public static ModuleInfo[] GetModuleInfos(int processId)
     IntPtr ptr = (IntPtr) (-1);
     GCHandle handle = new GCHandle();
     ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
         ptr = Microsoft.Win32.NativeMethods.CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(8, processId);
         if (ptr == ((IntPtr) (-1)))
             throw new Win32Exception();
         int num = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(Microsoft.Win32.NativeMethods.WinModuleEntry));
         int val = (num + 260) + 0x100;
         int[] numArray = new int[val / 4];
         handle = GCHandle.Alloc(numArray, GCHandleType.Pinned);
         IntPtr ptr2 = handle.AddrOfPinnedObject();
         Marshal.WriteInt32(ptr2, val);
         HandleRef ref2 = new HandleRef(null, ptr);
         if (Microsoft.Win32.NativeMethods.Module32First(ref2, ptr2))
                 Microsoft.Win32.NativeMethods.WinModuleEntry structure = new Microsoft.Win32.NativeMethods.WinModuleEntry();
                 Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr2, structure);
                 ModuleInfo info = new ModuleInfo {
                     baseName = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi((IntPtr) (((long) ptr2) + num)),
                     fileName = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi((IntPtr) ((((long) ptr2) + num) + 0x100L)),
                     baseOfDll = structure.modBaseAddr,
                     sizeOfImage = structure.modBaseSize,
                     Id = structure.th32ModuleID
                 Marshal.WriteInt32(ptr2, val);
             while (Microsoft.Win32.NativeMethods.Module32Next(ref2, ptr2));
         if (handle.IsAllocated)
         if (ptr != ((IntPtr) (-1)))
             Microsoft.Win32.SafeNativeMethods.CloseHandle(new HandleRef(null, ptr));
     ModuleInfo[] array = new ModuleInfo[list.Count];
     list.CopyTo(array, 0);
     return array;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        protected override void Initialize(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, ModuleInfo moduleInfo)
            base.Initialize(serviceProvider, moduleInfo);

            var controlPanel = (IControlPanel)GetService(typeof(IControlPanel));
            Debug.Assert(controlPanel != null, "Couldn't get IControlPanel");

            //PHPInfo page
            var modulePageInfo = new ModulePageInfo(this,
                typeof(PHPInfoPage), Resources.PHPInfoPageTitle, Resources.PHPInfoPageDescription,
                Resources.PHPLogo16, Resources.PHPLogo32, Resources.PHPInfoPageLongDescription);


            //PHP Settings page
            modulePageInfo = new ModulePageInfo(this,
                typeof(AllSettingsPage), Resources.AllSettingsPageTitle, Resources.AllSettingsPageDescription,
                Resources.PHPLogo16, Resources.PHPLogo32, Resources.AllSettingsPageLongDescription);


            modulePageInfo = new ModulePageInfo(this,
                typeof(ErrorReportingPage), Resources.ErrorReportingPageTitle, Resources.ErrorReportingPageDescription,
                Resources.PHPLogo16, Resources.PHPLogo32, Resources.ErrorReportingPageLongDescription);


            modulePageInfo = new ModulePageInfo(this,
                typeof(RuntimeLimitsPage), Resources.RuntimeLimitsPageTitle, Resources.RuntimeLimitsPageDescription,
                Resources.PHPLogo16, Resources.PHPLogo32, Resources.RuntimeLimitsPageLongDescription);


            //PHP Extensions page
            modulePageInfo = new ModulePageInfo(this,
                typeof(AllExtensionsPage), Resources.AllExtensionsPageTitle, Resources.AllExtensionsPageDescription,
                Resources.PHPLogo16, Resources.PHPLogo32, Resources.AllExtensionsPageLongDescription);


            //PHPPage - PHP feature start page
            modulePageInfo = new ModulePageInfo(this, 
                typeof(PHPPage), Resources.PHPPageTitle, Resources.PHPPageDescription,
                Resources.PHPLogo16, Resources.PHPLogo32, Resources.PHPPageLongDescription);

            controlPanel.RegisterPage(ControlPanelCategoryInfo.Iis, modulePageInfo);
            controlPanel.RegisterPage(ControlPanelCategoryInfo.ApplicationDevelopment, modulePageInfo);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private static ModuleInfo[] GetModuleInfos(int processId, bool firstModuleOnly) {
            Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<ModuleInfo[]>().Length >= 1);

            // preserving Everett behavior.    
            if( processId == SystemProcessID || processId == IdleProcessID) { 
                // system process and idle process doesn't have any modules 
                throw new Win32Exception(HResults.EFail,SR.GetString(SR.EnumProcessModuleFailed));
            SafeProcessHandle processHandle = SafeProcessHandle.InvalidHandle;            
            try {
                processHandle = ProcessManager.OpenProcess(processId, NativeMethods.PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | NativeMethods.PROCESS_VM_READ, true);

                IntPtr[] moduleHandles = new IntPtr[64];
                GCHandle moduleHandlesArrayHandle = new GCHandle();
                int moduleCount = 0;
                for (;;) {
                    bool enumResult = false;
                    try {
                        moduleHandlesArrayHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(moduleHandles, GCHandleType.Pinned);                        
                        enumResult = NativeMethods.EnumProcessModules(processHandle, moduleHandlesArrayHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject(), moduleHandles.Length * IntPtr.Size, ref moduleCount);

