Ejemplo n.º 1
        private static string ConstructParts(MIME_Entity entity, bool bodystructure)
            MIME_Encoding_EncodedWord mIME_Encoding_EncodedWord = new MIME_Encoding_EncodedWord(MIME_EncodedWordEncoding.B, Encoding.UTF8);

            mIME_Encoding_EncodedWord.Split = false;
            StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();

            if (entity.Body is MIME_b_Multipart)
                foreach (MIME_Entity entity2 in ((MIME_b_Multipart)entity.Body).BodyParts)
                    stringBuilder.Append(IMAP_BODY.ConstructParts(entity2, bodystructure));
                if (entity.ContentType != null && entity.ContentType.SubType != null)
                    stringBuilder.Append(" \"" + entity.ContentType.SubType + "\"");
                    stringBuilder.Append(" NIL");
                if (entity.ContentType != null && entity.ContentType.Type != null)
                    stringBuilder.Append("\"" + entity.ContentType.Type + "\"");
                if (entity.ContentType != null && entity.ContentType.SubType != null)
                    stringBuilder.Append(" \"" + entity.ContentType.SubType + "\"");
                    stringBuilder.Append(" NIL");
                if (entity.ContentType != null)
                    if (entity.ContentType.Parameters.Count > 0)
                        stringBuilder.Append(" (");
                        bool flag = true;
                        foreach (MIME_h_Parameter mIME_h_Parameter in entity.ContentType.Parameters)
                            if (flag)
                                flag = false;
                                stringBuilder.Append(" ");
                            stringBuilder.Append(string.Concat(new string[]
                                "\" \"",
                        stringBuilder.Append(" NIL");
                    stringBuilder.Append(" NIL");
                string contentID = entity.ContentID;
                if (contentID != null)
                    stringBuilder.Append(" \"" + mIME_Encoding_EncodedWord.Encode(contentID) + "\"");
                    stringBuilder.Append(" NIL");
                string contentDescription = entity.ContentDescription;
                if (contentDescription != null)
                    stringBuilder.Append(" \"" + mIME_Encoding_EncodedWord.Encode(contentDescription) + "\"");
                    stringBuilder.Append(" NIL");
                if (entity.ContentTransferEncoding != null)
                    stringBuilder.Append(" \"" + mIME_Encoding_EncodedWord.Encode(entity.ContentTransferEncoding) + "\"");
                    stringBuilder.Append(" \"7bit\"");
                if (entity.Body is MIME_b_SinglepartBase)
                    stringBuilder.Append(" " + ((MIME_b_SinglepartBase)entity.Body).EncodedData.Length.ToString());
                    stringBuilder.Append(" 0");
                if (entity.Body is MIME_b_MessageRfc822)
                    stringBuilder.Append(" " + IMAP_Envelope.ConstructEnvelope(((MIME_b_MessageRfc822)entity.Body).Message));
                if (entity.Body is MIME_b_Text)
                    long             num = 0L;
                    StreamLineReader streamLineReader = new StreamLineReader(new MemoryStream(((MIME_b_SinglepartBase)entity.Body).EncodedData));
                    for (byte[] array = streamLineReader.ReadLine(); array != null; array = streamLineReader.ReadLine())
                        num += 1L;
                    stringBuilder.Append(" " + num.ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs specified entity and it's childentities bodystructure string.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity">Mime entity.</param>
        /// <param name="bodystructure">Specifies if to construct BODY or BODYSTRUCTURE.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static string ConstructParts(MIME_Entity entity, bool bodystructure)
            /* RFC 3501 7.4.2 BODYSTRUCTURE
             *                                BODY A form of BODYSTRUCTURE without extension data.
             *      A parenthesized list that describes the [MIME-IMB] body
             *      structure of a message.  This is computed by the server by
             *      parsing the [MIME-IMB] header fields, defaulting various fields
             *      as necessary.
             *      For example, a simple text message of 48 lines and 2279 octets
             *      can have a body structure of: ("TEXT" "PLAIN" ("CHARSET"
             *      "US-ASCII") NIL NIL "7BIT" 2279 48)
             *      Multiple parts are indicated by parenthesis nesting.  Instead
             *      of a body type as the first element of the parenthesized list,
             *      there is a sequence of one or more nested body structures.  The
             *      second element of the parenthesized list is the multipart
             *      subtype (mixed, digest, parallel, alternative, etc.).
             *      For example, a two part message consisting of a text and a
             *      BASE64-encoded text attachment can have a body structure of:
             *      (("TEXT" "PLAIN" ("CHARSET" "US-ASCII") NIL NIL "7BIT" 1152
             *      23)("TEXT" "PLAIN" ("CHARSET" "US-ASCII" "NAME" "cc.diff")
             *      "<*****@*****.**>" "Compiler diff"
             *      "BASE64" 4554 73) "MIXED")
             *      Extension data follows the multipart subtype.  Extension data
             *      is never returned with the BODY fetch, but can be returned with
             *      a BODYSTRUCTURE fetch.  Extension data, if present, MUST be in
             *      the defined order.  The extension data of a multipart body part
             *      are in the following order:
             *      body parameter parenthesized list
             *              A parenthesized list of attribute/value pairs [e.g., ("foo"
