NewUninitializedRecord() private method

private NewUninitializedRecord ( ) : int
return int
Ejemplo n.º 1
        // No impact on AutoIncrementCurrent if over written
        internal int CopyRecord(DataTable src, int record, int copy)
            if (record == -1)

            Debug.Assert(src != null, "Can not Merge record without a table");

            int newRecord = copy;

            if (copy == -1)
                newRecord = table.NewUninitializedRecord();

            for (int i = 0; i < table.Columns.Count; ++i)
                DataColumn objColumn = table.Columns[i];
                int        iSrc      = src.Columns.IndexOf(objColumn.ColumnName);
                if (iSrc >= 0)
                    SetValue(newRecord, i, src.Columns[iSrc][record, false]);
                    if (copy == -1)
Ejemplo n.º 2
        // No impact on AutoIncrementCurrent if over written
        internal int CopyRecord(DataTable src, int record, int copy)
            Debug.Assert(src != null, "Can not Merge record without a table");

            if (record == -1)
            int newRecord = -1;

            try {
                if (copy == -1)
                    newRecord = table.NewUninitializedRecord();
                    newRecord = copy;

                int count = table.Columns.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                    DataColumn dstColumn = table.Columns[i];
                    DataColumn srcColumn = src.Columns[dstColumn.ColumnName];
                    if (null != srcColumn)
                        object     value           = srcColumn[record];
                        ICloneable cloneableObject = value as ICloneable;
                        if (null != cloneableObject)
                            dstColumn[newRecord] = cloneableObject.Clone();
                            dstColumn[newRecord] = value;
                    else if (-1 == copy)
            catch (Exception e) {
                if (Common.ADP.IsCatchableOrSecurityExceptionType(e))
                    if (-1 == copy)
                        FreeRecord(ref newRecord);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        // Loads a table. 
        // Yes, I know it's a big method. This is done to avoid performance penalty of calling methods 
        // with many arguments and to keep recursion within one method only. To make code readable,
        // this method divided into 3 parts: attribute processing (including diffgram), 
        // nested elements processing and loading data. Please keep it this way.

        private void LoadTable(DataTable table, bool isNested ) {

            //  <DataSet> /--------------------------- We are here on entrance
            //      <Table>               
            //          <Column>Value</Column>
            //          <AnotherColumn>Value</AnotherColumn>
            //      </Table>    /-------------------------- We are here on exit           
            //      <AnotherTable>
            //      ...
            //      </AnotherTable>
            //      ...
            //  </DataSet> 

            Debug.Assert (table != null, "Table to be loaded is null on LoadTable() entry");

            DataRow row = null;                                 // Data row we're going to add to this table

            int entryDepth = dataReader.Depth;                  // Store current reader depth so we know when to stop reading
            int entryChild = childRowsStack.Count;              // Memorize child stack level on entry

            DataColumn c;                                       // Hold column here
            DataColumnCollection collection = table.Columns;    // Hold column collectio here

            object[] foundColumns = new object[collection.Count];
                                                                // This is the columns data we found 
            // This is used to process diffgramms

            int rowOrder = -1;                                  // Row to insert data to
            string diffId = String.Empty;                       // Diffgram ID string
            string hasChanges = null;                           // Changes string
            bool hasErrors = false;                             // Set this in case of problem

            string textNodeValue;                               // Value of a text node we might have

            // Process attributes first                         

            for ( int i = dataReader.AttributeCount -1; i >= 0; --i) {    
                                                                // Check all attributes one by one
                dataReader.MoveToAttribute(i);                  // Get this attribute

                c = nodeToSchemaMap.GetColumnSchema(table, dataReader, FIgnoreNamespace(dataReader)) as DataColumn;
                                                                // Try to get column for this attribute

                if ((c != null) && (c.ColumnMapping == MappingType.Attribute)) {
                    // Yep, it is a column mapped as attribute
                    // Get value from XML and store it in the object array
                    foundColumns[c.Ordinal] = c.ConvertXmlToObject(dataReader.Value);
                }                                               // Oops. No column for this element