                        // The API we need to use to enumerate process modules differs on two factors:
                        //   1) If our process is running in WOW64.
                        //   2) The bitness of the process we wish to introspect.
                        // If we are not running in WOW64 or we ARE in WOW64 but want to inspect a 32 bit process
                        // we can call psapi!EnumProcessModules.
                        // If we are running in WOW64 and we want to inspect the modules of a 64 bit process then
                        // psapi!EnumProcessModules will return false with ERROR_PARTIAL_COPY (299).  In this case we can't 
                        // do the enumeration at all.  So we'll detect this case and bail out.
                        // Also, EnumProcessModules is not a reliable method to get the modules for a process. 
                        // If OS loader is touching module information, this method might fail and copy part of the data.
                        // This is no easy solution to this problem. The only reliable way to fix this is to 
                        // suspend all the threads in target process. Of course we don't want to do this in Process class.
                        // So we just to try avoid the ---- by calling the same method 50 (an arbitary number) times.
                        if (!enumResult) {
                            bool sourceProcessIsWow64 = false;
                            bool targetProcessIsWow64 = false;
                            if (!ProcessManager.IsOSOlderThanXP) {
                                SafeProcessHandle hCurProcess = SafeProcessHandle.InvalidHandle;
                                try {
                                    hCurProcess = ProcessManager.OpenProcess(NativeMethods.GetCurrentProcessId(), NativeMethods.PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, true);
                                    bool wow64Ret;

                                    wow64Ret = SafeNativeMethods.IsWow64Process(hCurProcess, ref sourceProcessIsWow64);
                                    if (!wow64Ret) {
                                        throw new Win32Exception();

                                    wow64Ret = SafeNativeMethods.IsWow64Process(processHandle, ref targetProcessIsWow64);
                                    if (!wow64Ret) {
                                        throw new Win32Exception();

                                    if (sourceProcessIsWow64 && !targetProcessIsWow64) {
                                        // Wow64 isn't going to allow this to happen, the best we can do is give a descriptive error to the user.
                                        throw new Win32Exception(NativeMethods.ERROR_PARTIAL_COPY, SR.GetString(SR.EnumProcessModuleFailedDueToWow));

                                } finally {
                                    if (hCurProcess != SafeProcessHandle.InvalidHandle) {

                            // If the failure wasn't due to Wow64, try again.
                            for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
                                enumResult = NativeMethods.EnumProcessModules(processHandle, moduleHandlesArrayHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject(), moduleHandles.Length * IntPtr.Size, ref moduleCount);
                                if (enumResult) {
                    finally {
                    if (!enumResult) {
                        throw new Win32Exception();
                    moduleCount /= IntPtr.Size;
                    if (moduleCount <= moduleHandles.Length) break;
                    moduleHandles = new IntPtr[moduleHandles.Length * 2];
                ArrayList moduleInfos = new ArrayList();
                int ret;
                for (int i = 0; i < moduleCount; i++) {
                        ModuleInfo moduleInfo = new ModuleInfo();
                        IntPtr moduleHandle = moduleHandles[i];
                        NativeMethods.NtModuleInfo ntModuleInfo = new NativeMethods.NtModuleInfo();
                        if (!NativeMethods.GetModuleInformation(processHandle, new HandleRef(null, moduleHandle), ntModuleInfo, Marshal.SizeOf(ntModuleInfo)))
                            throw new Win32Exception();
                        moduleInfo.sizeOfImage = ntModuleInfo.SizeOfImage;
                        moduleInfo.entryPoint = ntModuleInfo.EntryPoint;
                        moduleInfo.baseOfDll = ntModuleInfo.BaseOfDll;

                        StringBuilder baseName = new StringBuilder(1024);
                        ret = NativeMethods.GetModuleBaseName(processHandle, new HandleRef(null, moduleHandle), baseName, baseName.Capacity * 2);
                        if (ret == 0) throw new Win32Exception();
                        moduleInfo.baseName = baseName.ToString();

                        StringBuilder fileName = new StringBuilder(1024);
                        ret = NativeMethods.GetModuleFileNameEx(processHandle, new HandleRef(null, moduleHandle), fileName, fileName.Capacity * 2);
                        if (ret == 0) throw new Win32Exception();
                        moduleInfo.fileName = fileName.ToString();

                        // smss.exe is started before the win32 subsystem so it get this funny "\systemroot\.." path.
                        // We change this to the actual path by appending "smss.exe" to GetSystemDirectory()
                        if (string.Compare(moduleInfo.fileName, "\\SystemRoot\\System32\\smss.exe", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) {
                            moduleInfo.fileName = Path.Combine(Environment.SystemDirectory, "smss.exe");
                        // Avoid returning Unicode-style long string paths.  IO methods cannot handle them.
                        if (moduleInfo.fileName != null
                            && moduleInfo.fileName.Length >= 4
                            && moduleInfo.fileName.StartsWith(@"\\?\", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {

                            moduleInfo.fileName = moduleInfo.fileName.Substring(4);

                    catch (Win32Exception e)
                        if (e.NativeErrorCode == NativeMethods.ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE || e.NativeErrorCode == NativeMethods.ERROR_PARTIAL_COPY)
                            // It's possible that another thread casued this module to become
                            // unloaded (e.g FreeLibrary was called on the module).  Ignore it and
                            // move on.

                    // If the user is only interested in the main module, break now.
                    // This avoid some waste of time. In addition, if the application unloads a DLL                     
                    // we will not get an exception. 
                    if( firstModuleOnly) { break; }     
                ModuleInfo[] temp = new ModuleInfo[moduleInfos.Count];
                moduleInfos.CopyTo(temp, 0);
                return temp;
            finally {
                Debug.WriteLineIf(Process.processTracing.TraceVerbose, "Process - CloseHandle(process)");
                if (!processHandle.IsInvalid ) { 
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static ModuleInfo[] GetModuleInfos(int processId) {
            IntPtr handle = (IntPtr)(-1);
            GCHandle bufferHandle = new GCHandle();
            ArrayList moduleInfos = new ArrayList();

            try {
                handle = NativeMethods.CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(NativeMethods.TH32CS_SNAPMODULE, processId);
                if (handle == (IntPtr)(-1)) throw new Win32Exception();
                int entrySize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(NativeMethods.WinModuleEntry));
                int bufferSize = entrySize + NativeMethods.WinModuleEntry.sizeofFileName + NativeMethods.WinModuleEntry.sizeofModuleName;
                int[] buffer = new int[bufferSize / 4];
                bufferHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(buffer, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                IntPtr bufferPtr = bufferHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject();
                Marshal.WriteInt32(bufferPtr, bufferSize);

