DrawString() public method

public DrawString ( string s, Font font, Brush brush, PointF point, StringFormat format = null ) : void
s string
font Font
brush Brush
point PointF
format StringFormat
return void
Ejemplo n.º 1
 private void DrawInput(Graphics g)
     var point = GetPoint();
     g.FillEllipse(Brushes.Chartreuse, point.X, point.Y, 10, 10);
     g.DrawString(string.Format("Frequency: {0,7:####0.0}hz", _frequency), _font, Brushes.BlueViolet, 5f, 5f);
     g.DrawString(string.Format("Volume: {0:0.00}", _volume), _font, Brushes.BlueViolet, 5f, 20f);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public override void Draw(Graphics g, Pen p)
            base.Draw(g, p);

            var r = this.RectangleF;

            var sText = g.MeasureString(this.ColouredPlace.ColorSetName, new Font("Arial", 8));
            g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Gray, r.Right, r.Top - sText.Height, sText.Width, sText.Height);

                new Font("Arial", 8),
                r.Top - sText.Height

            var tokensString = this.ColouredPlace.Tokens.ToString();
            var f = new Font("", 7);
            sText = g.MeasureString(tokensString, f);

            g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Green, r.Right, r.Bottom, sText.Width, sText.Height);
                new Font("", 7),
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static void RepertoryImage(Graphics drawDestination)
            StringFormat itemStringFormat = new StringFormat();
            RectangleF itemBox = new RectangleF(10, 30, 42, 10);
            RectangleF itemBox2 = new RectangleF(60, 48, 10, 10);
            itemStringFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
            itemStringFormat.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Far;
            if (mMscStyle == MscStyle.SDL){
                PointF[] capPolygon = new PointF[3];
                capPolygon[0] = new PointF(61, 40);
                capPolygon[1] = new PointF(53, 44);
                capPolygon[2] = new PointF(53, 36);
                drawDestination.DrawString("Lost",new Font("Arial",8),Brushes.Black,itemBox,itemStringFormat);
                drawDestination.DrawString("g",new Font("Arial",8),Brushes.Black,itemBox2,itemStringFormat);
                drawDestination.DrawLine(Pens.Black,10, 40, 60,40);
                drawDestination.FillEllipse(Brushes.Black, new RectangleF(60,35, 10,10));
            else if(mMscStyle == MscStyle.UML2){

                drawDestination.DrawString("Lost",new Font("Arial",8),Brushes.Black,itemBox,itemStringFormat);
                drawDestination.DrawString("g",new Font("Arial",8),Brushes.Black,itemBox2,itemStringFormat);
                drawDestination.DrawLine(Pens.Black,10, 40, 60,40);
                drawDestination.DrawLine(Pens.Black,60, 40, 54,43);
                drawDestination.DrawLine(Pens.Black,60, 40, 54,37);
                drawDestination.FillEllipse(Brushes.Black, new RectangleF(60,35, 10,10));

Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// The Draw function
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g"></param>
        public static void Draw(Graphics g)
            //The Score
            g.DrawString("Score: " + score.ToString(), SystemFonts.DefaultFont, GameSettings.TextColor, PointF.Empty);

            g.DrawString("Lives:", SystemFonts.DefaultFont, GameSettings.TextColor, new PointF(0, SystemFonts.DefaultFont.Size + 5.0f));
            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfLives; i++)
                g.FillEllipse(GameSettings.RegularBallColor, new RectangleF(i * 15, (SystemFonts.DefaultFont.Size + 5.0f) * 2.0f, 10.0f, 10.0f));

            //Background playfield
            using (Brush b = new SolidBrush(GameSettings.BackGroundColor))
                g.FillRectangle(b, Rectangle.Round(gameField));

            //The bricks
            foreach (Brick brick in bricks)
                if (brick != null)

            //Player also draws the ball

            //And the borderline of the playfield
            Pen p = gameField.Contains(MouseAppPosition) ? Pens.Red : Pens.White;

            g.DrawRectangle(p, Rectangle.Round(gameField));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        // Draw is fired with each paint event of the main form
        public void Draw(Graphics graphics, int frame, bool gameOver)
            graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, formArea);

            foreach (Invader invader in invaders)
                invader.Draw(graphics, frame);
            foreach (Shot shot in playerShots)
            foreach (Shot shot in invaderShots)

            graphics.DrawString(("Score: " + score.ToString()),
                statsFont, Brushes.Yellow, scoreLocation);
            graphics.DrawString(("Lives: " + livesLeft.ToString()),
                statsFont, Brushes.Yellow, livesLocation);
            graphics.DrawString(("Wave: " + wave.ToString()),
                statsFont, Brushes.Yellow, waveLocation);
            if (gameOver)
                graphics.DrawString("GAME OVER", messageFont, Brushes.Red,
                    (formArea.Width / 4), formArea.Height / 3);
 public static void RepertoryImage(Graphics drawDestination)
     StringFormat itemStringFormat = new StringFormat();
     RectangleF itemBox = new RectangleF(5, 15, 30, 15);
     RectangleF itemBox2 = new RectangleF(5, 35, 70, 15);
     itemStringFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near;
     itemStringFormat.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Near;
     PointF[] statePolygon = new PointF[5];
     statePolygon[0] = new PointF(5,15);
     statePolygon[1] = new PointF(40,15);
     statePolygon[2] = new PointF(40,25);
     statePolygon[3] = new PointF(35,30);
     statePolygon[4] = new PointF(5,30);
     drawDestination.DrawString("frag",new Font("Arial",8,FontStyle.Regular),Brushes.LightGray,itemBox,itemStringFormat);
     Pen rPen = new Pen(Color.Black);
     float[] pattern = {4f,4f};
     rPen.DashStyle = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.DashStyle.Custom;
     rPen.DashPattern = pattern;
     itemStringFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
     drawDestination.DrawString("separator",new Font("Arial",8,FontStyle.Italic),Brushes.Black,itemBox2,itemStringFormat);
     drawDestination.DrawLine(rPen, 5, 50, 75, 50);
        private static void DrawNeuron(this Network network, Neuron neuron, Graphics graphic)
            Pen pen = new Pen(Color.Black);
            Point point = Translate(network, neuron);
            Size size = new Size(10, 10);
            Rectangle r = new Rectangle(point, size);

            Color color = Blend(Color.Gray, Color.Red, (neuron.Signal - 0.5));

            Brush brush = new SolidBrush(color);
            graphic.FillEllipse(brush, r);
            graphic.DrawEllipse(pen, r);

            // Draw signal text
            Font font = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSerif, 8);
            Brush fontbrush = new SolidBrush(Color.DarkBlue);
            point = point.Shift(0, 10);

            graphic.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.SingleBitPerPixelGridFit;
            graphic.DrawString(neuron.Signal.ToString("f2"), font, fontbrush, point);

            // Draw Error:
            point = point.Shift(0, 10);
            fontbrush = new SolidBrush(Color.Red);
            graphic.DrawString(neuron.ErrorGradient.ToString("f2"), font, fontbrush, point);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private static void ProcessLabelItem(LabelItem labelItem, Graphics g, PrintLabelSettings settings)
            switch (labelItem.LabelType)
                case LabelTypesEnum.Label:
                        new Font(labelItem.FontName ?? "Arial", labelItem.FontSize, (labelItem.IsBold ? FontStyle.Bold : FontStyle.Regular) | (labelItem.IsItalic ? FontStyle.Italic : FontStyle.Regular)),
                        Brushes.Black, labelItem.StartX, labelItem.StartY);
                case LabelTypesEnum.BarCode:
                    var content = labelItem.LabelText;

                    var writer = new BarcodeWriter
                        Format = BarcodeFormat.CODE_128,
                        Options = new ZXing.QrCode.QrCodeEncodingOptions
                            ErrorCorrection = ZXing.QrCode.Internal.ErrorCorrectionLevel.H,
                            Width = settings.BarCodeMaxWidth,
                            Height = settings.BarCodeHeight,
                            PureBarcode = true,
                    var barCodeBmp = writer.Write(content);
                    g.DrawImageUnscaled(barCodeBmp, labelItem.StartX, labelItem.StartY);
                case LabelTypesEnum.Stamp:
                    var pen = new Pen(Color.Black, 2);
                    g.DrawEllipse(pen, labelItem.StartX, labelItem.StartY, settings.StampDiameter, settings.StampDiameter);
                        new Font(labelItem.FontName ?? "Arial", labelItem.FontSize, (labelItem.IsBold ? FontStyle.Bold : FontStyle.Regular) | (labelItem.IsItalic ? FontStyle.Italic : FontStyle.Regular)),
                        Brushes.Black, labelItem.StartX + 2, labelItem.StartY + 11);
Ejemplo n.º 9
		private static void DrawContent(Graphics g, Rectangle rect, string title, string body)
			if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(title))
				using (Font titleFont = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, 18.0f, FontStyle.Bold))
					g.DrawString(title, titleFont, Brushes.Black, rect);

					//Update the rect to position the body text.
					SizeF titleSize = g.MeasureString(title, titleFont, rect.Width);
					int titleHeight = (int)titleSize.Height + 1;
					rect.Offset(0, titleHeight);
					rect.Height -= titleHeight;

			if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(body))
				using (Font bodyFont = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSerif, 12.0f, FontStyle.Regular))
					rect.Inflate(-2, 0);
					g.DrawString(body, bodyFont, Brushes.Black, rect);
Ejemplo n.º 10
		private void DrawContent(Graphics graphics, Rectangle rect)
			using (LinearGradientBrush brush = new LinearGradientBrush(new Point(0, 0),
				new Point(rect.Width, rect.Height), Color.White, Color.LightGreen))
				graphics.FillRectangle(brush, rect);

			if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_title))
				using (Font titleFont = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, 18.0f, FontStyle.Bold))
					graphics.DrawString(_title, titleFont, Brushes.Black, rect);

					// Update the rect to position the body text
					SizeF titleSize = graphics.MeasureString(_title, titleFont, rect.Width);
					int titleHeight = (int)titleSize.Height + 1;
					rect.Offset(0, titleHeight);
					rect.Height -= titleHeight;

			if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_description))
				using (Font bodyFont = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSerif, 12.0f, FontStyle.Regular))
					rect.Inflate(-2, 0);
					graphics.DrawString(_description, bodyFont, Brushes.Black, rect);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public override void Draw(Graphics g, int target)
            Image head = PicLoader.Read("NPC", string.Format("{0}.PNG", Figue));
            int ty = Y + 50;
            int ty2 = ty;
            if (target == Id)
                g.DrawImage(head, X - 5, ty - 5, Width*5/4, Width * 5 / 4);
                ty2 -= 2;
                g.DrawImage(head, X, ty, Width, Width);


            Font font = new Font("΢ÈíÑźÚ", 12*1.33f, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
            g.DrawString(Name, font, Brushes.Black, X + 3, Y + Height + 30);
            g.DrawString(Name, font, Brushes.White, X, Y + Height + 27);

            if (taskFinishs.Count > 0)
                Image img = PicLoader.Read("System", "MarkTaskEnd.PNG");
                g.DrawImage(img, X + 15, ty2 - 35, 21, 30);
            else if (taskAvails.Count > 0)
                Image img = PicLoader.Read("System", "MarkTaskBegin.PNG");
                g.DrawImage(img, X + 15, ty2 - 35, 24, 30);
Ejemplo n.º 12
 private static void DrawText(PointType type, TextDrawer p , Graphics g)
     Font myFont = null;
     SolidBrush blackBrush = null;
         case PointType.CENTER:
             myFont = new Font("Verdana", 14);
             blackBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.Red);
             g.DrawString(p.text, myFont, blackBrush, p.x, p.y);
         case PointType.EDAGE:
             myFont = new Font("Verdana", 12);
             blackBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.Red);
             g.DrawString(p.text, myFont, blackBrush, p.x, p.y);
         case PointType.NORMAL:
             myFont = new Font("Courier New", 8);
             blackBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.Green);
             g.DrawString(p.text, myFont, blackBrush, p.x, p.y);
         case PointType.GROUP:
             myFont = new Font("Verdana", 12);
             blackBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.RoyalBlue);
             g.DrawString(p.text, myFont, blackBrush, p.x, p.y);
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public void Draw(Graphics g, int animationCell, bool gameOver)
     g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, boundaries);
     foreach (Invader invader in invaders)
         invader.Draw(g, animationCell);
     foreach (Shot shot in playerShots)
     foreach (Shot shot in invaderShots)
     using (Font font = new Font("Arial", 24, FontStyle.Bold))
         g.DrawString(score.ToString(), font, Brushes.Red, boundaries.X + 20, boundaries.Y + 20);
             new Point(boundaries.Right - 110, boundaries.Top + 10));
     using (Font font = new Font("Arial", 20))
         g.DrawString("X " + livesLeft, font, Brushes.Yellow, boundaries.Right - 50, boundaries.Top + 10);
     if (gameOver)
         using (Font font = new Font("Arial", 40))
             g.DrawString("Game Over", font, Brushes.Purple,
                 (boundaries.Width / 3), boundaries.Height / 3);
         using (Font font = new Font("Arial", 20))
             g.DrawString("Press 'Q' to quit\nor 'S' to restart", font, Brushes.Purple,
                 boundaries.Width / 3 + 45, boundaries.Height / 3 + 50);
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public static void RepertoryImage(Graphics drawDestination)
     StringFormat itemStringFormat = new StringFormat();
     RectangleF itemBox = new RectangleF(15, 30, 50, 20);
     itemStringFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
     itemStringFormat.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
     if (mMscStyle == MscStyle.SDL){
         PointF[] statePolygon = new PointF[6];
         statePolygon[0] = new PointF(5,40);
         statePolygon[1] = new PointF(15,30);
         statePolygon[2] = new PointF(65,30);
         statePolygon[3] = new PointF(75,40);
         statePolygon[4] = new PointF(65,50);
         statePolygon[5] = new PointF(15,50);
         drawDestination.DrawString("State",new Font("Arial",8),Brushes.Black,itemBox,itemStringFormat);
     else if(mMscStyle == MscStyle.UML2){
             drawDestination.DrawString("State",new Font("Arial",8),Brushes.Black,itemBox,itemStringFormat);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        protected override void drawSelf(Graphics g)
            int yRect = 0;
            g.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Color.Black, 1), 0, 0, this.Size.Width - 1, this.Size.Height - 1);

            //Vẽ TableName
            string nameTable = table.name;
            g.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Color.Black, 1), 0, 0, this.Size.Width-1, ShapeSetting.heightPieceShape);
            g.FillRectangle(ShapeSetting.brushTableName,new Rectangle(1, 1, this.Size.Width-2, ShapeSetting.heightPieceShape-1));
            g.DrawString(nameTable, new Font("Arial", 10), ShapeSetting.brushText, new Rectangle(10, yRect, this.Size.Width-1, ShapeSetting.heightPieceShape));

            //Vẽ Attribute
            int maxLength = maxLengthText();
            foreach (Column c in table.columns)
                yRect += 20;
                string strAttribute = "";
                strAttribute += c.Name.PadRight(maxLength);
                strAttribute += " " + c.DataType.PadRight(10);
                if (c.PrimaryKey)
                    strAttribute += "(pk)";
                    strAttribute += "(fk)";
                g.DrawString(strAttribute, this.Font, ShapeSetting.brushText, new Rectangle(10, yRect, this.Size.Width - 1, ShapeSetting.heightPieceShape));
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public void _drawTabHeader(Graphics nGraphics, Font nFont, Rectangle nRectangle)
     int width_ = nRectangle.Height - 2;
     switch (mSideTabStatus)
         case SideTabStatus_.mNormal_:
             ControlPaint.DrawBorder3D(nGraphics, nRectangle, Border3DStyle.RaisedInner);
             nGraphics.DrawImage(mSideTabImage, nRectangle.X + 1, nRectangle.Y + 1, width_, width_);
             nGraphics.DrawString(mSideTabName, nFont, SystemBrushes.ControlText, new PointF(nRectangle.X + width_ + 2, nRectangle.Y + 2));
         case SideTabStatus_.mSelected_:
             ControlPaint.DrawBorder3D(nGraphics, nRectangle, Border3DStyle.Sunken);
             nGraphics.DrawImage(mSideTabImage, nRectangle.X + 1, nRectangle.Y + 1, width_, width_);
             nGraphics.DrawString(mSideTabName, nFont, SystemBrushes.ControlText, new PointF(nRectangle.X + width_ + 2, nRectangle.Y + 2));
         case SideTabStatus_.mDragged_:
             ControlPaint.DrawBorder3D(nGraphics, nRectangle, Border3DStyle.RaisedInner);
             nRectangle.X += 1;
             nRectangle.Y += 1;
             nRectangle.Width -= 2;
             nRectangle.Height -= 2;
             nGraphics.FillRectangle(SystemBrushes.ControlDarkDark, nRectangle);
             nGraphics.DrawString(mSideTabName, nFont, SystemBrushes.HighlightText, new PointF(nRectangle.X + width_ , nRectangle.Y));
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public override void Draw(Graphics g)
            System.Drawing.Size st = g.MeasureString(Marker.ToolTipText, Font).ToSize();
             System.Drawing.Rectangle rect = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(Marker.ToolTipPosition.X, Marker.ToolTipPosition.Y - st.Height, st.Width + TextPadding.Width, st.Height + TextPadding.Height);
             rect.Offset(Offset.X, Offset.Y);

             using(GraphicsPath objGP = new GraphicsPath())
            objGP.AddLine(rect.X + 2 * Radius, rect.Y + rect.Height, rect.X + Radius, rect.Y + rect.Height + Radius);
            objGP.AddLine(rect.X + Radius, rect.Y + rect.Height + Radius, rect.X + Radius, rect.Y + rect.Height);

            objGP.AddArc(rect.X, rect.Y + rect.Height - (Radius * 2), Radius * 2, Radius * 2, 90, 90);
            objGP.AddLine(rect.X, rect.Y + rect.Height - (Radius * 2), rect.X, rect.Y + Radius);
            objGP.AddArc(rect.X, rect.Y, Radius * 2, Radius * 2, 180, 90);
            objGP.AddLine(rect.X + Radius, rect.Y, rect.X + rect.Width - (Radius * 2), rect.Y);
            objGP.AddArc(rect.X + rect.Width - (Radius * 2), rect.Y, Radius * 2, Radius * 2, 270, 90);
            objGP.AddLine(rect.X + rect.Width, rect.Y + Radius, rect.X + rect.Width, rect.Y + rect.Height - (Radius * 2));
            objGP.AddArc(rect.X + rect.Width - (Radius * 2), rect.Y + rect.Height - (Radius * 2), Radius * 2, Radius * 2, 0, 90); // Corner


            g.FillPath(Fill, objGP);
            g.DrawPath(Stroke, objGP);