                // else if (table.XmlText != null &&               
                //          dataReader.NamespaceURI == Keywords.XSINS && 
                //          dataReader.LocalName == Keywords.XSI_NIL ) {
                //                                                 // Got XMLText column and it's a NIL attribute?
                //     if (XmlConvert.ToBoolean(dataReader.Value)) {
                //         // If NIL attribute set to true...
                //         // Assign DBNull to XmlText column
                //         foundColumns[table.XmlText.Ordinal] = DBNull.Value;
                //     }
                // }

                if ( isDiffgram ) {                             // Now handle some diffgram attributes 
                    if ( dataReader.NamespaceURI == Keywords.DFFNS ) {
                        switch (dataReader.LocalName) {
                        case Keywords.DIFFID:                   // Is it a diffgeam ID ?
                            diffId = dataReader.Value;          // Store ID
                        case Keywords.HASCHANGES:               // Has chages attribute ?
                            hasChanges = dataReader.Value;      // Store value
                        case Keywords.HASERRORS:                // Has errors attribute ?
                            hasErrors = (bool)Convert.ChangeType(dataReader.Value, typeof(bool), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                                                                // Store value
                    else if ( dataReader.NamespaceURI == Keywords.MSDNS ) {
                        if ( dataReader.LocalName == Keywords.ROWORDER ) {
                                                                // Is it a row order attribute ?
                            rowOrder = (Int32)Convert.ChangeType(dataReader.Value, typeof(Int32), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                                                                // Store it
                        } else if (dataReader.LocalName.StartsWith("hidden", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
                                                                // Hidden column ?
                            c = collection[XmlConvert.DecodeName(dataReader.LocalName.Substring(6))];
                                                                // Let's see if we have one. 
                                                                // We have to decode name before we look it up
                                                                // We could not use XmlToDataSet map as it contains
                                                                // no hidden columns
                            if (( c != null)  && (c.ColumnMapping == MappingType.Hidden)) {
                                                                // Got column and it is hidden ?
                                foundColumns[c.Ordinal] = c.ConvertXmlToObject(dataReader.Value);
            }                                                   // Done with attributes

            // Now handle elements. This could be columns or nested tables.

            //  <DataSet> /------------------- We are here after dealing with attributes
            //      <Table foo="FooValue" bar="BarValue">  
            //          <Column>Value</Column>
            //          <AnotherColumn>Value</AnotherColumn>
            //      </Table>
            //  </DataSet>

            if ( dataReader.Read() && entryDepth < dataReader.Depth) {
                                                                // Read to the next element and see if we're inside
                while ( entryDepth < dataReader.Depth ) {       // Get out as soon as we've processed all nested nodes.
                    switch (dataReader.NodeType) {              // Process nodes based on type
                    case XmlNodeType.Element:                   // It's an element
                        object o = nodeToSchemaMap.GetColumnSchema(table, dataReader, FIgnoreNamespace(dataReader));
                                                                // Get dataset element for this XML element
                        c = o as DataColumn;                    // Perhaps, it's a column?

                        if ( c != null ) {                      // Do we have matched column in this table?
                                                                // Let's load column data
                            if (foundColumns[c.Ordinal] == null) {
                                                                // If this column was not found before
                                LoadColumn (c, foundColumns);            
                                                                // Get column value
                            else {
                                dataReader.Read();              // Advance to next element. 
                        else  {
                            DataTable nestedTable = o as DataTable; 
                                                                // Perhaps, it's a nested table ?
                            if ( nestedTable != null ) {        // Do we have matched nested table in DataSet ?
                                LoadTable (nestedTable, true /* isNested */);            
                                                                // Yes. Load nested table (recursive)
                            }                                   // Not a table nor column? Check if it's schema.
                            else if (ProcessXsdSchema()) {      // Check for schema. Skip or load if found.
                                continue;                       // Schema has been found. Process the next element 
                                                                // we're already at (done by schema processing).
                            else {                              
                                // We've got element which is not supposed to he here according to the schema.
                                // That might be a table which was misplaced. We should've thrown on that, 
                                // but we'll try to load it so we could keep compatibility.
                                // We won't try to match to columns as we have no idea 
                                // which table this potential column might belong to.
                                DataTable misplacedTable = nodeToSchemaMap.GetTableForNode(dataReader, FIgnoreNamespace(dataReader));
                                                                // Try to get table for node

