protected virtual void GetOperatingSystemInfo(string Name, string UserName, string Password)
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name))
         throw new ArgumentNullException("Name");
     ManagementScope Scope = null;
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Password))
         ConnectionOptions Options = new ConnectionOptions();
         Options.Username = UserName;
         Options.Password = Password;
         Scope = new ManagementScope("\\\\" + Name + "\\root\\cimv2", Options);
         Scope = new ManagementScope("\\\\" + Name + "\\root\\cimv2");
     ObjectQuery Query = new ObjectQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_OperatingSystem");
     using (ManagementObjectSearcher Searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(Scope, Query))
         using (ManagementObjectCollection Collection = Searcher.Get())
             foreach (ManagementObject TempNetworkAdapter in Collection)
                 if (TempNetworkAdapter.Properties["LastBootUpTime"].Value != null)
                     LastBootUpTime = ManagementDateTimeConverter.ToDateTime(TempNetworkAdapter.Properties["LastBootUpTime"].Value.ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public bool GetNetEnabled(string adapter_desc)
            string strWQuery = "SELECT DeviceID, ProductName, Description, "
                               + "NetEnabled, NetConnectionStatus "
                               + "FROM Win32_NetworkAdapter "
                               + "WHERE Manufacturer <> 'Microsoft' ";
            ObjectQuery oQuery = new System.Management.ObjectQuery(strWQuery);
            ManagementObjectSearcher   oSearcher         = new ManagementObjectSearcher(oQuery);
            ManagementObjectCollection oReturnCollection = oSearcher.Get();

            bool value = false;

            foreach (ManagementObject mo in oReturnCollection)
                string description = mo["Description"] as string;

                if (adapter_desc.Contains(description))
                        value = Convert.ToBoolean(mo["NetEnabled"]);
                        if (value)
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static bool HasJobs()
            bool hasJob = false;

            Console.WriteLine("Retrieving printer queue information using WMI");
            //Query printer queue
            System.Management.ObjectQuery oq = new System.Management.ObjectQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_PrintJob");
            using (ManagementObjectSearcher query1 = new ManagementObjectSearcher(oq))
                using (ManagementObjectCollection queryCollection1 = query1.Get())
                    hasJob = queryCollection1 != null && queryCollection1.Count > 0;
                    //foreach (ManagementObject mo in queryCollection1)
                    //    foreach (var prop in mo.Properties)
                    //    {
                    //        if (mo != null && mo[prop.Name] != null)
                    //        {
                    //            Console.WriteLine("Printer|" + prop.Name + ": " + mo[prop.Name] != null ? mo[prop.Name].ToString() : "");

                    //            Console.WriteLine("==================================");
                    //        }
                    //    } if (mo != null)
                    //    {
                    //        Console.WriteLine("Printer Driver : " + mo["DriverName"].ToString());
                    //        Console.WriteLine("Document Name : " + mo["Document"].ToString());
                    //        Console.WriteLine("Document Owner : " + mo["Owner"].ToString());
                    //        Console.WriteLine("==================================");
                    //    }
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void Run2()
            ObjectQuery PerfRawDataQuery = new System.Management.ObjectQuery(
                "SELECT Name, InterruptsPersec, PercentIdleTime, PercentPrivilegedTime, PercentProcessorTime, PercentUserTime " +
                "FROM Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_Processor"
            ObjectQuery win32ProcQuery = new System.Management.ObjectQuery("SELECT Name from Win32_Processor");

            using (ManagementObjectSearcher win32Proc = new ManagementObjectSearcher(win32ProcQuery),
                   PerfRawData = new ManagementObjectSearcher(PerfRawDataQuery))
                var ob = win32Proc.Get().OfType <ManagementObject>().First();
                Console.WriteLine($"Name!!: {ob["Name"]}");

                foreach (ManagementObject obj in PerfRawData.Get())
                    Console.WriteLine($"Name: {obj["Name"]}");
                    Console.WriteLine($"Прерываний/сек:  {obj["InterruptsPersec"]}");
                    Console.WriteLine($"Процент времени бездействия: {obj["PercentIdleTime"]}");
                    Console.WriteLine($"% работы в привилегированном режиме: {obj["PercentPrivilegedTime"]}");
                    Console.WriteLine($"% загруженности процессора: {obj["PercentProcessorTime"]}");
                    Console.WriteLine($"% работы в пользовательском режиме: {obj["PercentUserTime"]}");
Ejemplo n.º 5
 /// <summary>
 /// Kap numrin serial te hard diskut te pare qe eshte i instaluar dhe ka numer serial te vlefshem
 /// KUJDES!!! Duhet qe te testohet kur ne kompjutera perdoret Norton Ghost
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>numrin serial qe kap nga Windowsi</returns>
 private static string GetHardDiskSignature()
         ManagementObjectSearcher      query;
         ManagementObjectCollection    queryCollection;
         System.Management.ObjectQuery oq;
         ConnectionOptions             co = new ConnectionOptions();
         ManagementScope ms = new ManagementScope("\\\\localhost\\root\\cimv2", co);
         oq              = new System.Management.ObjectQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_DiskDrive");
         query           = new ManagementObjectSearcher(ms, oq);
         queryCollection = query.Get();
         foreach (ManagementObject mo in queryCollection)
             if (mo["Signature"] != null)
                 if (mo["Signature"].ToString().Length > 8)
                     string id = mo["Signature"].ToString();
                     return(id.Substring(id.Length - 8, 8));
     catch (Exception ex)
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the list of cameras
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The list of cameras</returns>
        public static ManagementObjectCollection UpdateCameraList()
            //Searches for the device using its name
            ObjectQuery oq = new System.Management.ObjectQuery("select * from Win32_PnPEntity where Name='NaturalPoint OptiTrack V100'");
            ManagementObjectSearcher   query           = new ManagementObjectSearcher(oq);
            ManagementObjectCollection queryCollection = query.Get();

             * Console.WriteLine();
             * Console.WriteLine("Number of Cameras : " + queryCollection.Count);
             * if (queryCollection.Count > 0)
             * {
             *  foreach (ManagementObject mo in queryCollection)
             *  {
             *      Console.WriteLine();
             *      Console.WriteLine("USB Camera");
             *      foreach (PropertyData propertyData in mo.Properties)
             *      {
             *          Console.WriteLine("Property Name = " + propertyData.Name);
             *          Console.WriteLine("Property Value = " + propertyData.Value);
             *      }
             *  }
             * }
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void SetEnabled(string adapter_desc)
            string strWQuery = "SELECT DeviceID, ProductName, Description, "
                               + "NetEnabled, NetConnectionStatus "
                               + "FROM Win32_NetworkAdapter "
                               + "WHERE Manufacturer <> 'Microsoft' ";
            ObjectQuery oQuery = new System.Management.ObjectQuery(strWQuery);
            ManagementObjectSearcher   oSearcher         = new ManagementObjectSearcher(oQuery);
            ManagementObjectCollection oReturnCollection = oSearcher.Get();

            foreach (ManagementObject mo in oReturnCollection)
                string description = mo["Description"] as string;

                if (adapter_desc.Contains(description))
                        mo.InvokeMethod("Enable", null);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public List<Process> FindProcess(string name, string remotemachine)
     if ( String.IsNullOrEmpty(remotemachine))
         return FindProcessOnLocalMachine(name);
     ManagementScope scope = new ManagementScope("\\\\" + remotemachine + "\\root\\cimv2");
     var result = new List<Process>();
     string wmiQuery = string.Format("select ProcessId, CommandLine from Win32_Process where Name='{0}'", name);
     ObjectQuery query = new ObjectQuery(wmiQuery);
     ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(scope, query);
     ManagementObjectCollection retObjectCollection = searcher.Get();
     foreach (ManagementObject retObject in retObjectCollection)
         string commandline = retObject["CommandLine"] as string;
         string[] cols = commandline.Split('-');
         var pid = retObject["ProcessId"];
         var p = new Process()
             Pid = (uint)retObject["ProcessId"],
             Name = cols[1].Substring(3).Replace('"',' ' )
     return result;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public static string GetNiceName(string port)
            if (serialportproblem)
                return "";

            DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
                ObjectQuery query = new ObjectQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_SerialPort"); // Win32_USBControllerDevice
                ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(query);
                foreach (ManagementObject obj2 in searcher.Get())
                    if (obj2.Properties["DeviceID"].Value.ToString().ToUpper() == port.ToUpper())
                        DateTime end = DateTime.Now;

                        if ((end - start).TotalSeconds > 5)
                            serialportproblem = true;

                        return obj2.Properties["Name"].Value.ToString();
            catch { }

            return "";
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void DeleteShare(IShareDescriptor descriptor)
            var wqlQuery = new ObjectQuery(string.Format(@"SELECT * from Win32_Share WHERE Name = '{0}'", descriptor.Name));

            ManagementObjectSearcher objectSearcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(_managementClass.Scope, wqlQuery);
            ManagementObjectCollection shareObjectsCollection = objectSearcher.Get();

            if (shareObjectsCollection.Count == 0)
                throw new ShareInstrumentationException(@"{0} {1}.", ExceptionMessages.Win32_ShareNotFound, descriptor.Name);

            foreach (ManagementObject shareObject in shareObjectsCollection)
                PropertyDataCollection outParams;
                long returnValue;

                var inParamsCollection = new List<PropertyDataObject>();
                inParamsCollection.Add(new PropertyDataObject() { Name = "Reason", Value = (uint)0 });

                _handler.Handle("Terminate", inParamsCollection, out outParams);

                returnValue = long.Parse(outParams["ReturnValue"].Value.ToString());

                if (returnValue != 0)
                    throw new ShareInstrumentationException(@"{0} {1}.", ExceptionMessages.Win32_ShareFail, _errorMessageProvider.GetErrorMessage(ErrorMessageProvider.ErrorClass.Win32_Share, returnValue));
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public static bool isAdmin(string processName)
            string ProcessOwner = "";
            string ProcessDomain = "";

            System.Management.ObjectQuery x = new System.Management.ObjectQuery("Select * From Win32_Process where Name='" + processName + ".exe" + "'");
            System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher mos = new System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher(x);
            foreach (System.Management.ManagementObject mo in mos.Get())
                string[] s = new string[2];
                mo.InvokeMethod("GetOwner", (object[])s);
                ProcessOwner = s[0].ToString();
                ProcessDomain = s[1].ToString();

            string userPath = ProcessDomain + "/" + ProcessOwner;

            using (DirectoryEntry groupEntry = new DirectoryEntry("WinNT://./Administrators,group"))
                foreach (object member in (IEnumerable)groupEntry.Invoke("Members"))
                    using (DirectoryEntry memberEntry = new DirectoryEntry(member))
                        if (memberEntry.Path.Contains(userPath))
                            return true;
            return false;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// 重启指定服务
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serviceName"></param>
        /// <param name="ip"></param>
        public static void RestartService(string serviceName, string ip)
            var co = new ConnectionOptions();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserName))
                co.Username = Domain + "\\" + UserName; //连接需要的用户名
                co.Password = PassWord;                 //连接需要的密码

            string connectString =
                $@"SELECT * FROM Win32_Service WHERE  Name='{serviceName}'"; //查询字符串

            System.Management.ManagementScope ms =
                new System.Management.ManagementScope("\\\\" + ip + "\\root\\cimv2", co);
            var oq              = new System.Management.ObjectQuery(connectString);
            var query           = new ManagementObjectSearcher(ms, oq);
            var queryCollection = query.Get();

            foreach (ManagementObject mo in queryCollection)
                mo.InvokeMethod("StopService", null);
                mo.InvokeMethod("StartService", null);
 /// <summary>
 /// Kap daten kur eshte instaluar sistemi i shfrytezimit ne kete kompjuter
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private static string GetSystemDateInstalled()
         ManagementObjectSearcher      query;
         ManagementObjectCollection    queryCollection;
         System.Management.ObjectQuery oq;
         string            dateInstalledString = "";
         ConnectionOptions co = new ConnectionOptions();
         ManagementScope   ms = new ManagementScope("\\\\localhost\\root\\cimv2", co);
         oq              = new System.Management.ObjectQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_OperatingSystem");
         query           = new ManagementObjectSearcher(ms, oq);
         queryCollection = query.Get();
         foreach (ManagementObject mo in queryCollection)
             if (mo["InstallDate"] != null)
                 dateInstalledString = mo["InstallDate"].ToString();
        public static String[] getComputerInfos(string computername)
            String[] computerInfos = new String[2];

            ConnectionOptions connOptions = new ConnectionOptions();
            ObjectGetOptions objectGetOptions = new ObjectGetOptions();
            ManagementPath managementPath = new ManagementPath("Win32_Process");

            //To use caller credential
            connOptions.Impersonation = ImpersonationLevel.Impersonate;
            connOptions.EnablePrivileges = true;
            ManagementScope manScope = new ManagementScope(String.Format(@"\\{0}\ROOT\CIMV2", computername), connOptions);
            ObjectQuery query = new ObjectQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_OperatingSystem");
            ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(manScope, query);
            ManagementObjectCollection queryCollection = searcher.Get();

            foreach (ManagementObject m in queryCollection){

                computerInfos[0] = Convert.ToString(m["Caption"]);
                computerInfos[1] = Convert.ToString(m["Status"]);


            return computerInfos;
Ejemplo n.º 15
        private static List <string> GetPrinters()
            List <string> printerNames = new List <string>();

            // Use the ObjectQuery to get the list of configured printers
            System.Management.ObjectQuery oquery =
                new System.Management.ObjectQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Printer");

            System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher mosearcher =
                new System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher(oquery);

            System.Management.ManagementObjectCollection moc = mosearcher.Get();

            foreach (ManagementObject mo in moc)
                System.Management.PropertyDataCollection pdc = mo.Properties;
                foreach (System.Management.PropertyData pd in pdc)
                    if (!(bool)mo["Network"])
                        bool bExists = printerNames.Contains(mo["DeviceID"].ToString());
                        if (!bExists)