            #if !PocketPC
             g.DrawString(Marker.ToolTipText, Font, Brushes.Navy, rect, Format);
             g.DrawString(ToolTipText, ToolTipFont, TooltipForeground, rect, ToolTipFormat);
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public void Draw(Graphics g, bool enable)
            Image back = PicLoader.Read("System", "ItemGrid.JPG");
            g.DrawImage(back, x+3, y+3, 32, 32);

            if (itemPos >= 0)
                Font font = new Font("Aril", 11*1.33f, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
                if (enable)
                    g.DrawImage(HItemBook.GetHItemImage(UserProfile.InfoBag.Items[itemPos].Type), x + 3, y + 3, 32, 32);
                    Rectangle ret = new Rectangle(x + 3, y + 3, 32, 32);
                    g.DrawImage(HItemBook.GetHItemImage(UserProfile.InfoBag.Items[itemPos].Type), ret, 0, 0, 64, 64, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, HSImageAttributes.ToGray);

                g.DrawString(UserProfile.InfoBag.Items[itemPos].Value.ToString(), font, Brushes.Black, x + 4, y + 4);
                g.DrawString(UserProfile.InfoBag.Items[itemPos].Value.ToString(), font, Brushes.White, x + 3, y + 3);

                if (percent>1)
                    Brush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(200, Color.Black));
                    g.FillRectangle(brush, x, y, 35, 35*percent/100);

Ejemplo n.º 19
        public override void Draw(Graphics gr, Point position, Range range)
            var tb = range.tb;
            using (Brush brush = new SolidBrush(_pen.Color))
                foreach (var place in range)
                    switch (tb[place].c)
                        case ' ':
                            var point = tb.PlaceToPoint(place);
                            point.Offset(tb.CharWidth/2, tb.CharHeight/2);
                            gr.DrawLine(_pen, point.X, point.Y, point.X + 1, point.Y);

                        case '\0':
                            point = tb.PlaceToPoint(place);
                            gr.DrawString("~", tb.Font, brush, point.X, point.Y);

                    if (tb[place.iLine].Count - 1 == place.iChar)
                        var point = tb.PlaceToPoint(place);
                        point.Offset(tb.CharWidth, 0);
                        gr.DrawString("¶", tb.Font, brush, point);
Ejemplo n.º 20
        private void DrawBarcodeText(ref Graphics g, string messagetext, int textlength, SolidBrush ForeBrush, int sfheight, bool texttostretch, int textalignment)
            string s = "";
            messagetext = messagetext.Trim();
            StringFormat format = new StringFormat();
            format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
            if (texttostretch)
                for (int i = 0; i < messagetext.Length; i++)
                    s = "" + messagetext[i];
                    Rectangle layoutRectangle = new Rectangle(this.leftmargin + ((i * textlength) / messagetext.Length), (this.topmargin + this.barheight) + this.textmargin, textlength / messagetext.Length, 2 * sfheight);
                    g.DrawString(s, this.txtFont, ForeBrush, layoutRectangle, format);
                Rectangle rectangle2 = new Rectangle(this.leftmargin, (this.topmargin + this.barheight) + this.textmargin, textlength, 2 * sfheight);
                switch (textalignment)
                    case 0:
                        format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near;
                        g.DrawString(messagetext, this.txtFont, ForeBrush, rectangle2, format);

                    case 2:
                        format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Far;
                        g.DrawString(messagetext, this.txtFont, ForeBrush, rectangle2, format);
                format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
                g.DrawString(messagetext, this.txtFont, ForeBrush, rectangle2, format);
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public override void DrawRect(System.Drawing.RectangleF dirtyRect)
            Graphics g = new Graphics();


            int width = 30;
            int height = 128;
            int y = 10;
            // Create opaque color maps with alpha = 255:
            ColorMap cm = new ColorMap();
            Font aFont = new Font("Arial", 20, FontStyle.Bold);
            g.DrawString("OPAQUE COLOR", aFont, Brushes.Black, 10, 60);
            DrawColorBar(g, 10, y, width, height, cm, "Spring");
            DrawColorBar(g, 10 + 40, y, width, height, cm, "Summer");
            DrawColorBar(g, 10 + 2 * 40, y, width, height, cm, "Autumn");
            DrawColorBar(g, 10 + 3 * 40, y, width, height, cm, "Winter");
            DrawColorBar(g, 10 + 4 * 40, y, width, height, cm, "Jet");
            DrawColorBar(g, 10 + 5 * 40, y, width, height, cm, "Gray");
            DrawColorBar(g, 10 + 6 * 40, y, width, height, cm, "Hot");
            DrawColorBar(g, 10 + 7 * 40, y, width, height, cm, "Cool");

            y = y + 150;
            // Create transparent color maps with alpha = 150:
            ColorMap cm1 = new ColorMap(64, 150);
            g.DrawString("TRANSPARENT COLOR", aFont, Brushes.Black, 10, 210);
            DrawColorBar(g, 10, y, width, height, cm1, "Spring");
            DrawColorBar(g, 10 + 40, y, width, height, cm1, "Summer");
            DrawColorBar(g, 10 + 2 * 40, y, width, height, cm1, "Autumn");
            DrawColorBar(g, 10 + 3 * 40, y, width, height, cm1, "Winter");
            DrawColorBar(g, 10 + 4 * 40, y, width, height, cm1, "Jet");
            DrawColorBar(g, 10 + 5 * 40, y, width, height, cm1, "Gray");
            DrawColorBar(g, 10 + 6 * 40, y, width, height, cm1, "Hot");
            DrawColorBar(g, 10 + 7 * 40, y, width, height, cm1, "Cool");
Ejemplo n.º 22
 public static void FillRectangleWithNumeric(Graphics g, int x, int y ,int w, int h, string text, string upperText)
     g.FillRectangle(ComputingHelper.getRandomBrush(), x, y ,w, h);
     g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, x, y, w, h);
     g.DrawString(text, SystemFonts.DefaultFont, Brushes.Black, x + w / 2, y + h / 2);
     g.DrawString(upperText, SystemFonts.DefaultFont, Brushes.Black, x, y );
Ejemplo n.º 23
        public override void DrawRect(System.Drawing.RectangleF dirtyRect)
            Graphics g = new Graphics();
            int offset = 20;

            // Invert matrix:
            Matrix m = new Matrix(1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 0);
            g.DrawString("Original Matrix:", this.Font, Brushes.Black, 10, 10);
            DrawMatrix(m, g, 10, 10 + offset);
            g.DrawString("Inverted Matrix:", this.Font, Brushes.Black, 10, 10 + 2*offset);
            DrawMatrix(m, g, 10, 10 + 3 * offset);

            // Matrix multiplication - MatrixOrder.Append:
            Matrix m1 = new Matrix(1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 1);
            Matrix m2 = new Matrix(0, 1, 2, 1, 0, 1);
            g.DrawString("Original Matrices:", this.Font, Brushes.Black, 10, 10 + 4 * offset);
            DrawMatrix(m1, g, 10, 10 + 5 * offset);
            DrawMatrix(m2, g, 10 + 130, 10 + 5 * offset);
            m1.Multiply(m2, MatrixOrder.Append);
            g.DrawString("Resultant Matrix - Append:", this.Font, Brushes.Black, 10, 10 + 6 * offset);
            DrawMatrix(m1, g, 10, 10 + 7 * offset);

            // Matrix multiplication - MatrixOrder.Prepend:
            m1 = new Matrix(1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 1);
            m1.Multiply(m2, MatrixOrder.Prepend);
            g.DrawString("Resultant Matrix - Prepend:", this.Font, Brushes.Black, 10, 10 + 8 * offset);
            DrawMatrix(m1, g, 10, 10 + 9 * offset);
Ejemplo n.º 24
 /// <summary>
 /// Implement the display of the value's representation.</summary>
 /// <param name="g">The Graphics object</param>
 /// <param name="area">Rectangle delimiting area to paint</param>
 public override void PaintValue(Graphics g, Rectangle area)
     if (ReadOnly)
         g.DrawString(Value, Theme.Font, Theme.ReadonlyBrush, area.Left + Theme.Padding.Left, area.Top); 
         g.DrawString(Value, Theme.Font, Theme.TextBrush, area.Left + Theme.Padding.Left, area.Top); 
        public void draw(Graphics g)
            Bitmap t = SpaceInvaders.Properties.Resources.titleMenu;

            g.DrawImage(t,Game.gameSize.Width/2-t.Width/2, 1,t.Width,t.Height);

            g.DrawImage(SpaceInvaders.Properties.Resources.ship1,new Point(200,200));
            g.DrawImage(SpaceInvaders.Properties.Resources.ship2, new Point(500, 500));
            g.DrawImage(SpaceInvaders.Properties.Resources.ship3, new Point(400, 50));
            g.DrawImage(SpaceInvaders.Properties.Resources.ship4, new Point(100, 300));
            g.DrawImage(SpaceInvaders.Properties.Resources.ship5, new Point(40, 40));
            g.DrawImage(SpaceInvaders.Properties.Resources.ship6, new Point(50, 150));
            g.DrawImage(SpaceInvaders.Properties.Resources.ship7, new Point(500, 400));
            g.DrawImage(SpaceInvaders.Properties.Resources.ship8, new Point(100, 500));
            g.DrawImage(SpaceInvaders.Properties.Resources.ship9, new Point(300, 450));

            int x = Game.gameSize.Width / 2;
            int y = Game.gameSize.Height / 2 - (this.items.Count/2 * this.espace );
            int dy = 0;
            g.DrawString(">", Game.defaultFont, Game.blackBrush, x-50 , y + this.espace *this.currentChose );
            g.DrawString(items[this.currentChose].Info ,new  Font("Times New Roman", 12, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Pixel),Game.blackBrush, x - 50, y +30 + this.espace * this.currentChose);
            foreach (MenuItem mi in items) {
                g.DrawString(mi.Name, Game.defaultFont, Game.blackBrush,x,y + dy);

                dy += this.espace;

Ejemplo n.º 26
        private void PrintMix(DataRow row, DataRow[] rows, Graphics g)
            int top = 3;
            Font font = new Font("����", 10);
            g.PageUnit = GraphicsUnit.Millimeter;

            g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, 0, 0, 105, 75);

            g.DrawString("���κ�           ����  ���  ����  ��̬  �ȼ�", font, Brushes.Black, 5, top);
            for (int i = 0; i < rows.Length; i++)
                string s = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}{3}{4}{5}",
                    rows[i]["PRODUCTCODE"].ToString().PadRight(18, ' '),
                    rows[i]["ORIGINAL"].ToString().PadRight(4, ' '),
                    rows[i]["YEARS"].ToString().PadRight(6, ' '),
                    rows[i]["QUANTITY"].ToString().PadRight(4, ' '),
                    rows[i]["STYLE"].ToString().PadRight(4, ' '),
                g.DrawString(s, font, Brushes.Black, 5, top + (i + 1) * 3);

            g.DrawString("����:" + row["SCHEDULENO"].ToString(), font, Brushes.Black, 5, top + 20);
            //g.DrawString("ģ��:" + row["BATCHUNIT"].ToString(), font, Brushes.Black, 40, top + 20);
            g.DrawString("����:" + row["SCHEDULEDATE"].ToString(), font, Brushes.Black, 75, top + 20);

            string barcode = row["BARCODE"].ToString();
            Image myimg = GenCode128.Code128Rendering.MakeBarcodeImage(barcode, 1, true);
            g.DrawImage(myimg, new Rectangle(2, top + 25, 100, 40));

            font = new Font("����", 10);
            g.DrawString(barcode, font, Brushes.Black, 20, 69);
Ejemplo n.º 27
    protected override void _DrawItem(Graphics g, int index, int y)
      //base._DrawItem(g,  index,  y);      return;

      _Broker.Index = index;
      BookItem item = _Broker.Current;
      int x = 4;
      g.DrawRectangle(this._PenBorder, x, y, _Width - 2 * x, this._ItemHeight);
      g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Khaki, x + 1, y + 1, _Width - 2 * x-1, this._ItemHeight-1);

      x += 3;
      g.DrawString(item.Author, this._FontAutor , Brushes.Black, x, y);

      SizeF size = g.MeasureString(item.Author, this._FontAutor);
      x += (int)size.Width + 20;
      g.DrawString(item.Title, this._FontTitle, Brushes.Blue, x, y);

      size = g.MeasureString(item.Author, this._FontTitle);
      if (index == this._SelectedIndex)
        g.FillEllipse(Brushes.WhiteSmoke, _Width - 35, y + 5, 20, 20);
        g.DrawEllipse(this._PenBorder, _Width - 35, y + 5, 20, 20);
Ejemplo n.º 28
        internal void ShowInformation(Graphics graphics)
            Rectangle rectOutline = new Rectangle((int)(_gameState.TotalWindowArea.Width/2-_gameState.GameArea.Width/2+2),
                                                  (int)(_gameState.TotalWindowArea.Height/2 + _gameState.GameArea.Height/2 - _gameState.GameArea.Height/3),
            graphics.DrawRectangle(new Pen(new SolidBrush(Color.Black)), rectOutline);

            Rectangle rectBackground = new Rectangle(rectOutline.X + 1, rectOutline.Y + 1,
                                                     rectOutline.Width - 1, rectOutline.Height - 1);
            graphics.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.Gray), rectBackground);

            //Spell Name
            if (this.hidden != true)
                graphics.DrawString(spellName, new Font("Arial", 8, FontStyle.Bold), new SolidBrush(Color.BlanchedAlmond),
                                   rectBackground.X, rectBackground.Y + 5);
                graphics.DrawString("???", new Font("Arial", 8, FontStyle.Bold), new SolidBrush(Color.BlanchedAlmond),
                                   rectBackground.X, rectBackground.Y + 5);
            //Spell Cost
            graphics.DrawString(Spell.GetManaCost().ToString(), new Font("Arial", 8), new SolidBrush(Color.BlanchedAlmond),
                                rectBackground.X, rectBackground.Y + 20);
Ejemplo n.º 29
        public void Gen(List<BiliInterfaceInfo> infos)
            Log.Info("【主榜】开始生成" + infos.Count + "个图片");

            for (int i = 0; i < infos.Count; i++)
                image = Properties.Resources.zhubang;
                g = Graphics.FromImage(image);
                g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;

                Log.Info("正在生成 - " + infos[i].AVNUM);

                g.DrawString(infos[i].title, f, b, 350, 1000);
                g.DrawString(infos[i].AVNUM, f, b, 375, 900);
                g.DrawString(infos[i].created_at.Substring(0, infos[i].created_at.IndexOf(" ")), f, b, 900, 900);
                g.DrawString("UP:" + infos[i].author, f, b, 330, 800);

                Pen pp = new Pen(Color.Yellow, 3.5f);
                GraphicsPath pth = new GraphicsPath();
                pth.AddString(infos[i].Fpaiming.ToString("D2"), new FontFamily("微软雅黑"), (int)FontStyle.Bold, 180, new Point(1750, 0), sf);
                g.FillPath(new SolidBrush(Color.White), pth);
                g.DrawPath(pp, pth);

