Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a item to this cluster and adjust the cluster vector, itemship list and sum vector accordingly.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item">The item to be added.</param>
        public void AddItemToCluster(FeatureItem item)
            if (!ClusterItemList.Contains(item))
                AdaptiveIntersect.UpdateFeatureIntersectionByLast(ClusterItemList, ClusterVector);
                AdaptiveIntersect.UpdateFeatureSummaryByLast(ClusterItemList, ClusterVectorSummary);

                //----- remove for debugging and tests only
                tempClusterVectorMagnitude        = AdaptiveIntersect.CalculateVectorMagnitude(ClusterVector);        //remove for debugging and tests only
                tempClusterVectorSummaryMagnitude = AdaptiveIntersect.CalculateVectorMagnitude(ClusterVectorSummary); //remove for debugging and tests only
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void AddClusterToHyperCluster(Cluster cluster)
            AdaptiveIntersect.UpdateClusterIntersectionByLast(ClusterList, HyperClusterVector);
            AdaptiveIntersect.UpdateClusterSummaryByLast(ClusterList, HyperClusterVectorSummary);

            ValidHyperClusterItemList = false;
            //TODO: rendutant analyse to remove it
            //for (int i = 0; i < cluster.ClusterItemList.Count; i++)
            //    HyperClusterItemList.Add(cluster.ClusterItemList[i]);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor. Cluster vector is set to the initial feature vector.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item">The item used to construct this cluster</param>
        public Cluster(FeatureItem item)
            //resulting values should be copied
            ClusterVector = new double[item.FeatureVector.Length];
            Array.Copy(item.FeatureVector, ClusterVector, item.FeatureVector.Length);
            ClusterVectorSummary = new double[item.FeatureVector.Length];
            Array.Copy(item.FeatureVector, ClusterVectorSummary, item.FeatureVector.Length);
            ClusterItemList = new List <FeatureItem>();

            //----- remove for debugging and tests only
            tempClusterVectorMagnitude        = AdaptiveIntersect.CalculateVectorMagnitude(ClusterVector);        //remove for debugging and tests only
            tempClusterVectorSummaryMagnitude = AdaptiveIntersect.CalculateVectorMagnitude(ClusterVectorSummary); //remove for debugging and tests only
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Remove a item from this cluster and update cluster Vector accordingly (basd on other assigned items)
        /// Return false if ItemList is empty
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item">The item to be removed</param>
        public bool RemoveItemFromCluster(FeatureItem item)
            if (ClusterItemList.Remove(item) == true)
                if (ClusterItemList.Count > 0)   //recalculate vector summary only if not empty
                    AdaptiveIntersect.CalculateFeatureIntersection(ClusterItemList, ClusterVector);
                    AdaptiveIntersect.CalculateFeatureSummary(ClusterItemList, ClusterVectorSummary);

                    //----- remove for debugging and tests only
                    tempClusterVectorMagnitude        = AdaptiveIntersect.CalculateVectorMagnitude(ClusterVector);        //remove for debugging and tests only
                    tempClusterVectorSummaryMagnitude = AdaptiveIntersect.CalculateVectorMagnitude(ClusterVectorSummary); //remove for debugging and tests only
            return(ClusterItemList.Count > 0);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public bool RemoveClusterFromHyperCluster(Cluster cluster)
            if (ClusterList.Remove(cluster) == true)
                if (ClusterList.Count > 0)
                    AdaptiveIntersect.CalculateClusterIntersection(ClusterList, HyperClusterVector);
                    AdaptiveIntersect.CalculateClusterSummary(ClusterList, HyperClusterVectorSummary);

                    //TODO: redundant analyse to remove it
                    // nie ma senzu sa kazdym razem tworzyc listy, tylko wtedy gdy bedzie do niej potrzebny dostep
                    //for(int i=0; i< ClusterList.Count; i++)
                    //    for(int j = 0; j < ClusterList[i].ClusterItemList.Count; j++)
                    //    {
                    //        HyperClusterItemList.Add(ClusterList[i].ClusterItemList[j]);
                    //    }
                ValidHyperClusterItemList = false;
            return(ClusterList.Count > 0);