Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// 输出验证码
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="checkCode"></param>
        public static byte[] CreateImage(string checkCode)
            int iwidth = (int)(checkCode.Length * 15);

            System.DrawingCore.Bitmap   image = new System.DrawingCore.Bitmap(iwidth, 20);
            System.DrawingCore.Graphics g     = System.DrawingCore.Graphics.FromImage(image);
            Color[] c = { Color.Black, Color.Red, Color.DarkBlue, Color.Green, Color.Brown, Color.DarkCyan, Color.Purple };
            string[] font = { "Times New Roman", "Microsoft Sans Serif", "MS Mincho", "Book Antiqua", "PMingLiU" };
            Random   rand = new Random();

            for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
                int x = rand.Next(image.Width);
                int y = rand.Next(image.Height);
                g.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Color.LightGray, 0), x, y, 1, 1);

            for (int i = 0; i < checkCode.Length; i++)
                int cindex = rand.Next(7);
                int findex = rand.Next(5);

                Font  f  = new Font(font[findex], 10, FontStyle.Bold);
                Brush b  = new SolidBrush(c[cindex]);
                int   ii = 4;
                if ((i + 1) % 2 == 0)
                    ii = 2;
                g.DrawString(checkCode.Substring(i, 1), f, b, 3 + (i * 14), ii);
            g.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Color.Black, 0), 0, 0, image.Width - 1, image.Height - 1);

            System.IO.MemoryStream ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream();
            image.Save(ms, System.DrawingCore.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);
            byte[] buffer = ms.ToArray();

Ejemplo n.º 2
        //drawstring justified with paragraph format
        public static void DrawStringJustified(System.DrawingCore.Graphics graphics, string s, System.DrawingCore.Font font, System.DrawingCore.Brush brush, System.DrawingCore.RectangleF layoutRectangle, char paragraphFormat)
                //save the current state of the graphics handle
                GraphicsState graphicsState = graphics.Save();
                //obtain the font height to be used as line height
                double lineHeight = (double)Math.Round(font.GetHeight(graphics), 1);
                //string builder to format the text
                StringBuilder text         = new StringBuilder(s);
                var           originalFont = new System.DrawingCore.Font(font.FontFamily, font.Size, font.Style);

                //adjust the text string to ease detection of carriage returns
                text = text.Replace("\r\n", " <CR> ");
                text = text.Replace("\r", " <CR> ");
                text.Append(" <CR> ");

                //ensure measure string will bring the best measures possible (antialias)
                graphics.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias;

                //create a string format object with the generic typographic to obtain the most accurate string measurements
                //strange, but the recommended for this case is to use a "cloned" stringformat
                var stringFormat = (System.DrawingCore.StringFormat)System.DrawingCore.StringFormat.GenericTypographic.Clone();

                //allow the correct measuring of spaces
                stringFormat.FormatFlags = System.DrawingCore.StringFormatFlags.MeasureTrailingSpaces;

                //create a stringformat for leftalignment
                System.DrawingCore.StringFormat leftAlignHandle = new System.DrawingCore.StringFormat();
                leftAlignHandle.LineAlignment = System.DrawingCore.StringAlignment.Near;

                //create a stringformat for rightalignment
                System.DrawingCore.StringFormat rightAlignHandle = new System.DrawingCore.StringFormat();
                rightAlignHandle.LineAlignment = System.DrawingCore.StringAlignment.Far;

                //measure space for the given font
                var    stringSize = graphics.MeasureString(" ", font, layoutRectangle.Size, stringFormat);
                double spaceWidth = stringSize.Width + 1;

                //measure paragraph format for the given font
                double paragraphFormatWidth = 0;
                if (paragraphFormat != ' ')
                    var paragraphFormatSize = graphics.MeasureString(paragraphFormat.ToString(), new System.DrawingCore.Font(font.FontFamily, font.Size, System.DrawingCore.FontStyle.Regular), layoutRectangle.Size, stringFormat);
                    paragraphFormatWidth = paragraphFormatSize.Width;

                //total word count
                int totalWords = Regex.Matches(text.ToString(), " ").Count;

                //array of words
                ArrayList words = new ArrayList();

