Ejemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>Mark the channel as being complete, meaning no more items will be written to it.</summary>
 /// <param name="error">Optional Exception indicating a failure that's causing the channel to complete.</param>
 /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">The channel has already been marked as complete.</exception>
 public void Complete(Exception error = null)
     if (!TryComplete(error))
         throw ChannelUtilities.CreateInvalidCompletionException();
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private ValueTask <T> ReadAsyncCore(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                return(new ValueTask <T>(Task.FromCanceled <T>(cancellationToken)));

            lock (SyncObj)

                // If we're already completed, nothing to read.
                if (_completion.Task.IsCompleted)
                    return(new ValueTask <T>(
                               _completion.Task.IsCanceled ? Task.FromCanceled <T>(new CancellationToken(true)) :
                               Task.FromException <T>(
                                   _completion.Task.IsFaulted ?
                                   ChannelUtilities.CreateInvalidCompletionException(_completion.Task.Exception.InnerException) :

                // If there are any blocked writers, find one to pair up with
                // and get its data.  Writers that got canceled will remain in the queue,
                // so we need to loop to skip past them.
                while (!_blockedWriters.IsEmpty)
                    WriterInteractor <T> w = _blockedWriters.DequeueHead();
                    if (w.Success(default))
 private Task WriteAsync(T item, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
     // Writing always succeeds (unless we've already completed writing or cancellation has been requested),
     // so just TryWrite and return a completed task.
         (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested ? Task.FromCanceled(cancellationToken) :
          TryWrite(item) ? Task.CompletedTask :
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private ValueTask <T> ReadAsyncCore(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                return(new ValueTask <T>(Task.FromCanceled <T>(cancellationToken)));

            lock (SyncObj)

                // If we're already completed, nothing to read.
                if (_completion.Task.IsCompleted)
                    return(new ValueTask <T>(
                               _completion.Task.IsCanceled ? Task.FromCanceled <T>(new CancellationToken(true)) :
                               Task.FromException <T>(
                                   _completion.Task.IsFaulted ?
                                   ChannelUtilities.CreateInvalidCompletionException(_completion.Task.Exception.InnerException) :

                // If there are any blocked writers, find one to pair up with
                // and get its data.  Writers that got canceled will remain in the queue,
                // so we need to loop to skip past them.
                while (!_blockedWriters.IsEmpty)
                    WriterInteractor <T> w = _blockedWriters.DequeueHead();
                    if (w.Success(default(VoidResult)))
                        return(new ValueTask <T>(w.Item));

                // No writer found to pair with.  Queue the reader.
                var r = ReaderInteractor <T> .Create(true, cancellationToken);


                // And let any waiting writers know it's their lucky day.
                ChannelUtilities.WakeUpWaiters(ref _waitingWriters, result: true);

                return(new ValueTask <T>(r.Task));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private Task WriteAsync(T item, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
            if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)

            lock (SyncObj)
                // Fail if we've already completed
                if (_completion.Task.IsCompleted)
                        (_completion.Task.IsCanceled ? Task.FromCanceled <T>(new CancellationToken(true)) :
                         Task.FromException <T>(
                             _completion.Task.IsFaulted ?
                             ChannelUtilities.CreateInvalidCompletionException(_completion.Task.Exception.InnerException) :

                // Try to find a reader to pair with.  Canceled readers remain in the queue,
                // so we need to loop until we find one.
                while (!_blockedReaders.IsEmpty)
                    ReaderInteractor <T> r = _blockedReaders.DequeueHead();
                    if (r.Success(item))

                // No reader was available.  Queue the writer.
                var w = WriterInteractor <T> .Create(true, cancellationToken, item);


                // And let any waiting readers know it's their lucky day.
                ChannelUtilities.WakeUpWaiters(ref _waitingReaders, result: true);

Ejemplo n.º 6
        private Task WriteAsync(T item, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
            if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)

            ReaderInteractor <T>    blockedReader  = null;
            ReaderInteractor <bool> waitingReaders = null;

            lock (SyncObj)

                // If we're done writing, trying to write is an error.
                if (_doneWriting != null)

                // Get the number of items in the channel currently.
                int count = _items.Count;

                if (count == 0)
                    // There are no items in the channel, which means we may have blocked/waiting readers.

                    // If there are any blocked readers, find one that's not canceled
                    // and store it to complete outside of the lock, in case it has
                    // continuations that'll run synchronously
                    while (!_blockedReaders.IsEmpty)
                        ReaderInteractor <T> r = _blockedReaders.DequeueHead();
                        r.UnregisterCancellation(); // ensure that once we grab it, we own its completion
                        if (!r.Task.IsCompleted)
                            blockedReader = r;

                    if (blockedReader == null)
                        // If there wasn't a blocked reader, then store the item. If no one's waiting
                        // to be notified about a 0-to-1 transition, we're done.
                        waitingReaders = _waitingReaders;
                        if (waitingReaders == null)
                        _waitingReaders = null;
                else if (count < _bufferedCapacity)
                    // There's room in the channel.  Since we're not transitioning from 0-to-1 and
                    // since there's room, we can simply store the item and exit without having to
                    // worry about blocked/waiting readers.
                else if (_mode == BoundedChannelFullMode.Wait)
                    // The channel is full and we're in a wait mode.
                    // Queue the writer.
                    var writer = WriterInteractor <T> .Create(true, cancellationToken, item);