                AddKongxin(infos[i].Fdefen.ToString(), 160, 960, 70);
                AddKongxin(infos[i].play.ToString(), 1625, 500, 70);
                AddKongxin(infos[i].review.ToString(), 1820, 330, 50);
                AddKongxin(infos[i].coins.ToString(), 1810, 710, 50);
                AddKongxin(infos[i].favorites.ToString(), 1600, 825, 60);

                g.DrawString(infos[i].Fpaiming.ToString(), new Font("微软雅黑", 60, FontStyle.Bold), b, 110, nn - 30);

                g.DrawString(infos[i].AVNUM.Substring(2), f, b, 725, nn);
                g.DrawString(infos[i].Fdefen.ToString(), f, b, 1160, nn);
                if (infos[i].author.Length <= 6)
                    g.DrawString(infos[i].author, f, b, new RectangleF(1518, nn, 320, 320));
                    //g.DrawString(infos[i].up, f, b, 1518, nn);
                    g.DrawString(infos[i].author, f, b, new RectangleF(1518, nn, 320, 320));
                    //g.DrawString(infos[i].up.Substring(0, 6), f, b, 1518, nn);
                    //g.DrawString(infos[i].up.Substring(6), f, b, 1518, nn + 74);

                g.DrawString(infos[i].created_at, f, b, 880, nn + 148);


                string url = Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\pic\Rank" + infos[i].Fpaiming + ".png";
                Log.Info("保存图片 " + url);

Ejemplo n.º 30
    /// <summary>
    /// 在图片上增加文字水印
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="Path">原服务器图片路径</param>
    /// <param name="Path_sy">生成的带文字水印的图片路径</param>
    public static void AddWater(string Path, string Path_sy)
        string addText = "51aspx.com";

        System.Drawing.Image    image = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(Path);
        System.Drawing.Graphics g     = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(image);
        g.DrawImage(image, 0, 0, image.Width, image.Height);
        System.Drawing.Font  f = new System.Drawing.Font("Verdana", 60);
        System.Drawing.Brush b = new System.Drawing.SolidBrush(System.Drawing.Color.Green);

        g.DrawString(addText, f, b, 35, 35);

Ejemplo n.º 31
    private void OutputImage()
        Response.ContentType = "image/png";
        Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment:filename=icon2011111802.png");
        string fullpath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/images/icon2011111802.png");

        using (System.Drawing.Bitmap bitmaip = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(fullpath))
            using (System.Drawing.Graphics g = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(bitmaip))
                //add watermark to the image

                g.DrawString("pngExample", new System.Drawing.Font("宋体", 14f), System.Drawing.Brushes.YellowGreen, bitmaip.Width, bitmaip.Height);
            bitmaip.Save(Response.OutputStream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);
Ejemplo n.º 32
    /// <summary>
    /// 在图片上添加文字水印
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="path">要添加水印的图片路径</param>
    /// <param name="syPath">生成的水印图片存放的位置</param>
    public static void AddWaterWord(Stream path, string syPath,float x,float y,string syWord)
        System.Drawing.Image image = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(path);

        System.Drawing.Graphics graphic = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(image);
        graphic.DrawImage(image, 0, 0, image.Width, image.Height);

        System.Drawing.Font f = new System.Drawing.Font("PingFang SC", 28);

        System.Drawing.Brush b = new System.Drawing.SolidBrush(System.Drawing.Color.Black);

        graphic.DrawString(syWord, f, b, x, y);


Ejemplo n.º 33
    public void AutoImage(string strCompanyName)
        Int16 swidth = Convert.ToInt16(strCompanyName.Length * 13);

        System.Drawing.Bitmap   objBMP      = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(swidth, 30);
        System.Drawing.Graphics objGraphics = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(objBMP);
        objGraphics.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAliasGridFit;
        //' Configure font to use for text
        System.Drawing.Font objFont = new System.Drawing.Font("Arial", 15, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold);

        string randomStr = strCompanyName;

        int[] myIntArray = new int[6];
        int   x;

        //That is to create the random # and add it to our string
        //Random autoRand = new Random();
        //for (x = 0; x < 6; x++)
        //    myIntArray[x] = System.Convert.ToInt32(autoRand.Next(0, 9));
        //    randomStr += (myIntArray[x].ToString());
        //This is to add the string to session cookie, to be compared later

        //' Write out the text
        objGraphics.DrawString(strCompanyName, objFont, System.Drawing.Brushes.Black, 3, 3);

        //' Set the content type and return the image
        //Response.ContentType = "image/GIF";
        objBMP.Save(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~\\provider\\LogoImages\\Default.jpg"), objBMP.RawFormat);
    private byte[] RenderFontTextToBitmapArray(int width, int height, System.Drawing.Font font, string textToRender, System.Drawing.Brush brush)
        System.Drawing.Bitmap     bmp   = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(width, height);
        System.Drawing.RectangleF rectf = new System.Drawing.RectangleF(0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height);
        System.Drawing.Graphics   g     = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(bmp);
        g.SmoothingMode     = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
        g.InterpolationMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
        g.PixelOffsetMode   = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality;
        g.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAliasGridFit;
        System.Drawing.StringFormat format = new System.Drawing.StringFormat()
            Alignment     = System.Drawing.StringAlignment.Center,
            LineAlignment = System.Drawing.StringAlignment.Center

        g.DrawString(textToRender, font, brush, rectf, format);

        using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
            bmp.Save(ms, bmp.RawFormat);
Ejemplo n.º 35
 protected void TitleDraw(System.Drawing.Graphics g)
     g.DrawString("ジャンプアクション3 Jump Action3", mFont, mSBWhite, 15, 20);
     g.DrawString("PRESS ANY KEY", mFont, mSBWhite, 40, 40);
Ejemplo n.º 36
        public override void DrawAppointment(System.Drawing.Graphics g, System.Drawing.Rectangle rect, Calendar.Appointment appointment, bool isSelected, System.Drawing.Rectangle gripRect)
            if (appointment == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("appointment");

            if (g == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("g");

             * Logic for drawing the appointment:
             * 1) Do something messy with the colours
             * 2) Determine background pattern
             * 2.1) App is locked -> HatchBrush
             * 2.2) Normal app -> Nothing
             * 3) Draw the background of appointment
             * 4) Draw the edges of appointment
             * 4.1) If app is selected -> just draw the selection rectangle
             * 4.2) If not -> draw the gripper, border (if required) and shadows

            if (rect.Width != 0 && rect.Height != 0)

                using (StringFormat format = new StringFormat())
                    format.Alignment     = StringAlignment.Near;
                    format.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Near;

                    // Draw the background of the appointment
                    if (isSelected)
                        g.FillRectangle(System.Drawing.Brushes.White, rect);
                        ExplorerSelection.DrawBackground(g, rect);
                        ExplorerSelection.DrawBackground(g, rect);
                        using (SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(appointment.FillColor))
                            g.FillRectangle(brush, rect);

                    // Draw gripper bar
                    gripRect = rect;
                    gripRect.Inflate(-2, -2);
                    gripRect.Width = 5;

                    using (SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(appointment.BarColor))
                        g.FillRectangle(brush, gripRect);

                    // Draw gripper border
                    using (Pen m_Pen = new Pen(ColorUtil.DarkerDrawing(appointment.BarColor, 0.5f), 1))
                        g.DrawRectangle(m_Pen, gripRect);

                    //  Draw appointment border if needed
                    if (!isSelected && appointment.DrawBorder)
                        using (Pen pen = new Pen(appointment.BorderColor, 1))
                            g.DrawRectangle(pen, rect.Left, rect.Top, rect.Width - 1, rect.Height - 1);

                    // draw appointment text
                    rect.X = gripRect.Right /* + 2*/;

                    g.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.ClearTypeGridFit;

                    Color textColor = (isSelected ? ColorUtil.DarkerDrawing(appointment.TextColor, 0.5f) : appointment.TextColor);

                    using (SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(textColor))
                        g.DrawString(appointment.Title, this.BaseFont, brush, rect, format);

                    g.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.SystemDefault;
Ejemplo n.º 37
        internal void Draw(Box box)
            System.Drawing.Graphics g = Graphics;

            if (box is Pack)
                Pack pack = box as Pack;
                Vector3D[] points = box.Points;

                Face[] faces = box.Faces;
                for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
                    // Face
                    Face face = faces[i];
                    // face normal
                    Vector3D normal = face.Normal;
                    // visible ?
                    if (!faces[i].IsVisible(_vTarget - _vCameraPos))
                    // color
                    faces[i].ColorFill = box.Colors[i];
                    double cosA  = System.Math.Abs(Vector3D.DotProduct(faces[i].Normal, VLight));
                    Color  color = Color.FromArgb((int)(faces[i].ColorFill.R * cosA), (int)(faces[i].ColorFill.G * cosA), (int)(faces[i].ColorFill.B * cosA));
                    // points
                    Vector3D[] points3D = faces[i].Points;
                    Point[]    pt       = TransformPoint(GetCurrentTransformation(), points3D);
                    //  draw solid face
                    Brush brush = new SolidBrush(color);
                    g.FillPolygon(brush, pt);
                    // draw textures
                    if (null != face.Textures && ShowTextures)
                        foreach (Texture texture in face.Textures)
                            Point[] ptsImage = TransformPoint(GetCurrentTransformation(), box.PointsImage(i, texture));
                            Point[] pts      = new Point[3];
                            pts[0] = ptsImage[3];
                            pts[1] = ptsImage[2];
                            pts[2] = ptsImage[0];
                            g.DrawImage(texture.Bitmap, pts);
                    // draw path
                    Brush brushPath    = new SolidBrush(faces[i].ColorPath);
                    Pen   penPathThick = new Pen(brushPath, box.IsBundle ? 2.0f : 1.5f);
                    int   ptCount      = pt.Length;
                    for (int j = 1; j < ptCount; ++j)
                        g.DrawLine(penPathThick, pt[j - 1], pt[j]);
                    g.DrawLine(penPathThick, pt[ptCount - 1], pt[0]);
                    // draw bundle lines
                    if (box.IsBundle && i < 4)
                        Pen penPathThin = new Pen(brushPath, 1.5f);
                        int noSlice     = Math.Min(box.BundleFlats, 4);
                        for (int iSlice = 0; iSlice < noSlice - 1; ++iSlice)
                            Vector3D[] ptSlice = new Vector3D[2];
                            ptSlice[0] = points3D[0] + ((double)(iSlice + 1) / (double)noSlice) * (points3D[3] - points3D[0]);
                            ptSlice[1] = points3D[1] + ((double)(iSlice + 1) / (double)noSlice) * (points3D[2] - points3D[1]);

                            Point[] pt2D = TransformPoint(GetCurrentTransformation(), ptSlice);
                            g.DrawLine(penPathThin, pt2D[0], pt2D[1]);

                // draw box tape
                if (box.ShowTape && faces[5].IsVisible(_vTarget - _vCameraPos))
                    // get color
                    double cosA  = System.Math.Abs(Vector3D.DotProduct(faces[5].Normal, VLight));
                    Color  color = Color.FromArgb((int)(box.TapeColor.R * cosA), (int)(box.TapeColor.G * cosA), (int)(box.TapeColor.B * cosA));
                    // instantiate brush
                    Brush brushTape = new SolidBrush(color);
                    // get tape points
                    Point[] pts = TransformPoint(GetCurrentTransformation(), box.TapePoints);
                    // fill polygon
                    g.FillPolygon(brushTape, pts);
                    // draw path
                    Brush brushPath    = new SolidBrush(faces[5].ColorPath);
                    Pen   penPathThick = new Pen(brushPath, 1.5f);
                    int   ptCount      = pts.Length;
                    for (int j = 1; j < ptCount; ++j)
                        g.DrawLine(penPathThick, pts[j - 1], pts[j]);
                    g.DrawLine(penPathThick, pts[ptCount - 1], pts[0]);
            if (_showBoxIds)
                // draw box id
                Point ptId = TransformPoint(GetCurrentTransformation(), box.TopFace.Center);
                    , new Font("Arial", 8.0f)
                    , Brushes.Black
                    , new Rectangle(ptId.X - 15, ptId.Y - 10, 30, 20)
                    , StringFormat.GenericDefault);
                    , new Font("Arial", 8.0f)
                    , Brushes.Red
                    , new Rectangle(ptId.X + 5, ptId.Y - 10, 30, 20)
                    , StringFormat.GenericDefault);
Ejemplo n.º 38
 protected void GameOverDraw(System.Drawing.Graphics g)
     g.DrawString("GAME OVER", mFont, mSBWhite, 40, 40);
Ejemplo n.º 39
        /// 〈summary>
        /// 在图片上增加文字水印
        /// 〈/summary>
        /// 〈param name="oldimage">原图片位置〈/param>
        /// 〈param name="Path_sy">生成的带文字水印的图片路径〈/param>
        protected static string MakeWaterTxt(string Oldimage, string NewPath, string NewName, WaterConfig mx)
                NewPath = ServerPath + NewPath + "/";
                if (!File.Exists(NewPath))   //如果路径不存在,则创建
                System.Drawing.Image    image = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(Oldimage);
                System.Drawing.Graphics g     = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(image);
                g.DrawImage(image, 0, 0, image.Width, image.Height);

                System.Drawing.FontStyle s = System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular;
                switch (mx.WM_FontForm)
                case "Bold":
                    s = System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold;

                case "Underline":
                    s = System.Drawing.FontStyle.Underline;

                case "Italic":
                    s = System.Drawing.FontStyle.Italic;

                case "Strikeout":
                    s = System.Drawing.FontStyle.Strikeout;
                System.Drawing.Font  f = new System.Drawing.Font(mx.WM_FontForm, Convert.ToInt32(mx.WM_FontSize), s);   //字体
                System.Drawing.Color c = System.Drawing.Color.FromName(mx.WM_FontColor);
                System.Drawing.Brush b = new System.Drawing.SolidBrush(c);

                if (mx.WM_Height == "0" || mx.WM_Width == "0")
                    mx.WM_Height = "100";
                    mx.WM_Width  = "200";
                Rectangle rf = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(image.Width - Convert.ToInt32(mx.WM_PlaceX), image.Height - Convert.ToInt32(mx.WM_PlaceY), Convert.ToInt32(mx.WM_Width), Convert.ToInt32(mx.WM_Height));
                switch (mx.WM_Location)
                case "LeftTop":
                    rf = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(Convert.ToInt32(mx.WM_PlaceX), Convert.ToInt32(mx.WM_PlaceY), Convert.ToInt32(mx.WM_Width), Convert.ToInt32(mx.WM_Height));

                case "LeftBottom":
                    rf = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(Convert.ToInt32(mx.WM_PlaceX), image.Height - Convert.ToInt32(mx.WM_PlaceY), Convert.ToInt32(mx.WM_Width), Convert.ToInt32(mx.WM_Height));

                case "RightTop":
                    rf = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(image.Width - Convert.ToInt32(mx.WM_PlaceX), Convert.ToInt32(mx.WM_PlaceY), Convert.ToInt32(mx.WM_Width), Convert.ToInt32(mx.WM_Height));
                    //case "RightBottom":
                    //    rf = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(image.Width - Convert.ToInt32(mx.WM_PlaceX), image.Height - Convert.ToInt32(mx.WM_PlaceY), Convert.ToInt32(mx.WM_Width), Convert.ToInt32(mx.WM_Height));
                    //    break;
                g.DrawString(mx.WM_Text, f, b, rf);    //字体位置20X20
                //g.DrawString(mx.WM_Text, f, b, Convert.ToInt32(mx.WM_PlaceX), Convert.ToInt32(mx.WM_PlaceY));    //字体位置20X20
                if (File.Exists(NewPath + NewName))//检查同名文件,如存在,删除
                    File.Delete(NewPath + NewName);
                image.Save(NewPath + NewName);
            catch (Exception ex)
Ejemplo n.º 40
        /// <summary>
        /// 功能:返回验证码图片
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult ValidateImg()
            Color color1 = new Color();
            Random ran = new Random();

            char[] c  = new char[62];
            char[] ou = new char[6];
            int    n  = 0;

            for (int i = 65; i < 91; i++)
                c[n] = (char)i;
            for (int j = 97; j < 123; j++)
                c[n] = (char)j;
            for (int k = 48; k < 58; k++)
                c[n] = (char)k;
            foreach (char ch in c)
            string outcode = "";

            for (int h = 0; h < 6; h++)
                ou[h]    = c[ran.Next(62)];
                outcode += ou[h].ToString();
            Session["ValidateImgCode"] = outcode;

            System.Drawing.Bitmap bmap = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(outcode.Length * 18, 25);

            System.Drawing.Graphics g = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(bmap);


            // 画图片的背景噪音线
            for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++)
                int x1 = ran.Next(bmap.Width);
                int x2 = ran.Next(bmap.Width);
                int y1 = ran.Next(bmap.Height);
                int y2 = ran.Next(bmap.Height);
                g.DrawLine(new Pen(color1), x1, y1, x2, y2);

            // 画图片的前景噪音线
            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                int x = ran.Next(bmap.Width);
                int y = ran.Next(bmap.Height);
                bmap.SetPixel(x, y, Color.FromArgb(ran.Next()));

            //4.使用DrawString 方法把要输出的字符串输出到画板上。输出的字符从参数(outcode)内获得。
            Font font = new Font("Arial", 14, FontStyle.Bold | FontStyle.Italic);
            LinearGradientBrush brush = new LinearGradientBrush(new Rectangle(0, 0, bmap.Width, bmap.Height), Color.Blue, Color.DarkRed, 1.2f, true);

            g.DrawString(outcode, font, brush, 0, 0);