Ejemplo n.º 16
        public void Delete(IPHostEntry host, DirectoryInfo target)
            var wqlQuery = new ObjectQuery(string.Format(@"SELECT * from Win32_Directory WHERE Name = '{0}'", target.Name));

            var managementClassEntry = _managementClassList.First(x => x.Item1 == _hostsList.IndexOf(host));
            ManagementObjectSearcher objectSearcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(managementClassEntry.Item2.Scope, wqlQuery);
            ManagementObjectCollection directoryObjectsCollection = objectSearcher.Get();

            if (directoryObjectsCollection.Count == 0)
                throw new FileSystemInstrumentationException(@"{0} {1}.", ExceptionMessages.Win32_DirectoryFail, target.Name);

            foreach (ManagementObject shareObject in directoryObjectsCollection)
                PropertyDataCollection outParams;
                long returnValue;

                managementClassEntry.Item3.Handle("Delete", new List<PropertyDataObject>(), out outParams);

                returnValue = long.Parse(outParams["ReturnValue"].Value.ToString());

                if (returnValue != 0)
                    throw new FileSystemInstrumentationException(@"{0} {1}.", ExceptionMessages.Win32_DirectoryFail, _errorMessageProvider.GetErrorMessage(ErrorMessageProvider.ErrorClass.Win32_Directory, returnValue));
Ejemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the list of cameras
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The list of cameras</returns>
        public static ManagementObjectCollection UpdateCameraList()
            //Searches for the device using its name
            ObjectQuery oq = new System.Management.ObjectQuery("select * from Win32_PnPEntity where Name='NaturalPoint OptiTrack V100'");
            ManagementObjectSearcher query = new ManagementObjectSearcher(oq);
            ManagementObjectCollection queryCollection = query.Get();
            Console.WriteLine("Number of Cameras : " + queryCollection.Count);
            if (queryCollection.Count > 0)
                foreach (ManagementObject mo in queryCollection)
                    Console.WriteLine("USB Camera");


                    foreach (PropertyData propertyData in mo.Properties)

                        Console.WriteLine("Property Name = " + propertyData.Name);

                        Console.WriteLine("Property Value = " + propertyData.Value);

            return queryCollection;
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public static String getUID()
                ManagementScope theScope = new ManagementScope("\\\\" + Environment.MachineName + "\\root\\cimv2");
                StringBuilder theQueryBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                theQueryBuilder.Append("SELECT MACAddress FROM Win32_NetworkAdapter");
                ObjectQuery theQuery = new ObjectQuery(theQueryBuilder.ToString());
                ManagementObjectSearcher theSearcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(theScope, theQuery);
                ManagementObjectCollection theCollectionOfResults = theSearcher.Get();

                foreach (ManagementObject theCurrentObject in theCollectionOfResults)
                    if (theCurrentObject != null && theCurrentObject["MACAddress"] != null)
                        return theCurrentObject["MACAddress"].ToString();
            catch (Exception ex)
                return "undefined";
            return "undefined";
Ejemplo n.º 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the physcial cores and should this fail returns the Environment.ProcessorCount
        /// that can also include logical cores.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>core count.</returns>
        public static uint GetPhysicalCores()
                ManagementScope scope = new ManagementScope("\\\\.\\ROOT\\cimv2");
                ObjectQuery query = new ObjectQuery("SELECT NumberOfCores FROM Win32_Processor");

                ManagementObjectSearcher searcher =
                            new ManagementObjectSearcher(scope, query);

                ManagementObjectCollection queryCollection = searcher.Get();
                var enumerator = queryCollection.GetEnumerator();
                if (enumerator.MoveNext())
                    ManagementObject obj = (ManagementObject)enumerator.Current;
                    return (uint)obj["NumberOfCores"];
                    return (uint)Environment.ProcessorCount;
            // We are not very interested in throwing the exception, we might log it
            // but this carries little information as if WMI fails there is very little
            // that the we or the user can do to provide the correct information.
                return (uint)Environment.ProcessorCount;
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public static List<EntStartUp>GetStartUpDetails(ManagementScope scope)
            _logger.Info("Collecting startup details for machine " + scope.Path.Server);

            ObjectQuery query = null;
            ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = null;
            ManagementObjectCollection objects = null;
            List<EntStartUp> lstStartUp = new List<EntStartUp>();

                query = new ObjectQuery("select * from Win32_StartupCommand where User != '.DEFAULT' and User != 'NT AUTHORITY\\\\SYSTEM'");
                searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(scope, query);
                objects = searcher.Get();
                lstStartUp.Capacity = objects.Count;
                foreach (ManagementBaseObject obj in objects)

            catch (System.Exception e)
                _logger.Error("Exception in startup collection " + e.Message);
            return lstStartUp;
Ejemplo n.º 21
        private static string FindPhysicalDrive(string path)
            FileSystemInfo iDirectory = null;
            var wmiQuery = new ObjectQuery("SELECT Antecedent, Dependent FROM Win32_LogicalDiskToPartition");
            var wmiSearcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(wmiQuery);

            var iFile = new FileInfo(path);
            try {
                if ((iFile.Attributes & FileAttributes.Directory) == FileAttributes.Directory) {
                    iDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(iFile.FullName);
                } else {
                    iDirectory = iFile;
                    throw new FormatException("Argument is not a directory.");
            } catch (IOException) {
                iDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(iFile.FullName);

            var wmiPhysicalDiskNumber = -1;
            foreach (var iReturn in wmiSearcher.Get()) {
                var disk = GetSubsubstring((string)iReturn["Antecedent"], "Win32_DiskPartition.DeviceID", "Disk #", ",");
                var partition = GetSubsubstring((string)iReturn["Dependent"], "Win32_LogicalDisk.DeviceID", "", "");
                if (iDirectory.Name.StartsWith(partition, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) {
                    if (int.TryParse(disk, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out wmiPhysicalDiskNumber)) {
                        return @"\\?\PHYSICALDRIVE" + wmiPhysicalDiskNumber.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    } else {
                        throw new FormatException("Cannot retrieve physical disk number.");
            return null;
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public static SelectList GetPrinterList()
            List <SelectListItem> myPrinters = new List <SelectListItem>();

            System.Management.ObjectQuery oquery =
                new System.Management.ObjectQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Printer");

            System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher mosearcher =
                new System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher(oquery);

            System.Management.ManagementObjectCollection printers = mosearcher.Get();

            foreach (ManagementObject printer in printers)
                /*var state = "(Available Online)";
                 * if (printer["WorkOffline"].ToString().ToLower().Equals("true"))
                 * {
                 *  state = "(Available Offline)";
                 * }
                var emptyItem = new SelectListItem()
                    Value = printer["Name"].ToString(),
                    Text  = printer["Name"].ToString()
                            //+" "+ state


            SelectList objselectlist = new SelectList(myPrinters, "Value", "Text");

Ejemplo n.º 23
 void AddMotherboardInfo()
         ObjectQuery MotherboardQuery = new System.Management.ObjectQuery("select Product, Caption, Description, SerialNumber, Manufacturer, Version from Win32_BaseBoard");
         ManagementObjectSearcher   MotherboardSearcher   = new ManagementObjectSearcher(MotherboardQuery);
         ManagementObjectCollection MotherboardCollection = MotherboardSearcher.Get();
         foreach (ManagementObject MotherboardInfo in MotherboardCollection)
Ejemplo n.º 24
        private void tsbRun_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            SelectQuery query = new SelectQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_UserAccount");
            ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(query);
            foreach (ManagementObject os in searcher.Get())
                this.txtResult.AppendText(os["Name"] + ";");

            ConnectionOptions co = new ConnectionOptions();
            co.Username = "******";
            co.Password = "******";
            System.Management.ManagementScope ms = new System.Management.ManagementScope("\\\\\\root\\cimv2", co);
            System.Management.ObjectQuery oq = new System.Management.ObjectQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_OperatingSystem");

