succeed.

                    // NOTE: PromotableSinglePhaseEnlist will eventually
                    // make a round trip to the server; doing this inside
                    // a lock is not the best choice.  We presume that you
                    // aren't trying to enlist concurrently on two threads
                    // and leave it at that -- We don't claim any thread
                    // safety with regard to multiple concurrent requests
                    // to enlist the same connection in different
                    // transactions, which is good, because we don't have
                    // it anyway.

                    // PromotableSinglePhaseEnlist may not actually promote
                    // the transaction when it is already delegated (this is
                    // the way they resolve the race condition when two
                    // threads attempt to delegate the same Lightweight
                    // Transaction)  In that case, we can safely ignore
                    // our delegated transaction, and proceed to enlist
                    // in the promoted one.

                    if (tx.EnlistPromotableSinglePhase(delegatedTransaction))
                        hasDelegatedTransaction = true;

                        this.DelegatedTransaction = delegatedTransaction;

                        if (Bid.AdvancedOn)
                            long transactionId       = SqlInternalTransaction.NullTransactionId;
                            int  transactionObjectID = 0;
                            if (null != CurrentTransaction)
                                transactionId       = CurrentTransaction.TransactionId;
                                transactionObjectID = CurrentTransaction.ObjectID;
                            Bid.Trace("<sc.SqlInternalConnection.EnlistNonNull|ADV> %d#, delegated to transaction %d# with transactionId=0x%I64x\n", base.ObjectID, transactionObjectID, transactionId);
                catch (SqlException e) {
                    // we do not want to eat the error if it is a fatal one
                    if (e.Class >= TdsEnums.FATAL_ERROR_CLASS)

                    // if the parser is null or its state is not openloggedin, the connection is no longer good.
                    SqlInternalConnectionTds tdsConnection = this as SqlInternalConnectionTds;
                    if (tdsConnection != null)
                        TdsParser parser = tdsConnection.Parser;
                        if (parser == null || parser.State != TdsParserState.OpenLoggedIn)


                    // In this case, SqlDelegatedTransaction.Initialize
                    // failed and we don't necessarily want to reject
                    // things -- there may have been a legitimate reason
                    // for the failure.

            if (!hasDelegatedTransaction)
                if (Bid.AdvancedOn)
                    Bid.Trace("<sc.SqlInternalConnection.EnlistNonNull|ADV> %d#, delegation not possible, enlisting.\n", base.ObjectID);

                byte[] cookie = null;

                if (null == _whereAbouts)
                    byte[] dtcAddress = GetDTCAddress();

                    if (null == dtcAddress)
                        throw SQL.CannotGetDTCAddress();
                    _whereAbouts = dtcAddress;

                cookie = GetTransactionCookie(tx, _whereAbouts);

                // send cookie to server to finish enlistment

                _isEnlistedInTransaction = true;

                if (Bid.AdvancedOn)
                    long transactionId       = SqlInternalTransaction.NullTransactionId;
                    int  transactionObjectID = 0;
                    if (null != CurrentTransaction)
                        transactionId       = CurrentTransaction.TransactionId;
                        transactionObjectID = CurrentTransaction.ObjectID;
                    Bid.Trace("<sc.SqlInternalConnection.EnlistNonNull|ADV> %d#, enlisted with transaction %d# with transactionId=0x%I64x\n", base.ObjectID, transactionObjectID, transactionId);

            EnlistedTransaction = tx; // Tell the base class about our enlistment

            // If we're on a Yukon or newer server, and we we delegate the
            // transaction successfully, we will have done a begin transaction,
            // which produces a transaction id that we should execute all requests
            // on.  The TdsParser or SmiEventSink will store this information as
            // the current transaction.
            // Likewise, propagating a transaction to a Yukon or newer server will
            // produce a transaction id that The TdsParser or SmiEventSink will
            // store as the current transaction.
            // In either case, when we're working with a Yukon or newer server
            // we better have a current transaction by now.

            Debug.Assert(!IsYukonOrNewer || null != CurrentTransaction, "delegated/enlisted transaction with null current transaction?");
Ejemplo n.º 10
        internal void AutomaticEnlistment()
            SysTx.Transaction currentSystemTransaction = ADP.GetCurrentTransaction();    // NOTE: Must be first to ensure _smiContext.ContextTransaction is set!
            SysTx.Transaction contextTransaction       = _smiContext.ContextTransaction; // returns the transaction that was handed to SysTx that wraps the ContextTransactionId.
            long contextTransactionId = _smiContext.ContextTransactionId;

            SqlClientEventSource.Log.TryAdvancedTraceEvent("<sc.SqlInternalConnectionSmi.AutomaticEnlistment|ADV> {0}, contextTransactionId=0x{1}, contextTransaction={2}, currentSystemTransaction={3}.", ObjectID, contextTransactionId, (null != contextTransaction) ? contextTransaction.GetHashCode() : 0, (null != currentSystemTransaction) ? currentSystemTransaction.GetHashCode() : 0);

            if (SqlInternalTransaction.NullTransactionId != contextTransactionId)
                if (null != currentSystemTransaction && contextTransaction != currentSystemTransaction)
                    throw SQL.NestedTransactionScopesNotSupported();    // can't use TransactionScope(RequiresNew) inside a Sql Transaction.