            System.IO.MemoryStream ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream();

            bmap.Save(ms, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);

            //7.输出这张图片,由于此页面的 ContentType="image/jpeg" 所以会输出图片到客户端。同时输出是以字节输出,所以要把内存流转换为字节序列,使用ToArray()方法。
Ejemplo n.º 41
        //used to fire an event to retrieve formatting info
        //and then draw the cell with this formatting info
        protected override void Paint(System.Drawing.Graphics g, System.Drawing.Rectangle bounds, System.Windows.Forms.CurrencyManager source, int rowNum, System.Drawing.Brush backBrush, System.Drawing.Brush foreBrush, bool alignToRight)
            DataGridFormatCellEventArgs e = null;

            bool callBaseClass = true;

            //fire the formatting event
            if (SetCellFormat != null)
                int col = this.DataGridTableStyle.GridColumnStyles.IndexOf(this);
                e = new DataGridFormatCellEventArgs(rowNum, col, this.GetColumnValueAtRow(source, rowNum));
                SetCellFormat(this, e);

                if (e.BackBrush != null)
                    backBrush = e.BackBrush;

                //if these properties set, then must call drawstring
                if (e.ForeBrush != null || e.TextFont != null)
                    if (e.ForeBrush == null)
                        e.ForeBrush = foreBrush;
                    if (e.TextFont == null)
                        e.TextFont = this.DataGridTableStyle.DataGrid.Font;
                    g.FillRectangle(backBrush, bounds);
                    Region    saveRegion = g.Clip;
                    Rectangle rect       = new Rectangle(bounds.X, bounds.Y, bounds.Width, bounds.Height);
                    using (Region newRegion = new Region(rect))
                        g.Clip = newRegion;
                        int charWidth = (int)Math.Ceiling(g.MeasureString("c", e.TextFont, 20, StringFormat.GenericTypographic).Width);

                        string s        = this.GetColumnValueAtRow(source, rowNum).ToString();
                        int    maxChars = Math.Min(s.Length, (bounds.Width / charWidth));

                            g.DrawString(s.Substring(0, maxChars), e.TextFont, e.ForeBrush, bounds.X, bounds.Y + 2);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                        }                         //empty catch
                            g.Clip = saveRegion;
                    callBaseClass = false;

                if (!e.UseBaseClassDrawing)
                    callBaseClass = false;
            if (callBaseClass)
                base.Paint(g, bounds, source, rowNum, backBrush, foreBrush, alignToRight);

            //clean up
            if (e != null)
                if (e.BackBrushDispose)
                if (e.ForeBrushDispose)
                if (e.TextFontDispose)
Ejemplo n.º 42
        internal static pTexture CreateText(string text, float size, Vector2 restrictBounds, Color color, ShadowType shadow, bool bold, bool italic, bool underline, TextAlignment alignment, bool forceAa, out Vector2 measured, out RectangleF[] characterRegions, Color background, Color border, int borderWidth, bool measureOnly, bool getCharacterRegions, FontFace fontFace, Vector4 cornerBounds, Vector2 padding, pTexture lastTexture = null, int startIndex = 0, int length = -1)
            characterRegions = null;
            if (text == null)
                measured = Vector2.Zero;

            if (ConfigManager.dDisableTextRendering)
                measured = new Vector2(text.Length * size, size);

            if (!text.Contains(@"NativeText"))
                int  limit_per_second = osu.GameModes.Play.Player.Playing ? 5 : 58;
                bool newSecond        = GameBase.Time / 1000 != currentSecond;

                if (drawCount == limit_per_second)
                    Debug.Print(@"NativeText: High number of text refreshes per second.");

                if (newSecond)
                    currentSecond = GameBase.Time / 1000;
                    drawCount     = 0;

            //This lock ensures we are only using the shared GDI+ object (FromHwnd) in one place at a time.
            lock (createTextLock)
                    using (System.Drawing.Graphics graphics = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromHwnd(IntPtr.Zero))
                        using (StringFormat sf = new StringFormat())
                            if (dpiRatio == 0)
                                dpiRatio = 96 / graphics.DpiX;

                            size *= dpiRatio;


                            graphics.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias;

                            SizeF measuredSize;

                            string face = GetFontFace(fontFace);

                            if (face.StartsWith(@"Aller"))
                                //if we are using the default osu! font, allow specific language overrides based on simple detection.
                                string fontFaceOverride = getLanguageSpeicificFont(text);
                                if (fontFaceOverride != null)
                                    face = fontFaceOverride;

                            if (startIndex != 0 || length > 0)
                                text = text.Substring(startIndex, length);
                            else if (length == -1)
                                length = text.Length;

                            if (size < 20 && face.EndsWith(@" Light"))
                                face = face.Replace(@" Light", string.Empty);

                            FontStyle fs = FontStyle.Regular;
                            if (bold)
                                if (face.EndsWith(@" Light"))
                                    face = face.Replace(@" Light", string.Empty);
                                fs |= FontStyle.Bold;

                            if (italic)
                                fs |= FontStyle.Italic;

                            if (underline)
                                fs |= FontStyle.Underline;

                            switch (alignment)
                            case TextAlignment.Left:
                            case TextAlignment.LeftFixed:
                                sf.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near;

                            case TextAlignment.Centre:
                                sf.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;

                            case TextAlignment.Right:
                                sf.Alignment = StringAlignment.Far;

                            if (!OsuMain.IsWine && face.StartsWith(@"Aller"))
                                for (char c = '0'; c <= '9'; c++)
                                    text = text.Replace(c, (char)(c + (0xf83c - '0')));

                            Font f = GetFont(face, size * ScaleModifier, fs);
                            if (ScaleModifier != 1)
                                restrictBounds *= ScaleModifier;

                                if (text.Length == 0)
                                    text = " ";
                                measuredSize = restrictBounds != Vector2.Zero
                                                ? graphics.MeasureString(text, f, new SizeF(restrictBounds.X, restrictBounds.Y), sf)
                                                : graphics.MeasureString(text, f);
                            catch (InvalidOperationException)
                                measured = Vector2.Zero;

                            int width  = (int)(measuredSize.Width + 1);
                            int height = (int)(measuredSize.Height + 1);

                            if (restrictBounds.Y != 0)
                                height = (int)restrictBounds.Y;

                            if (restrictBounds.X != 0 && (alignment != TextAlignment.Left || background.A > 0))
                                width = (int)restrictBounds.X;

                            if (padding != Vector2.Zero && restrictBounds == Vector2.Zero)
                                width  += (int)(padding.X * 2);
                                height += (int)(padding.Y * 2);

                            measured = new Vector2(width, height);
                            float offset = Math.Max(0.5f, Math.Min(1f, (size * ScaleModifier) / 14));

                            if (getCharacterRegions)
                                characterRegions = new RectangleF[text.Length];

                                // SetMeasurableCharacterRanges only accepts a maximum of 32 intervals to be queried, so we as the library user are
                                // forced to split the string into 32 character long chunks and perform MeasureCharacterRanges on each.
                                int numIntervals = (text.Length / 32) + 1;
                                for (int i = 0; i < numIntervals; ++i)
                                    int offsetIndex = i * 32;
                                    int end         = Math.Min(text.Length - offsetIndex, 32);

                                    CharacterRange[] characterRanges = new CharacterRange[end];
                                    for (int j = 0; j < end; ++j)
                                        characterRanges[j] = new CharacterRange(j + offsetIndex, 1);

                                    Region[] regions = graphics.MeasureCharacterRanges(
                                        new RectangleF(
                                            restrictBounds.X == 0 ? Single.PositiveInfinity : restrictBounds.X,
                                            restrictBounds.Y == 0 ? Single.PositiveInfinity : restrictBounds.Y),

                                    for (int j = 0; j < end; ++j)
                                        Region region = regions[j] as Region;
                                        characterRegions[j + offsetIndex] = region.GetBounds(graphics);

                            if (measureOnly)
                                int startSpace = 0;
                                int endSpace   = 0;

                                int i = 0;
                                while (i < text.Length && text[i++] == ' ')
                                int j = text.Length - 1;
                                while (j >= i && text[j--] == ' ')
                                if (startSpace == text.Length)
                                    endSpace += startSpace;

                                measured = new Vector2(width + (endSpace * 5.145f * size / 12), height);

                            using (Bitmap b = new Bitmap(width, height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb))
                                using (System.Drawing.Graphics g = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(b))
                                    //Quality settings
                                    g.TextRenderingHint = graphics.TextRenderingHint;
                                    g.SmoothingMode     = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
                                    g.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;

                                    if (background.A > 0)
                                        if (cornerBounds != Vector4.Zero)
                                            fillRoundedRectangle(g, new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height), new SolidBrush(OsuMathHelper.CConvert(background)), cornerBounds);

                                            if (borderWidth > 0)
                                                                     new Rectangle(0, 0, width - (int)Math.Ceiling(borderWidth / 2f), height - (int)Math.Ceiling(borderWidth / 2f)),
                                                                     new Pen(OsuMathHelper.CConvert(border), borderWidth),
                                            if (borderWidth > 0)
                                                g.DrawRectangle(new Pen(OsuMathHelper.CConvert(border), borderWidth),
                                                                new Rectangle(borderWidth / 2, borderWidth / 2, width - borderWidth, height - borderWidth));
                                        g.Clear(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(1, color.R, color.G, color.B));

                                    using (Brush brush = new SolidBrush(OsuMathHelper.CConvert(color)))
                                        if (restrictBounds != Vector2.Zero)
                                            restrictBounds.X -= padding.X * 2;
                                            restrictBounds.Y -= padding.Y * 2;

                                            switch (shadow)
                                            case ShadowType.Normal:
                                                g.DrawString(text, f, shadowBrush, new RectangleF(padding.X - offset, offset + padding.Y, restrictBounds.X, restrictBounds.Y), sf);
                                                g.DrawString(text, f, shadowBrush, new RectangleF(padding.X + offset, offset + padding.Y, restrictBounds.X, restrictBounds.Y), sf);

                                            case ShadowType.Border:
                                                Brush borderBrush = greyBrush;
                                                if (background.A == 0 && borderWidth == 1 && border.A > 0)
                                                    borderBrush = new SolidBrush(OsuMathHelper.CConvert(border));

                                                g.DrawString(text, f, borderBrush, new RectangleF(padding.X + offset, padding.Y + offset, restrictBounds.X, restrictBounds.Y), sf);
                                                g.DrawString(text, f, borderBrush, new RectangleF(padding.X + offset, padding.Y - offset, restrictBounds.X, restrictBounds.Y), sf);
                                                g.DrawString(text, f, borderBrush, new RectangleF(padding.X - offset, padding.Y + offset, restrictBounds.X, restrictBounds.Y), sf);
                                                g.DrawString(text, f, borderBrush, new RectangleF(padding.X - offset, padding.Y - offset, restrictBounds.X, restrictBounds.Y), sf);

                                            g.DrawString(text, f, brush, new RectangleF(padding.X, padding.Y, restrictBounds.X, restrictBounds.Y), sf);
                                            switch (shadow)
                                            case ShadowType.Normal:
                                                g.DrawString(text, f, shadowBrush, padding.X - offset, padding.Y + offset);
                                                g.DrawString(text, f, shadowBrush, padding.X + offset, padding.Y + offset);

                                            case ShadowType.Border:
                                                Brush borderBrush = greyBrush;
                                                if (background.A == 0 && borderWidth == 1 && border.A > 0)
                                                    borderBrush = new SolidBrush(OsuMathHelper.CConvert(border));

                                                g.DrawString(text, f, borderBrush, padding.X + offset, padding.Y + offset);
                                                g.DrawString(text, f, borderBrush, padding.X - offset, padding.Y + offset);
                                                g.DrawString(text, f, borderBrush, padding.X + offset, padding.Y - offset);
                                                g.DrawString(text, f, borderBrush, padding.X - offset, padding.Y - offset);

                                            g.DrawString(text, f, brush, padding.X, padding.Y);

                                    //if (lastTexture == null || lastTexture.isDisposed)
                                        lastTexture            = pTexture.FromBitmap(b);
                                        lastTexture.Disposable = true;

                                     * {
                                     *  lastTexture.Width = b.Width;
                                     *  lastTexture.Height = b.Height;
                                     *  lastTexture.SetData(b);
                                     * }*/

                catch (Exception e)
                    measured = Vector2.Zero;
    protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        HttpPostedFile hpf = uploadImage.PostedFile;

        char[]   splitChar     = { '\\' };
        string[] FilenameArray = hpf.FileName.Split(splitChar);
        string   Filename      = FilenameArray[FilenameArray.Length - 1].ToLower();

        //string sMessage = lineStr(TextBox3.Text.Trim().ToString(), 20);

        if (hpf.FileName.Length < 1)
            panelAttention.Visible = true;
            lbAttention.Text       = "请选择你要上传的图片文件";
        if (hpf.ContentType != "image/jpeg" && hpf.ContentType != "image/gif")
            panelAttention.Visible = true;
            lbAttention.Text       = "只允许上传JPEG GIF文件";
            System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

            if (Filename.ToLower().EndsWith("gif"))
            else if (Filename.ToLower().EndsWith("jpg"))
            else if (Filename.ToLower().EndsWith("jpeg"))
            Filename = sb.ToString();

                hpf.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~") + "/images/onsale/wear/big_" + Filename);
            catch (Exception ee)
                panelAttention.Visible = true;
                lbAttention.Text       = "上传图片失败,原因:" + ee.Message;

            string originalFilename = hpf.FileName;
            string strFile = Server.MapPath("~") + "/images/onsale/wear/small/small_" + Filename;

            System.Drawing.Image image = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(hpf.InputStream, true);

            Double        Width = Double.Parse(TextBox1.Text.Trim());
            Double        Height = Double.Parse(TextBox2.Text.Trim());
            System.Double newWidth, newHeight;
            if (image.Width > image.Height)
                newWidth  = Width;
                newHeight = image.Height * (newWidth / image.Width);
                newHeight = Height;
                newWidth  = image.Width * (newHeight / image.Height);
            if (newWidth > Width)
                newWidth = Width;
            if (newHeight > Height)
                newHeight = Height;
            System.Drawing.Size     size   = new System.Drawing.Size((int)newWidth, (int)newHeight); //设置图片的宽度和高度
            System.Drawing.Image    bitmap = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(size.Width, size.Height);     //新建bmp图片
            System.Drawing.Graphics g      = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(bitmap);              //新建画板
            g.InterpolationMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.High;                   //制定高质量插值法
            g.SmoothingMode     = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.HighQuality;                //设置高质量、低速度呈现平滑程度
            g.Clear(System.Drawing.Color.White);                                                     //清空画布
            g.DrawImage(image, new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height), new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, image.Width, image.Height), System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Pixel);

            System.Drawing.Graphics testGrahpics = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(bitmap);
            System.Drawing.Font     font         = new System.Drawing.Font("宋体", 10);
            System.Drawing.Brush    brush        = new System.Drawing.SolidBrush(System.Drawing.Color.Black);

            string sInput = TextBox3.Text.Trim().ToString(); //获取输入的水印文字
            int    coloum = Convert.ToInt32(TextBox4.Text);  //获取每行的字符数
            for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < sInput.Length; i += coloum, j++)
                if (j != sInput.Length / coloum)
                    string s = sInput.Substring(i, coloum);
                    testGrahpics.DrawString(s, font, brush, 20, 20 * (i / coloum + 1));
                    string s = sInput.Substring(i, sInput.Length % coloum);
                    testGrahpics.DrawString(s, font, brush, 20, 20 * (j + 1));
                bitmap.Save(strFile, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);
            catch (Exception ex)
                paneInfo.Visible = true;
                lbInfo.Text      = "保存缩略图失败" + ex.Message;

        Entity.PicturesItem pic = new Entity.PicturesItem();
        // pic.setIntImageID(int.Parse(lbImageID.Text));
        pic.setBigImg("images/onsale/wear/big_" + Filename);
        pic.setSmallImg("images/onsale/wear/small/small_" + Filename);

        switch (btnSubmit.Text)
        case "新增":    //新增模式
            if (picture.InserItemsPic(pic))
                panelSuccess.Visible = true;
                lbSuccess.Text       = "新增图片成功!";
                panelError.Visible = true;
                lbError.Text       = "新增图片失败!";

        case "修改":    //修改模式
            //int.Parse(lbImageID.Text), int.Parse(lbItemId.Text), "images/onsale/wear/big_" + Filename, "images/onsale/wear/small/small_" + Filename, ""
            if (picture.UpdatePicByID(pic))
                panelSuccess.Visible = true;
                lbSuccess.Text       = "修改图片成功!";
                panelError.Visible = true;
                lbError.Text       = "修改图片失败!";
Ejemplo n.º 44
        /// <summary>This method will paint the group title.</summary>
        /// <param name="g">The paint event graphics object.</param>
        private void PaintGroupText(System.Drawing.Graphics g)
            //Check if string has something-------------
            if (this.GroupTitle == string.Empty)

            //Set Graphics smoothing mode to Anit-Alias--
            g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;