            ManagementObjectSearcher query1 = new ManagementObjectSearcher(ms, oq);
            ManagementObjectCollection queryCollection1 = query1.Get();
            foreach (ManagementObject mo in queryCollection1)
                string[] ss = { "" };
                mo.InvokeMethod("Reboot", ss);
Ejemplo n.º 25
        private void DisplayRam(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //In thong so trong tabMemry
            ManagementScope oMs = new ManagementScope();
            ObjectQuery oQuery = new ObjectQuery("SELECT Capacity FROM Win32_PhysicalMemory");
            ManagementObjectSearcher oSearcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(oMs, oQuery);
            ManagementObjectCollection oCollection = oSearcher.Get();

            long MemSize = 0;
            long mCap = 0;
            long FreePhysicalMemory = 0;

            // In case more than one Memory sticks are installed
            foreach (ManagementObject obj in oCollection)
                mCap = Convert.ToInt64(obj["Capacity"]);
                MemSize += mCap;
            MemSize = (MemSize / 1024) / 1024;
            txtRam.Text = MemSize.ToString() + "  MB";

            // Get info RAM availble
            ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher("root\\CIMV2", "SELECT * FROM Win32_OperatingSystem");
            foreach (ManagementObject tmp in searcher.Get())
                FreePhysicalMemory = Convert.ToInt64(tmp["FreePhysicalMemory"]);
            FreePhysicalMemory = (FreePhysicalMemory) / 1024;
            txtRamAvai.Text = FreePhysicalMemory.ToString() + "  MB";
Ejemplo n.º 26
 /// <summary>
 /// Attempts to start the selected process. - BC
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>Return value of the attempted command.</returns>
 public static int start(String program)
     //MRM Get a list of all programs installed and basic information about them from Windows
     ObjectQuery query = new ObjectQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Product");
     ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(query);
     ManagementObjectCollection collection = searcher.Get();
     //MRM The closest filename and the full path to the file
     String full = null;
     String closest = null;
     //MRM Loop through all the programs installed
     foreach (ManagementObject mObject in collection)
         //MRM See if this is the correct program to be looking at
         if (((String)mObject["name"]).ToLower() == program.ToLower() && (String)mObject["InstallLocation"] != null)
             //MRM Get the install location for the application since it is the one we are looking for
             String[] fileNames = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles((String)mObject["InstallLocation"]);
             foreach (String fileName in fileNames)
                 //MRM Grab the actual filename to check
                 String[] fileSplit = fileName.Split('\\');
                 String file = fileSplit[fileSplit.Length - 1];
                 //MRM Make sure the file is executable and is not meant for updating or installing the application
                 if (file.Contains(".exe") && file.Substring(file.Length-4) == ".exe" && (!file.ToLower().Contains("update") && !file.ToLower().Contains("install")))
                     //MRM Replace all underscored with spaces to make it more towards the normal file naming convention
                     file = file.Replace("_", " ");
                     //MRM Get the first part of the file before any extension of . due to standard naming conventions
                     String[] fileNonTypes = file.Split('.');
                     file = fileNonTypes[0];
                     //MRM If there is no guess assume we are correct for now
                     if (closest == null)
                         full = fileName;
                         closest = file;
                     //MRM Else if the current file is closer than our previous guess, select that file
                     else if (Math.Abs(program.CompareTo(closest)) >= Math.Abs(program.CompareTo(file)))
                         full = fileName;
                         closest = file;
     //MRM If we have found an adequte file to launch, launch the file.
     if (full != null)
         //MRM Start a process with the correct information
         Process p = new Process();
         p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = false;
         p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = false;
         p.StartInfo.FileName = full;
         return 1;
     return -1;
 /// <summary>
 /// Merr numrin serial te windows-it qe eshte instaluar ne kete kompjuter dhe nxjerr nga ky numer
 /// 10 shifrat e para pa shenjen '-'. Ne rast te ndonje gabimi kthen "1".
 /// Ky numer nuk eshte unik per cdo kompjuter, te pakten ne rastet kur perdoret Norton Ghost.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>10 shifrat e para te numrit serial te Windows-it</returns>
 private static string GetSystemSerial()
         string serial = "0000000001";
         ManagementObjectSearcher      query;
         ManagementObjectCollection    queryCollection;
         System.Management.ObjectQuery oq;
         ConnectionOptions             co = new ConnectionOptions();
         ManagementScope ms = new ManagementScope("\\\\localhost\\root\\cimv2", co);
         oq              = new System.Management.ObjectQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_OperatingSystem");
         query           = new ManagementObjectSearcher(ms, oq);
         queryCollection = query.Get();
         foreach (ManagementObject mo in queryCollection)
             if (mo["SerialNumber"] != null)
                 serial = mo["SerialNumber"].ToString();
         char[] str = { };
         if (serial.Replace("-", "").Length > 7)
             serial = serial.Replace("-", "");
             return(serial.Substring(serial.Length - 10, 10));
Ejemplo n.º 28
        private static Dictionary<string, double> DiskUsage()
            Dictionary<string, double> temp = new Dictionary<string, double>();

            double freeSpace = 0;
            double usedSpace = 0;

            // get disk stats
            System.Management.ObjectQuery oQuery = new System.Management.ObjectQuery("select FreeSpace,Size,Name from Win32_LogicalDisk where DriveType=3");
            ManagementObjectSearcher oSearcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(oQuery);
            ManagementObjectCollection oReturnCollection = oSearcher.Get();

            //loop through found drives and write out info
            foreach (ManagementObject oReturn in oReturnCollection)
                //Free space in MB
                freeSpace += Convert.ToInt64(oReturn["FreeSpace"]);

                //Used space in MB
                usedSpace += (Convert.ToInt64(oReturn["Size"]) - Convert.ToInt64(oReturn["FreeSpace"]));
            temp.Add("used", usedSpace);
            temp.Add("free", freeSpace);

            return temp;
Ejemplo n.º 29
        public static List<Object[]> checkAntiVirus()
            List<Object[]> av = new List<Object[]>();
            ConnectionOptions _connectionOptions = new ConnectionOptions();

            _connectionOptions.EnablePrivileges = true;
            _connectionOptions.Impersonation = ImpersonationLevel.Impersonate;
            ManagementScope _managementScope = new ManagementScope(string.Format("\\\\{0}\\root\\SecurityCenter2", "localhost"), _connectionOptions);

            ObjectQuery _objectQuery = new ObjectQuery("SELECT * FROM AntivirusProduct");
            ManagementObjectSearcher _managementObjectSearcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(_managementScope, _objectQuery);
            ManagementObjectCollection _managementObjectCollection = _managementObjectSearcher.Get();

            if (_managementObjectCollection.Count > 0)
                Boolean updated = false;
                foreach (ManagementObject item in _managementObjectCollection)
                    updated = (item["productState"].ToString() == "266240" || item["productState"].ToString() == "262144");
                    av.Add(new Object[] { item["displayName"].ToString(), updated });

            return av;
Ejemplo n.º 30
        private static Dictionary <string, double> DiskUsage()
            Dictionary <string, double> temp = new Dictionary <string, double>();

            double freeSpace = 0;
            double usedSpace = 0;

            // get disk stats
            System.Management.ObjectQuery oQuery            = new System.Management.ObjectQuery("select FreeSpace,Size,Name from Win32_LogicalDisk where DriveType=3");
            ManagementObjectSearcher      oSearcher         = new ManagementObjectSearcher(oQuery);
            ManagementObjectCollection    oReturnCollection = oSearcher.Get();

