Inheritance: System.Net.Browser.HttpWebRequestCore
Ejemplo n.º 1
        private IAsyncResult GetResponse(string method, Uri uri, bool sendHeaders)
            if ((uri.Scheme != "http") && (uri.Scheme != "https"))
                async_result.Exception = new SecurityException("Bad scheme");

            // this is a same site (site of origin, SOO) request; or
            // we either already know the policy (previously downloaded); or
            // we try to download the policy
            if (!IsDownloadingPolicy())
                policy = CrossDomainPolicyManager.GetCachedWebPolicy(uri);
                if (policy == null)
                    // we'll download the policy *then* proceed to the requested URI
                    policy = CrossDomainPolicyManager.PolicyDownloadPolicy;

                    Uri silverlight_policy_uri         = CrossDomainPolicyManager.GetSilverlightPolicyUri(uri);
                    BrowserHttpWebRequestInternal preq = new BrowserHttpWebRequestInternal(null, silverlight_policy_uri);
                    return(preq.BeginGetResponse(new AsyncCallback(SilverlightPolicyCallback), preq));

            // Console.WriteLine ("{0} '{1}' using policy: {2}", method, uri, policy);
            HttpWebRequest wreq = GetHttpWebRequest(uri);

            wreq.Method = method;
            // store exception, to throw later, if we have no policy or are not allowed by the policy
            if ((policy == null) || !policy.IsAllowed(wreq))
                if ((policy == null) || (policy.Exception == null))
                    async_result.Exception = new SecurityException();
                    async_result.Exception = policy.Exception;

            if (!sendHeaders)
            wreq.progress = progress;

            return(wreq.BeginGetResponse(new AsyncCallback(EndCallback), wreq));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void SilverlightPolicyCallback(IAsyncResult result)
            WebRequest             wreq = (result.AsyncState as WebRequest);
            BrowserHttpWebResponse wres = (BrowserHttpWebResponse)wreq.EndGetResponse(result);

            policy = CrossDomainPolicyManager.BuildSilverlightPolicy(wres);
            if (policy != null)
                // we got our policy so we can proceed with the main request
                GetResponse(this.Method, uri, true);
                // no policy but we get a second chance to try a Flash policy
                Uri flash_policy_uri = CrossDomainPolicyManager.GetFlashPolicyUri(wres.ResponseUri);
                BrowserHttpWebRequestInternal preq = new BrowserHttpWebRequestInternal(null, flash_policy_uri);
                preq.BeginGetResponse(new AsyncCallback(FlashPolicyCallback), preq);
Ejemplo n.º 3
		private void SilverlightPolicyCallback (IAsyncResult result)
			WebRequest wreq = (result.AsyncState as WebRequest);
			BrowserHttpWebResponse wres = (BrowserHttpWebResponse) wreq.EndGetResponse (result);

			policy = CrossDomainPolicyManager.BuildSilverlightPolicy (wres);
			if (policy != null) {
				// we got our policy so we can proceed with the main request
				GetResponse (this.Method, uri, true);
			} else {
				// no policy but we get a second chance to try a Flash policy
				Uri flash_policy_uri = CrossDomainPolicyManager.GetFlashPolicyUri (wres.ResponseUri);
				BrowserHttpWebRequestInternal preq = new BrowserHttpWebRequestInternal (null, flash_policy_uri);
				preq.BeginGetResponse (new AsyncCallback (FlashPolicyCallback), preq);
Ejemplo n.º 4
		private IAsyncResult GetResponse (string method, Uri uri, bool sendHeaders)
			if ((uri.Scheme != "http") && (uri.Scheme != "https")) {
				async_result.Exception = new SecurityException ("Bad scheme");
				async_result.SetComplete ();
				return async_result;

			// this is a same site (site of origin, SOO) request; or
			// we either already know the policy (previously downloaded); or
			// we try to download the policy
			if (!IsDownloadingPolicy ()) {
				policy = CrossDomainPolicyManager.GetCachedWebPolicy (uri);
				if (policy == null) {
					// we'll download the policy *then* proceed to the requested URI
					policy = CrossDomainPolicyManager.PolicyDownloadPolicy;

					Uri silverlight_policy_uri = CrossDomainPolicyManager.GetSilverlightPolicyUri (uri);
					BrowserHttpWebRequestInternal preq = new BrowserHttpWebRequestInternal (null, silverlight_policy_uri);
					return preq.BeginGetResponse (new AsyncCallback (SilverlightPolicyCallback), preq);

			// Console.WriteLine ("{0} '{1}' using policy: {2}", method, uri, policy);
			HttpWebRequest wreq = GetHttpWebRequest (uri);
			wreq.Method = method;
			// store exception, to throw later, if we have no policy or are not allowed by the policy
			if ((policy == null) || !policy.IsAllowed (wreq)) {
				if ((policy == null) || (policy.Exception == null))
					async_result.Exception = new SecurityException ();
					async_result.Exception = policy.Exception;
				async_result.SetComplete ();
				return async_result;

			// new in SL4 - unlike others it can be set (earlier) and is not checked later (CheckProtocolViolation)
			// but still throws a SecurityException here
			if (Headers.ContainsKey ("Proxy-Authorization"))
				throw new SecurityException ();

			if (!sendHeaders)
				wreq.Headers.Clear ();
			wreq.progress = progress;

			return wreq.BeginGetResponse (new AsyncCallback (EndCallback), wreq);