                                if (misplacedTable != null) {   // Got some matching table?
                                    LoadTable (misplacedTable, false /* isNested */);                       
                                                                // While table's XML element is nested,
                                                                // the table itself is not. Load it this way.
                                else {
                                    dataReader.Read();          // Not a table? Try next element.
                    case XmlNodeType.EntityReference:           // Oops. No support for Entity Reference
                        throw ExceptionBuilder.FoundEntity();
                    case XmlNodeType.Text:                      // It looks like a text.
                    case XmlNodeType.Whitespace:                // This actually could be
                    case XmlNodeType.CDATA:                     // if we have XmlText in our table
                    case XmlNodeType.SignificantWhitespace:
                        textNodeValue = dataReader.ReadString();    
                                                                // Get text node value.
                        c = table.xmlText;                      // Get XML Text column from our table

                        if (c != null && foundColumns[c.Ordinal] == null) {
                                                                // If XmlText Column is set
                                                                // and we do not have data already                
                            foundColumns[c.Ordinal] = c.ConvertXmlToObject(textNodeValue);
                                                                // Read and store the data
                            dataReader.Read();                  // We don't process that, skip to the next element.

                dataReader.Read();                              // We're done here, proceed to the next element.

            // It's the time to populate row with loaded data and add it to the table we'we just read to the table

            if (isDiffgram) {                               // In case of diffgram
                row = table.NewRow(table.NewUninitializedRecord());
                                                            // just create an empty row
                row.BeginEdit();                            // and allow it's population with data 

                for ( int i = foundColumns.Length - 1; i >= 0 ; --i) {
                                                            // Check all columns
                    c = collection[i];                      // Get column for this index

                    c[row.tempRecord] = null != foundColumns[i] ? foundColumns[i] : DBNull.Value;
                                                            // Set column to loaded value of to
                                                            // DBNull if value is missing.

                row.EndEdit();                              // Done with this row

                table.Rows.DiffInsertAt(row, rowOrder);     // insert data to specific location

                                                            // And do some diff processing
                if (hasChanges == null) {                   // No changes ?
                    row.oldRecord = row.newRecord;          // Restore old record

                if ((hasChanges == Keywords.MODIFIED) || hasErrors) {
                    table.RowDiffId[diffId] = row;    

            else {
                for ( int i = foundColumns.Length -1; i >= 0 ; --i) {
                                                            // Check all columns
                    if (null == foundColumns[i]) {          // Got data for this column ?
                        c = collection[i];                  // No. Get column for this index

                        if (c.AllowDBNull && c.ColumnMapping != MappingType.Hidden && !c.AutoIncrement) {
                            foundColumns[i] = DBNull.Value; // Assign DBNull if possible
                                                            // table.Rows.Add() below will deal
                                                            // with default values and autoincrement

                row = table.Rows.AddWithColumnEvents(foundColumns);         // Create, populate and add row


            // Data is loaded into the row and row is added to the table at this point

            while (entryChild < childRowsStack.Count) {     // Process child rows we might have
                DataRow childRow = (DataRow) childRowsStack.Pop();  
                                                            // Get row from the stack
                bool unchanged = (childRow.RowState == DataRowState.Unchanged);
                                                            // Is data the same as before?
                childRow.SetNestedParentRow(row, /*setNonNested*/ false);
                                                            // Set parent row

                if (unchanged)                              // Restore record if child row's unchanged
                    childRow.oldRecord = childRow.newRecord; 

            if (isNested)                                   // Got parent ?
                childRowsStack.Push(row);                   // Push row to the stack

Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void LoadTable(DataTable table, bool isNested)
            DataColumn           xmlText;
            DataRow              row     = null;
            int                  depth   = this.dataReader.Depth;
            int                  count   = this.childRowsStack.Count;
            DataColumnCollection columns = table.Columns;

            object[] foundColumns = new object[columns.Count];
            int      pos          = -1;
            string   str3         = string.Empty;
            string   str2         = null;
            bool     flag         = false;