            //loop through found drives and write out info
            foreach (ManagementObject oReturn in oReturnCollection)
                //Free space in MB
                freeSpace += Convert.ToInt64(oReturn["FreeSpace"]);

                //Used space in MB
                usedSpace += (Convert.ToInt64(oReturn["Size"]) - Convert.ToInt64(oReturn["FreeSpace"]));
            temp.Add("used", usedSpace);
            temp.Add("free", freeSpace);

Ejemplo n.º 31
 /// <summary>
 /// Loads the BIOS info
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Name">Computer name</param>
 /// <param name="UserName">User name</param>
 /// <param name="Password">Password</param>
 private void LoadBIOS(string Name, string UserName, string Password)
     ManagementScope Scope = null;
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Password))
         ConnectionOptions Options = new ConnectionOptions();
         Options.Username = UserName;
         Options.Password = Password;
         Scope = new ManagementScope("\\\\" + Name + "\\root\\cimv2", Options);
         Scope = new ManagementScope("\\\\" + Name + "\\root\\cimv2");
     ObjectQuery Query = new ObjectQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_BIOS");
     using (ManagementObjectSearcher Searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(Scope, Query))
         using (ManagementObjectCollection Collection = Searcher.Get())
             foreach (ManagementObject TempBIOS in Collection)
                 SerialNumber = TempBIOS.Properties["Serialnumber"].Value.ToString();
Ejemplo n.º 32
        // kernel load percentage
        public static List <Dictionary <string, string> > GetPerfOS()
            List <Dictionary <string, string> > perfOS = new List <Dictionary <string, string> >();

            ObjectQuery PerfRawDataQuery = new System.Management.ObjectQuery(
                "SELECT Name, InterruptsPersec, PercentIdleTime, PercentPrivilegedTime, PercentProcessorTime, PercentUserTime " +
                "FROM Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_Processor"

            using (ManagementObjectSearcher PerfRawData = new ManagementObjectSearcher(PerfRawDataQuery))
                foreach (ManagementObject obj in PerfRawData.Get())
                        new Dictionary <string, string>
                        ["Name"]                  = obj["Name"].ToString(),
                        ["InterruptsPersec"]      = obj["InterruptsPersec"].ToString(),
                        ["PercentIdleTime"]       = obj["PercentIdleTime"].ToString(),
                        ["PercentPrivilegedTime"] = obj["PercentPrivilegedTime"].ToString(),
                        ["PercentProcessorTime"]  = obj["PercentProcessorTime"].ToString(),
                        ["PercentUserTime"]       = obj["PercentUserTime"].ToString(),

Ejemplo n.º 33
        private void butShare_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Соединяемся с удаленной машиной
            ConnectionOptions options = new ConnectionOptions();

            options.Username = @"gamma\admin";
            options.Password = "******";

            //ManagementScope scope =
            //   new ManagementScope(
            //       "\\\\mymachine\\root\\cimv2", options);

            // для локальной машины
            ManagementScope scope =
                new ManagementScope(


            // Делаем запрос к удаленной машине
            System.Management.ObjectQuery oq = new System.Management.ObjectQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Share");

            ManagementObjectSearcher find = new ManagementObjectSearcher(scope, oq);

            string nl = Environment.NewLine;

            foreach (ManagementObject mo in find.Get())
                textBox1.Text = ("Список общих ресурсов = " + mo["Name"]) + nl;
Ejemplo n.º 34
        public static bool isAdmin(string processName)
            string ProcessOwner  = "";
            string ProcessDomain = "";

            System.Management.ObjectQuery x = new System.Management.ObjectQuery("Select * From Win32_Process where Name='" + processName + ".exe" + "'");
            System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher mos = new System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher(x);
            foreach (System.Management.ManagementObject mo in mos.Get())
                string[] s = new string[2];
                mo.InvokeMethod("GetOwner", (object[])s);
                ProcessOwner  = s[0].ToString();
                ProcessDomain = s[1].ToString();

            string userPath = ProcessDomain + "/" + ProcessOwner;

            using (DirectoryEntry groupEntry = new DirectoryEntry("WinNT://./Administrators,group"))
                foreach (object member in (IEnumerable)groupEntry.Invoke("Members"))
                    using (DirectoryEntry memberEntry = new DirectoryEntry(member))
                        if (memberEntry.Path.Contains(userPath))
Ejemplo n.º 35
        public static List<COMPortFinder> GetCOMPortsInfo()
            List<COMPortFinder> COMPortFinderList = new List<COMPortFinder>();

            ConnectionOptions options = ProcessConnection.ProcessConnectionOptions();
            ManagementScope connectionScope = ProcessConnection.ConnectionScope(Environment.MachineName, options, @"\root\CIMV2");

            ObjectQuery objectQuery = new ObjectQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_PnPEntity WHERE ConfigManagerErrorCode = 0");
            ManagementObjectSearcher comPortSearcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(connectionScope, objectQuery);

            using (comPortSearcher)
                string caption = null;
                foreach (ManagementObject obj in comPortSearcher.Get())
                    if (obj != null)
                        object captionObj = obj["Caption"];
                        if (captionObj != null)
                            caption = captionObj.ToString();
                            if (caption.Contains("(COM"))
                                COMPortFinder COMPortFinder = new COMPortFinder();
                                COMPortFinder.Name = caption.Substring(caption.LastIndexOf("(COM")).Replace("(", string.Empty).Replace(")",
                                COMPortFinder.Description = caption;
            return COMPortFinderList;
Ejemplo n.º 36
        public static Dictionary <String, Dictionary <String, String> > select(string request)
            Dictionary <String, Dictionary <String, String> > result = new Dictionary <String, Dictionary <String, String> >();

            System.Management.ObjectQuery aObjectQuery = new System.Management.ObjectQuery(request);
            ManagementObjectSearcher      aManagementObjectSearcher   = new ManagementObjectSearcher(new ManagementScope(), aObjectQuery);
            ManagementObjectCollection    aManagementObjectCollection = aManagementObjectSearcher.Get();

            foreach (ManagementObject mo in aManagementObjectCollection)
                Dictionary <String, String> pResult = new Dictionary <String, String>();
                foreach (PropertyData prop in mo.Properties)
                    if (!pResult.ContainsKey(prop.Name))
                        if (prop.Value != null)
                            pResult.Add(prop.Name, prop.Value.ToString());
                            pResult.Add(prop.Name, "");
                if (!result.ContainsKey(mo.Path.ToString()))
                    result.Add(mo.Path.ToString(), pResult);
Ejemplo n.º 37
        public void EnableAdapter(string adapterName, bool adapterStatus)
                ManagementObject currentMObject = new ManagementObject();
                string           strWQuery      = "SELECT DeviceID,ProductName,Description,NetEnabled "
                                                  + "FROM Win32_NetworkAdapter ";
                ObjectQuery oQuery = new System.Management.ObjectQuery(strWQuery);
                ManagementObjectSearcher   oSearcher         = new ManagementObjectSearcher(oQuery);
                ManagementObjectCollection oReturnCollection = oSearcher.Get();

                foreach (ManagementObject mo in oReturnCollection)
                    currentMObject = mo;
                    if (adapterStatus)
                        if ((string)currentMObject["NetConnectionId"] == adapterName)
                            currentMObject.InvokeMethod("Enable", null);
                            currentMObject.InvokeMethod("Disable", null);
                        currentMObject.InvokeMethod("Disable", null);
            catch (Exception ex) {}
        static IEnumerable<byte[]> GetManagementObjects()
            var options = new EnumerationOptions {Rewindable = false, ReturnImmediately = true};
            var scope = new ManagementScope(ManagementPath.DefaultPath);
            var query = new ObjectQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapter");

            var searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(scope, query, options);
            ManagementObjectCollection collection = searcher.Get();

            foreach (ManagementObject obj in collection)
                byte[] bytes;
                    PropertyData propertyData = obj.Properties["MACAddress"];
                    string propertyValue = propertyData.Value.ToString();

                    bytes = propertyValue.Split(':')
                        .Select(x => byte.Parse(x, NumberStyles.HexNumber))
                catch (Exception)

                if (bytes.Length == 6)
                    yield return bytes;
Ejemplo n.º 39
        public void GetFestplattenPLatz()
            ManagementObjectSearcher query;