             *              "bar" "baz" "rag") where "bar" is the value of "foo", and
             *              "rag" is the value of "baz"] as defined in [MIME-IMB].
             *      body disposition
             *              A parenthesized list, consisting of a disposition type
             *              string, followed by a parenthesized list of disposition
             *              attribute/value pairs as defined in [DISPOSITION].
             *      body language
             *              A string or parenthesized list giving the body language
             *              value as defined in [LANGUAGE-TAGS].
             *      body location
             *              A string list giving the body content URI as defined in [LOCATION].
             *      Any following extension data are not yet defined in this
             *      version of the protocol.  Such extension data can consist of
             *      zero or more NILs, strings, numbers, or potentially nested
             *      parenthesized lists of such data.  Client implementations that
             *      do a BODYSTRUCTURE fetch MUST be prepared to accept such
             *      extension data.  Server implementations MUST NOT send such
             *      extension data until it has been defined by a revision of this
             *      protocol.
             *      The basic fields of a non-multipart body part are in the
             *      following order:
             *      body type
             *              A string giving the content media type name as defined in [MIME-IMB].
             *      body subtype
             *               A string giving the content subtype name as defined in [MIME-IMB].
             *      body parameter parenthesized list
             *              A parenthesized list of attribute/value pairs [e.g., ("foo"
             *              "bar" "baz" "rag") where "bar" is the value of "foo" and
             *              "rag" is the value of "baz"] as defined in [MIME-IMB].
             *      body id
             *              A string giving the content id as defined in [MIME-IMB].
             *      body description
             *              A string giving the content description as defined in [MIME-IMB].
             *      body encoding
             *              A string giving the content transfer encoding as defined in	[MIME-IMB].
             *      body size
             *              A number giving the size of the body in octets.  Note that
             *              this size is the size in its transfer encoding and not the
             *              resulting size after any decoding.
             *      A body type of type MESSAGE and subtype RFC822 contains,
             *      immediately after the basic fields, the envelope structure,
             *      body structure, and size in text lines of the encapsulated
             *      message.
             *      A body type of type TEXT contains, immediately after the basic
             *      fields, the size of the body in text lines.  Note that this
             *      size is the size in its content transfer encoding and not the
             *      resulting size after any decoding.
             *      Extension data follows the basic fields and the type-specific
             *      fields listed above.  Extension data is never returned with the
             *      BODY fetch, but can be returned with a BODYSTRUCTURE fetch.
             *      Extension data, if present, MUST be in the defined order.
             *      The extension data of a non-multipart body part are in the
             *      following order:
             *      body MD5
             *              A string giving the body MD5 value as defined in [MD5].
             *      body disposition
             *              A parenthesized list with the same content and function as
             *              the body disposition for a multipart body part.
             *      body language
             *              A string or parenthesized list giving the body language
             *              value as defined in [LANGUAGE-TAGS].
             *      body location
             *              A string list giving the body content URI as defined in [LOCATION].
             *      Any following extension data are not yet defined in this
             *      version of the protocol, and would be as described above under
             *      multipart extension data.
             *      // We don't construct extention fields like rfc says:
             *              Server implementations MUST NOT send such
             *              extension data until it has been defined by a revision of this
             *              protocol.
             *      contentTypeMainMediaType - Example: 'TEXT'
             *      contentTypeSubMediaType  - Example: 'PLAIN'
             *      conentTypeParameters     - Example: '("CHARSET" "iso-8859-1" ...)'
             *      contentID                - Content-ID: header field value.
             *      contentDescription       - Content-Description: header field value.
             *      contentEncoding          - Content-Transfer-Encoding: header field value.
             *      contentSize              - mimeEntity ENCODED data size
             *      [envelope]               - NOTE: included only if contentType = "message" !!!
             *      [contentLines]           - number of ENCODED data lines. NOTE: included only if contentType = "text" !!!
             *      // Basic fields for multipart
             *      (nestedMimeEntries) contentTypeSubMediaType
             *      // Basic fields for non-multipart
             *      contentTypeMainMediaType contentTypeSubMediaType (conentTypeParameters) contentID contentDescription contentEncoding contentSize [envelope] [contentLine]

