Ejemplo n.º 1
 private void SmartDeleteFile(FileInfoBase fileToDelete)
     TryFileFuncAndMoveFileOnFailure(() =>
         return null;
     }, fileToDelete.FullName);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 protected virtual Task<HttpResponseMessage> CreateFileDeleteResponse(FileInfoBase info)
     // Generate file response
         using (Stream fileStream = GetFileDeleteStream(info))
         HttpResponseMessage successResponse = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK);
         return Task.FromResult(successResponse);
     catch (Exception e)
         // Could not delete the file
         HttpResponseMessage notFoundResponse = Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, e);
         return Task.FromResult(notFoundResponse);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public Remux(IFileSystem fileSystem, FileInfoBase inputFile, FileInfoBase outputFile, TextWriter stdOut=null, TextWriter stdErr=null)
            : base("Remux" + idCounter++, stdOut, stdErr)
            _action = () =>
                // Create and set working area.
                var workingArea = fileSystem.DirectoryInfo.FromDirectoryName (fileSystem.Path.Combine (fileSystem.Path.Combine (fileSystem.Path.GetTempPath (), Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Name), this.GetType().Name));
                if (!workingArea.Exists)
                    LogOutput("Creating working area at {0}.", workingArea.FullName);

                // Get streams and split.
                var streams = new MediaStreamsExtractor(inputFile).Extract().OrderBy(steam => steam.Id);
                var videoStreams = streams.Where(stream => stream is MediaStreamsExtractor.IVideoStream).Select(stream => (MediaStreamsExtractor.IVideoStream) stream).ToList();
                var audioStreams = streams.Where(stream => stream is MediaStreamsExtractor.IAudioStream).Select(stream => (MediaStreamsExtractor.IAudioStream) stream).ToList();
                var subtitleStreams = streams.Where(stream => stream is MediaStreamsExtractor.ISubtitleStream).Select(stream => (MediaStreamsExtractor.ISubtitleStream) stream).ToList();

                // Make working area file.
                var name = outputFile.Name.Replace(outputFile.Extension, "");
                var name1 = name + ".stage1";
                if(string.Compare(outputFile.Extension, ".m4v", System.StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)==0)
                    name1 += ".mp4";
                    name1 += outputFile.Extension;
                var name2 = name + ".stage2" + outputFile.Extension;
                var workingAreaStage1File = fileSystem.FileInfo.FromFileName(fileSystem.Path.Combine(workingArea.FullName, name1));
                var workingAreaStage2File = fileSystem.FileInfo.FromFileName(fileSystem.Path.Combine(workingArea.FullName, name2));

                // Working variables.
                var maps = new StringBuilder();
                var codecs = new StringBuilder();
                var outputStreamIndex = 0;

                // Copy video streams.
                var h264 = videoStreams.Where(stream => stream.Codec == MediaStreamsExtractor.CodecType.H264).ToList();
                    h264.Where(stream => stream.Codec == MediaStreamsExtractor.CodecType.H264).ToList().ForEach(stream => MakeCopyStream(stream, maps, codecs, outputStreamIndex++));
                    LogError("Unable to find h264 stream. Will not remux.");

                // Copy or transcode aac 2 channel audio streams.
                var acc2Channel = audioStreams.Where(stream => stream.Codec == MediaStreamsExtractor.CodecType.AAC && stream.Channels == 2).ToList();
                    acc2Channel.ForEach(stream => MakeCopyStream(stream, maps, codecs, outputStreamIndex++));
                    // Transcode aac 2 channel audio stream from all available audio streams.
                    audioStreams.ForEach(stream =>
                        maps.AppendFormat(" -map 0:{0} ", stream.Id);
                        codecs.AppendFormat(" -c:{0} aac -ac:a 2 ", outputStreamIndex++);

                // Copy or transcode higher quality audio stream if possible.
                var ac36Channel = audioStreams.Where(stream => stream.Codec == MediaStreamsExtractor.CodecType.AC3 && stream.Channels == 6).ToList();
                var dts = audioStreams.Where(stream => stream.Codec == MediaStreamsExtractor.CodecType.DTS).ToList();

                // Copy ac3 6 channel streams if exists.
                    ac36Channel.ForEach(stream => MakeCopyStream(stream, maps, codecs, outputStreamIndex++));
                else if(dts.Any())
                    // Transcode ac3 6 channel audio streams from dts streams.
                    dts.ForEach(stream =>
                        maps.AppendFormat(" -map 0:{0} ", stream.Id);
                        codecs.AppendFormat(" -c:{0} ac3 -ac:a 6 ", outputStreamIndex++);

                // Copy dts streams if exists.
                dts.ForEach(stream => MakeCopyStream(stream, maps, codecs, outputStreamIndex++));

                // Transcode in subtitles if exists.
                subtitleStreams.ForEach(stream =>
                    maps.AppendFormat(" -map 0:{0} ", stream.Id);
                    codecs.AppendFormat(" -c:{0} mov_text ", outputStreamIndex++);

                // Mov atom detils.
                var movFlags = "";
                if(string.Compare(outputFile.Extension, ".m4v", System.StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)==0
                   || string.Compare(outputFile.Extension, ".mp4", System.StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)==0)
                    movFlags = " -movflags faststart ";

                // Remux.
                var remuxArguments = string.Format("-i \"{0}\" -y -strict experimental {1} {2} {3} \"{4}\"", inputFile.FullName, maps, codecs, movFlags, workingAreaStage1File.FullName);
                LogOutput("Running FFmpeg with arguments {0}", remuxArguments);
                External.Run(External.Application.FFmpeg, remuxArguments, StdOut, StdErr);

                // Optimise tracks.
                var sublerArguments = string.Format ("-source \"{0}\" -dest \"{1}\" -optimize -itunesfriendly", workingAreaStage1File.FullName, workingAreaStage2File.FullName);
                LogOutput("Running Subler to optimize track with arguments {0}", sublerArguments);
                External.Run(External.Application.SublerCLI, sublerArguments, StdOut, StdErr);

                // Delete stage1 file.
                LogOutput("Deleting workingAreaFile1 {0}", workingAreaStage1File.FullName);

                // Delete output file if it already exists.
                    LogOutput("Output file {0} already exists. Will delete.", outputFile.FullName);

                // Move stage 2 file to output file location.
                LogOutput("Moving newly created remux file {0} to output file location {1}.", workingAreaStage2File.FullName, outputFile.FullName);