            ManagementObjectCollection queryCollection;

            System.Management.ObjectQuery oq;

            string stringMachineName = "localhost";

            //Connect to the remote computer

            ConnectionOptions co = new ConnectionOptions();

            //Point to machine

            System.Management.ManagementScope ms = new System.Management.ManagementScope("\\\\" + stringMachineName + "\\root\\cimv2", co);

            oq = new System.Management.ObjectQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_LogicalDisk WHERE DeviceID = 'C:'");

            query = new ManagementObjectSearcher(ms, oq);

            queryCollection = query.Get();

            foreach (ManagementObject mo in queryCollection)
                Console.WriteLine($"freier platz: {mo["FreeSpace"].ToString()}");
Ejemplo n.º 40
        public static List<EntHotfixes> GetHotfixDetails(ManagementScope scope)
            _logger.Info("Collecting hotfix for machine " + scope.Path.Server);

            ObjectQuery query = null;
            ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = null;
            ManagementObjectCollection objects = null;
            List<EntHotfixes> lstHotfix = new List<EntHotfixes>();

                query = new ObjectQuery("Select * from Win32_QuickFixEngineering");
                searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(scope, query);
                objects = searcher.Get();
                lstHotfix.Capacity = objects.Count;
                foreach (ManagementBaseObject obj in objects)
            catch (System.Exception e)
                _logger.Error("Exception is hotfix collection " + e.Message);
            return lstHotfix;
Ejemplo n.º 41
        private void butReboot_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Соединяемся с удаленным компьюетром
            ConnectionOptions options = new ConnectionOptions();

            options.Username = @"domen\admin";
            options.Password = "******";

            ManagementScope scope =
                new ManagementScope(
                    "\\\\machine\\root\\cimv2", options);


            // Делаем запрос к удаленной машине
            System.Management.ObjectQuery oq = new System.Management.ObjectQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_OperatingSystem");

            ManagementObjectSearcher   query1           = new ManagementObjectSearcher(scope, oq);
            ManagementObjectCollection queryCollection1 = query1.Get();

            foreach (ManagementObject mo in queryCollection1)
                string[] ss = { "" };
                mo.InvokeMethod("Reboot", ss);
                this.Text = mo.ToString();
Ejemplo n.º 42
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets a list of files on the machine with a specific extension
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Computer">Computer to search</param>
 /// <param name="UserName">User name (if not local)</param>
 /// <param name="Password">Password (if not local)</param>
 /// <param name="Extension">File extension to look for</param>
 /// <returns>List of files that are found to have the specified extension</returns>
 public static IEnumerable<string> GetFilesWithExtension(string Computer, string UserName, string Password, string Extension)
     Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Computer), "Computer");
     Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Extension), "Extension");
     List<string> Files = new List<string>();
     ManagementScope Scope = null;
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Password))
         ConnectionOptions Options = new ConnectionOptions();
         Options.Username = UserName;
         Options.Password = Password;
         Scope = new ManagementScope("\\\\" + Computer + "\\root\\cimv2", Options);
         Scope = new ManagementScope("\\\\" + Computer + "\\root\\cimv2");
     ObjectQuery Query = new ObjectQuery("SELECT * FROM CIM_DataFile where Extension='" + Extension + "'");
     using (ManagementObjectSearcher Searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(Scope, Query))
         using (ManagementObjectCollection Collection = Searcher.Get())
             foreach (ManagementObject TempBIOS in Collection)
     return Files;
Ejemplo n.º 43
        public static List<EntEnvironmentVars>GetEnvironmentVarDetails(ManagementScope scope)
            _logger.Info("Collecting Environment variable for machine " + scope.Path.Server);

            ObjectQuery query = null;
            ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = null;
            ManagementObjectCollection objects = null;
            List<EntEnvironmentVars> lstEnvVars = new List<EntEnvironmentVars>();

                query = new ObjectQuery("Select * from Win32_Environment");
                searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(scope, query);
                objects = searcher.Get();
                lstEnvVars.Capacity = objects.Count;
                foreach (ManagementBaseObject obj in objects)
            catch (System.Exception e)
                _logger.Error("Exception is Environment var collection " + e.Message);
            return lstEnvVars;
Ejemplo n.º 44
        public static bool IsBridge(string guid)
            //find adapter in WMI and compare servicename
            ManagementScope scope = new ManagementScope("\\\\.\\ROOT\\cimv2");

            ObjectQuery query = new ObjectQuery("SELECT ServiceName, GUID FROM Win32_NetworkAdapter Where GUID = '" + guid + "'");
            using (ManagementObjectSearcher netSearcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(scope, query))
                using (ManagementObjectCollection netQueryCollection = netSearcher.Get())
                    using (ManagementObjectCollection.ManagementObjectEnumerator netMOEn = netQueryCollection.GetEnumerator())
                        if (netMOEn.MoveNext())
                            ManagementObject netMO = (ManagementObject)netMOEn.Current;
                            if (netMO["ServiceName"] == null)
                                return false;

                            string srvName = (string)netMO["ServiceName"];

                            if (srvName == oldBridge | srvName == newBridge)
                                return true;
            return false;
Ejemplo n.º 45
        public string ReceiveEvent(ManagementScope scope)
            string strSalida;

            strSalida = "";
                ObjectQuery selectQuery = new System.Management.ObjectQuery("Select * from Lnl_AlarmDefinition");

                //Instanciamos un buscador de objetos
                ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(scope, selectQuery);

                //Usamos un foreach para la selección individual de cada uno de los procesos para añadirlos a un ListBox
                foreach (ManagementObject proceso in searcher.Get())
                    //Console.Write("ID:" + proceso["ID"].ToString() + " - " + "Description:" + proceso["Description"].ToString() + "\n\r");
                    strSalida = strSalida + "ID:" + proceso["ID"].ToString() + " - " + "Description:" + proceso["Description"].ToString() + " - " + "TextInstructionName:" + proceso["TextInstructionName"].ToString() + Environment.NewLine;

            catch (ManagementException err)
Ejemplo n.º 46
        public static List<EntDisk>GetDiskDetails(ManagementScope scope)
            _logger.Info("Collecting disk details for machine " + scope.Path.Server);