                SqlClientEventSource.Log.TryTraceEvent("<sc.SqlInternalConnectionSmi.AutomaticEnlistment|ADV> {0}, using context transaction with transactionId=0x{1}", ObjectID, contextTransactionId);
                _currentTransaction = new SqlInternalTransaction(this, TransactionType.Context, null, contextTransactionId);
                ContextTransaction  = contextTransaction;
            else if (null == currentSystemTransaction)
                _currentTransaction = null;  // there really isn't a transaction.
                SqlClientEventSource.Log.TryAdvancedTraceEvent("<sc.SqlInternalConnectionSmi.AutomaticEnlistment|ADV> {0}, no transaction.", ObjectID);
                SqlClientEventSource.Log.TryAdvancedTraceEvent("<sc.SqlInternalConnectionSmi.AutomaticEnlistment|ADV> {0}, using current System.Transaction.", ObjectID);
 private void EnlistNonNull(Transaction tx)
     if (Bid.AdvancedOn)
         Bid.Trace("<sc.SqlInternalConnection.EnlistNonNull|ADV> %d#, transaction %d#.\n", base.ObjectID, tx.GetHashCode());
     bool flag = false;
     if (this.IsYukonOrNewer)
         if (Bid.AdvancedOn)
             Bid.Trace("<sc.SqlInternalConnection.EnlistNonNull|ADV> %d#, attempting to delegate\n", base.ObjectID);
         SqlDelegatedTransaction promotableSinglePhaseNotification = new SqlDelegatedTransaction(this, tx);
             if (tx.EnlistPromotableSinglePhase(promotableSinglePhaseNotification))
                 flag = true;
                 this.DelegatedTransaction = promotableSinglePhaseNotification;
                 if (Bid.AdvancedOn)
                     long transactionId = 0L;
                     int objectID = 0;
                     if (this.CurrentTransaction != null)
                         transactionId = this.CurrentTransaction.TransactionId;
                         objectID = this.CurrentTransaction.ObjectID;
                     Bid.Trace("<sc.SqlInternalConnection.EnlistNonNull|ADV> %d#, delegated to transaction %d# with transactionId=0x%I64x\n", base.ObjectID, objectID, transactionId);
         catch (SqlException exception)
             if (exception.Class >= 20)
             SqlInternalConnectionTds tds = this as SqlInternalConnectionTds;
             if (tds != null)
                 TdsParser parser = tds.Parser;
                 if ((parser == null) || (parser.State != TdsParserState.OpenLoggedIn))
     if (!flag)
         if (Bid.AdvancedOn)
             Bid.Trace("<sc.SqlInternalConnection.EnlistNonNull|ADV> %d#, delegation not possible, enlisting.\n", base.ObjectID);
         byte[] transactionCookie = null;
         if (this._whereAbouts == null)
             byte[] dTCAddress = this.GetDTCAddress();
             if (dTCAddress == null)
                 throw SQL.CannotGetDTCAddress();
             this._whereAbouts = dTCAddress;
         transactionCookie = GetTransactionCookie(tx, this._whereAbouts);
         this._isEnlistedInTransaction = true;
         if (Bid.AdvancedOn)
             long num2 = 0L;
             int num = 0;
             if (this.CurrentTransaction != null)
                 num2 = this.CurrentTransaction.TransactionId;
                 num = this.CurrentTransaction.ObjectID;
             Bid.Trace("<sc.SqlInternalConnection.EnlistNonNull|ADV> %d#, enlisted with transaction %d# with transactionId=0x%I64x\n", base.ObjectID, num, num2);
     base.EnlistedTransaction = tx;
        TransactionException CreateVolatileEnlistment(Transaction transactionToEnlist)
            TransactionException result = null;
            PersistenceContextEnlistment enlistment = null;
            int key = transactionToEnlist.GetHashCode();
            lock (PersistenceContext.Enlistments)
                    if (!PersistenceContext.Enlistments.TryGetValue(key, out enlistment))
                        enlistment = new PersistenceContextEnlistment(this.PersistenceContext, transactionToEnlist);
                        transactionToEnlist.EnlistVolatile(enlistment, EnlistmentOptions.None);
                        // We don't save of the Enlistment object returned from EnlistVolatile. We don't need
                        // it here. When our PersistenceContextEnlistment object gets notified on Prepare,
                        // Commit, Rollback, or InDoubt, it is provided with the Enlistment object.
                        PersistenceContext.Enlistments.Add(key, enlistment);
                catch (TransactionException txException)
                    result = txException;

                    // We own the lock but failed to create enlistment.  Manually wake up the next waiter.
                    // We only handle TransactionException, in case of other exception that failed to create enlistment,
                    // It will fallback to Timeout.  This is safe to avoid multiple waiters owning same lock.
            return result;