                    // The channel is full, and we're in a dropping mode.
                    // Drop either the oldest or the newest and write the new item.
                    T droppedItem = _mode == BoundedChannelFullMode.DropNewest ?
                                    _items.DequeueTail() :

            // We either wrote the item already, or we're transfering it to the blocked reader we grabbed.
            if (blockedReader != null)
                // Transfer the written item to the blocked reader.
                bool success = blockedReader.Success(item);
                Debug.Assert(success, "We should always be able to complete the reader.");
                // We stored an item bringing the count up from 0 to 1.  Alert
                // any waiting readers that there may be something for them to consume.
                // Since we're no longer holding the lock, it's possible we'll end up
                // waking readers that have since come in.
                waitingReaders.Success(item: true);

Ejemplo n.º 7
 private Task WriteAsync(T item, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)) =>
 cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested ? Task.FromCanceled(cancellationToken) :
 TryWrite(item) ? Task.CompletedTask :
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private bool TryComplete(Exception error = null)
            bool completeTask;

            lock (SyncObj)

                // If we've already marked the channel as completed, bail.
                if (_doneWriting != null)

                // Mark that we're done writing.
                _doneWriting = error ?? ChannelUtilities.DoneWritingSentinel;
                completeTask = _items.IsEmpty;

            // If there are no items in the queue, complete the channel's task,
            // as no more data can possibly arrive at this point.  We do this outside
            // of the lock in case we'll be running synchronous completions, and we
            // do it before completing blocked/waiting readers, so that when they
            // wake up they'll see the task as being completed.
            if (completeTask)
                ChannelUtilities.Complete(_completion, error);

            // At this point, _blockedReaders and _waitingReaders will not be mutated:
            // they're only mutated by readers while holding the lock, and only if _doneWriting is null.
            // We also know that only one thread (this one) will ever get here, as only that thread
            // will be the one to transition from _doneWriting false to true.  As such, we can
            // freely manipulate _blockedReaders and _waitingReaders without any concurrency concerns.
            ChannelUtilities.FailInteractors <ReaderInteractor <T>, T>(_blockedReaders, ChannelUtilities.CreateInvalidCompletionException(error));
            ChannelUtilities.WakeUpWaiters(ref _waitingReaders, result: false, error: error);

            // Successfully transitioned to completed.
Ejemplo n.º 9
        private bool TryComplete(Exception error = null)
            lock (SyncObj)

                // Mark the channel as being done. Since there's no buffered data, we can complete immediately.
                if (_completion.Task.IsCompleted)
                ChannelUtilities.Complete(_completion, error);

                // Fail any blocked readers/writers, as there will be no writers/readers to pair them with.
                ChannelUtilities.FailInteractors <ReaderInteractor <T>, T>(_blockedReaders, ChannelUtilities.CreateInvalidCompletionException(error));
                ChannelUtilities.FailInteractors <WriterInteractor <T>, VoidResult>(_blockedWriters, ChannelUtilities.CreateInvalidCompletionException(error));

                // Let any waiting readers and writers know there won't be any more data
                ChannelUtilities.WakeUpWaiters(ref _waitingReaders, result: false, error: error);
                ChannelUtilities.WakeUpWaiters(ref _waitingWriters, result: false, error: error);

        private bool TryComplete(Exception error = null)
            object blockedReader = null;
            ReaderInteractor <bool> waitingReader = null;
            bool completeTask = false;

            lock (SyncObj)
                // If we're already marked as complete, there's nothing more to do.
                if (_doneWriting != null)

                // Mark as complete for writing.
                _doneWriting = error ?? ChannelUtilities.DoneWritingSentinel;

                // If we have no more items remaining, then the channel needs to be marked as completed
                // and readers need to be informed they'll never get another item.  All of that needs
                // to happen outside of the lock to avoid invoking continuations under the lock.
                if (_items.IsEmpty)
                    completeTask = true;

                    if (_blockedReader != null)
                        blockedReader  = _blockedReader;
                        _blockedReader = null;

                    if (_waitingReader != null)
                        waitingReader  = _waitingReader;
                        _waitingReader = null;

            // Complete the channel task if necessary
            if (completeTask)
                ChannelUtilities.Complete(_completion, error);

            Debug.Assert(blockedReader == null || waitingReader == null, "There should only ever be at most one reader.");

            // Complete a blocked reader if necessary
            if (blockedReader != null)
                error = ChannelUtilities.CreateInvalidCompletionException(error);

                ReaderInteractor <T> interactor = blockedReader as ReaderInteractor <T>;
                if (interactor != null)
                    ((AutoResetAwaiter <T>)blockedReader).SetException(error);

            // Complete a waiting reader if necessary.  (We really shouldn't have both a blockedReader
            // and a waitingReader, but it's more expensive to prevent it than to just tolerate it.)
            if (waitingReader != null)
                if (error != null)

            // Successfully completed the channel