                HandleRef handleRef = new HandleRef(null, handle);

                if (NativeMethods.Module32First(handleRef, bufferPtr)) {
                    do {
                        NativeMethods.WinModuleEntry module = new NativeMethods.WinModuleEntry();
                        Marshal.PtrToStructure(bufferPtr, module);
                        ModuleInfo moduleInfo = new ModuleInfo();
                        moduleInfo.baseName = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi((IntPtr)((long)bufferPtr + entrySize));
                        moduleInfo.fileName = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi((IntPtr)((long)bufferPtr + entrySize + NativeMethods.WinModuleEntry.sizeofModuleName));
                        moduleInfo.baseOfDll = module.modBaseAddr;
                        moduleInfo.sizeOfImage = module.modBaseSize;
                        moduleInfo.Id = module.th32ModuleID;
                        Marshal.WriteInt32(bufferPtr, bufferSize);
                    while (NativeMethods.Module32Next(handleRef, bufferPtr));
            finally {
                if (bufferHandle.IsAllocated) bufferHandle.Free();
                Debug.WriteLineIf(Process.processTracing.TraceVerbose, "Process - CloseHandle(toolhelp32 snapshot handle)");
                if (handle != (IntPtr)(-1)) SafeNativeMethods.CloseHandle(handle);

            ModuleInfo[] temp = new ModuleInfo[moduleInfos.Count];
            moduleInfos.CopyTo(temp, 0);
            return temp;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private static ModuleInfo[] GetModuleInfos(int processId, bool firstModuleOnly)
            // preserving Everett behavior.    
            if (processId == SystemProcessID || processId == IdleProcessID)
                // system process and idle process doesn't have any modules 
                throw new Win32Exception(Interop.mincore.Errors.EFail, SR.EnumProcessModuleFailed);

            SafeProcessHandle processHandle = SafeProcessHandle.InvalidHandle;
                processHandle = ProcessManager.OpenProcess(processId, Interop.mincore.ProcessOptions.PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | Interop.mincore.ProcessOptions.PROCESS_VM_READ, true);

                IntPtr[] moduleHandles = new IntPtr[64];
                GCHandle moduleHandlesArrayHandle = new GCHandle();
                int moduleCount = 0;
                for (; ; )
                    bool enumResult = false;
                        moduleHandlesArrayHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(moduleHandles, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                        enumResult = Interop.mincore.EnumProcessModules(processHandle, moduleHandlesArrayHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject(), moduleHandles.Length * IntPtr.Size, ref moduleCount);

                        // The API we need to use to enumerate process modules differs on two factors:
                        //   1) If our process is running in WOW64.
                        //   2) The bitness of the process we wish to introspect.
                        // If we are not running in WOW64 or we ARE in WOW64 but want to inspect a 32 bit process
                        // we can call psapi!EnumProcessModules.
                        // If we are running in WOW64 and we want to inspect the modules of a 64 bit process then
                        // psapi!EnumProcessModules will return false with ERROR_PARTIAL_COPY (299).  In this case we can't 
                        // do the enumeration at all.  So we'll detect this case and bail out.
                        // Also, EnumProcessModules is not a reliable method to get the modules for a process. 
                        // If OS loader is touching module information, this method might fail and copy part of the data.
                        // This is no easy solution to this problem. The only reliable way to fix this is to 
                        // suspend all the threads in target process. Of course we don't want to do this in Process class.
                        // So we just to try avoid the race by calling the same method 50 (an arbitrary number) times.
                        if (!enumResult)
                            bool sourceProcessIsWow64 = false;
                            bool targetProcessIsWow64 = false;
                            SafeProcessHandle hCurProcess = SafeProcessHandle.InvalidHandle;
                                hCurProcess = ProcessManager.OpenProcess(unchecked((int)Interop.mincore.GetCurrentProcessId()), Interop.mincore.ProcessOptions.PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, true);
                                bool wow64Ret;

                                wow64Ret = Interop.mincore.IsWow64Process(hCurProcess, ref sourceProcessIsWow64);
                                if (!wow64Ret)
                                    throw new Win32Exception();

                                wow64Ret = Interop.mincore.IsWow64Process(processHandle, ref targetProcessIsWow64);
                                if (!wow64Ret)
                                    throw new Win32Exception();

                                if (sourceProcessIsWow64 && !targetProcessIsWow64)
                                    // Wow64 isn't going to allow this to happen, the best we can do is give a descriptive error to the user.
                                    throw new Win32Exception(Interop.mincore.Errors.ERROR_PARTIAL_COPY, SR.EnumProcessModuleFailedDueToWow);
                                if (hCurProcess != SafeProcessHandle.InvalidHandle)

                            // If the failure wasn't due to Wow64, try again.
                            for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
                                enumResult = Interop.mincore.EnumProcessModules(processHandle, moduleHandlesArrayHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject(), moduleHandles.Length * IntPtr.Size, ref moduleCount);
                                if (enumResult)

                    if (!enumResult)
                        throw new Win32Exception();

                    moduleCount /= IntPtr.Size;
                    if (moduleCount <= moduleHandles.Length) break;
                    moduleHandles = new IntPtr[moduleHandles.Length * 2];