            //Declare Variables------------------
            SizeF stringSize  = g.MeasureString(this.GroupTitle, this.Font);
            Size  stringSize2 = stringSize.ToSize();

            if (this.GroupImage != null)
                stringSize2.Width += 18;
            //int ArcWidth = this.RoundCorners;
            //int ArcHeight = this.RoundCorners;
            int arcWidth  = this.HeaderRoundCorners;
            int arcHeight = this.HeaderRoundCorners;
            //int intX1 = 0;
            //int intX2 = 0;

            //int ArcX1 = 10;
            //int ArcX2 = (StringSize2.Width + 34) - (ArcWidth + 1);
            int ArcX1 = 20;
            int ArcX2 = (stringSize2.Width + 34) - (arcWidth + 1);
            int ArcY1 = 2;
            int ArcY2 = 22 - (arcHeight + 1);

            //Add by WZW 2008-12-16 增加GroupTitleBox对齐方式 ===Start
            int intMidX           = this.Size.Width / 2;
            int intMidX1          = (ArcX2 - ArcX1) / 2;
            int CustomStringWidth = (this.GroupImage != null) ? 44 : 28;

            _vXTrans = intMidX - intMidX1 - ArcX1;//X坐标平移距离
            int intTitleTextSpace = CustomStringWidth - ArcX1;

            if (this._vGroupBoxAlignMode == GroupBoxAlignMode.Center)
                ArcX1             = intMidX - intMidX1;
                ArcX2             = intMidX + intMidX1;
                CustomStringWidth = ArcX1 + intTitleTextSpace;
            else if (this._vGroupBoxAlignMode == GroupBoxAlignMode.Right)
                ArcX1             = intMidX + intMidX - ArcX2;
                ArcX2             = ArcX1 + intMidX1 + intMidX1;
                CustomStringWidth = ArcX1 + intTitleTextSpace;
            ArcX1 -= this.TitleLeftSpace;
            ArcX2 -= this.TitleLeftSpace;

            //Add by WZW 2008-12-16 增加GroupTitleBox对齐方式 ===End
            System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsPath path = new System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsPath();
            System.Drawing.Brush BorderBrush           = new SolidBrush(this.BorderColor);
            System.Drawing.Pen   BorderPen             = new Pen(BorderBrush, this.BorderThickness);
            System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush BackgroundGradientBrush = null;
            System.Drawing.Brush                  BackgroundBrush = (this.PaintGroupBox) ? new SolidBrush(this.CustomGroupBoxColor) : new SolidBrush(this.BackgroundColor);
            System.Drawing.SolidBrush             TextColorBrush  = new SolidBrush(this.ForeColor);
            System.Drawing.SolidBrush             ShadowBrush     = null;
            System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsPath ShadowPath      = null;

            //Check if shadow is needed----------
            if (this.ShadowControl)
                ShadowBrush = new SolidBrush(this.ShadowColor);
                ShadowPath  = new System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsPath();
                ShadowPath.AddArc(ArcX1 + (this.ShadowThickness - 1), ArcY1 + (this.ShadowThickness - 1), arcWidth, arcHeight, 180, GroupBoxConstants.SweepAngle); // Top Left
                ShadowPath.AddArc(ArcX2 + (this.ShadowThickness - 1), ArcY1 + (this.ShadowThickness - 1), arcWidth, arcHeight, 270, GroupBoxConstants.SweepAngle); //Top Right
                ShadowPath.AddArc(ArcX2 + (this.ShadowThickness - 1), ArcY2 + (this.ShadowThickness - 1), arcWidth, arcHeight, 360, GroupBoxConstants.SweepAngle); //Bottom Right
                ShadowPath.AddArc(ArcX1 + (this.ShadowThickness - 1), ArcY2 + (this.ShadowThickness - 1), arcWidth, arcHeight, 90, GroupBoxConstants.SweepAngle);  //Bottom Left

                //Paint Rounded Rectangle------------
                g.FillPath(new SolidBrush(Color.Transparent), ShadowPath);
                //g.FillPath(ShadowBrush, ShadowPath);
            //Edit BY WZW 2008-12-16
            if (this._vShowTileRectangle)
                path.AddArc(ArcX1, ArcY1, arcWidth, arcHeight, 180, GroupBoxConstants.SweepAngle); // Top Left
                path.AddArc(ArcX2, ArcY1, arcWidth, arcHeight, 270, GroupBoxConstants.SweepAngle); //Top Right
                path.AddArc(ArcX2, ArcY2, arcWidth, arcHeight, 360, GroupBoxConstants.SweepAngle); //Bottom Right
                path.AddArc(ArcX1, ArcY2, arcWidth, arcHeight, 90, GroupBoxConstants.SweepAngle);  //Bottom Left
                g.DrawPath(BorderPen, path);


            //Check if Gradient Mode is enabled--
            if (this.PaintGroupBox)
                //Paint Rounded Rectangle------------
                g.FillPath(BackgroundBrush, path);
                if (this.BackgroundGradientMode == GroupBoxGradientMode.None)
                    //Paint Rounded Rectangle------------
                    g.FillPath(BackgroundBrush, path);
                    BackgroundGradientBrush = new LinearGradientBrush(new Rectangle(0, 0, this.Width, this.Height), this.BackgroundColor, this.BackgroundGradientColor, (LinearGradientMode)this.BackgroundGradientMode);

                    //Paint Rounded Rectangle------------
                    g.FillPath(BackgroundGradientBrush, path);

            //int CustomStringWidth = (this.GroupImage != null) ? 44 : 28;
            //    CustomStringWidth += 2;

            //g.DrawString(this.GroupTitle, this.Font, TextColorBrush, CustomStringWidth, 5);

            // g.DrawString(this.GroupTitle, this.Font, TextColorBrush, CustomStringWidth-this.TitleLeftSpace-2, 5);
            g.DrawString(this.GroupTitle, this.Font, TextColorBrush, CustomStringWidth - this.TitleLeftSpace, 5);

            //Draw GroupImage if there is one----
            if (this.GroupImage != null)
                //因增加了标题对齐功能,需修改X坐标值 By  WZW 2008-12-17
                g.DrawImage(this.GroupImage, ArcX1 + 5, 4, 16, 16);

            if (path != null)
            if (BorderBrush != null)
            if (BorderPen != null)
            if (BackgroundGradientBrush != null)
            if (BackgroundBrush != null)
            if (TextColorBrush != null)
            if (ShadowBrush != null)
            if (ShadowPath != null)
Ejemplo n.º 45
 public void drawString()
     graphicsObj2.DrawString("Game over, press ENTER to play again", new Font("Arial", 22), myBrush, new Point(10, WINHEIGHT / 2));
Ejemplo n.º 46
    public ArrayList batUpload()
        //string shopName = "";
        //string strSQL = "select shopName from T_Shop_User where shopid=(select ProviderInfo from T_Goods_info where goodsid='" + goodsId + "' and Datafrom='ShopSeller');select memberName from T_member_info where memberId=(select ProviderInfo from T_Goods_info where goodsid='" + goodsId + "' and Datafrom='PersonSeller');";

        //DataSet ds = adohelper.ExecuteSqlDataset(strSQL);
        //if (ds == null || ds.Tables.Count < 2)
        //    return null;

        //if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
        //    shopName = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString();
        //    shopName = ds.Tables[1].Rows[0][0].ToString();

        ArrayList list      = new ArrayList();
        AdoHelper adohelper = AdoHelper.CreateHelper(StarTech.Util.AppConfig.DBInstance);
        HttpFileCollection files = Request.Files;

        for (int i = 0; i < files.Count; i++)
            HttpPostedFile       postedFile = files[i];
            HtmlInputCheckBox [] ck         = { Checkbox1, Checkbox2, Checkbox3, Checkbox4 };
            if (postedFile.FileName != "")
                int fileSize = postedFile.ContentLength / 1024;
                if (fileSize == 0)
                    fileSize = 1;

                string oldFileName = Path.GetFileName(postedFile.FileName);

                string oldFileExt = Path.GetExtension(oldFileName);

                string newFileName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + oldFileExt;

                string webDirectory  = "/upload/goodsadmin/" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "/";
                string saveDirectory = Server.MapPath(webDirectory);
                if (!Directory.Exists(saveDirectory))

                string savePath = saveDirectory + newFileName;

                string savePath2    = savePath;
                string newFileName2 = newFileName;
                if (ck[i].Checked)
                    //System.Drawing.Image nowImg = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(savePath);
                    System.Drawing.Bitmap nowImg2 = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(savePath);
                    System.Drawing.Bitmap nowImg  = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(nowImg2.Width, nowImg2.Height);

                    float x = nowImg.Width - 50;
                    float y = nowImg.Height - 30;

                    System.Drawing.Graphics g = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(nowImg);
                    g.DrawImage(nowImg2, 0, 0);
                    System.Drawing.Font  f = new System.Drawing.Font("华文彩云", 12);
                    System.Drawing.Brush b = new System.Drawing.SolidBrush(System.Drawing.Color.Black);
                    g.DrawString("才通天下微信公号", f, b, x, y);
                    f = new System.Drawing.Font("华文琥珀", 12);
                    b = new System.Drawing.SolidBrush(System.Drawing.Color.White);
                    g.DrawString("才通天下微信公号·", f, b, x, y);
                    //savePath2 = webDirectory + newFileName.Replace(oldFileExt, "" + oldFileExt);
                    string nGuid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                    nGuid        = nGuid.Replace(nGuid[new Random().Next(1, 9)], nGuid[new Random().Next(10, 15)]);
                    newFileName2 = nGuid + oldFileExt;
                    savePath2    = webDirectory + newFileName2;
                    MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
                    nowImg.Save(ms, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);
                    byte[] imgData = ms.ToArray();
                    FileStream fs = new FileStream(savePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite);
                    if (fs != null)
                        fs.Write(imgData, 0, imgData.Length);

                MakeSmallPic(Server.MapPath(webDirectory + newFileName), Server.MapPath(webDirectory + newFileName.Replace(oldFileExt, ".jpg")));
                string goodsSmallPic = webDirectory + newFileName.Replace(oldFileExt, "" + oldFileExt);

                list.Add(oldFileName + "|" + fileSize + "|" + goodsSmallPic);
Ejemplo n.º 47
        private void DrawScreen(System.Drawing.Graphics gfx)
            PolynomialDegreeLabel.Visible = Menu_Project1.Checked;
            PolynomialDegreeValue.Visible = Menu_Project1.Checked;

            // to prevent unecessary drawing
            if (pts_.Count == 0)

            // pens used for drawing elements of the display
            System.Drawing.Pen polyPen   = new Pen(Color.Gray, 1.0f);
            System.Drawing.Pen shellPen  = new Pen(Color.Blue, 0.5f);
            System.Drawing.Pen splinePen = new Pen(Color.Red, 1.5f);

            if (Menu_Shell.Checked)
                // draw the shell
                DrawShell(gfx, shellPen, pts_, tVal_);

            if (Menu_Polyline.Checked)
                // draw the control poly
                for (int i = 1; i < pts_.Count; ++i)
                    gfx.DrawLine(polyPen, pts_[i - 1].P(), pts_[i].P());

            if (Menu_Points.Checked)
                // draw the control points
                foreach (Point2D pt in pts_)
                    gfx.DrawEllipse(polyPen, pt.x - 2.0F, pt.y - 2.0F, 4.0F, 4.0F);

            // you can change these variables at will; i have just chosen there
            //  to be six sample points for every point placed on the screen
            float steps = pts_.Count * 6;
            float alpha = 1 / steps;

            // Drawing code for algorithms goes in here                                  //

            //Project # checked
            if (Menu_Project1.Checked)
                //Tweak these
                //Start with degree # of points
                //Initial degree:  1
                //Initial coef vals (have d+1 coef):  all 1's
                //Drag points up and down--coef corresponds to y val, do NOT change x val
                //Curve should move along with the coef. on its own given the stuff below
                //Up degree, change coef. / Bernstein poly all over again

                // DeCastlejau algorithm
                if (Menu_DeCast.Checked)
                    Point2D current_left;
                    Point2D current_right = new Point2D(DeCastlejau(0));

                    for (float t = alpha; t < 1; t += alpha)
                        current_left  = current_right;
                        current_right = DeCastlejau(t);
                        gfx.DrawLine(splinePen, current_left.P(), current_right.P());

                    gfx.DrawLine(splinePen, current_right.P(), DeCastlejau(1).P());

                // Bernstein polynomial
                if (Menu_Bern.Checked)
                    Point2D current_left;
                    Point2D current_right = new Point2D(Bernstein(0));

                    for (float t = alpha; t < 1; t += alpha)
                        current_left  = current_right;
                        current_right = Bernstein(t);
                        gfx.DrawLine(splinePen, current_left.P(), current_right.P());

                    gfx.DrawLine(splinePen, current_right.P(), Bernstein(1).P());

            if (Menu_Project2.Checked)

            if (Menu_Project3.Checked)

            if (Menu_Project4.Checked)

            if (Menu_Project5.Checked)

            if (Menu_Project6.Checked)

            if (Menu_Project7.Checked)

            if (Menu_Project8.Checked)

            // DeCastlejau algorithm
            if (Menu_DeCast.Checked)
                Point2D current_left;
                Point2D current_right = new Point2D(DeCastlejau(0));

                //Loop to connect 'major' points w/ coef. attached
                for (float t = alpha; t < 1; t += alpha)
                    current_left  = current_right;
                    current_right = DeCastlejau(t);
                    gfx.DrawLine(splinePen, current_left.P(), current_right.P());

                gfx.DrawLine(splinePen, current_right.P(), DeCastlejau(1).P());

            // Bernstein polynomial
            if (Menu_Bern.Checked)
                Point2D current_left;
                Point2D current_right = new Point2D(Bernstein(0));

                for (float t = alpha; t < 1; t += alpha)
                    current_left = current_right;

                    current_right = Bernstein(t);

                    gfx.DrawLine(splinePen, current_left.P(), current_right.P());

                //Do NOT want Bernstein(1), as this will make the (1-t) term always 0--cancels everything else out!
                //Instead, use something very close to 1
                gfx.DrawLine(splinePen, current_right.P(), Bernstein(1).P());

            // Midpoint algorithm
            if (Menu_Midpoint.Checked)
                DrawMidpoint(gfx, splinePen, pts_);

            // polygon interpolation
            if (Menu_Inter_Poly.Checked)
                Point2D current_left;
                Point2D current_right = new Point2D(PolyInterpolate(0));

                for (float t = alpha; t < pts_.Count; t += alpha)
                    current_left  = current_right;
                    current_right = PolyInterpolate(t);
                    gfx.DrawLine(splinePen, current_left.P(), current_right.P());

                gfx.DrawLine(splinePen, current_right.P(), PolyInterpolate(pts_.Count).P());

            // spline interpolation
            if (Menu_Inter_Splines.Checked)
                Point2D current_left;
                Point2D current_right = new Point2D(SplineInterpolate(0));

                for (float t = alpha; t < pts_.Count; t += alpha)
                // for(int t=0;t<pts_.Count;t++)
                    current_left  = current_right;
                    current_right = SplineInterpolate(t);
                    gfx.DrawLine(splinePen, current_left.P(), current_right.P());

                gfx.DrawLine(splinePen, current_right.P(), SplineInterpolate(pts_.Count).P());

            // deboor
            if (Menu_DeBoor.Checked && pts_.Count >= 2)
                Point2D current_left;
                Point2D current_right = new Point2D(DeBoorAlgthm(knot_[degree_]));

                float lastT = knot_[knot_.Count - degree_ - 1] - alpha;
                for (float t = alpha; t < lastT; t += alpha)
                    current_left  = current_right;
                    current_right = DeBoorAlgthm(t);
                    gfx.DrawLine(splinePen, current_left.P(), current_right.P());

                gfx.DrawLine(splinePen, current_right.P(), DeBoorAlgthm(lastT).P());

            // Drawing code end                                                          //

            // Heads up Display drawing code

            Font arial = new Font("Arial", 12);

            if (Menu_DeCast.Checked)
                gfx.DrawString("DeCasteljau", arial, Brushes.Black, 0, 30);
            else if (Menu_Midpoint.Checked)
                gfx.DrawString("Midpoint", arial, Brushes.Black, 0, 30);
            else if (Menu_Bern.Checked)
                gfx.DrawString("Bernstein", arial, Brushes.Black, 0, 30);
            else if (Menu_DeBoor.Checked)
                gfx.DrawString("DeBoor", arial, Brushes.Black, 0, 30);

            gfx.DrawString("t-value: " + tVal_.ToString("F"), arial, Brushes.Black, 500, 30);

            gfx.DrawString("t-step: " + alpha.ToString("F6"), arial, Brushes.Black, 600, 30);

            gfx.DrawString(pts_.Count.ToString(), arial, Brushes.Black, 750, 30);
Ejemplo n.º 48
        /// <summary>
        /// 图片等比缩放
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>谭光洪 2015-05-09</remarks>
        /// <param name="fromFile">原图Stream对象</param>
        /// <param name="savePath">缩略图存放地址</param>
        /// <param name="targetWidth">指定的最大宽度</param>
        /// <param name="targetHeight">指定的最大高度</param>
        /// <param name="watermarkText">水印文字(为""表示不使用水印)</param>
        /// <param name="watermarkImage">水印图片路径(为""表示不使用水印)</param>
        public static void ZoomAuto(System.IO.Stream fromFile, string savePath, System.Double targetWidth, System.Double targetHeight, string watermarkText, string watermarkImage)
            string dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(savePath);

            if (!Directory.Exists(dir))