                //measure each word
                int n = 0;
                while (true)
                    //original word
                    string word = Regex.Split(text.ToString(), " ").GetValue(n).ToString();

                    //add to words array the word without tags
                    words.Add(new Word(word.Replace("<b>", "").Replace("</b>", "").Replace("<i>", "").Replace("</i>", "")));

                    //marque to start bolding or/and italic
                    if (word.ToLower().Contains("<b>") && word.ToLower().Contains("<i>"))
                        font = new System.DrawingCore.Font(originalFont.FontFamily, originalFont.Size, System.DrawingCore.FontStyle.Bold & System.DrawingCore.FontStyle.Italic);
                    else if (word.ToLower().Contains("<b>"))
                        font = new System.DrawingCore.Font(originalFont.FontFamily, originalFont.Size, System.DrawingCore.FontStyle.Bold);
                    else if (word.ToLower().Contains("<i>"))
                        font = new System.DrawingCore.Font(originalFont.FontFamily, originalFont.Size, System.DrawingCore.FontStyle.Italic);

                    Word currentWord = (Word)words[n];
                    currentWord.StartBold   = word.ToLower().Contains("<b>");
                    currentWord.StopBold    = word.ToLower().Contains("</b>");
                    currentWord.StartItalic = word.ToLower().Contains("<i>");
                    currentWord.StopItalic  = word.ToLower().Contains("</i>");

                    //size of the word
                    var   wordSize  = graphics.MeasureString(currentWord.String, font, layoutRectangle.Size, stringFormat);
                    float wordWidth = wordSize.Width;

                    if (wordWidth > layoutRectangle.Width && currentWord.String != "<CR>")
                        int reduce = 1;
                        while (true)
                            int    lengthChars = (int)Math.Round(currentWord.String.Length / (wordWidth / layoutRectangle.Width), 0) - reduce;
                            string cutWord     = currentWord.String.Substring(0, lengthChars);

                            //the new size of the word
                            wordSize  = graphics.MeasureString(cutWord, font, layoutRectangle.Size, stringFormat);
                            wordWidth = wordSize.Width;

                            //update the word string
                            ((Word)words[n]).String = cutWord;

                            //add new word
                            if (wordWidth <= layoutRectangle.Width)
                                words.Add(new Word("", 0,
                                                   currentWord.StartBold, currentWord.StopBold,
                                                   currentWord.StartItalic, currentWord.StopItalic));
                                text.Replace(currentWord.String, cutWord + " " + currentWord.String.Substring(lengthChars + 1), 0, 1);


                    //update the word size
                    ((Word)words[n]).Length = wordWidth;

                    //marque to stop bolding or/and italic
                    if (word.ToLower().Contains("</b>") && font.Style == System.DrawingCore.FontStyle.Italic)
                        font = new System.DrawingCore.Font(originalFont.FontFamily, originalFont.Size, System.DrawingCore.FontStyle.Italic);
                    else if (word.ToLower().Contains("</i>") && font.Style == System.DrawingCore.FontStyle.Bold)
                        font = new System.DrawingCore.Font(originalFont.FontFamily, originalFont.Size, System.DrawingCore.FontStyle.Bold);
                    else if (word.ToLower().Contains("</b>") || word.ToLower().Contains("</i>"))
                        font = new System.DrawingCore.Font(originalFont.FontFamily, originalFont.Size, System.DrawingCore.FontStyle.Regular);

                    if (n > totalWords - 1)

                //before we start drawing, its wise to restore ou graphics objecto to its original state

                //restore to font to the original values
                font = new System.DrawingCore.Font(originalFont.FontFamily, originalFont.Size, originalFont.Style);

                //start drawing word by word
                int currentLine = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < totalWords; i++)
                    bool   endOfSentence = false;
                    double wordsWidth    = 0;
                    int    wordsInLine   = 0;

                    int j = i;
                    for (j = i; j < totalWords; j++)
                        if (((Word)words[j]).String == "<CR>")
                            endOfSentence = true;