                List<ModuleInfo> moduleInfos = new List<ModuleInfo>(firstModuleOnly ? 1 : moduleCount);
                StringBuilder baseName = new StringBuilder(1024);
                StringBuilder fileName = new StringBuilder(1024);

                for (int i = 0; i < moduleCount; i++)
                    if (i > 0)
                        // If the user is only interested in the main module, break now.
                        // This avoid some waste of time. In addition, if the application unloads a DLL
                        // we will not get an exception. 
                        if (firstModuleOnly)


                    IntPtr moduleHandle = moduleHandles[i];
                    Interop.mincore.NtModuleInfo ntModuleInfo = new Interop.mincore.NtModuleInfo();
                    if (!Interop.mincore.GetModuleInformation(processHandle, moduleHandle, ntModuleInfo, Marshal.SizeOf(ntModuleInfo)))

                    ModuleInfo moduleInfo = new ModuleInfo
                        _sizeOfImage = ntModuleInfo.SizeOfImage,
                        _entryPoint = ntModuleInfo.EntryPoint,
                        _baseOfDll = ntModuleInfo.BaseOfDll

                    int ret = Interop.mincore.GetModuleBaseName(processHandle, moduleHandle, baseName, baseName.Capacity);
                    if (ret == 0)

                    moduleInfo._baseName = baseName.ToString();

                    ret = Interop.mincore.GetModuleFileNameEx(processHandle, moduleHandle, fileName, fileName.Capacity);
                    if (ret == 0)

                    moduleInfo._fileName = fileName.ToString();

                    if (moduleInfo._fileName != null && moduleInfo._fileName.Length >= 4
                        && moduleInfo._fileName.StartsWith(@"\\?\", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                        moduleInfo._fileName = fileName.ToString(4, fileName.Length - 4);


                return moduleInfos.ToArray();
                Debug.WriteLineIf(Process._processTracing.TraceVerbose, "Process - CloseHandle(process)");
                if (!processHandle.IsInvalid)
Ejemplo n.º 6
			public void Delete(NamespaceTreeNode[] nodes, ILSpyTreeNode[] parents) {
				Debug.Assert(parents != null && nodes.Length == parents.Length);
				Debug.Assert(infos == null);
				if (infos != null)
					throw new InvalidOperationException();

				infos = new ModuleInfo[nodes.Length];

				for (int i = 0; i < infos.Length; i++) {
					var node = nodes[i];
					var module = ILSpyTreeNode.GetModule(parents[i]);
					Debug.Assert(module != null);
					if (module == null)
						throw new InvalidOperationException();

					var info = new ModuleInfo(module, node.Children.Count);
					infos[i] = info;

					for (int j = 0; j < node.Children.Count; j++) {
						var typeNode = (TypeTreeNode)node.Children[j];
						int index = module.Types.IndexOf(typeNode.TypeDefinition);
						Debug.Assert(index >= 0);
						if (index < 0)
							throw new InvalidOperationException();
						info.Types[j] = typeNode.TypeDefinition;
						info.Indexes[j] = index;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 private static extern int JpfsvGetNextModule(
     IntPtr EnumHandle,
     ref ModuleInfo Info
Ejemplo n.º 8
 private void LoadDetails(ModuleInfo details)
         foreach (string category in details.Categories)
             int cat = Convert.ToInt32(category);
             if (nodes.ContainsKey(cat))
                 LoadDetailsIntoItem(details, nodes[cat].OwnModules.Find(p => ((ModuleInfo)p.Tag).Id == details.Id), cat);
     catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine(e.ToString()); }
Ejemplo n.º 9
        private void LoadDetailsIntoItem(ModuleInfo details, ListViewItem item, int category)
                item.SubItems[0].Text = details.Title;
                item.SubItems[1].Text = details.Author;
                item.SubItems[2].Text = categories.Find(c => c.Id == category).Title;
                item.SubItems[3].Text = details.Cards.ToString();
                item.SubItems[4].Text = Methods.GetFileSize(details.Size);
                item.Tag = details;

                if (item.ListView == null)

                if (item.ListView.Tag is bool && (bool)item.ListView.Tag)
                    item.Group = null;

                    foreach (ListViewGroup group in item.ListView.Groups)
                        if (group.Header == details.Author)
                            item.Group = group;

                    if (item.Group == null)
                        ListViewGroup grp = new ListViewGroup(details.Author);
                        item.Group = grp;

