        // for Digest, the server will send us the blob immediately, so we need to make sure we
        // call InitializeSecurityContext() a first time with a null input buffer, otherwise
        // the next call will fail. do so here:
        // WDigest.dll requires us to pass in 3 security buffers here
        // 1) BufferType: SECBUFFER_TOKEN, Content: server's challenge (incoming)
        // 2) BufferType: SECBUFFER_PKG_PARAMS, Content: request's HTTP Method
        // 3) BufferType: SECBUFFER_PKG_PARAMS, Content: the HEntity (this would be the MD5 footprint of the request entity
        //                                                             body, we can pass in NULL as this is not required)
        public string GetOutgoingDigestBlob(string incomingBlob, string requestMethod, out bool handshakeComplete)
            GlobalLog.Enter("NTAuthentication::GetOutgoingDigestBlob", incomingBlob);
            // first time call with null incoming buffer to initialize.
            // we should get back a 0x90312 and a null outgoingBlob.
            byte[] decodedOutgoingBlob = GetOutgoingBlob(null, out handshakeComplete);
            GlobalLog.Assert(!handshakeComplete, "NTAuthentication::GetOutgoingDigestBlob() handshakeComplete==true", "");
            GlobalLog.Assert(decodedOutgoingBlob == null, "NTAuthentication::GetOutgoingDigestBlob() decodedOutgoingBlob!=null", "");
            // second time call with 3 incoming buffers to select HTTP client.
            // we should get back a SecurityStatus.OK and a non null outgoingBlob.
            byte[] decodedIncomingBlob  = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(incomingBlob);
            byte[] decodedRequestMethod = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(requestMethod);

            int requestedFlags =
                (int)ContextFlags.Delegate |
                (int)ContextFlags.MutualAuth |
                (int)ContextFlags.ReplayDetect |
                (int)ContextFlags.SequenceDetect |
                // (int)ContextFlags.Confidentiality | // this would only work if the server provided a qop="auth-conf" directive
                // (int)ContextFlags.ClientIntegrity | // this would only work if the server provided a qop="auth-int" directive

            SecurityBufferClass[] inSecurityBuffers = new SecurityBufferClass[] {
                new SecurityBufferClass(decodedIncomingBlob, BufferType.Token),
                new SecurityBufferClass(decodedRequestMethod, BufferType.Parameters),
                new SecurityBufferClass(null, BufferType.Parameters),

            SecurityBufferClass[] outSecurityBuffers = new SecurityBufferClass[] {
                new SecurityBufferClass(m_TokenSize, BufferType.Token),

            SecurityContext newSecurityContext = new SecurityContext(GlobalSSPI.SSPIAuth);

            // this call is still returning an error. fix together with Kevin Damour
            int status =
                    m_RemotePeerId, // this must match the Uri in the HTTP status line for the current request
                    ref newSecurityContext.Handle,
                    ref m_ContextFlags,
                    ref newSecurityContext.TimeStamp);

            GlobalLog.Print("NTAuthentication::GetOutgoingDigestBlob() SSPIWrapper.InitializeSecurityContext() returns 0x" + string.Format("{0:x}", status));

            int errorCode = status & unchecked ((int)0x80000000);

            if (errorCode != 0)
                throw new Win32Exception(status);

            // the return value from SSPI will tell us correctly if the
            // handshake is over or not: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/psdk/secspi/sspiref_67p0.htm
            // we also have to consider the case in which SSPI formed a new context, in this case we're done as well.
            IsCompleted = (status == (int)SecurityStatus.OK) || (m_SecurityContext.Handle != -1 && m_SecurityContext.Handle != newSecurityContext.Handle);
            if (IsCompleted)
                // ... if we're done, clean the handle up or the call to UpdateHandle() might leak it.
                SSPIWrapper.DeleteSecurityContext(m_SecurityContext.m_SecModule, m_SecurityContext.Handle);
            handshakeComplete = IsCompleted;
            m_Authenticated   = m_SecurityContext.Handle != -1;

            if (handshakeComplete)
                // Kevin Damour says:
                // You should not query the securitycontext until you have actually formed one (
                // with a success return form ISC).  It is only a partially formed context and
                // no info is available to user applications (at least for digest).
                SecurityPackageInfoClass securityPackageInfo = (SecurityPackageInfoClass)SSPIWrapper.QueryContextAttributes(GlobalSSPI.SSPIAuth, m_SecurityContext, ContextAttribute.PackageInfo);
                GlobalLog.Print("SecurityPackageInfoClass: using:[" + ((securityPackageInfo == null)?"null":securityPackageInfo.ToString()) + "]");
#endif // #if TRAVE

            GlobalLog.Assert(outSecurityBuffers.Length == 1, "NTAuthentication::GetOutgoingDigestBlob() outSecurityBuffers.Length==" + outSecurityBuffers.Length.ToString(), "");

            GlobalLog.Print("out token = " + m_TokenSize.ToString() + " size = " + outSecurityBuffers[0].size.ToString());

            GlobalLog.Print("NTAuthentication::GetOutgoingDigestBlob() handshakeComplete:" + handshakeComplete.ToString());

            decodedOutgoingBlob = outSecurityBuffers[0].token;

            string outgoingBlob = null;
            if (decodedOutgoingBlob != null && decodedOutgoingBlob.Length > 0)
                // CONSIDER V.NEXT
                // review Encoding.Default.GetString usage here because it might
                // end up creating non ANSI characters in the string
                outgoingBlob = Encoding.Default.GetString(decodedOutgoingBlob, 0, outSecurityBuffers[0].size);

            GlobalLog.Leave("NTAuthentication::GetOutgoingDigestBlob", outgoingBlob);