            System.Drawing.Image initImage = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(fromFile, true);

            if (initImage.Width <= targetWidth && initImage.Height <= targetHeight)
                if (watermarkText != "")
                    using (System.Drawing.Graphics gWater = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(initImage))
                        System.Drawing.Font  fontWater  = new Font("黑体", 10);
                        System.Drawing.Brush brushWater = new SolidBrush(Color.White);
                        gWater.DrawString(watermarkText, fontWater, brushWater, 10, 10);

                if (watermarkImage != "")
                    if (File.Exists(watermarkImage))
                        using (System.Drawing.Image wrImage = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(watermarkImage))
                            if (initImage.Width >= wrImage.Width && initImage.Height >= wrImage.Height)
                                Graphics gWater = Graphics.FromImage(initImage);

                                ImageAttributes imgAttributes = new ImageAttributes();
                                ColorMap        colorMap      = new ColorMap();
                                colorMap.OldColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 255, 0);
                                colorMap.NewColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0, 0);
                                ColorMap[] remapTable = { colorMap };
                                imgAttributes.SetRemapTable(remapTable, ColorAdjustType.Bitmap);

                                float[][] colorMatrixElements =
                                    new float[] { 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f },
                                    new float[] { 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f },
                                    new float[] { 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f },
                                    new float[] { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f },//透明度:0.5
                                    new float[] { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f }

                                ColorMatrix wmColorMatrix = new ColorMatrix(colorMatrixElements);
                                imgAttributes.SetColorMatrix(wmColorMatrix, ColorMatrixFlag.Default, ColorAdjustType.Bitmap);
                                gWater.DrawImage(wrImage, new Rectangle(initImage.Width - wrImage.Width, initImage.Height - wrImage.Height, wrImage.Width, wrImage.Height), 0, 0, wrImage.Width, wrImage.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, imgAttributes);


                initImage.Save(savePath, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);
                double newWidth  = initImage.Width;
                double newHeight = initImage.Height;

                if (initImage.Width > initImage.Height || initImage.Width == initImage.Height)
                    if (initImage.Width > targetWidth)
                        newWidth  = targetWidth;
                        newHeight = initImage.Height * (targetWidth / initImage.Width);
                    if (initImage.Height > targetHeight)
                        newHeight = targetHeight;
                        newWidth  = initImage.Width * (targetHeight / initImage.Height);

                System.Drawing.Image newImage = new System.Drawing.Bitmap((int)newWidth, (int)newHeight);
                System.Drawing.Graphics newG = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(newImage);

                newG.InterpolationMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
                newG.SmoothingMode     = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.HighQuality;

                newG.DrawImage(initImage, new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, newImage.Width, newImage.Height), new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, initImage.Width, initImage.Height), System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Pixel);

                if (watermarkText != "")
                    using (System.Drawing.Graphics gWater = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(newImage))
                        System.Drawing.Font  fontWater  = new Font("宋体", 10);
                        System.Drawing.Brush brushWater = new SolidBrush(Color.White);
                        gWater.DrawString(watermarkText, fontWater, brushWater, 10, 10);

                if (watermarkImage != "")
                    if (File.Exists(watermarkImage))
                        using (System.Drawing.Image wrImage = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(watermarkImage))
                            if (newImage.Width >= wrImage.Width && newImage.Height >= wrImage.Height)
                                Graphics gWater = Graphics.FromImage(newImage);

                                ImageAttributes imgAttributes = new ImageAttributes();
                                ColorMap        colorMap      = new ColorMap();
                                colorMap.OldColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 255, 0);
                                colorMap.NewColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0, 0);
                                ColorMap[] remapTable = { colorMap };
                                imgAttributes.SetRemapTable(remapTable, ColorAdjustType.Bitmap);

                                float[][] colorMatrixElements =
                                    new float[] { 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f },
                                    new float[] { 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f },
                                    new float[] { 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f },
                                    new float[] { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f },//透明度:0.5
                                    new float[] { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f }

                                ColorMatrix wmColorMatrix = new ColorMatrix(colorMatrixElements);
                                imgAttributes.SetColorMatrix(wmColorMatrix, ColorMatrixFlag.Default, ColorAdjustType.Bitmap);
                                gWater.DrawImage(wrImage, new Rectangle(newImage.Width - wrImage.Width, newImage.Height - wrImage.Height, wrImage.Width, wrImage.Height), 0, 0, wrImage.Width, wrImage.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, imgAttributes);

                newImage.Save(savePath, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);

    private void CreateCheckCodeImage(string checkCode)
        if (checkCode == null || checkCode.Trim() == String.Empty)

        System.Drawing.Bitmap   image = new System.Drawing.Bitmap((int)Math.Ceiling((checkCode.Length * 15.0 + 40)), 23);
        System.Drawing.Graphics g     = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(image);

            Random random = new Random();


            for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++)
                int x1 = random.Next(image.Width);
                int x2 = random.Next(image.Width);
                int y1 = random.Next(image.Height);
                int y2 = random.Next(image.Height);

                g.DrawLine(new System.Drawing.Pen(System.Drawing.Color.Silver), x1, y1, x2, y2);

            System.Drawing.Font font = new System.Drawing.Font("Arial", 14, (System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold | System.Drawing.FontStyle.Italic));
            System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush brush = new System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, image.Width, image.Height), System.Drawing.Color.Blue, System.Drawing.Color.DarkRed, 1.2f, true);

            int cySpace = 16;
            for (int i = 0; i < validateCodeCount; i++)
                g.DrawString(checkCode.Substring(i, 1), font, brush, (i + 1) * cySpace, 1);

            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                int x = random.Next(image.Width);
                int y = random.Next(image.Height);

                image.SetPixel(x, y, System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(random.Next()));

            g.DrawRectangle(new System.Drawing.Pen(System.Drawing.Color.Silver), 0, 0, image.Width - 1, image.Height - 1);

            System.IO.MemoryStream ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream();
            image.Save(ms, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Gif);
            Response.ContentType = "image/Gif";
Ejemplo n.º 50
        /// <summary>
        /// 生成水印图
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="originalImagePath">源图绝对路径</param>
        /// <param name="watermarkType">水印类型:文字水印,图片水印</param>
        /// <param name="watermarkImage">水印图绝对路径</param>
        /// <param name="watermarkText">水印文字</param>
        /// <param name="fontSize">字体大小</param>
        /// <param name="fontColor">字体颜色</param>
        /// <param name="fontFamily">字体</param>
        /// <param name="watermarkPosition">水印位置</param>
        /// <param name="alpha">透明度</param>
        /// <param name="watermarkFilePath">水印图片保存路径,不填写则自动创建</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string AddWatermark(string originalImagePath, string watermarkType, string watermarkImage
                                          , string watermarkText, int fontSize, string fontColor, string fontFamily, WatermarkPosition watermarkPosition, float alpha, string watermarkFilePath = "")
            Image img = Image.FromFile(originalImagePath);
            // 封装 GDI+ 位图,此位图由图形图像及其属性的像素数据组成。
            Bitmap bmPhoto = new Bitmap(img.Width, img.Height, PixelFormat.Format32bppRgb);

            // 设定分辨率
            bmPhoto.SetResolution(72, 72);
            System.Drawing.Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmPhoto);
            g.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.High;
            g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
            //g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
            g.DrawImage(img, new Rectangle(0, 0, img.Width, img.Height), 0, 0, img.Width, img.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);

            string strExt = Path.GetExtension(originalImagePath);

            if (watermarkFilePath.IsNullOrEmpty())
                watermarkFilePath = originalImagePath.Replace(strExt, "_watermark" + strExt);

            ImageAttributes imageAttributes = new ImageAttributes();
            ColorMap        colorMap        = new ColorMap();

            colorMap.OldColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 255, 0);
            colorMap.NewColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0, 0);
            ColorMap[] remapTable = { colorMap };
            imageAttributes.SetRemapTable(remapTable, ColorAdjustType.Bitmap);

            float[][] colorMatrixElements =
                new float[] { 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,  0.0f, 0.0f },
                new float[] { 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f,  0.0f, 0.0f },
                new float[] { 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f,  0.0f, 0.0f },
                new float[] { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, alpha, 0.0f },                                    //水印透明度
                new float[] { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,  0.0f, 1.0f }
            ColorMatrix colorMatrix = new ColorMatrix(colorMatrixElements);

            imageAttributes.SetColorMatrix(colorMatrix, ColorMatrixFlag.Default, ColorAdjustType.Bitmap);

            int xpos = 0;
            int ypos = 0;

            int intWatermarkWidth  = 0;
            int intWatermarkHeight = 0;

            Image watermark = null;

            if (watermarkType.Equals("图片水印") && File.Exists(watermarkImage))
                watermark          = new Bitmap(watermarkImage);
                intWatermarkWidth  = watermark.Width;
                intWatermarkHeight = watermark.Height;
            else if (watermarkType.Equals("文字水印") && watermarkText.Trim().Length > 0)
                SizeF size = g.MeasureString(watermarkText, new Font(new FontFamily(fontFamily), fontSize));
                intWatermarkWidth  = (int)size.Width;
                intWatermarkHeight = (int)size.Height;

            switch (watermarkPosition)
            case WatermarkPosition.TopLeft:
                xpos = (int)(img.Width * (float).01);
                ypos = (int)(img.Height * (float).01);

            case WatermarkPosition.TopCenter:
                xpos = (int)((img.Width * (float).50) - (intWatermarkWidth / 2));
                ypos = (int)(img.Height * (float).01);

            case WatermarkPosition.TopRight:
                xpos = (int)((img.Width * (float).99) - (intWatermarkWidth));
                ypos = (int)(img.Height * (float).01);

            case WatermarkPosition.MiddleLeft:
                xpos = (int)(img.Width * (float).01);
                ypos = (int)((img.Height * (float).50) - (intWatermarkHeight / 2));

            case WatermarkPosition.MiddleCenter:
                xpos = (int)((img.Width * (float).50) - (intWatermarkWidth / 2));
                ypos = (int)((img.Height * (float).50) - (intWatermarkHeight / 2));

            case WatermarkPosition.MiddleRight:
                xpos = (int)((img.Width * (float).99) - (intWatermarkWidth));
                ypos = (int)((img.Height * (float).50) - (intWatermarkHeight / 2));

            case WatermarkPosition.BottomLeft:
                xpos = (int)(img.Width * (float).01);
                ypos = (int)((img.Height * (float).99) - intWatermarkHeight);

            case WatermarkPosition.BottomCenter:
                xpos = (int)((img.Width * (float).50) - (intWatermarkWidth / 2));
                ypos = (int)((img.Height * (float).99) - intWatermarkHeight);

            case WatermarkPosition.BottomRight:
                xpos = (int)((img.Width * (float).99) - (intWatermarkWidth));
                ypos = (int)((img.Height * (float).99) - intWatermarkHeight);

            if (watermark != null) //在原图上画图片水印
                g.DrawImage(watermark, new Rectangle(xpos, ypos, intWatermarkWidth, intWatermarkHeight), 0, 0, intWatermarkWidth, intWatermarkHeight, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, imageAttributes);
                Font       font     = new Font(fontFamily, fontSize);                       //文字字体
                Color      fColor   = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(fontColor);
                Color      txtColor = Color.FromArgb(Convert.ToInt32(alpha * 255), fColor); //文字颜色
                SolidBrush brush    = new SolidBrush(txtColor);
                g.DrawString(watermarkText, font, brush, xpos, ypos);

            ImageCodecInfo[] codecs = ImageCodecInfo.GetImageEncoders();
            ImageCodecInfo   ici    = null;

            foreach (ImageCodecInfo codec in codecs)
                if (codec.MimeType.IndexOf("jpeg") > -1)
                    ici = codec;
            EncoderParameters encoderParams = new EncoderParameters();

            long[] qualityParam = new long[1];
            qualityParam[0] = 80; //图片质量

            EncoderParameter encoderParam = new EncoderParameter(Encoder.Quality, qualityParam);

            encoderParams.Param[0] = encoderParam;

            if (ici != null)
                bmPhoto.Save(watermarkFilePath, ici, encoderParams);

            if (watermark != null)

Ejemplo n.º 51
        public override void DrawDayHeader(System.Drawing.Graphics g, System.Drawing.Rectangle rect, DateTime date)
            StringFormat m_Format = new StringFormat();

            m_Format.Alignment     = StringAlignment.Center;
            m_Format.FormatFlags   = StringFormatFlags.NoWrap;
            m_Format.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;

            StringFormat m_Formatdd = new StringFormat();

            m_Formatdd.Alignment     = StringAlignment.Near;
            m_Formatdd.FormatFlags   = StringFormatFlags.NoWrap;
            m_Formatdd.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;

            using (SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(this.BackColor))
                g.FillRectangle(brush, rect);

            using (Pen aPen = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(205, 219, 238)))
                g.DrawLine(aPen, rect.Left, rect.Top + (int)rect.Height / 2, rect.Right, rect.Top + (int)rect.Height / 2);

            using (Pen aPen = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(141, 174, 217)))
                g.DrawRectangle(aPen, rect);

            Rectangle topPart = new Rectangle(rect.Left + 1, rect.Top + 1, rect.Width - 2, (int)(rect.Height / 2) - 1);
            Rectangle lowPart = new Rectangle(rect.Left + 1, rect.Top + (int)(rect.Height / 2) + 1, rect.Width - 1, (int)(rect.Height / 2) - 1);

            using (LinearGradientBrush aGB = new LinearGradientBrush(topPart, Color.FromArgb(228, 236, 246), Color.FromArgb(214, 226, 241), LinearGradientMode.Vertical))
                g.FillRectangle(aGB, topPart);

            using (LinearGradientBrush aGB = new LinearGradientBrush(lowPart, Color.FromArgb(194, 212, 235), Color.FromArgb(208, 222, 239), LinearGradientMode.Vertical))
                g.FillRectangle(aGB, lowPart);

            if (date.Date.Equals(DateTime.Now.Date))
                topPart.Inflate((int)(-topPart.Width / 4 + 1), 1); //top left orange area
                topPart.Offset(rect.Left - topPart.Left + 1, 1);
                topPart.Inflate(1, 0);
                using (LinearGradientBrush aGB = new LinearGradientBrush(topPart, Color.FromArgb(247, 207, 114), Color.FromArgb(251, 230, 148), LinearGradientMode.Horizontal))
                    topPart.Inflate(-1, 0);
                    g.FillRectangle(aGB, topPart);

                topPart.Offset(rect.Right - topPart.Right, 0);        //top right orange
                topPart.Inflate(1, 0);
                using (LinearGradientBrush aGB = new LinearGradientBrush(topPart, Color.FromArgb(251, 230, 148), Color.FromArgb(247, 207, 114), LinearGradientMode.Horizontal))
                    topPart.Inflate(-1, 0);
                    g.FillRectangle(aGB, topPart);

                using (Pen aPen = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(128, 240, 154, 30))) //center line
                    g.DrawLine(aPen, rect.Left, topPart.Bottom - 1, rect.Right, topPart.Bottom - 1);

                topPart.Inflate(0, -1);
                topPart.Offset(0, topPart.Height + 1); //lower right
                using (LinearGradientBrush aGB = new LinearGradientBrush(topPart, Color.FromArgb(240, 157, 33), Color.FromArgb(250, 226, 142), LinearGradientMode.BackwardDiagonal))
                    g.FillRectangle(aGB, topPart);

                topPart.Offset(rect.Left - topPart.Left + 1, 0); //lower left
                using (LinearGradientBrush aGB = new LinearGradientBrush(topPart, Color.FromArgb(240, 157, 33), Color.FromArgb(250, 226, 142), LinearGradientMode.ForwardDiagonal))
                    g.FillRectangle(aGB, topPart);
                using (Pen aPen = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(238, 147, 17)))
                    g.DrawRectangle(aPen, rect);

            g.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.ClearTypeGridFit;