            for (int i = this.dataReader.AttributeCount - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                xmlText = this.nodeToSchemaMap.GetColumnSchema(table, this.dataReader, this.FIgnoreNamespace(this.dataReader)) as DataColumn;
                if ((xmlText != null) && (xmlText.ColumnMapping == MappingType.Attribute))
                    foundColumns[xmlText.Ordinal] = xmlText.ConvertXmlToObject(this.dataReader.Value);
                if (this.isDiffgram)
                    if (!(this.dataReader.NamespaceURI == "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-diffgram-v1"))
                        goto Label_0161;
                    string localName = this.dataReader.LocalName;
                    if (localName != null)
                        if (!(localName == "id"))
                            if (localName == "hasChanges")
                                goto Label_0124;
                            if (localName == "hasErrors")
                                goto Label_0136;
                            str3 = this.dataReader.Value;
                str2 = this.dataReader.Value;
                flag = (bool)Convert.ChangeType(this.dataReader.Value, typeof(bool), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                if (this.dataReader.NamespaceURI == "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata")
                    if (this.dataReader.LocalName == "rowOrder")
                        pos = (int)Convert.ChangeType(this.dataReader.Value, typeof(int), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    else if (this.dataReader.LocalName.StartsWith("hidden", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                        xmlText = columns[XmlConvert.DecodeName(this.dataReader.LocalName.Substring(6))];
                        if ((xmlText != null) && (xmlText.ColumnMapping == MappingType.Hidden))
                            foundColumns[xmlText.Ordinal] = xmlText.ConvertXmlToObject(this.dataReader.Value);
            if (this.dataReader.Read() && (depth < this.dataReader.Depth))
                while (depth < this.dataReader.Depth)
                    DataTable table3;
                    object    obj2;
                    switch (this.dataReader.NodeType)
                    case XmlNodeType.Element:
                        obj2    = this.nodeToSchemaMap.GetColumnSchema(table, this.dataReader, this.FIgnoreNamespace(this.dataReader));
                        xmlText = obj2 as DataColumn;
                        if (xmlText == null)
                            goto Label_02DE;
                        if (foundColumns[xmlText.Ordinal] != null)
                        this.LoadColumn(xmlText, foundColumns);

                    case XmlNodeType.Text:
                    case XmlNodeType.CDATA:
                    case XmlNodeType.Whitespace:
                    case XmlNodeType.SignificantWhitespace:
                        string s = this.dataReader.ReadString();
                        xmlText = table.xmlText;
                        if ((xmlText != null) && (foundColumns[xmlText.Ordinal] == null))
                            foundColumns[xmlText.Ordinal] = xmlText.ConvertXmlToObject(s);

                    case XmlNodeType.EntityReference:
                        throw ExceptionBuilder.FoundEntity();