                        wordsWidth += ((Word)words[j]).Length + spaceWidth;
                        if (wordsWidth > layoutRectangle.Width && j > i)
                            wordsWidth = wordsWidth - ((Word)words[j]).Length - (spaceWidth * wordsInLine);


                    if (j > totalWords)
                        endOfSentence = true;

                    double widthOfBetween = 0;
                    if (endOfSentence)
                        widthOfBetween = spaceWidth;
                        widthOfBetween = (layoutRectangle.Width - wordsWidth) / (wordsInLine - 1);

                    double currentTop = layoutRectangle.Top + (int)(currentLine * lineHeight);

                    if (currentTop > (layoutRectangle.Height + layoutRectangle.Top))
                        i = totalWords;

                    double currentLeft = layoutRectangle.Left;

                    bool lastWord = false;
                    for (int currentWord = 0; currentWord < wordsInLine; currentWord++)
                        bool loop = false;

                        if (((Word)words[i]).String == "<CR>")
                            loop = true;

                        if (!loop)
                            //last word in sentence
                            if (currentWord == wordsInLine && !endOfSentence)
                                lastWord = true;

                            if (wordsInLine == 1)
                                currentLeft = layoutRectangle.Left;
                                lastWord    = false;

                            System.DrawingCore.RectangleF   rectangleF;
                            System.DrawingCore.StringFormat stringFormatHandle;

                            if (lastWord)
                                rectangleF         = new System.DrawingCore.RectangleF(layoutRectangle.Left, (float)currentTop, layoutRectangle.Width, (float)(currentTop + lineHeight));
                                stringFormatHandle = rightAlignHandle;
                                //lets zero size for word to drawstring auto-size de word
                                rectangleF         = new System.DrawingCore.RectangleF((float)currentLeft, (float)currentTop, 0, 0);
                                stringFormatHandle = leftAlignHandle;

                            //start bolding and/or italic
                            if (((Word)words[i]).StartBold && ((Word)words[i]).StartItalic)
                                font = new System.DrawingCore.Font(originalFont.FontFamily, originalFont.Size, System.DrawingCore.FontStyle.Bold & System.DrawingCore.FontStyle.Italic);
                            else if (((Word)words[i]).StartBold)
                                font = new System.DrawingCore.Font(originalFont.FontFamily, originalFont.Size, System.DrawingCore.FontStyle.Bold);
                            else if (((Word)words[i]).StartItalic)
                                font = new System.DrawingCore.Font(originalFont.FontFamily, originalFont.Size, System.DrawingCore.FontStyle.Italic);

                            //draw the word
                            graphics.DrawString(((Word)words[i]).String, font, brush, rectangleF, stringFormatHandle);

                            //stop bolding and/or italic
                            if (((Word)words[i]).StopBold && font.Style == System.DrawingCore.FontStyle.Italic)
                                font = new System.DrawingCore.Font(originalFont.FontFamily, originalFont.Size, System.DrawingCore.FontStyle.Regular);
                            else if (((Word)words[i]).StopItalic && font.Style == System.DrawingCore.FontStyle.Bold)
                                font = new System.DrawingCore.Font(originalFont.FontFamily, originalFont.Size, System.DrawingCore.FontStyle.Bold);
                            else if (((Word)words[i]).StopBold || ((Word)words[i]).StopItalic)
                                font = new System.DrawingCore.Font(originalFont.FontFamily, originalFont.Size, System.DrawingCore.FontStyle.Regular);

                            //paragraph formating
                            if (endOfSentence && currentWord == wordsInLine - 1 && paragraphFormat != ' ')
                                currentLeft += ((Word)words[i]).Length;
                                //draw until end of line
                                while (currentLeft + paragraphFormatWidth <= layoutRectangle.Left + layoutRectangle.Width)
                                    rectangleF = new System.DrawingCore.RectangleF((float)currentLeft, (float)currentTop, 0, 0);
                                    //draw the paragraph format
                                    graphics.DrawString(paragraphFormat.ToString(), font, brush, rectangleF, stringFormatHandle);
                                    currentLeft += paragraphFormatWidth;
                                currentLeft += ((Word)words[i]).Length + widthOfBetween;

                            //go to next word


                    if (i >= totalWords)

                    //compensate endfor
                    if (((Word)words[i]).String != "<CR>")
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception(ex.Message);