            ObjectQuery query = null;
            ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = null;
            ManagementObjectCollection objects = null;
            List<EntDisk> lstDisk = new List<EntDisk>();

                query = new ObjectQuery("Select * from Win32_DiskDrive");
                searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(scope, query);
                objects = searcher.Get();
                lstDisk.Capacity = objects.Count;
                foreach (ManagementBaseObject obj in objects)
            catch (Exception e)
                _logger.Error("Exception is disk collection " + e.Message);
            return lstDisk;
        internal static async Task<string> GetFriendlyName(string portName)
            string result = portName;

            await Task.Run(() =>
                    string upper = portName.ToUpper();
                    ObjectQuery query = new ObjectQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_SerialPort");                // Win32_USBControllerDevice
                    using (ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(query))
                        foreach (ManagementObject obj2 in searcher.Get())
                            if (obj2.Properties["DeviceID"].Value.ToString().ToUpper() == upper)
                                result = obj2.Properties["Name"].Value.ToString();
                catch { }

            return result;
Ejemplo n.º 48
        public static List<EntOS> GetOSDetails(ManagementScope scope)
            _logger.Info("Collecting OS details for machine " + scope.Path.Server);

            ObjectQuery query = null;
            ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = null;
            ManagementObjectCollection objects = null;
            List<EntOS> lstOS = new List<EntOS>();

                query = new ObjectQuery("Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem");
                searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(scope, query);
                objects = searcher.Get();
                lstOS.Capacity = objects.Count;
                foreach (ManagementBaseObject obj in objects)
            catch (System.Exception e)
                _logger.Error("Exception in OS collection " + e.Message);
            return lstOS;
Ejemplo n.º 49
        public Resolution GetResolution()
            Resolution resolution      = new Resolution();
            var        managementScope = new ManagementScope();

            var query    = new System.Management.ObjectQuery("SELECT CurrentHorizontalResolution, CurrentVerticalResolution FROM Win32_VideoController");
            var searcher = new System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher(managementScope, query);
            var records  = searcher.Get();
            int width    = 0;
            int height   = 0;

            foreach (var record in records)
                if (!int.TryParse(record.GetPropertyValue("CurrentHorizontalResolution").ToString(), out width))
                    throw new Exception("Throw some exception");
                if (!int.TryParse(record.GetPropertyValue("CurrentVerticalResolution").ToString(), out height))
                    throw new Exception("Throw some exception");

            resolution.Height = height;
            resolution.Width  = width;
        public static String[] GetOtherPrinterNames()
            var query = new ObjectQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Printer");
            var searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(query);
            int num = searcher.Get().Count;
            int count = 0;
            string[] otherprinters = new string[(num)];

            foreach (ManagementObject mo in searcher.Get())
                if (((bool)mo["Default"]) == false)
                    string whole = mo["Name"] as string;

                    if (whole.Contains("opsprint"))
                        string[] actual;
                        actual = whole.Split('\\');
                        otherprinters[count] = actual[3];
                    else if (whole.Contains("Fax") || whole.Contains("XPS") || whole.Contains("OneNote"))
                        otherprinters[count] = null;
                        otherprinters[count] = whole;

                count = count +1;

            return otherprinters;
        public static String GetDefaultPrinterName()
                var query = new ObjectQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Printer");
                var searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(query);

                foreach (ManagementObject mo in searcher.Get())
                    if (((bool?)mo["Default"]) ?? false)
                        string whole = mo["Name"] as string;

                        if (whole.Contains("opsprint"))
                            string[] actual;
                            actual = whole.Split('\\');
                            return actual[3];
                        else if (whole.Contains("Fax") || whole.Contains("XPS") || whole.Contains("OneNote"))
                            return "none";
                        else return whole;

                return null;
Ejemplo n.º 52
        public static string getUserName()
                var x = "";

                var connectionOptions = new ConnectionOptions();

                var scope = new System.Management.ManagementScope("\\\\localhost", connectionOptions);
                var query = new System.Management.ObjectQuery("select * from Win32_ComputerSystem");

                using (var searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(scope, query))
                    var builder = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

                    foreach (var row in searcher.Get())
                        builder.Append((row["UserName"].ToString() + " "));
                    x = builder.ToString();

                    return x;
            catch (Exception ex)
                return "";
Ejemplo n.º 53
        // *** execute a query and return results ***
        public void Query(String wql)
                // *** execute query ***
                Verbose(VerbosityLevel.Info, "[WMI] Executing query: " + wql);
                System.Management.ObjectQuery query    = new System.Management.ObjectQuery(wql);
                ManagementObjectSearcher      searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(ManagementScope, query);

                // *** get results ***
                ResultCollection = searcher.Get();
                if (ResultCollection.Count > 0)
                    Verbose(VerbosityLevel.Info, "[WMI] Query succeeded");

            // *** rpc server unavailable ***
            catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException e)
                FatalError(StatusCode.Critical, "[WMI]", e.Message);

            // *** bad username/password ***
            catch (System.UnauthorizedAccessException e)
                FatalError(StatusCode.Critical, "[WMI]", e.Message);

            // *** bad query ***
            catch (System.Management.ManagementException e)
                FatalError(StatusCode.Critical, "[WMI]", e.Message);
Ejemplo n.º 54
        /// <summary>
        /// Merr te dhenat e sistemit te shfrytezimit dhe te kompjuterit.
        /// </summary>
        private void SystemInfo()
                ManagementObjectSearcher      query;
                ManagementObjectCollection    queryCollection;
                System.Management.ObjectQuery oq;
                string stringMachineName = "localhost";
                //Krijon lidhjen me kompjuterin
                ConnectionOptions co = new ConnectionOptions();
                //Shenjon te makina
                System.Management.ManagementScope ms = new System.Management.ManagementScope("\\\\" + stringMachineName + "\\root\\cimv2", co);
                // Marrim te dhenat nga sistemi i shfrytezimit per llojin e sistemit dhe emrin
                oq              = new System.Management.ObjectQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_OperatingSystem");
                query           = new ManagementObjectSearcher(ms, oq);
                queryCollection = query.Get();
                foreach (ManagementObject mo in queryCollection)
                    lblSistemi.Text = mo["Caption"].ToString();
                    lblEmriPC.Text  = mo["csname"].ToString();

                // Marrim informacionet per procesorin
                oq              = new System.Management.ObjectQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_processor");
                query           = new ManagementObjectSearcher(ms, oq);
                queryCollection = query.Get();
                foreach (ManagementObject mo in queryCollection)
                    this.lblEmriProcesori.Text        = mo["Caption"].ToString();
                    this.lblLlojProcesori.Text        = mo["Manufacturer"].ToString();
                    this.lblShpejtesiaProcesorit.Text = formatSpeed(Int64.Parse(mo["MaxClockSpeed"].ToString()));

                //Marrim te dhenat per karten grafike
                oq              = new System.Management.ObjectQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_VideoController");
                query           = new ManagementObjectSearcher(ms, oq);
                queryCollection = query.Get();
                foreach (ManagementObject mo in queryCollection)
                    this.lblKartaGrafike.Text = mo["Name"].ToString();
                    if (mo["AdapterRAM"] == null)
                        this.lblMemoriaKartes.Text = mo["AdapterRAM"].ToString();
                        this.lblMemoriaKartes.Text = formatSize(Int64.Parse(mo["AdapterRAM"].ToString()), false);
                this.label2.Visible  = true;
                this.label8.Visible  = true;
                this.label10.Visible = true;
Ejemplo n.º 55
        //Returns an Object collection containing information about all the drives connected, and the storage status of them.
        public static ManagementObjectCollection DiskMetaData()
            System.Management.ManagementScope managementScope            = new System.Management.ManagementScope();
            System.Management.ObjectQuery     objectQuery                = new System.Management.ObjectQuery("select FreeSpace,Size,Name from Win32_LogicalDisk where DriveType=3");
            ManagementObjectSearcher          managementObjectSearcher   = new ManagementObjectSearcher(managementScope, objectQuery);
            ManagementObjectCollection        managementObjectCollection = managementObjectSearcher.Get();