                if (details.IconSmall.Length > 0)
                    item.ListView.SmallImageList.Images.Add(Image.FromStream(new MemoryStream(details.IconSmall)));
                    item.ImageIndex = item.ListView.LargeImageList.Images.Count - 1;
                if (details.IconBig.Length > 0)
                    item.ListView.LargeImageList.Images.Add(Image.FromStream(new MemoryStream(details.IconBig)));
                    item.ImageIndex = item.ListView.LargeImageList.Images.Count - 1;
            catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine(e.ToString()); }
 private static ModuleInfo[] GetModuleInfos(int processId, bool firstModuleOnly)
     ModuleInfo[] infoArray2;
     if ((processId == SystemProcessID) || (processId == 0))
         throw new Win32Exception(-2147467259, SR.GetString("EnumProcessModuleFailed"));
     Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeProcessHandle invalidHandle = Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeProcessHandle.InvalidHandle;
         bool flag;
         invalidHandle = ProcessManager.OpenProcess(processId, 0x410, true);
         IntPtr[] ptrArray = new IntPtr[0x40];
         GCHandle handle2 = new GCHandle();
         int needed = 0;
         flag = false;
             handle2 = GCHandle.Alloc(ptrArray, GCHandleType.Pinned);
             flag = Microsoft.Win32.NativeMethods.EnumProcessModules(invalidHandle, handle2.AddrOfPinnedObject(), ptrArray.Length * IntPtr.Size, ref needed);
             if (!flag)
                 bool flag2 = false;
                 bool flag3 = false;
                 if (!ProcessManager.IsOSOlderThanXP)
                     Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeProcessHandle hProcess = Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeProcessHandle.InvalidHandle;
                         hProcess = ProcessManager.OpenProcess(Microsoft.Win32.NativeMethods.GetCurrentProcessId(), 0x400, true);
                         if (!Microsoft.Win32.SafeNativeMethods.IsWow64Process(hProcess, ref flag2))
                             throw new Win32Exception();
                         if (!Microsoft.Win32.SafeNativeMethods.IsWow64Process(invalidHandle, ref flag3))
                             throw new Win32Exception();
                         if (flag2 && !flag3)
                             throw new Win32Exception(0x12b, SR.GetString("EnumProcessModuleFailedDueToWow"));
                         if (hProcess != Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeProcessHandle.InvalidHandle)
                 for (int j = 0; j < 50; j++)
                     flag = Microsoft.Win32.NativeMethods.EnumProcessModules(invalidHandle, handle2.AddrOfPinnedObject(), ptrArray.Length * IntPtr.Size, ref needed);
                     if (flag)
                         goto Label_012F;
         if (!flag)
             throw new Win32Exception();
         needed /= IntPtr.Size;
         if (needed > ptrArray.Length)
             ptrArray = new IntPtr[ptrArray.Length * 2];
             goto Label_0045;
         ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
         for (int i = 0; i < needed; i++)
             ModuleInfo info = new ModuleInfo();
             IntPtr handle = ptrArray[i];
             Microsoft.Win32.NativeMethods.NtModuleInfo ntModuleInfo = new Microsoft.Win32.NativeMethods.NtModuleInfo();
             if (!Microsoft.Win32.NativeMethods.GetModuleInformation(invalidHandle, new HandleRef(null, handle), ntModuleInfo, Marshal.SizeOf(ntModuleInfo)))
                 throw new Win32Exception();
             info.sizeOfImage = ntModuleInfo.SizeOfImage;
             info.entryPoint = ntModuleInfo.EntryPoint;
             info.baseOfDll = ntModuleInfo.BaseOfDll;
             StringBuilder baseName = new StringBuilder(0x400);
             if (Microsoft.Win32.NativeMethods.GetModuleBaseName(invalidHandle, new HandleRef(null, handle), baseName, baseName.Capacity * 2) == 0)
                 throw new Win32Exception();
             info.baseName = baseName.ToString();
             StringBuilder builder2 = new StringBuilder(0x400);
             if (Microsoft.Win32.NativeMethods.GetModuleFileNameEx(invalidHandle, new HandleRef(null, handle), builder2, builder2.Capacity * 2) == 0)
                 throw new Win32Exception();
             info.fileName = builder2.ToString();
             if (string.Compare(info.fileName, @"\SystemRoot\System32\smss.exe", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                 info.fileName = Path.Combine(Environment.SystemDirectory, "smss.exe");
             if (((info.fileName != null) && (info.fileName.Length >= 4)) && info.fileName.StartsWith(@"\\?\", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                 info.fileName = info.fileName.Substring(4);
             if (firstModuleOnly)
         ModuleInfo[] array = new ModuleInfo[list.Count];
         list.CopyTo(array, 0);
         infoArray2 = array;
         if (!invalidHandle.IsInvalid)
     return infoArray2;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the content of the web.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>Documented by Dev05, 2009-06-26</remarks>
        public void LoadWebContent(object path)
            IsListLoaded = false;
            IsLoaded = false;

            string configPath = path as string;

            nodes = new Dictionary<int, FeedCategoryTreeNode>();
            if (TreeView.InvokeRequired)
                TreeView.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { Nodes.Clear(); });

                if (TreeView.InvokeRequired)
                        Text = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Feed.Name) ? Resources.FeedTreeNode_Name : Feed.Name;
                    Text = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Feed.Name) ? Resources.FeedTreeNode_Name : Feed.Name;

                #region read categories

                XmlReader categoryFeedReader = XmlReader.Create(Feed.CategoriesUri);
                SyndicationFeed categoryFeed = SyndicationFeed.Load(categoryFeedReader);

                List<ModuleCategory> categoriesToAdd = new List<ModuleCategory>();
                foreach (SyndicationItem item in categoryFeed.Items)
                    ModuleCategory category = new ModuleCategory()
                        Id = Convert.ToInt32(item.Id),
                        Title = item.Title.Text,
                        ParentCategory = Convert.ToInt32(item.Links[0].Title)
                categoriesToAdd.Sort((a, b) => a.Id.CompareTo(b.Id));
                categoriesToAdd.ForEach(c => AddCategoryNode(c));


                #region read modules

                XmlReader moduleFeedReader = XmlReader.Create(Feed.ModulesUri);
                SyndicationFeed moduleFeed = SyndicationFeed.Load(moduleFeedReader);

                List<ModuleInfo> modules = new List<ModuleInfo>();
                XmlSerializer infoSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(ModuleInfo));
                Dictionary<string, SyndicationItem> items = new Dictionary<string, SyndicationItem>();
                foreach (SyndicationItem item in moduleFeed.Items)
                    ModuleInfo info;
                    if (item.Summary != null)
                        info = (ModuleInfo)infoSerializer.Deserialize(XmlReader.Create(new StringReader(WebUtility.HtmlDecode(item.Summary.Text))));
                        info = new ModuleInfo();
                    info.Id = item.Id;
                    info.Title = item.Title.Text;
                    info.EditDate = item.LastUpdatedTime.ToString();
                    if (item.Contributors.Count > 0)
                        info.Author = item.Contributors[0].Name;
                        info.AuthorMail = item.Contributors[0].Email;
                        info.AuthorUrl = item.Contributors[0].Uri;
                    if (item.Content is TextSyndicationContent)
                        info.Description = (item.Content as TextSyndicationContent).Text;
                    info.Categories = new SerializableList<string>();
                    foreach (SyndicationCategory cat in item.Categories)
                    foreach (SyndicationLink link in item.Links)
                        if (link.RelationshipType == AtomLinkRelationshipType.Module.ToString())
                            info.Size = link.Length;
                            info.DownloadUrl = link.Uri.AbsoluteUri;
                    items.Add(info.Id, item);

                categories.ForEach(c => nodes[c.Id].SetModuleList(modules.FindAll(p => p.Categories.Contains(c.Id.ToString()))));


                if (TreeView.InvokeRequired)
                    TreeView.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { Expand(); });
                IsListLoaded = true;