            //get short dayabbr. if narrow dayrect
            string sTodaysName = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.GetDayName(date.DayOfWeek);

            if (rect.Width < 105)
                sTodaysName = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.GetAbbreviatedDayName(date.DayOfWeek);

            rect.Offset(2, 1);

            using (Font fntDay = new Font("Segoe UI", 8))
                g.DrawString(sTodaysName, fntDay, SystemBrushes.WindowText, rect, m_Format);

            rect.Offset(-2, -1);

            using (Font fntDayDate = new Font("Segoe UI", 9, FontStyle.Bold))
                g.DrawString(date.ToString(" d"), fntDayDate, SystemBrushes.WindowText, rect, m_Formatdd);
Ejemplo n.º 52
        private void Draw(System.Drawing.Graphics g, int area, int pageIndex, int cur_top)
            Helper.ReadXml r = new Helper.ReadXml(xml);

            int offset_y = 0;

            if (area == 1)
                offset_y -= barHeight;
            else if (area == 2)
                offset_y -= ah + 2 * barHeight;
            else if (area == 3)
                offset_y -= ah + bh + barHeight * 3;
            else if (area == 4)
                offset_y -= ah + bh + ch + barHeight * 4;
            else if (area == 5)
                offset_y -= ah + bh + ch + dh + barHeight * 5;
            if (area == 5)
                cur_top = pageHeight - eh;
            foreach (Helper.ReadXml r2 in r.ReadList("PrintObject1"))
                int left = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("Left"));
                int top  = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("Top"));
                top += offset_y + cur_top;
                int           Width         = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("Width"));
                int           Height        = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("Height"));
                string        context       = r2.Read("Context");
                int           Align         = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("Align"));
                var           sf            = Helper.Conv.AlignToStringFormat(Align);
                FontConverter fc            = new FontConverter();
                var           font          = (Font)fc.ConvertFromString(r2.Read("Font"));
                var           color         = Color.FromArgb(Convert.ToInt32(r2.Read("Color")));
                int           Area          = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("Area"));
                int           _BorderLeft   = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("BorderLeft"));
                int           _BorderRight  = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("BorderRight"));
                int           _BorderTop    = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("BorderTop"));
                int           _BorderBottom = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("BorderBottom"));
                Rectangle     rec           = new Rectangle(left, top, Width, Height);

                if (Area == area)
                    g.DrawString(context, font, new SolidBrush(color), rec, sf);
                    if (_BorderLeft == 1)
                        g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, left, top, left, top + Height);
                    if (_BorderRight == 1)
                        g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, left + Width, top, left + Width, top + Height);
                    if (_BorderTop == 1)
                        g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, left, top, left + Width, top);
                    if (_BorderBottom == 1)
                        g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, left, top + Height, left + Width, top + Height);
            foreach (Helper.ReadXml r2 in r.ReadList("PrintObject2"))
                int left = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("Left"));
                int top  = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("Top"));
                top += offset_y + cur_top;
                int           Width         = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("Width"));
                int           Height        = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("Height"));
                string        Field         = r2.Read("Field");
                string        Format        = r2.Read("Format");
                int           Align         = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("Align"));
                var           sf            = Helper.Conv.AlignToStringFormat(Align);
                FontConverter fc            = new FontConverter();
                var           font          = (Font)fc.ConvertFromString(r2.Read("Font"));
                var           color         = Color.FromArgb(Convert.ToInt32(r2.Read("Color")));
                int           Area          = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("Area"));
                int           _BorderLeft   = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("BorderLeft"));
                int           _BorderRight  = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("BorderRight"));
                int           _BorderTop    = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("BorderTop"));
                int           _BorderBottom = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("BorderBottom"));
                Rectangle     rec           = new Rectangle(left, top, Width, Height);

                if (Area == area)
                    if (tbmain.Rows.Count != 0)
                        if (tbmain.Columns.Contains(Field) == true)
                            DataRow    row = tbmain.Rows[0];
                            DataColumn col = tbmain.Columns[Field];

                            if (tbmain.Columns[Field].DataType == typeof(byte[]))
                                System.IO.MemoryStream ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream((byte[])row[Field]);
                                Image img = Image.FromStream(ms);
                                g.DrawImage(img, rec);
                            string context = "";
                            if (Format == "")
                                context = row[Field].ToString();
                            else if (Format == "大写金额")
                                context = Helper.Conv.DaXie2(row[Field].ToString());
                                if (col.DataType == typeof(decimal))
                                    context = Helper.Conv.ToDecimal(row[Field]).ToString(Format);
                                else if (col.DataType == typeof(Int16))
                                    context = Helper.Conv.ToInt16(row[Field]).ToString(Format);
                                else if (col.DataType == typeof(Int32))
                                    context = Helper.Conv.ToInt32(row[Field]).ToString(Format);
                                else if (col.DataType == typeof(DateTime))
                                    context = Helper.Conv.ToDateTime(row[Field]).ToString(Format);
                                    context = row[Field].ToString();

                            g.DrawString(context, font, new SolidBrush(color), rec, sf);
                            if (_BorderLeft == 1)
                                g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, left, top, left, top + Height);
                            if (_BorderRight == 1)
                                g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, left + Width, top, left + Width, top + Height);
                            if (_BorderTop == 1)
                                g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, left, top, left + Width, top);
                            if (_BorderBottom == 1)
                                g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, left, top + Height, left + Width, top + Height);
            foreach (Helper.ReadXml r2 in r.ReadList("PrintObject3"))
                int left = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("Left"));
                int top  = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("Top"));
                top += offset_y + cur_top;
                int           Width         = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("Width"));
                int           Height        = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("Height"));
                string        Field         = r2.Read("Field");
                string        Format        = r2.Read("Format");
                int           Align         = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("Align"));
                var           sf            = Helper.Conv.AlignToStringFormat(Align);
                FontConverter fc            = new FontConverter();
                var           font          = (Font)fc.ConvertFromString(r2.Read("Font"));
                var           color         = Color.FromArgb(Convert.ToInt32(r2.Read("Color")));
                int           Area          = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("Area"));
                int           _BorderLeft   = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("BorderLeft"));
                int           _BorderRight  = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("BorderRight"));
                int           _BorderTop    = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("BorderTop"));
                int           _BorderBottom = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("BorderBottom"));
                Rectangle     rec           = new Rectangle(left, top, Width, Height);

                if (Area == area)
                    if (tbdetail.Rows.Count != 0)
                        if (tbdetail.Columns.Contains(Field) == true)
                            var     col     = tbdetail.Columns[Field];
                            string  context = "";
                            decimal val     = 0;
                            foreach (DataRow row in tbdetail.Rows)
                                val += Helper.Conv.ToDecimal(row[Field].ToString());
                            if (Format == "")
                                context = val.ToString();
                            else if (Format == "大写金额")
                                context = Helper.Conv.DaXie2(val.ToString("0.00"));
                                if (col.DataType == typeof(decimal))
                                    context = val.ToString(Format);
                                else if (col.DataType == typeof(Int16))
                                    context = Helper.Conv.ToInt16(val).ToString(Format);
                                else if (col.DataType == typeof(Int32))
                                    context = Helper.Conv.ToInt32(val).ToString(Format);
                                else if (col.DataType == typeof(DateTime))
                                    context = Helper.Conv.ToDateTime(val).ToString(Format);
                                    context = val.ToString();

                            g.DrawString(context, font, new SolidBrush(color), rec, sf);
                            if (_BorderLeft == 1)
                                g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, left, top, left, top + Height);
                            if (_BorderRight == 1)
                                g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, left + Width, top, left + Width, top + Height);
                            if (_BorderTop == 1)
                                g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, left, top, left + Width, top);
                            if (_BorderBottom == 1)
                                g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, left, top + Height, left + Width, top + Height);
            foreach (Helper.ReadXml r2 in r.ReadList("PrintObject4"))
                int left = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("Left"));
                int top  = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("Top"));
                top += offset_y + cur_top;
                int Width  = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("Width"));
                int Height = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("Height"));
                var color  = Color.FromArgb(Convert.ToInt32(r2.Read("Color")));
                int Area   = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("Area"));
                if (Area == area)
                    g.DrawLine(new Pen(color), left + Width / 2, top, left + Width / 2, top + Height);
            foreach (Helper.ReadXml r2 in r.ReadList("PrintObject5"))
                int left = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("Left"));
                int top  = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("Top"));
                top += offset_y + cur_top;
                int Width  = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("Width"));
                int Height = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("Height"));
                var color  = Color.FromArgb(Convert.ToInt32(r2.Read("Color")));
                int Area   = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("Area"));
                if (Area == area)
                    g.DrawLine(new Pen(color), left, top + Height / 2, left + Width, top + Height / 2);
            foreach (Helper.ReadXml r2 in r.ReadList("PrintObject6"))
                int left = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("Left"));
                int top  = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("Top"));
                top += offset_y + cur_top;
                int       Width  = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("Width"));
                int       Height = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("Height"));
                var       img    = Helper.Conv.StringToImage(r2.Read("Image"));
                int       Area   = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("Area"));
                Rectangle rec    = new Rectangle(left, top, Width, Height);
                if (Area == area)
                    g.DrawImage(img, rec);
            foreach (Helper.ReadXml r2 in r.ReadList("PrintObject7"))
                int left = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("Left"));
                int top  = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("Top"));

                top += offset_y + cur_top;
                int Width  = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("Width"));
                int Height = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("Height"));

                int           Align         = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("Align"));
                var           sf            = Helper.Conv.AlignToStringFormat(Align);
                FontConverter fc            = new FontConverter();
                var           font          = (Font)fc.ConvertFromString(r2.Read("Font"));
                var           color         = Color.FromArgb(Convert.ToInt32(r2.Read("Color")));
                int           Area          = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("Area"));
                int           _BorderLeft   = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("BorderLeft"));
                int           _BorderRight  = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("BorderRight"));
                int           _BorderTop    = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("BorderTop"));
                int           _BorderBottom = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("BorderBottom"));
                Rectangle     rec           = new Rectangle(left, top, Width, Height);

                if (Area == area)
                    string context = "第N页,共M页".Replace("N", pageIndex.ToString())
                                     .Replace("M", PageCount.ToString());
                    g.DrawString(context, font, new SolidBrush(color), rec, sf);
                    if (_BorderLeft == 1)
                        g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, left, top, left, top + Height);
                    if (_BorderRight == 1)
                        g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, left + Width, top, left + Width, top + Height);
                    if (_BorderTop == 1)
                        g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, left, top, left + Width, top);
                    if (_BorderBottom == 1)
                        g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, left, top + Height, left + Width, top + Height);
            foreach (Helper.ReadXml r2 in r.ReadList("PrintObject8"))
                int left = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("Left"));
                int top  = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("Top"));
                top += offset_y + cur_top;
                int           Width         = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("Width"));
                int           Height        = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("Height"));
                string        format        = r2.Read("Format");
                int           Align         = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("Align"));
                var           sf            = Helper.Conv.AlignToStringFormat(Align);
                FontConverter fc            = new FontConverter();
                var           font          = (Font)fc.ConvertFromString(r2.Read("Font"));
                var           color         = Color.FromArgb(Convert.ToInt32(r2.Read("Color")));
                int           Area          = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("Area"));
                int           _BorderLeft   = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("BorderLeft"));
                int           _BorderRight  = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("BorderRight"));
                int           _BorderTop    = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("BorderTop"));
                int           _BorderBottom = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("BorderBottom"));
                Rectangle     rec           = new Rectangle(left, top, Width, Height);

                if (Area == area)
                    string context = "";
                    if (format == "")
                        context = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
                        context = System.DateTime.Now.ToString(format);
                    g.DrawString(context, font, new SolidBrush(color), rec, sf);
                    if (_BorderLeft == 1)
                        g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, left, top, left, top + Height);
                    if (_BorderRight == 1)
                        g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, left + Width, top, left + Width, top + Height);
                    if (_BorderTop == 1)
                        g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, left, top, left + Width, top);
                    if (_BorderBottom == 1)
                        g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, left, top + Height, left + Width, top + Height);
Ejemplo n.º 53
        public override void DrawAppointment(System.Drawing.Graphics g, System.Drawing.Rectangle rect, Appointment appointment, bool isSelected, int gripWidth)
            StringFormat m_Format = new StringFormat();

            m_Format.Alignment     = StringAlignment.Near;
            m_Format.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Near;

            Color start = InterpolateColors(appointment.Color, Color.White, 0.4f);
            Color end   = InterpolateColors(appointment.Color, Color.FromArgb(191, 210, 234), 0.7f);

            if ((appointment.Locked))
                // Draw back
                using (Brush m_Brush = new System.Drawing.Drawing2D.HatchBrush(System.Drawing.Drawing2D.HatchStyle.LargeConfetti, Color.Blue, appointment.Color))
                    g.FillRectangle(m_Brush, rect);

                // little transparent
                start = Color.FromArgb(230, start);
                end   = Color.FromArgb(180, end);

                GraphicsPath path = new GraphicsPath();

                using (LinearGradientBrush aGB = new LinearGradientBrush(rect, start, end, LinearGradientMode.Vertical))
                    g.FillRectangle(aGB, rect);
                // Draw back
                using (LinearGradientBrush aGB = new LinearGradientBrush(rect, start, end, LinearGradientMode.Vertical))
                    g.FillRectangle(aGB, rect);

            if (isSelected)
                Rectangle m_BorderRectangle = rect;

                using (Pen m_Pen = new Pen(appointment.BorderColor, 4))
                    g.DrawRectangle(m_Pen, rect);

                m_BorderRectangle.Inflate(2, 2);

                using (Pen m_Pen = new Pen(SystemColors.WindowFrame, 1))
                    g.DrawRectangle(m_Pen, m_BorderRectangle);

                m_BorderRectangle.Inflate(-4, -4);

                using (Pen m_Pen = new Pen(SystemColors.WindowFrame, 1))
                    g.DrawRectangle(m_Pen, m_BorderRectangle);
                // Draw gripper
                Rectangle m_GripRectangle = rect;

                m_GripRectangle.Width = gripWidth + 1;

                start = InterpolateColors(appointment.BorderColor, appointment.Color, 0.2f);
                end   = InterpolateColors(appointment.BorderColor, Color.White, 0.6f);

                using (LinearGradientBrush aGB = new LinearGradientBrush(rect, start, end, LinearGradientMode.Vertical))
                    g.FillRectangle(aGB, m_GripRectangle);

                using (Pen m_Pen = new Pen(SystemColors.WindowFrame, 1))
                    g.DrawRectangle(m_Pen, rect);

                // Draw shadow lines
                int xLeft   = rect.X + 6;
                int xRight  = rect.Right + 1;
                int yTop    = rect.Y + 1;
                int yButton = rect.Bottom + 1;

                for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                    using (Pen shadow_Pen = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(70 - 12 * i, Color.Black)))
                        g.DrawLine(shadow_Pen, xLeft + i, yButton + i, xRight + i - 1, yButton + i); //horisontal lines
                        g.DrawLine(shadow_Pen, xRight + i, yTop + i, xRight + i, yButton + i);       //vertical

            rect.X += gripWidth;
            g.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.ClearTypeGridFit;
            g.DrawString(appointment.Title, this.BaseFont, SystemBrushes.WindowText, rect, m_Format);
            g.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.SystemDefault;
 public void DrawString(string text, Font font, Color foreground, Point location)
     _currentBrush.Color = ColorToGdiColor(foreground);
     _graphics.DrawString(text, ToGdiFont(font), _currentBrush, (float)location.X, (float)location.Y);
Ejemplo n.º 55
        void IDrawDetail.Draw(System.Drawing.Graphics g, string styleXml, System.Data.DataTable tbdetail, int pageIndex)
            ReadXml r       = new ReadXml(styleXml);
            var     tbstyle = new DataTable();

            tbstyle.Columns.Add("width", typeof(int));
            foreach (Helper.ReadXml r2 in r.ReadList("PrintObject3/Column"))
                if (r2.Read("Display") == "1")
                    var row = tbstyle.NewRow();
                    row["colname"]   = r2.Read("ColName");
                    row["colbyname"] = r2.Read("ColByname");
                    row["width"]     = Convert.ToInt16(r2.Read("Width"));
                    row["align"]     = r2.Read("Align");
                    row["format"]    = r2.Read("Format");
            int           left             = Convert.ToInt16(r.Read("PrintObject3/Left"));
            int           top              = Convert.ToInt16(r.Read("PrintObject3/Top"));
            int           Width            = Convert.ToInt16(r.Read("PrintObject3/Width"));
            int           Height           = Convert.ToInt16(r.Read("PrintObject3/Height"));
            int           columnHeight     = Convert.ToInt16(r.Read("PrintObject3/ColumnHeight"));
            int           rowHeight        = Convert.ToInt16(r.Read("PrintObject3/RowHeight"));
            FontConverter fc               = new FontConverter();
            var           font             = (Font)fc.ConvertFromString(r.Read("PrintObject3/Font"));
            var           color            = Color.FromArgb(Convert.ToInt32(r.Read("PrintObject3/Color")));
            int           AutoRow          = Convert.ToInt16(r.Read("PrintObject3/AutoRow"));
            int           SmallTotal       = Helper.Conv.ToInt16(r.Read("PrintObject3/SmallTotal"));
            string        SmallTotalFields = r.Read("PrintObject3/SmallTotalFields");


            int width2 = 0;
            int width3 = 0;

            foreach (DataRow row in tbstyle.Rows)
                if (row["colname"].ToString() == "#")
                    width3 = Conv.ToInt16(row["width"]);
                    width2 += Conv.ToInt16(row["width"]);

            int num = 0;

            foreach (DataColumn col in tbdetail.Columns)
                if (col.ColumnName.StartsWith("#") == true)
            int addwidth = num * width3;

            if (Width - width2 > 0)
                addwidth = addwidth - (Width - width2);
            decimal rate = 1;

            if (addwidth > 0)
                rate = (decimal)(width2 - addwidth) / (decimal)width2;