                        goto Label_0379;
                    table3 = obj2 as DataTable;
                    if (table3 != null)
                        this.LoadTable(table3, true);
                    else if (!this.ProcessXsdSchema())
                        DataTable tableForNode = this.nodeToSchemaMap.GetTableForNode(this.dataReader, this.FIgnoreNamespace(this.dataReader));
                        if (tableForNode != null)
                            this.LoadTable(tableForNode, false);
            if (this.isDiffgram)
                row = table.NewRow(table.NewUninitializedRecord());
                for (int j = foundColumns.Length - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                    xmlText = columns[j];
                    xmlText[row.tempRecord] = (foundColumns[j] != null) ? foundColumns[j] : DBNull.Value;
                table.Rows.DiffInsertAt(row, pos);
                if (str2 == null)
                    row.oldRecord = row.newRecord;
                if ((str2 == "modified") || flag)
                    table.RowDiffId[str3] = row;
                for (int k = foundColumns.Length - 1; k >= 0; k--)
                    if (foundColumns[k] == null)
                        xmlText = columns[k];
                        if ((xmlText.AllowDBNull && (xmlText.ColumnMapping != MappingType.Hidden)) && !xmlText.AutoIncrement)
                            foundColumns[k] = DBNull.Value;
                row = table.Rows.AddWithColumnEvents(foundColumns);
            while (count < this.childRowsStack.Count)
                DataRow row2  = (DataRow)this.childRowsStack.Pop();
                bool    flag2 = row2.RowState == DataRowState.Unchanged;
                row2.SetNestedParentRow(row, false);
                if (flag2)
                    row2.oldRecord = row2.newRecord;
            if (isNested)
        private void LoadTable(DataTable table, bool isNested)
            DataColumn xmlText;
            DataRow row = null;
            int depth = this.dataReader.Depth;
            int count = this.childRowsStack.Count;
            DataColumnCollection columns = table.Columns;
            object[] foundColumns = new object[columns.Count];
            int pos = -1;
            string str3 = string.Empty;
            string str2 = null;
            bool flag = false;
            for (int i = this.dataReader.AttributeCount - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                xmlText = this.nodeToSchemaMap.GetColumnSchema(table, this.dataReader, this.FIgnoreNamespace(this.dataReader)) as DataColumn;
                if ((xmlText != null) && (xmlText.ColumnMapping == MappingType.Attribute))
                    foundColumns[xmlText.Ordinal] = xmlText.ConvertXmlToObject(this.dataReader.Value);
                if (this.isDiffgram)
                    if (!(this.dataReader.NamespaceURI == "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-diffgram-v1"))
                        goto Label_0161;
                    string localName = this.dataReader.LocalName;
                    if (localName != null)
                        if (!(localName == "id"))
                            if (localName == "hasChanges")
                                goto Label_0124;
                            if (localName == "hasErrors")
                                goto Label_0136;
                            str3 = this.dataReader.Value;
                str2 = this.dataReader.Value;
                flag = (bool) Convert.ChangeType(this.dataReader.Value, typeof(bool), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                if (this.dataReader.NamespaceURI == "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata")
                    if (this.dataReader.LocalName == "rowOrder")
                        pos = (int) Convert.ChangeType(this.dataReader.Value, typeof(int), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    else if (this.dataReader.LocalName.StartsWith("hidden", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                        xmlText = columns[XmlConvert.DecodeName(this.dataReader.LocalName.Substring(6))];
                        if ((xmlText != null) && (xmlText.ColumnMapping == MappingType.Hidden))
                            foundColumns[xmlText.Ordinal] = xmlText.ConvertXmlToObject(this.dataReader.Value);
            if (this.dataReader.Read() && (depth < this.dataReader.Depth))
                while (depth < this.dataReader.Depth)
                    DataTable table3;
                    object obj2;
                    switch (this.dataReader.NodeType)
                        case XmlNodeType.Element:
                            obj2 = this.nodeToSchemaMap.GetColumnSchema(table, this.dataReader, this.FIgnoreNamespace(this.dataReader));
                            xmlText = obj2 as DataColumn;
                            if (xmlText == null)
                                goto Label_02DE;
                            if (foundColumns[xmlText.Ordinal] != null)
                            this.LoadColumn(xmlText, foundColumns);
                        case XmlNodeType.Text:
                        case XmlNodeType.CDATA:
                        case XmlNodeType.Whitespace:
                        case XmlNodeType.SignificantWhitespace:
                            string s = this.dataReader.ReadString();
                            xmlText = table.xmlText;
                            if ((xmlText != null) && (foundColumns[xmlText.Ordinal] == null))
                                foundColumns[xmlText.Ordinal] = xmlText.ConvertXmlToObject(s);
                        case XmlNodeType.EntityReference:
                            throw ExceptionBuilder.FoundEntity();

                            goto Label_0379;
                    table3 = obj2 as DataTable;
                    if (table3 != null)
                        this.LoadTable(table3, true);
                    else if (!this.ProcessXsdSchema())
                        DataTable tableForNode = this.nodeToSchemaMap.GetTableForNode(this.dataReader, this.FIgnoreNamespace(this.dataReader));
                        if (tableForNode != null)
                            this.LoadTable(tableForNode, false);
            if (this.isDiffgram)
                row = table.NewRow(table.NewUninitializedRecord());
                for (int j = foundColumns.Length - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                    xmlText = columns[j];
                    xmlText[row.tempRecord] = (foundColumns[j] != null) ? foundColumns[j] : DBNull.Value;
                table.Rows.DiffInsertAt(row, pos);
                if (str2 == null)
                    row.oldRecord = row.newRecord;
                if ((str2 == "modified") || flag)
                    table.RowDiffId[str3] = row;
                for (int k = foundColumns.Length - 1; k >= 0; k--)
                    if (foundColumns[k] == null)
                        xmlText = columns[k];
                        if ((xmlText.AllowDBNull && (xmlText.ColumnMapping != MappingType.Hidden)) && !xmlText.AutoIncrement)
                            foundColumns[k] = DBNull.Value;
                row = table.Rows.AddWithColumnEvents(foundColumns);
            while (count < this.childRowsStack.Count)
                DataRow row2 = (DataRow) this.childRowsStack.Pop();
                bool flag2 = row2.RowState == DataRowState.Unchanged;
                row2.SetNestedParentRow(row, false);
                if (flag2)
                    row2.oldRecord = row2.newRecord;
            if (isNested)