                #region read images

                using (PersistentMemoryCache<ModuleInfoCacheItem> cache = new PersistentMemoryCache<ModuleInfoCacheItem>("Feed_" + moduleFeed.Id))
                    WebClient webClient = new WebClient();
                    foreach (ModuleInfo basicInfo in modules)
                            ModuleInfo info = basicInfo;
                            SyndicationItem item = items[basicInfo.Id];
                            string cacheKey = String.Format("{0}##{1}##{2}", moduleFeed.Id, item.Id, item.LastUpdatedTime);

                            if (cache.Contains(cacheKey))
                                ModuleInfoCacheItem cacheItem = (ModuleInfoCacheItem)cache[cacheKey];
                                info.IconSmall = Convert.FromBase64String(cacheItem.IconSmall);
                                info.IconBig = Convert.FromBase64String(cacheItem.IconBig);
                                info.Preview = Convert.FromBase64String(cacheItem.Preview);
                                ModuleInfoCacheItem cacheItem = new ModuleInfoCacheItem(info.Id);
                                foreach (SyndicationLink link in item.Links)
                                    if (link.RelationshipType == AtomLinkRelationshipType.IconSmall.ToString())
                                        cacheItem.IconSmall = Convert.ToBase64String(info.IconSmall = webClient.DownloadData(link.Uri));
                                    if (link.RelationshipType == AtomLinkRelationshipType.IconBig.ToString())
                                        cacheItem.IconBig = Convert.ToBase64String(info.IconBig = webClient.DownloadData(link.Uri));
                                    if (link.RelationshipType == AtomLinkRelationshipType.Preview.ToString())
                                        cacheItem.Preview = Convert.ToBase64String(info.Preview = webClient.DownloadData(link.Uri));
                                cache.Set(cacheKey, cacheItem, DateTime.Now.AddYears(1));

                            if (TreeView.InvokeRequired)
                                TreeView.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { LoadDetails(info); });
                        catch (Exception exp) { Trace.WriteLine(exp.ToString()); }


                IsLoaded = true;
            catch (Exception)
                    if (TreeView.InvokeRequired)
                        TreeView.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { Text = Resources.FeedTreeNode_Text_Offline; });
                        Text = Resources.FeedTreeNode_Text_Offline;
                catch (ObjectDisposedException) { }
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public bool Load( Stream stream, IEmulationInstance emulator, uint baseAddress )
            // Relocate only if we need to
            if( _needsRelocation == false )
                baseAddress = 0;

            _entryAddress += baseAddress;
            _initAddress += baseAddress;

            IMemory memory = emulator.Cpu.Memory;

            foreach( ElfSection section in _allocSections )
                // Sanity check for broken ELFs
                if( ( baseAddress != 0 ) && ( baseAddress == section.Address ) )
                    // Fuckers lied - no relocation needed!
                    _needsRelocation = false;
                    baseAddress = 0;

                uint address = baseAddress + section.Address;

                section.Address = address;
                if( section.SectionType == ElfSectionType.NoBits )
                    // Write zeros?
                else if( section.SectionType == ElfSectionType.ProgramBits )
                    stream.Seek( section.ElfOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin );

                    byte[] bytes = new byte[ section.Length ];
                    stream.Read( bytes, 0, ( int )section.Length );

                    memory.WriteBytes( ( int )address, bytes );

                    _upperAddress = Math.Max( _upperAddress, address + ( uint )bytes.Length );

            BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader( stream );

            ElfSection sceModuleInfo = _sectionLookup[ ".rodata.sceModuleInfo" ];
            reader.BaseStream.Seek( sceModuleInfo.ElfOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin );
            ModuleInfo moduleInfo = new ModuleInfo( reader );

            _globalPointer = baseAddress + moduleInfo.Gp;

            // Not sure if this is needed - the header seems to give an ok address
            //if( _programType == ElfType.Prx )
            //    ElfSection sceResident = _sectionLookup[ ".rodata.sceResident" ];
            //    reader.BaseStream.Seek( sceResident.ElfOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin );
            //    // 2 magic words
            //    reader.BaseStream.Seek( 8, SeekOrigin.Current );
            //    _entryAddress = reader.ReadUInt32();

            if( _needsRelocation == true )
                //foreach( ElfRelocation relocation in _relocations )
                //    this.FixRelocation( reader, memory, relocation, baseAddress );
                foreach( ElfSection section in _relocSections )
                    this.ApplyRelocations( reader, memory, section, baseAddress );

            //result.Stubs = this.FixupStubs( reader, emulator.Cpu, memory, emulator.Bios, baseAddress );

            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 13
        private static ModuleInfo[] GetModuleInfos(int processId, bool firstModuleOnly)
            Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result <ModuleInfo[]>().Length >= 1);

            // preserving Everett behavior.
            if (processId == SystemProcessID || processId == IdleProcessID)
                // system process and idle process doesn't have any modules
                throw new Win32Exception(Interop.EFail, SR.EnumProcessModuleFailed);

            SafeProcessHandle processHandle = SafeProcessHandle.InvalidHandle;

                processHandle = ProcessManager.OpenProcess(processId, Interop.PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | Interop.PROCESS_VM_READ, true);