            MIME_Encoding_EncodedWord wordEncoder = new MIME_Encoding_EncodedWord(MIME_EncodedWordEncoding.B, Encoding.UTF8);

            wordEncoder.Split = false;

            StringBuilder retVal = new StringBuilder();

            // Multipart message
            if (entity.Body is MIME_b_Multipart)

                // Construct child entities.
                foreach (MIME_Entity childEntity in ((MIME_b_Multipart)entity.Body).BodyParts)
                    // Construct child entity. This can be multipart or non multipart.
                    retVal.Append(ConstructParts(childEntity, bodystructure));

                // Add contentTypeSubMediaType
                if (entity.ContentType != null && entity.ContentType.SubType != null)
                    retVal.Append(" \"" + entity.ContentType.SubType + "\"");
                    retVal.Append(" NIL");

            // Single part message

                // NOTE: all header fields and parameters must in ENCODED form !!!

                // Add contentTypeMainMediaType
                if (entity.ContentType != null && entity.ContentType.Type != null)
                    retVal.Append("\"" + entity.ContentType.Type + "\"");

                // Add contentTypeSubMediaType
                if (entity.ContentType != null && entity.ContentType.SubType != null)
                    retVal.Append(" \"" + entity.ContentType.SubType + "\"");
                    retVal.Append(" NIL");

                // conentTypeParameters - Syntax: {("name" SP "value" *(SP "name" SP "value"))}
                if (entity.ContentType != null)
                    if (entity.ContentType.Parameters.Count > 0)
                        retVal.Append(" (");
                        bool first = true;
                        foreach (MIME_h_Parameter parameter in entity.ContentType.Parameters)
                            // For the first item, don't add SP.
                            if (first)
                                first = false;
                                retVal.Append(" ");

                            retVal.Append("\"" + parameter.Name + "\" \"" + wordEncoder.Encode(parameter.Value) + "\"");
                        retVal.Append(" NIL");
                    retVal.Append(" NIL");

                // contentID
                string contentID = entity.ContentID;
                if (contentID != null)
                    retVal.Append(" \"" + wordEncoder.Encode(contentID) + "\"");
                    retVal.Append(" NIL");

                // contentDescription
                string contentDescription = entity.ContentDescription;
                if (contentDescription != null)
                    retVal.Append(" \"" + wordEncoder.Encode(contentDescription) + "\"");
                    retVal.Append(" NIL");

                // contentEncoding
                if (entity.ContentTransferEncoding != null)
                    retVal.Append(" \"" + wordEncoder.Encode(entity.ContentTransferEncoding) + "\"");
                    // If not specified, then must be 7bit.
                    retVal.Append(" \"7bit\"");

                // contentSize
                if (entity.Body is MIME_b_SinglepartBase)
                    retVal.Append(" " + ((MIME_b_SinglepartBase)entity.Body).EncodedData.Length.ToString());
                    retVal.Append(" 0");

                // envelope ---> FOR ContentType: message/rfc822 ONLY ###
                if (entity.Body is MIME_b_MessageRfc822)
                    retVal.Append(" " + IMAP_Envelope.ConstructEnvelope(((MIME_b_MessageRfc822)entity.Body).Message));

                    // TODO: BODYSTRUCTURE,LINES

                // contentLines ---> FOR ContentType: text/xxx ONLY ###
                if (entity.Body is MIME_b_Text)
                    long             lineCount = 0;
                    StreamLineReader r         = new StreamLineReader(new MemoryStream(((MIME_b_SinglepartBase)entity.Body).EncodedData));
                    byte[]           line      = r.ReadLine();
                    while (line != null)

                        line = r.ReadLine();

                    retVal.Append(" " + lineCount.ToString());