            DataRow specRow = null;

            foreach (DataRow row in tbstyle.Rows)
                if (row["colname"].ToString() == "#")
                    specRow = row;
                    row["width"] = (int)(Conv.ToDecimal(row["width"]) * rate);

            foreach (DataColumn col in tbdetail.Columns)
                if (col.ColumnName.StartsWith("#") == true)
                    DataRow row = tbstyle.NewRow();
                    row.ItemArray    = specRow.ItemArray;
                    row["colname"]   = col.ColumnName;
                    row["colbyname"] = col.ColumnName.Substring(1);
                    var specRowIndex = tbstyle.Rows.IndexOf(specRow);
                    tbstyle.Rows.InsertAt(row, specRowIndex);
            if (specRow != null)
            int pageRowCount = 0;

            if (SmallTotal == 1)
                pageRowCount = (Height - columnHeight - rowHeight) / rowHeight;
                pageRowCount = (Height - columnHeight) / rowHeight;
            var tb = Helper.Conv.Paging(tbdetail, pageRowCount, pageIndex);

            if (AutoRow == 1)
                for (int j = tb.Rows.Count - 1; j < pageRowCount; j++)
            if (SmallTotal == 1)
                DataRow row = tb.NewRow();
                foreach (string field in SmallTotalFields.Split(','))
                    if (field == "#")
                        foreach (DataColumn col in tbdetail.Columns)
                            if (col.ColumnName.StartsWith("#") == true)
                                row[col.ColumnName] = tb.Compute("sum([" + col.ColumnName + "])", "");
                        if (tbdetail.Columns.Contains(field) == true)
                            row[field] = tb.Compute("sum([" + field + "])", "");
                row["i"] = "小计";

            int l = left;
            int t = top;

            for (int i = 0; i < tbstyle.Rows.Count; i++)
                DataRow row       = tbstyle.Rows[i];
                string  colname   = row["colname"].ToString();
                string  colbyname = row["colbyname"].ToString();
                int     colwidth  = Convert.ToInt16(row["width"].ToString());
                int     align     = Convert.ToInt16(row["align"].ToString());
                var     sf        = Helper.Conv.AlignToStringFormat(22);
                string  format    = row["format"].ToString();

                Rectangle rec = new Rectangle(l, t, colwidth, columnHeight);
                g.DrawString(colbyname, font, new SolidBrush(color), rec, sf);
                g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, rec);
                if (l >= Width)
                l += colwidth;
            l = left;
            t = top + columnHeight;

            for (int i = 0; i < tbstyle.Rows.Count; i++)
                DataRow dr = tbstyle.Rows[i];

                string     Field     = dr["colname"].ToString();
                string     colbyname = dr["colbyname"].ToString();
                int        colwidth  = Convert.ToInt16(dr["width"].ToString());
                int        align     = Convert.ToInt16(dr["align"].ToString());
                var        sf        = Helper.Conv.AlignToStringFormat(align);
                string     Format    = dr["format"].ToString();
                DataColumn col       = tbdetail.Columns[Field];
                foreach (DataRow row in tb.Rows)
                    Rectangle rec     = new Rectangle(l, t, colwidth, columnHeight);
                    string    context = "";
                    if (Format == "")
                        context = row[Field].ToString();
                    else if (Format == "大写金额")
                        context = Helper.Conv.DaXie2(row[Field].ToString());
                        if (col.DataType == typeof(decimal))
                            context = Helper.Conv.ToDecimal(row[Field]).ToString(Format);
                        else if (col.DataType == typeof(Int16))
                            context = Helper.Conv.ToInt16(row[Field]).ToString(Format);
                        else if (col.DataType == typeof(Int32))
                            context = Helper.Conv.ToInt32(row[Field]).ToString(Format);
                        else if (col.DataType == typeof(DateTime))
                            context = Helper.Conv.ToDateTime(row[Field]).ToString(Format);
                            context = row[Field].ToString();

                    int sum = 0;
                    foreach (DataColumn c in tb.Columns)
                        if (row[c.ColumnName] == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(row[c.ColumnName].ToString()))

                    if (sum > tbdetail.Columns.Count / 2)
                        context = "";

                    g.DrawString(context, font, new SolidBrush(color), rec, sf);
                    g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, rec);
                    t += rowHeight;
                if (l >= Width)
                l += colwidth;
                t  = top + columnHeight;
Ejemplo n.º 56
        protected override void Render(GH_Canvas canvas, System.Drawing.Graphics graphics, GH_CanvasChannel channel)
            base.Render(canvas, graphics, channel);

            if (channel == GH_CanvasChannel.Objects)
                //We need to draw everything outselves.

                Color myColour = UI.Colour.GsaDarkBlue;
                Brush myBrush  = new SolidBrush(myColour);

                //Text boxes
                Brush activeFillBrush  = myBrush;
                Brush passiveFillBrush = Brushes.LightGray;
                Color borderColour     = myColour;
                Color passiveBorder    = Color.DarkGray;
                Brush annoText         = Brushes.Black;

                Font font = GH_FontServer.Standard;
                int  s    = 8;
                if (Grasshopper.CentralSettings.CanvasFullNames)
                    s    = 10;
                    font = GH_FontServer.Standard;

                // adjust fontsize to high resolution displays
                font = new Font(font.FontFamily, font.Size / GH_GraphicsUtil.UiScale, FontStyle.Regular);

                //draw the component
                base.RenderComponentCapsule(canvas, graphics, true, true, true, true, true, true);

                Pen pen = new Pen(borderColour);

                graphics.DrawString(SpacerTxt1, GH_FontServer.Small, annoText, SpacerBounds1, GH_TextRenderingConstants.CenterCenter);
                graphics.DrawLine(pen, SpacerBounds1.X, SpacerBounds1.Y + SpacerBounds1.Height / 2, SpacerBounds1.X + (SpacerBounds1.Width - GH_FontServer.StringWidth(SpacerTxt1, GH_FontServer.Small)) / 2 - 4, SpacerBounds1.Y + SpacerBounds1.Height / 2);
                graphics.DrawLine(pen, SpacerBounds1.X + (SpacerBounds1.Width - GH_FontServer.StringWidth(SpacerTxt1, GH_FontServer.Small)) / 2 + GH_FontServer.StringWidth(SpacerTxt1, GH_FontServer.Small) + 4, SpacerBounds1.Y + SpacerBounds1.Height / 2, SpacerBounds1.X + SpacerBounds1.Width, SpacerBounds1.Y + SpacerBounds1.Height / 2);

                graphics.DrawString("x", font, annoText, xTxtBounds1, GH_TextRenderingConstants.CenterCenter);
                ButtonsUI.CheckBox.DrawCheckButton(graphics, new PointF(xBounds1.X + xBounds1.Width / 2, xBounds1.Y + xBounds1.Height / 2), x1, activeFillBrush, borderColour, passiveFillBrush, passiveBorder, s);

                graphics.DrawString("y", font, annoText, yTxtBounds1, GH_TextRenderingConstants.CenterCenter);
                ButtonsUI.CheckBox.DrawCheckButton(graphics, new PointF(yBounds1.X + yBounds1.Width / 2, yBounds1.Y + yBounds1.Height / 2), y1, activeFillBrush, borderColour, passiveFillBrush, passiveBorder, s);

                graphics.DrawString("z", font, annoText, zTxtBounds1, GH_TextRenderingConstants.CenterCenter);
                ButtonsUI.CheckBox.DrawCheckButton(graphics, new PointF(zBounds1.X + zBounds1.Width / 2, zBounds1.Y + zBounds1.Height / 2), z1, activeFillBrush, borderColour, passiveFillBrush, passiveBorder, s);

                graphics.DrawString("xx", font, annoText, xxTxtBounds1, GH_TextRenderingConstants.CenterCenter);
                ButtonsUI.CheckBox.DrawCheckButton(graphics, new PointF(xxBounds1.X + xxBounds1.Width / 2, xxBounds1.Y + xxBounds1.Height / 2), xx1, activeFillBrush, borderColour, passiveFillBrush, passiveBorder, s);

                graphics.DrawString("yy", font, annoText, yyTxtBounds1, GH_TextRenderingConstants.CenterCenter);
                ButtonsUI.CheckBox.DrawCheckButton(graphics, new PointF(yyBounds1.X + yyBounds1.Width / 2, yyBounds1.Y + yyBounds1.Height / 2), yy1, activeFillBrush, borderColour, passiveFillBrush, passiveBorder, s);

                graphics.DrawString("zz", font, annoText, zzTxtBounds1, GH_TextRenderingConstants.CenterCenter);
                ButtonsUI.CheckBox.DrawCheckButton(graphics, new PointF(zzBounds1.X + zzBounds1.Width / 2, zzBounds1.Y + zzBounds1.Height / 2), zz1, activeFillBrush, borderColour, passiveFillBrush, passiveBorder, s);

                graphics.DrawString(SpacerTxt2, GH_FontServer.Small, annoText, SpacerBounds2, GH_TextRenderingConstants.CenterCenter);
                graphics.DrawLine(pen, SpacerBounds2.X, SpacerBounds2.Y + SpacerBounds2.Height / 2, SpacerBounds2.X + (SpacerBounds2.Width - GH_FontServer.StringWidth(SpacerTxt2, GH_FontServer.Small)) / 2 - 4, SpacerBounds2.Y + SpacerBounds2.Height / 2);
                graphics.DrawLine(pen, SpacerBounds2.X + (SpacerBounds2.Width - GH_FontServer.StringWidth(SpacerTxt2, GH_FontServer.Small)) / 2 + GH_FontServer.StringWidth(SpacerTxt2, GH_FontServer.Small) + 4, SpacerBounds2.Y + SpacerBounds2.Height / 2, SpacerBounds2.X + SpacerBounds2.Width, SpacerBounds2.Y + SpacerBounds2.Height / 2);

                graphics.DrawString("x", font, annoText, xTxtBounds2, GH_TextRenderingConstants.CenterCenter);
                ButtonsUI.CheckBox.DrawCheckButton(graphics, new PointF(xBounds2.X + xBounds2.Width / 2, xBounds2.Y + xBounds2.Height / 2), x2, activeFillBrush, borderColour, passiveFillBrush, passiveBorder, s);

                graphics.DrawString("y", font, annoText, yTxtBounds2, GH_TextRenderingConstants.CenterCenter);
                ButtonsUI.CheckBox.DrawCheckButton(graphics, new PointF(yBounds2.X + yBounds2.Width / 2, yBounds2.Y + yBounds2.Height / 2), y2, activeFillBrush, borderColour, passiveFillBrush, passiveBorder, s);

                graphics.DrawString("z", font, annoText, zTxtBounds2, GH_TextRenderingConstants.CenterCenter);
                ButtonsUI.CheckBox.DrawCheckButton(graphics, new PointF(zBounds2.X + zBounds2.Width / 2, zBounds2.Y + zBounds2.Height / 2), z2, activeFillBrush, borderColour, passiveFillBrush, passiveBorder, s);

                graphics.DrawString("xx", font, annoText, xxTxtBounds2, GH_TextRenderingConstants.CenterCenter);
                ButtonsUI.CheckBox.DrawCheckButton(graphics, new PointF(xxBounds2.X + xxBounds2.Width / 2, xxBounds2.Y + xxBounds2.Height / 2), xx2, activeFillBrush, borderColour, passiveFillBrush, passiveBorder, s);

                graphics.DrawString("yy", font, annoText, yyTxtBounds2, GH_TextRenderingConstants.CenterCenter);
                ButtonsUI.CheckBox.DrawCheckButton(graphics, new PointF(yyBounds2.X + yyBounds2.Width / 2, yyBounds2.Y + yyBounds2.Height / 2), yy2, activeFillBrush, borderColour, passiveFillBrush, passiveBorder, s);

                graphics.DrawString("zz", font, annoText, zzTxtBounds2, GH_TextRenderingConstants.CenterCenter);
                ButtonsUI.CheckBox.DrawCheckButton(graphics, new PointF(zzBounds2.X + zzBounds2.Width / 2, zzBounds2.Y + zzBounds2.Height / 2), zz2, activeFillBrush, borderColour, passiveFillBrush, passiveBorder, s);
        protected virtual void DrawGlyph(System.Drawing.Graphics graphics, ButtonViewInfo viewInfo)
            Brush brush = GetGlyphBrush(viewInfo);

            graphics.DrawString(viewInfo.Owner.Text, viewInfo.DefaultFont, brush, viewInfo.TextBounds);
Ejemplo n.º 58
 protected void StageClearDraw(System.Drawing.Graphics g)
     g.DrawString("STAGE CLEAR!", mFont, mSBWhite, 40, 40);
Ejemplo n.º 59
        public override void draw(System.Drawing.Graphics gr, int x, int y)
            bool draw_text;
            int  box_width;

            // determine whether or not to draw the text
            if ((this.scale <= .4) || (this.head_heightOrig < 10))
                draw_text = false;
                draw_text = Component.text_visible;

            X = x;
            Y = y;

            height_of_text = Convert.ToInt32((gr.MeasureString(
                                                  "Yes", PensBrushes.default_times)).Height);

            width_of_text = Convert.ToInt32((gr.MeasureString(
                                                 this.Text + "XX", PensBrushes.default_times)).Width);

            gr.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.HighQuality;

            System.Drawing.Pen pen_color;
            if (this.selected)
                pen_color = PensBrushes.red_pen;
            else if (this.running)
                pen_color = PensBrushes.chartreuse_pen;
                pen_color = PensBrushes.blue_pen;
            if (this.drawing_text_width > W)
                box_width = this.drawing_text_width;
                box_width = W;
            if (this.has_breakpoint)
                StopSign.Draw(gr, x - box_width / 2 - W / 6 - 2, y, W / 6);

            // draw box if not USMA or not call
            if (this.kind != Kind_Of.Call || !Component.USMA_mode)
                gr.DrawRectangle(pen_color, x - box_width / 2,
                                 y, box_width, H);
                // top line
                            x - box_width / 2, y,
                            x + box_width / 2, y);
                // left line
                            x - box_width / 2, y,
                            x - box_width / 2, y + 3 * H / 4);
                // right line
                            x + box_width / 2, y,
                            x + box_width / 2, y + 3 * H / 4);
                // left bottom
                            x - box_width / 2, y + 3 * H / 4,
                            x, y + H);
                // right bottom
                            x, y + H,
                            x + box_width / 2, y + 3 * H / 4);

            if (this.kind == Kind_Of.Call && !Component.USMA_mode)
                            x + box_width / 2, y + 5 * H / 12,
                            x + box_width / 2 + W / 8, y + 5 * H / 12);
                            x + box_width / 2 + W / 8, y + 5 * H / 12,
                            x + box_width / 2 + W / 8, y + H / 4);
                            x + box_width / 2 + W / 8, y + H / 4,
                            x + box_width / 2 + 2 * W / 8, y + H / 2);
                            x + box_width / 2, y + 7 * H / 12,
                            x + box_width / 2 + W / 8, y + 7 * H / 12);
                            x + box_width / 2 + W / 8, y + 7 * H / 12,
                            x + box_width / 2 + W / 8, y + 3 * H / 4);
                            x + box_width / 2 + W / 8, y + 3 * H / 4,
                            x + box_width / 2 + 2 * W / 8, y + H / 2);

            if ((draw_text) && (this.Text.Length > 0))
                if (Component.full_text)
                    // we get rect from footprint
                    if (drawing_text_width > W)
                        rect = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(x - drawing_text_width / 2, Y + (H * 1) / 32, drawing_text_width, this.height_of_text * 3);
                        rect = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(x - this.width_of_text / 2, Y + (H * 6) / 16, this.width_of_text, this.height_of_text);
                    rect = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(x - W / 2, Y + (H * 6) / 16, W, this.height_of_text);

                if (this.Text == "Error")
                    gr.DrawString(this.Text, PensBrushes.default_times, PensBrushes.redbrush, rect, PensBrushes.centered_stringFormat);
                                  rect, PensBrushes.centered_stringFormat);

            if (this.Successor != null)
                // color for connector line
                System.Drawing.Pen pen;

                if (this.selected)
                    pen = PensBrushes.red_pen;
                    pen = PensBrushes.blue_pen;
                gr.DrawLine(pen, x, y + H, x, y + H + CL);                        // draw connector line to successor
                gr.DrawLine(pen, x, y + H + CL, x - CL / 4, y + H + CL - CL / 4); // draw left side of arrow
                gr.DrawLine(pen, x, y + H + CL, x + CL / 4, y + H + CL - CL / 4); // draw right side of arrow

                Successor.scale = this.scale;
                Successor.draw(gr, x, y + H + CL);

            if (draw_text)
                base.draw(gr, x, y);
Ejemplo n.º 60
 public static void RepertoryImage(Graphics drawDestination, ItemPos position)
     StringFormat itemStringFormat = new StringFormat();
     if (position == ItemPos.Left){
         RectangleF itemBox = new RectangleF(15, 12, 60, 14);
         itemStringFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near;
         itemStringFormat.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Near;
         drawDestination.DrawString("StopTimer",new Font("Arial",8),Brushes.Black,itemBox,itemStringFormat);
     else if (position == ItemPos.Right){
         RectangleF itemBox = new RectangleF(11, 12, 60, 14);
         itemStringFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near;
         itemStringFormat.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Near;
         drawDestination.DrawString("StopTimer",new Font("Arial",8),Brushes.Black,itemBox,itemStringFormat);