                IntPtr[] moduleHandles            = new IntPtr[64];
                GCHandle moduleHandlesArrayHandle = new GCHandle();
                int      moduleCount = 0;
                for (; ;)
                    bool enumResult = false;
                        moduleHandlesArrayHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(moduleHandles, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                        enumResult = Interop.mincore.EnumProcessModules(processHandle, moduleHandlesArrayHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject(), moduleHandles.Length * IntPtr.Size, ref moduleCount);

                        // The API we need to use to enumerate process modules differs on two factors:
                        //   1) If our process is running in WOW64.
                        //   2) The bitness of the process we wish to introspect.
                        // If we are not running in WOW64 or we ARE in WOW64 but want to inspect a 32 bit process
                        // we can call psapi!EnumProcessModules.
                        // If we are running in WOW64 and we want to inspect the modules of a 64 bit process then
                        // psapi!EnumProcessModules will return false with ERROR_PARTIAL_COPY (299).  In this case we can't
                        // do the enumeration at all.  So we'll detect this case and bail out.
                        // Also, EnumProcessModules is not a reliable method to get the modules for a process.
                        // If OS loader is touching module information, this method might fail and copy part of the data.
                        // This is no easy solution to this problem. The only reliable way to fix this is to
                        // suspend all the threads in target process. Of course we don't want to do this in Process class.
                        // So we just to try avoid the race by calling the same method 50 (an arbitary number) times.
                        if (!enumResult)
                            bool sourceProcessIsWow64     = false;
                            bool targetProcessIsWow64     = false;
                            SafeProcessHandle hCurProcess = SafeProcessHandle.InvalidHandle;
                                hCurProcess = ProcessManager.OpenProcess(unchecked ((int)Interop.mincore.GetCurrentProcessId()), Interop.PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, true);
                                bool wow64Ret;

                                wow64Ret = Interop.mincore.IsWow64Process(hCurProcess, ref sourceProcessIsWow64);
                                if (!wow64Ret)
                                    throw new Win32Exception();

                                wow64Ret = Interop.mincore.IsWow64Process(processHandle, ref targetProcessIsWow64);
                                if (!wow64Ret)
                                    throw new Win32Exception();

                                if (sourceProcessIsWow64 && !targetProcessIsWow64)
                                    // Wow64 isn't going to allow this to happen, the best we can do is give a descriptive error to the user.
                                    throw new Win32Exception(Interop.ERROR_PARTIAL_COPY, SR.EnumProcessModuleFailedDueToWow);
                                if (hCurProcess != SafeProcessHandle.InvalidHandle)

                            // If the failure wasn't due to Wow64, try again.
                            for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
                                enumResult = Interop.mincore.EnumProcessModules(processHandle, moduleHandlesArrayHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject(), moduleHandles.Length * IntPtr.Size, ref moduleCount);
                                if (enumResult)

                    if (!enumResult)
                        throw new Win32Exception();

                    moduleCount /= IntPtr.Size;
                    if (moduleCount <= moduleHandles.Length)
                    moduleHandles = new IntPtr[moduleHandles.Length * 2];
                List <ModuleInfo> moduleInfos = new List <ModuleInfo>();

                int ret;
                for (int i = 0; i < moduleCount; i++)
                        ModuleInfo           moduleInfo   = new ModuleInfo();
                        IntPtr               moduleHandle = moduleHandles[i];
                        Interop.NtModuleInfo ntModuleInfo = new Interop.NtModuleInfo();
                        if (!Interop.mincore.GetModuleInformation(processHandle, moduleHandle, ntModuleInfo, Marshal.SizeOf(ntModuleInfo)))
                            throw new Win32Exception();
                        moduleInfo.sizeOfImage = ntModuleInfo.SizeOfImage;
                        moduleInfo.entryPoint  = ntModuleInfo.EntryPoint;
                        moduleInfo.baseOfDll   = ntModuleInfo.BaseOfDll;

                        StringBuilder baseName = new StringBuilder(1024);
                        ret = Interop.mincore.GetModuleBaseName(processHandle, moduleHandle, baseName, baseName.Capacity * 2);
                        if (ret == 0)
                            throw new Win32Exception();
                        moduleInfo.baseName = baseName.ToString();

                        StringBuilder fileName = new StringBuilder(1024);
                        ret = Interop.mincore.GetModuleFileNameEx(processHandle, moduleHandle, fileName, fileName.Capacity * 2);
                        if (ret == 0)
                            throw new Win32Exception();
                        moduleInfo.fileName = fileName.ToString();

                        if (moduleInfo.fileName != null &&
                            moduleInfo.fileName.Length >= 4 &&
                            moduleInfo.fileName.StartsWith(@"\\?\", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                            moduleInfo.fileName = moduleInfo.fileName.Substring(4);

                    catch (Win32Exception e)
                        if (e.NativeErrorCode == Interop.ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE || e.NativeErrorCode == Interop.ERROR_PARTIAL_COPY)
                            // It's possible that another thread casued this module to become
                            // unloaded (e.g FreeLibrary was called on the module).  Ignore it and
                            // move on.