Ejemplo n.º 56
        public static List <Printer> GetAllPrinters()
            List <Printer> printers = new List <Printer>();

            System.Management.ObjectQuery oquery = new System.Management.ObjectQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Printer");
            System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher   mosearcher = new System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher(oquery);
            System.Management.ManagementObjectCollection moc        = mosearcher.Get();

            if (moc != null && moc.Count > 0)
                //For each printer found, we put it either in the local or network combobox, accordingly.
                foreach (ManagementObject mo in moc)
                    /*bool isLocal = true;
                     * string[] ipAddress = mo["PortName"].ToString().Split('.');
                     * //network printer
                     * if (mo["PortName"] != null && ipAddress.Length == 4)
                     *  isLocal = false;*/

                    //get availability status
                    printers.Add(new Printer
                        Prn_name = mo["Name"].ToString(),
                        Pc_name  = mo["SystemName"].ToString(),
                        Status   = mo.Properties["Availability"].Value == null ? "Не подключен" : mo.Properties["Availability"].Value.ToString(),
                        Islocal  = Convert.ToBoolean(mo.Properties["Local"].Value)

                    #region SetDefaultPrinter
                    //If the printer is found to be the default one, we select it.

                    /* if ((bool)mo["Default"])
                     * {
                     *   if (network)
                     *   {
                     *       cboNetworkPrinters.SelectedItem = mo["Name"].ToString();
                     *       defaultNetwork = true;
                     *   }
                     *   else
                     *   {
                     *       cboLocalPrinters.SelectedItem = mo["Name"].ToString();
                     *       defaultNetwork = false;
                     *   }
                     *   lblNameValue.Text = mo["Name"].ToString();
                     *   lblPortValue.Text = mo["PortName"].ToString();
                     *   lblDriverValue.Text = mo["DriverName"].ToString();
                     *   lblDeviceIDValue.Text = mo["DeviceID"].ToString();
                     *   lblSharedValue.Text = mo["Shared"].ToString();
                     * }             */

Ejemplo n.º 57
        void mTestExecutionTimeoutTimer_Elapsed(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e)
            mTestExecutionTimeoutTimer.Enabled = false;

            if (mActiveExecution == null)
                Window().logMessage("ERROR: received a execution timeout alert with no active execution.");

            mActiveExecution.LogMessageWithTimeFromTrigger("ERROR: ABORTING EXECUTION DUE TO SEQUENCE TIMEOUT");
            Window().logMessage("ERROR: Aborting execution of " + Name + " due to timeout");

            //get Process objects
            System.Management.ObjectQuery oQuery = new System.Management.ObjectQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Process WHERE name='UVision.exe'");

            ManagementObjectSearcher objSearcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(oQuery);

            ManagementObjectCollection oReturnCollection = objSearcher.Get();

            foreach (ManagementObject oReturn in oReturnCollection)
              * //Name of process
              * Console.WriteLine(oReturn["Name"].ToString().ToLower());
              * //arg to send with method invoke to return user and domain - below is link to SDK doc on it
              * string[] o = new String[2];
              * //Invoke the method and populate the o var with the user name and domain
              * oReturn.InvokeMethod("GetOwner", (object[])o);
              * //write out user info that was returned
              * Console.WriteLine("PID: " + oReturn["ProcessId"].ToString());
              * //get priority
              * if (oReturn["Priority"] != null)
              *     Console.WriteLine("Priority: " + oReturn["Priority"].ToString());
              * //get creation date - need managed code function to convert date -
              * if (oReturn["CreationDate"] != null)
              * {
              *     //get datetime string and convert
              *     string s = oReturn["CreationDate"].ToString();
              *     //see ToDateTime function in sample code
              *     DateTime dc = DateTime.Parse(s);
              *     //write out creation date
              *     Console.WriteLine("CreationDate: " + dc.AddTicks(-TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.GetUtcOffset(DateTime.Now).Ticks).ToLocalTime().ToString());
              * }
                //this is the amount of memory used
                if (oReturn["WorkingSetSize"] != null)
                    long mem = Convert.ToInt64(oReturn["WorkingSetSize"].ToString()) / 1024;
                    Window().logMessage("mem usage: " + mem);
                    //Console.WriteLine("Mem Usage: {0:#,###.##}Kb", mem);

Ejemplo n.º 58
        public SystemInfo()
            ManagementObjectSearcher searcher;
            ObjectQuery query;
            uint        i;

            os    = "N/A";
            cpu   = "N/A";
            mem   = "N/A";
            mobo  = "N/A";
            vga   = "N/A";
            sound = "N/A";

            os = Environment.OSVersion.ToString();

            ConnectionOptions conOptions = new ConnectionOptions();
            ManagementScope   scope      = new ManagementScope("\\\\" + Environment.MachineName + "\\root\\cimv2", conOptions);

            query    = new System.Management.ObjectQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Processor");
            searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(scope, query);
            i        = 0;
            foreach (ManagementObject item in searcher.Get())
                cpu = (i > 0 ? cpu + ", " : "") + item["Name"] + " @ " + Int64.Parse(item["MaxClockSpeed"].ToString()) + " MHz";

            query    = new System.Management.ObjectQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem");
            searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(scope, query);
            i        = 0;
            foreach (ManagementObject item in searcher.Get())
                mobo = (i > 0 ? mobo + ", " : "") + item["model"] + " (" + item["Manufacturer"] + ")";
                mem  = (i > 0 ? mem + ", " : "") + (uint)System.Math.Ceiling(Double.Parse(item["totalphysicalmemory"].ToString()) / 1048576.0) + " MB";

            query    = new System.Management.ObjectQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_VideoController");
            searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(scope, query);
            i        = 0;
            foreach (ManagementObject item in searcher.Get())
                vga = (i > 0 ? vga + ", " : "") + item["Caption"];

            query    = new System.Management.ObjectQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_SoundDevice");
            searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(scope, query);
            i        = 0;
            foreach (ManagementObject item in searcher.Get())
                sound = (i > 0 ? sound + ", " : "") + item["Caption"];
Ejemplo n.º 59
        static void Main(string[] args)
            ManagementScope ms = new System.Management.ManagementScope(
            var oq = new System.Management.ObjectQuery(
                "SELECT * FROM Win32_Process where Name='myprocname'");
            ManagementObjectSearcher   query1          = new ManagementObjectSearcher(ms, oq);
            ManagementObjectCollection procsCollection = query1.Get();

            Console.WriteLine("process count:{0}", procsCollection.Count);
Ejemplo n.º 60
        // Name processor
        public static string GetName()
            string      Proc           = null;
            ObjectQuery win32ProcQuery = new System.Management.ObjectQuery("SELECT Name from Win32_Processor");

            using (ManagementObjectSearcher win32Proc = new ManagementObjectSearcher(win32ProcQuery))
                var obj = win32Proc.Get().OfType <ManagementObject>().First();
                Proc = obj["Name"].ToString();