                    // If the user is only interested in the main module, break now.
                    // This avoid some waste of time. In addition, if the application unloads a DLL
                    // we will not get an exception.
                    if (firstModuleOnly)
                ModuleInfo[] temp = new ModuleInfo[moduleInfos.Count];
                moduleInfos.CopyTo(temp, 0);
                Debug.WriteLineIf(Process.processTracing.TraceVerbose, "Process - CloseHandle(process)");
                if (!processHandle.IsInvalid)
Ejemplo n.º 14
 private static ModuleInfo[] GetModuleInfos(int processId, bool firstModuleOnly)
     if (processId == NtProcessManager.SystemProcessID || processId == 0)
         throw new Win32Exception(-2147467259, "EnumProcessModuleFailed");
     SafeProcessHandle safeProcessHandle = SafeProcessHandle.InvalidHandle;
     ModuleInfo[] result;
         safeProcessHandle = ProcessManager.OpenProcess(processId, 1040, true);
         IntPtr[] array = new IntPtr[64];
         GCHandle gCHandle = default(GCHandle);
         int num = 0;
         while (true)
             bool flag = false;
                 gCHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(array, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                 flag = NativeMethods.EnumProcessModules(safeProcessHandle, gCHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject(), array.Length * IntPtr.Size, ref num);
                 if (!flag)
                     bool flag2 = false;
                     bool flag3 = false;
                     if (true)
                         SafeProcessHandle safeProcessHandle2 = SafeProcessHandle.InvalidHandle;
                             safeProcessHandle2 = ProcessManager.OpenProcess(NativeMethods.GetCurrentProcessId(), 1024, true);
                             if (!SafeNativeMethods.IsWow64Process(safeProcessHandle2, ref flag2))
                                 throw new Win32Exception();
                             if (!SafeNativeMethods.IsWow64Process(safeProcessHandle, ref flag3))
                                 throw new Win32Exception();
                             if (flag2 && !flag3)
                                 throw new Win32Exception(299, "EnumProcessModuleFailedDueToWow");
                             if (safeProcessHandle2 != SafeProcessHandle.InvalidHandle)
                     for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
                         flag = NativeMethods.EnumProcessModules(safeProcessHandle, gCHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject(), array.Length * IntPtr.Size, ref num);
                         if (flag)
             if (!flag)
             num /= IntPtr.Size;
             if (num <= array.Length)
                 goto IL_157;
             array = new IntPtr[array.Length * 2];
         throw new Win32Exception();
         ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
         for (int j = 0; j < num; j++)
                 ModuleInfo moduleInfo = new ModuleInfo();
                 IntPtr handle = array[j];
                 NativeMethods.NtModuleInfo ntModuleInfo = new NativeMethods.NtModuleInfo();
                 if (!NativeMethods.GetModuleInformation(safeProcessHandle, new HandleRef(null, handle), ntModuleInfo, Marshal.SizeOf(ntModuleInfo)))
                     throw new Win32Exception();
                 moduleInfo.sizeOfImage = ntModuleInfo.SizeOfImage;
                 moduleInfo.entryPoint = ntModuleInfo.EntryPoint;
                 moduleInfo.baseOfDll = ntModuleInfo.BaseOfDll;
                 StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(1024);
                 if (NativeMethods.GetModuleBaseName(safeProcessHandle, new HandleRef(null, handle), stringBuilder, stringBuilder.Capacity * 2) == 0)
                     throw new Win32Exception();
                 moduleInfo.baseName = stringBuilder.ToString();
                 StringBuilder stringBuilder2 = new StringBuilder(1024);
                 if (NativeMethods.GetModuleFileNameEx(safeProcessHandle, new HandleRef(null, handle), stringBuilder2, stringBuilder2.Capacity * 2) == 0)
                     throw new Win32Exception();
                 moduleInfo.fileName = stringBuilder2.ToString();
                 if (string.Compare(moduleInfo.fileName, "\\SystemRoot\\System32\\smss.exe", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                     moduleInfo.fileName = Path.Combine(Environment.SystemDirectory, "smss.exe");
                 if (moduleInfo.fileName != null && moduleInfo.fileName.Length >= 4 && moduleInfo.fileName.StartsWith("\\\\?\\", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                     moduleInfo.fileName = moduleInfo.fileName.Substring(4);
             catch (Win32Exception ex)
                 if (ex.NativeErrorCode != 6 && ex.NativeErrorCode != 299)
             if (firstModuleOnly)
         ModuleInfo[] array2 = new ModuleInfo[arrayList.Count];
         arrayList.CopyTo(array2, 0);
         result = array2;
         if (!safeProcessHandle.IsInvalid)
     return result;
Ejemplo n.º 15
		public IEnumerable<ModuleInfo> GetModuleInfos()
			ToolHelpHandle ptr = null;
			var list = new List<ModuleInfo>();
				ptr = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(0x8, ProcessId);
				if (ptr.IsInvalid)
					throw new Win32Exception();
				var me32 = new MODULEENTRY32();
				me32.dwSize = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(me32);

				if (Module32First(ptr, ref me32))
						ModuleInfo info = new ModuleInfo
							baseName = me32.szModule,
							fileName = me32.szExePath,
							baseOfDll = me32.modBaseAddr,
							sizeOfImage = (int)me32.modBaseSize,
							Id = (int)me32.th32ModuleID
						me32.dwSize = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(me32);
					while (Module32Next(ptr, ref me32));
				if (Marshal.GetLastWin32Error() != 18) //ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES
					throw new Win32Exception();
				if (ptr != null && !ptr.IsInvalid)
			return list;
Ejemplo n.º 16
 /// <devdoc>
 ///     Initialize the module.
 /// </devdoc>
 /// <internalonly/>
 internal ProcessModule(ModuleInfo moduleInfo)
     _moduleInfo = moduleInfo;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 /// <devdoc>
 ///     Initialize the module.
 /// </devdoc>
 /// <internalonly/>
 internal ProcessModule(ModuleInfo moduleInfo) {
     this.moduleInfo = moduleInfo;
Ejemplo n.º 18
            public bool NextItem(ref ModuleInfo Info)
                Debug.Assert(m_EnumHandle != null);

                Info.Size = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(ModuleInfo));
                int hr = JpfsvGetNextModule(m_EnumHandle, ref Info);
                if (hr < 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot get here");
                else if (hr == 1)
                    return false;
                    return true;